Year and Place of Birth
- 1978–1984 – Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy.
- 1985–1989 – Postgraduate education – Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Training in Japan
- 1997–1998, 2001–2002 – Visiting Research Fellow at the Hosei University, Faculty of Law, Tokyo.
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. in Philosophy (1990. Ph.D. Thesis: "Filosofskoye ucheniye Isidy Baygana (1685–1744) – osnovatelya shkoly 'singaku' [Philosophical teaching of Ishida Baigan (1685–1744)]" at IPHRAS, Moscow).
Field of Studies
- History of Japanese Thought.
Professional appointments |
- 1990 – till now – Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Chief at the Department of Eastern Philosophies in the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 2002 – Teacher of Russian language at the Academy of Foreign Languages “Dilla”, Tokyo.
Tutorials |
- “Glava 1. Yaponiya i okruzhayuschiy mir: kontakty s drevnosti do ‘otkrytiya’ strany v 1853 g. [Chapter 1. Japan and the World: Contacts from Antiquity to the ‘Opening’ in 1853].” Vneshnyaya politika Yaponii. Istoriya i sovremennost'. Uchebnoe posobie [Foreign Policy of Japan. History and Modernity. Tutorial.] Moscow: Vostochnaya litetatura, 2008: 5-19 (in collaboration with S.V. Chugrov).
Publications |
- Klyuchevye mirovozzrencheskie problemy v yaponskoy filosofii XX v. (istoriko-filosofskie ocherki) [Key Worldview Problems in Japanese Philosophy of the Twentieth Century. (Historical and Philosophical Essays).] Moscow: IPHRAS, 2017. 163 p. (ISBN 978-5-9540-0325-3).
- U istokov yaponskoy trudovoy etiki [At the Origins of the Japanese Labour Ethics.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2007. 250 p.
- Uchenie Isidy Baygana o postizhenii ‘serdtsa’ i stanovlenie trudovoy etiki v Yaponii [Doctrine of Ishida Baigan about the Comprehension of the ‘Heart’ and the Formation of Labor Ethics in Japan.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2007. 318 p.
"Problemy vremeni i istorii v knige Nisitani Keydzi 'Chto takoe religiya?' [Problems of Time and History in the Book by Nishitani Keiji "What is Religion?']." Voprosy philosophii 11(2022): 164–176. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2022-11-164-176. ISSN 0042-8744.
"Formirovanie i osobennosti mezhkul'turnoy paradigmy v yaponskoy mysli [Formation and Features of the Intercultural Paradigm in the History of Japanese Thought]." Comparative Philosophy: from Comparative to Intercultural Philosophy. Ed. by M.T. Stepanyants. Moscow: Nauka – Vost. lit., 2022. P. 327–337. ISBN 978-5-02-040566-0.
- "Problemy vremeni i prostranstva v filosofii Kuki Syudzo (1888–1941) [Problems of Time and Space in the Philosophy of Kuki Shuzo (1888–1941)]". Filosofskaya Mysl' [Philosophical Thought] 11 (2021): 1–12. DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.11.36898. URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=36898.
"Problemy vremeni u yaponskogo filosofa Seyiti Hatano (1877–1950) [Japanese Philosopher Seiichi Hatano (1877–1950) on the Problems of Time]". Istoria Filosofii [History of Philosophy] 26(2) (2021): 46–56. DOI: 10.21146/2074-5869-2021-26-2-46-56.
"Epistemicheskaya kul'tura Yaponii: obschiye kontury v zerkale istoriko-filosofskogo podhoda [Epistemic Culture of Japan: General Outlines in the Mirror of the Historical and Philosophical Approach]". Idei i idealy [Ideas and Ideals] 13.4.1 (2021): 129–138. DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2021-13.4.1-129-138.
"Kontseptsiya 'opyta' Mori Arimasy [Mori Arimasa’s Concept of Experience]". Kontsept: filosofiya, religiya, kul'tura [Concept: philosophy, religion, culture] 5.4 (2021): 145–157. DOI: 10.24833/2541-8831-2021-4-20-145-157.
- "Filosofiya Gegelya i dialektika absolyutnogo i otnositel'nogo u Nisidy Kitaro i Tanabe Hadzime [Hegel’s Philosophy and Dialectics of the Absolute and Relative of Nishida Kitaro and Tanabe Hajime]". Voprosy Filosofii [Problems of Philosophy] 11 (2020): 189–199. DOI: 10.21146/0042‒8744‒2020‒11-189-199.
"Tanabe Hadzime: filosofiya kak put' pokayaniya [Tanabe Hajime: Philosophy as a Path of Repentance]". Kontsept: filosofiya, religiya, kul'tura [Concept: philosophy, religion, culture] 4.3(15) (2020): 7–18. DOI: 10.24833/2541-8831-2020-3-15-7-18.
- "K voprosu ob universalnosti ponyatiynogo apparata sovremennoy zapadnoy filosofii: yaponskiy keys [On the Problem of the Universality of Modern Western Philosophy Conceptual Framework: The Japanese Case]." Filosofskiye Nauki [Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences] 62(6)(2019): 100–113. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2019-62-6-100-113 (In Russian)
- “Prostranstvo i vremya v filosofii Nisida Kitaro [Space and Time in the Philosophy of Nishida Kitaro].”Yaponskiye issledovaniya [Japanese Studies in Russia] 1(2018): 71–80. DOI: 10.24411/2500-2872-2018-10006 (In Russian)
- “Problema sub"yektivnosti v filosofii Nisidy Kitaro: fenomenologicheskiy aspect [Problem of Subjectivity in Philosophy of Nishida Kitaro: Phenomenological Aspect].” Voprosy filosofii [Russian Studies in Philosophy] 2(2018): 197–205. (In Russian)
- "Logicheskaya kontseptsyya Nisidy Kitaro kak otrazheniye tipa ratsionalnosti yaponskogo yazyka i kultury [Nishida Kitaro’s Logical Theory as a Reflection of the Rationality of Japanese Language and Culture]." Filosofskiye Nauki [Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences] 7(2018): 59–70. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2018-7-59-70 (In Russian)
- "Yaponskaya filosofiya: podhody k ponimaniyu [Japanese Philosophy: Approaches to a Proper Understanding]." Filosofskiye Nauki [Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences] 8(2018): 7–22. DOI: 10.30727/0235-1188-2018-8-7-22 (In Russian)
- “Kontseptsiya vremeni u Kimury Bina [The Concept of Time by Kimura Bin.]” Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy] 21,2(2016): 35–44. (In Russian)
- “Kontseptsii ‘zhivogo tela’ v sovremennoy yaponskoy fenomenologii (na materiale rabota Yuasy Yasuo i Itikavy Hirosi) [The Concepts of the 'Living Body' in Modern Japanese Phenomenology (on the Basis of the Works of Yuasa Yasuo and Ichikawa Hiroshi.]” Tema ‘zhivogo tela’ v istorii filosofii [The Theme of ‘Living Body’ in the History of Philosophy.] Moscow. - S.-Petersburg: Tsentr gumanitaryh initsiativ, 2016: 161–176. (In Russian)
- “U istokov yaponskoy trudovoy etiki i korporativnoy kul'tury: traktat Isidy Baygana ‘Besedy gorozhanina i selyanina’ [On the Origins of the Japanese Labor Ethics and Corporate Culture: Treatise ‘The Dialogues Between a Townsman and Countrymen’ by Isida Baigan]”. – Anatomiya filosofii: kak rabotaet tekst [The Anatomy of Philosophy: How Text Works.] Moscow: Izdatel'skiy dom YASK, 2016: 525–550. (In Russian)
- “Opyt kul'turno-tsivilizatsionnogo podhoda k probleme modernizatsii v rabotah V.G.Fedotovoy i ego evristicheskie vozmozhnosti [Experience of the Cultural and Civilizational Approach to the Problem of Modernization in the Studies of V. Fedotova and Its Heuristic Potential].” Polis. Politicheskie issledovaniya [Polis. Political Studies] 6(2016): 173–182. (In Russian)
- “Problemy vremeni v filosofii Omori Sozo [The problems of Time in Philosophy of Omori Shozo].” Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy] 20,2(2015): 139–147. (In Russian)
- “Problema evropotsentrizma i orientalizma v sovremennoy Rossii [The problem of Eurocentrism and Orientalism in Modern Russia.]” Tetradi po konservatizmu. Al'manah [Notebooks on Conservatism. Almanac] 5(2015): 152–158. (In Russian)
- “Riben fojiaode ‘baoen’ jiaoyi ji qizai laodong lunli xingchengzhongde zuoyong [Japanese Buddhist Doctrine of ‘Repaying the Debts of Gratitude’ and Its Role in the Emergence of Labor Ethics.]” Riben zhexue yu sixiang yanjiu wenji [Studies on Japanese Philosophy and Thought. Digest]. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2015: 153–163. (In Chinese)
- “Kindayka-no seidzi [Politics of Modernisation.]” Nihon to Rossiya. Singyaku ka, soi ka [Japan and Russia. Polar Opposites or Something in Common?] Tokio: Gensyobo, 2015: 128–150. (In Japanese)
- “Politics of Modernization” Japanese and Russian Politics. Polar Opposites or Something in Common? Takashi Inoguchi ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2015: 113–131.
- “Chapter XX. Some Features of the Development of Science and Technology in the 17th-19th Century Japan in the Context of National Spiritual Tradition” Philosophy and Science in Cultures of East and West. Russian philosophical studies XIII. Marietta T. Stepanyants ed. Washington: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2014: 229–239.
- “Idei korporativnoy sotsial'noy otvetstvennosti v Yaponii i natsional'naya duhovnaya traditsiya [Ideas of Corporate Social Responsibility in Japan and the National Intellectual Tradition.]” Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik’ 2013 [History of Philosophy Yearbook’ 2013] (2014): 277–289. (In Russian)
- “Problemy prostranstva i vremeni v trudah Vatsudzi Tetsuro «Etika» i «Klimat» [Problems of Space and Time in the Writings of Watsuji Tetsuro ‘Ethics’ and ‘Climate.’]” Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik’ 2014 [History of Philosophy Yearbook’ 2014] (2014): 221–237 (In Russian).
- “Modernizatsiya ‘po-rossiyski’ [Russian-style Modernization.]” Polis. Politicheskie issledovaniya [Polis. Political Studies] 1(2014): 137–141. (In Russian)
- “Tu Veymin i "Novoe konfutsianstvo [Weiming Du and ‘New Confucianism.’]” Polis. Politicheskie issledovaniya [Polis. Political Studies] 1(2012): 188–189. (In Russian)
- “Printsipy dolga i sotsial'noy otvetstvennosti v istorii formirovaniya yaponskoy trudovoy i korporativnoy etiki [Principles of Duty and Social Responsibility in the History of the Formation of Japanese Labor and Corporate Ethics.]” Filosofiya i kul'tura [Philosophy and Culture.] 11(59)(2012): 136–146. (In Russian)
- “Problemy modernizatsii Yaponii i mezhkul'turnoe vzaimodeystvie [The Problems of Modernization in Japan and Intercultural Interaction.]” Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta [Bulletin of MGIMO] 6(27)(2012): 183–186. (In Russian)
- “The Doctrine of Houon (Repaying the Debts of Gratitude) in Japanese Buddhist Thought and its Role in Labor Ethics Formation.” Journal of Oriental Studies 19(2009): 136–146.
- “Globalizatsiya: yaponskie interpretatsii sotsiokul'turnyh protsessov [Globalization: Japanese Interpretations of Socio-Cultural Processes.]” Voprosy filosofii [Russian Studies in Philosophy] 7(2009) (in collaboration with S.V. Chugrov): 44–53. (In Russian)
- "Nihon bukkyo-no «hoon» kyori to rodo rinri keisei ni okeru sono yakuwari." [The Doctrine of “Houon” in Japanese Buddhist Thought and its Role in Labor Ethics Formation]. Journal of Oriental Studies 47(2)(2008): 136–148. (In Japanese)
- “Teorii ‘tela’ v sovremennoy yaponskoy mysli (na materiale rabot Yuasa Yasuo i Itikava Hirosi) [The Theories of 'Body' in contemporary Japanese Thought (Based on the Works of Yuasa Yasuo and Ichikawa Hiroshi).]” Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik’ 2007 [History of Philosophy Yearbook’ 2007.] (2007): 217–227. (In Russian)
- “Buddizm v Yaponii [Buddhism in Japan.]” Bol'shaya rossiyskaya entsiklopediya [Big Russian Encyclopedia] 4, 2006. (In Russian)
- “Nihon-no shukyo to tetsugaku ni kan suru Rosia-no kekyu rombun saishinshiryo-no shomondai (1992-2003 nen-no kankoubutsu gaisetsu).” [Last Studies on Japanese Religion and Philosophy in Russian research papers (1992-2003) ]. Posuto Sobieto ki (1991-2004)-no Rosia ni okeru Nihon kenkyu [Japanese studies in Russia in Post-Soviet period (1991-2004) ]. Tokyo: Hosei daigaku, 2005: 171–201. (In Japanese)
- “On the Problem of Emergence of Japanese Identity and Foreign-Policy Thought” Internet zhurnal Rossiyskoy assotsiatsii Yaponovedov [Internet Journal of the Russian Association of Japanologists] (2004) (in collaboration with S.V. Chugrov)
- “K probleme stanovleniya yaponskoy identichnosti i vneshnepoliticheskoy mysli [On the Problem of the Emergence of Japanese Identity and Foreign-Policy Thought.]” Yaponiya. Ezhegodnik 2003-2004 [Japan. Yearbook 2003-2004.] (2004) (in collaboration with S.V. Chugrov) (In Russian)
- “Yaponskaya filosofiya [Japanese Philosophy.]” Filosofiya. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' [Philosophy. Encyclopedic Dictionary.] Moscow: Gordariki, 2004. (In Russian)
- “Integrative constructions in political thought of Edo period." Hosei University Foreign Scholars Fellowship Reports 7. Tokyo: Hosei University, 1998.
- Wang Qing. “Stanovlenie ‘yaponskoy filosofii’ i ‘kitayskoy filosofii’ [The Formation of 'Japanese Philosophy' and 'Chinese Philosophy'.]” (Translation from Japan by L.B. Karelova.) Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy] 18(2013): 71–88.
Participation at congresses and conferences
- 2019, March 20 – Speaker at the round table "Geography of Rationality", IPHRAS, Moscow (paper: "The Grammar of Japanese Language and the Paradigmaitc Features of Japanese Philosophy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc9lTUtlkT4).
- 2018, May 22 – Speaker at the joint seminar of the Department of the Eastern Philosophies and the Department of Contemporary Western Philosophy, IPHRAS, Moscow (paper: "Japanese Philosophy of the XX Century in the Context of World Philosophical Discourse”).
- 2018, March 2–3 – Discussant at the International Academic Conference on Comparative Politics and Transnational Politics (for the Asian Journal of Comparative Politics) (discussion on the paper “Deliberative Democracy in China under Xi Jinping” by Baogang He).
- 2016, November 6–8 – Speaker at the Round Table “Subjectivity of Consciousness in Buddhist and Phenomenological Perspectives” at the International Conference “Buddhism and Phenomenology” (paper: “The Problem of Subjectivity in Nishida Kitaro’s Philosophy”).
- 2015, August 16–19 – Speaker at the IV Berdyaev Readings "Russia and Asia: the Vectors of Civilizational Development", Vladivostok (paper: "The Problem of Eurocentrism and Orientalism in Contemporary Russia").
- 2015, May 19–20 – Speaker at the International Scientific Conference "‘The Living Body’ in the History of Philosophy ", Moscow, IPHRAS (paper:" Concepts of Corporeality of Modern Japanese Thinkers Yuasa Yasuo and Hiroshi Ichikawa ").
- 2015, April 23 – Public Lecturer within the framework of the IPh RAS’ project "Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works", Moscow, Dostoevsky Library (lecture: "At the Beginnings of Japanese Labor Ethics and Corporate Culture: Ishida Baigan's Treatise 'The Dialogue between a Town’s man and a Countryman').
- 2014, September 26–30 – Speaker at the 12th World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations", Rhodes, Greece (paper: "Forming a Self-image and the Image of 'the Other' in the Process of Intercultural Education").
- 2013, September 12 – Speaker at the methodological seminar "Oriental Studies and Comparative Philosophy in the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects", IF RAS, (paper: "The History of Japanese Philosophy from the Point of View of Cultural Interaction").
- 2013, February 13 – Speaker at the International Conference «Russia and Japan in Tranzition», Тokyo (paper: «Russian Politics (Modernization Strategy Highlighted in Contemporary Humanitarian Discourse»).
- 2012, September 27–28 – Speaker at the VII Convent RISA, Russian Association for International Studies (RISA), MGIMO University, Moscow (paper: "Problems of Japan's Modernization and Intercultural Interaction").
- 2012, October 7 – Speaker at the Round table "Schools of the Dialogue of Cultures" at the 10th World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations", Rhodes, Greece (paper: " Intercultural Communication Skills Development in the Education System and Socio-Cultural Policy of Modern Japan").
- 2008, November 7 – Speaker at the Seminar of the Center for European Studies, Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan (paper: "Japanese and Russian Economic and Labor Ethics in Comparison”).
Language efficiency
Japanese, English
Е-mail: lbkarelova@mail.ru