Year and Place of Birth
1981, Moscow
- 1998–2003 – State Academic University of Humanities, Philosophy Department.
- 2000–2003 – Intercollegiate Faculty of Chinese Studies at IAAS of MSU.
- 2003–2004 – Beijing Language and Culture University, Language training course.
- 2004–2008 – Postgraduate education - State Academic University of Humanities.
- 2016–2018 – Magistracy - Faculty of Oriental Studies, State Academic University for Humanities.
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. in Philosophy (2016, Ph.D. Thesis: "Vospriyatie i yazykovaya kartina mira (na materiale kitayskogo yazyka) [Perception and Language Picture of the World (on the Material of the Chinese Language)]", Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow).
Field of Studies
- Contemporary Chinese Philosophy;
- Chinese culture;
- Mandarin language;
- The problem of the relationship between language and thought.
Professional appointments |
- 2003–2017 – Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Eastern Philosophies, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Since 2017 – Research Fellow at the Department of Eastern Philosophies, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 2004–2008 – Lecturer in Chinese Language at the State University of Humanities.
- 2005–2008 – Lecturer in Chinese Language at the College of Foreign Languages, the Russian State Humanitarian University.
- 2018–present – Lecturer in Chinese Language at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, State Academic University for Humanities.
- 2016–present – Lecturer in Chinese Language at the Department of the Modern East, Russian State University for Humanities.
Publications |
Wimmer F.M. "Mezhkul'turnaya filosofiya: novoe techenie ili novy' kurs filosofii? [Is Intercultural Philosophy a New Branch or a New Orientation in Philosophy?]" Comparative Philosophy: from Comparative to Intercultural Philosophy. Ed. by M.T. Stepanyants. Moscow: Nauka – Vost. lit., 2022. P. 37–57. ISBN 978-5-02-040566-0.
Peiming Ni. “Dva tipa obosnovaniya – konfutsianskiy otvet na teoriyu Plantingi o znanii Nachala/Predela [Two Kinds of Warrant. A Confucian Response to Plantinga’s Theory of the Knowledge of the Ultimate].” Vtoraya Moskovskaya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsyya po sravnitel'noy filosofii na temu: ‘Znanie i vera: mnogoobrazie kul'turnyh podhodov’ [The Second Moscow International Conference on Comparative Philosophy on ‘Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures’]. Moscow: IPHRAS, 2006.
"Tsyfra/chislo v kitayskoy traditsyi i 'naivnoy' kartine mira kitaytsev [Number in the Chinese Tradition and the Chinese "Naive" Picture of the World]." Ideas and Ideals 14.4(2022): 191–214. DOI 10.17212/2075-0862-2022-14.4.1-191-214. ISSN (print) 2075-0862; ISSN (online) 2658-350X.
"Gnoseologicheskaya teoriya Zhang Dunsunya kak primer mezhkul'turnogo metoda filosofstvovaniya [Zhang Dongsun`s Epistemological Theory as an Example of Intercultural Method of Philosophizing]." Comparative Philosophy: from Comparative to Intercultural Philosophy. Ed. by M.T. Stepanyants. Moscow: Nauka – Vost. lit., 2022. P. 240–258. ISBN 978-5-02-040566-0 (reprint of the previously published article with additions and corrections).
- "Gnoseologicheskaya teoriya Zhang Dunsunya [Zhang Dongsun`s Epistemological Theory]". Orientalistica 4.3 (2021): 704–719. DOI: 10.31696/2618-7043-2021-4-3-704-719.
- "Mnogoznachnost' kak sposob sozdaniya nelineynogo teksta v kitayskoy yazykovoy kulture [Polysemy as a Way to Create Nonlinear Texts in the Chinese Language Culture]". Ideyi i idealy [Ideas and Ideals] 12.4.1 (2020): 11–24. DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2020-12.4.1-11-24.
"Internet-literatura v Kitae kak voploscheniye kiber-epokhi [Internet Literature in China as the Epitome of the Cyber Era]." Filosofskiye problemy informatsyonnykh tekhnologiy i kiberprostranstva [Philosophical problems of IT and Cyberspace] 1(16)(June 2019): 68–87. DOI 10.17726/philIT.2019.1.16.5
"Problema soglasovaniya yazykovykh kartin mira (na primere zapadnoyevropeyskoy i kitayskoy meditsyny) [The Problem of Harmonization of Linguistic Pictures of the World (The Case of Western European and Chinese Medicine)]." Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62(6)(2019): 114–125. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2019-62-6-114-125
“Hitoy tilining maҳalliy halқ vakillarining ongi va madaniyatiga ta’siri [Cultural and Cognitive Phenomena Formed under the Influence of the Chinese Language].” Ўzbekistonda horizhiy tillar ilmiy metodik elektron zhurnal [Electronic Journal ‘Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan’] 1(2017): 237-245.
“Sovremennyy perevod tanskoy poezii: modernizatsiya ili traditsiya? (O perevode N.A. Orlovoy sta tszyue-tszyuy Bo Tszyuy-i) [Modern Translation of Tang Poetry: Modernization or Tradition? (On N.A. Orlova’s Translation of One Hundred of Bo Juyi’s jue-ju)].” Obschestvo i gosudarstvo v Kitae [State and Society in China] XLVII,2(2017): 530–547.
“Rol' kitayskoy yazykovoy kartiny mira v organizatsii kognitivnyh protsessov ee nositeley [The Role of the Chinese Language World Picture in the Organization of Cognitive Processes among its Native Speakers].” Obschestvo i gosudarstvo v Kitae [State and Society in China] XLVI,2(2016).
“Ieroglif kak model'. Kinokadr S.Eyzenshteyna glazami kitaista [Chinese Character as a Model. Eisensteinian Footage in the Sinologist Eyes].” Chelovek [Man] 1(2016): 145-154.
Participation at congresses and conferences
2016, September 27 – Speaker at the Methodological Seminar of the Department of Eastern Philosophy "Oriental Studies and Comparative Philosophy in the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects”, IPH RAS (paper: "Policode Texts of the Chinese Internet Space as a Problem of Epistemology").
2016, May 25 – Speaker at the XXII All-Russian scientific conference "Philosophies of the Eastern-Asian Region (China, Japan, Korea) and Modern Civilization", IFES RAS (paper: "Policode Texts of the Chinese Internet Space as a Problem of Epistemology").
2014, November 18-19 – International Conference "Social Philosophy of Science. Russian Perspectives" in Honor of Academician V.S. Stepin, Moscow, IPH RAS (paper: "Semantics of the Terms of Elementary Particle Physics in Chinese").
2014, October 16-18 – Participant in The Seventh All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Actual Problems of Modern Cognitive Science", Ivanovo (theme: «Forms of Chinese Language Assimilation of Scientific Terminology (Based on the Terminology of Elementary Particle Physics»).
2014, October 14 – Speaker at the Methodological Seminar of the Department of Eastern Philosophy "Oriental Studies and Comparative Philosophy in the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects», Moscow, IPH RAS (paper: “Forms of the Mandarin Assimilation of Scientific Terminology Included in Semantic Field ‘Elementary Particle Physics’”).
2014, June 18 - Speaker at the Round Table: "Atomism / Atomistic Approach in Physics and Mathematics and Cultural Context" (paper:"Terminology of Elementary Particle Physics in Chinese Language").
2013, October 1 – Speaker at the interdisciplinary interdepartmental Seminar for the project "Atomism and World Culture", IPH RAS (paper: “Features of the Chinese Culture and Right-Hemispheric Type of Thinking”).
2006, May 30 – June 3 – Participant in Conference Organising Committee on Second Moscow International Conference on Comparative Philosophy on “Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures”, IPHRAS, Moscow.
“Iskusstvennyj Intellect”, MIREA – Abstracts “Yazyk i Myshlenie s Tochki Zreniya sovremennyh Epistemologicheskih Predstavlenij”.
E-mail: maria.bereznyak@gmail.com