Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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The Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS Institute of Philosophy) is the principal institute in Russia for academic research in this field. Academic study of the highest quality is pursued here, covering all the main thematic areas and current problems of contemporary philosophy.


In the Institute of Philosophy there are working at the present time more than 250 academic collaborators, among whom are many famous scholars of world class, including nine fellows of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The fact that they all work as a single academic team and form a single collaborative academic society makes the Institute unique among philosophical institutions. The members of the Institute produce each year more than 100 books and above 1000 articles. The integration of academic work and education is successfully realized: faculties of philosophy and politics have been created within the Institute, as well as an Oriental department within the Faculty of Philosophy in the State University for the Humanities. The professorial and teaching staffs of these faculties and of the Oriental Department is made up principally from the academic fellows of the Institute. The students enjoy a unique opportunity to work at the cutting edge of research in the fields of philosophy, politics and the study of oriental philosophy, and also to attain competence in the principal oriental languages, Arabic, Chinese, Sanskrit and Hindi.


The international academic links of the Institute are under active development, and its activities are already widely known in many countries of the world. There is close collaboration with philosophers in the Federal Republic of Germany, the USA, France, Finland and other countries. The Institute is a member of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies. In recognition of the achievements of Russian philosophy, UNESCO had taken the decision to hold the International Philosophy Day for 2009 in Moscow, in order that this highly representative symposium may mark the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy. In 2008 the Institute was chosen for establishing a UNESCO Philosophy Chair, the only one in Russia (and twelfth in the world), under the motto of “Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures”.


Periodicals (Publisher: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences)


Вопросы философии. 2023. № 6.





Voprosy Filosofii

2023. No. 7


Philosophy Journal

2023. Vol. 16. No. 2

Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

2023. Vol. 60. No. 1

Logical Investigations

2023. Vol. 29. No. 1 

Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches

2023. Vol. 7. No. 1









 History of Philosophy

2023. Vol. 28. No. 1

Philosophy of Science and Technology

2023. Vol. 28. No. 1 

 Civilization studies review

2023. Vol. 5. No. 1

National Philosophy

2023. Vol. 1. No. 1









Annual International Conference “Asian Philosophies: History, Methodology, Intercultural Approach”, October 23–25, 2023.


The Department of Eastern Philosophies of the Institute of Philosophy (Russian Academy of Sciences) invites you to take part in an inaugural International Academic and Practical Conference “Asian Philosophies: History, Methodology, Intercultural Approach” (October 23–25, 2023). The conference is designed in the first place for philosophers, as well as experts in various cultural traditions and religions of Asia (Indologists, Buddhologists, Sinologists, specialists in Asian country and area studies), who in their research reach the level of philosophical reflection: problematization, conceptualization, identification and theoretical understanding of categorical structures of the studied tradition, comparison of different intellectual and discursive practices of Asian cultures.

