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CAMPaS Publications



Centre for Ancient and Mediaeval Philosophy and Science


Космос и Душа

COSMOS AND SOUL. Part 2: Teachings on Nature and Mind in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Time (Studies and Translations)


Edited by Andrey V. Seryogin.


Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2010
512 p.,
ISBN 978-5-89826-332-4


The teachings on nature, mind and God in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Time are under consideration in this collection of essays. The book includes scholarly studies and also the translations into Russian of the works of Origen, Plotinus, Thierry of Chartres, Roger Bacon, Petro Hurtado de Mendoza.

Интеллектуальные традиции

Intellectual Traditions of Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Studies and Translations)


The book is prepared in cooperation with the Centre for Intellectual History (Institute of the World History, Russian Academy of Sciences).


Edited by Maya S. Petrova.


Moscow: Krugh, 2010
736 p.
ISBN 978-5-7396-0167-4


The essays of the book treat the intellectual traditions of Antiquity and the Middle Ages in their continuity and interpenetration. The contributors of the book show how often different traditions of science and education, ideology and culture, and also different ideas and concepts interacted, transformed each other and were influenced by each other. Russian translations of the works by Aristotle, Macrobius, Cassiodorus, Bede the Venerable, John Scottus (Eriugena), Thomas Aquinas, Aldhelm of Malmesbury, etc. are published with commentaries.

Космос и Душа

COSMOS AND SOUL. Teachings on the Universe and Man in Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Essays and Translations)


Eds. Piama P. Gaidenko and Valery V. Petroff


Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2005
880 p.
ISBN 978-5-89826-332-4


The book includes studies pertaining to the ancient and medieval teachings on man, the world, and God. The articles are written by leading Russian specialists in the history of philosophy and science. New translations of the works by Aristotle, Themistius, Plotinus, Origen, Maximus the Confessor, Thomas Aquinas, and Robert Grosseteste are published.  

Философия природы

Philosophy of Nature in Antiquity and the Middle Ages


Eds. Piama P. Gaidenko and Valery V. Petroff


Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2000.
608 p.
ISBN 5-89826-067-6


This collection of essays is dedicated to the memory of Ivan D. Rozhansky (1913-1994) - the prominent specialist in the history of ancient science and philosophy. The book includes the essays by contemporary scholars and also translations of the philosophical works of late Antiquity and early Middle Ages. The works by Plutarch, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Plotinus, Proclus, Thomas Aquinas are publiched. Selected parts of the writings by Simplicius, Macrobius, Bede the Venerable, John Scottus (Eriugena), and some anonymous Carolingian commentators are translated and published with extensive notes.