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  Anastasia Lozhkina
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Anastasia Lozhkina

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Anastasia Lozhkina
ORCID: 0000-0003-3289-1736
ResearcherID: L-1124-2018
Scopus Author ID:  


Author ID:


Year and Place of Birth

Born in Sverdlovsk-44 (modern Novouralsk) in 1992.





  • 2009–2011 – a student at the Department of History of Western Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University (full-time education, specialist).
  • 2011–2015 – a student at the Department of the History of Foreign Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University (full-time education, specialist). Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2015.
  • 2015–2018 – post-graduate student of the Department of History of Foreign Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Ph.D. thesis: "Problems of Interpreting of the Philosophical and Religious Dialogue about Pudgala in Early Buddhist Schools (based on the materials of the Pāli text 'Kathāvatthu 1.1')", tutor: Prof., D.Sc. in Philology, Head of the Department of History and Culture of the Ancient East, IAS RAS, Vertogradradova V.V.).
  • 2018, June, 26 – July, 10 – participant at the Scientific-Education Workshop “History and Philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism and Modernity”, Center for Tibetan Studies, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA), Dharamsala, India.

Field of Studies

History of Indian philosophy, the early period of Indian philosophical schools, history of early Buddhist philosophy, the Pāli canon, Abhidhamma Piṭaka

Academic degrees

  • 2020 – Ph.D. in Philosophy.

Professional appointments

  • 2018 – till present – Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Eastern Philosophies, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.

List of publications




  • "Issledovatel'skiye podhody k izucheniyu buddiyskogo teksta 'Voprosy diskussii' (Kathavatthu) [Research Approaches to the Study of the Buddhist Text 'Questions of Discussion' (Kathavatthu)]." Orientalistica 5:3(2022): 489–503. DOI: 10.31696/2618-7043-2022-5-3-489-503. ISSN 2618-7043 (Print); ISSN 2687-0738 (Online).
    (in co-authorship with O. Kocherov, N. Rudenko, S. Rykov) "Molodyye spetsyalisty-vostorkovedy nachala XXI veka [Young Orientalists of the First Part of the XXI Century]." Philosophical Generations. Ed. by Y. Sineokaya. Moscow: Publishing House YASK, 2022. P. 1120–1146. ISBN 978-5-907290-83-9.

  • "Etikoontologiya v buddizme theravady: diskussiya o 'blagom postupke' i 'durnom postupke' v 'Kathavatthu' I.1.200–I.1.216 [Ethics and Ontology in the Theravāda Buddhism: Talks on Ethically Good and Bad Deeds in “Kathāvatthu” I.1.200-I.1.216]". Filosofiya religii: Analiticheskiye issledovaniya [Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches] 5.1 (2021): 107–124. DOI: 10.21146/2587-683X-2021-5-1-107-123.


  • "'Kathavatthu' ('Voprosy diskussii') kak istorico-filosofskiy istochnik [Kathāvatthu ('Points of Controversy') as a Primary Source of Early Buddhist Philosophy]". Filosofskiye nauki [Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences] 63.12 (2020): 81–101. DOI:10.30727/0235-1188-2020-63-12-81-101.


  • "Pon’yatie Schkola v Rannem Buddisme [„The Notion of ‘Schools’ in Early Buddhism”]". Zurnal Istoria Philosophii [Journal “History of Philosophy”] Vol. 24, No. 2: Pp. 5–19. DOI: 10.21146/2074-5869-2019-24-2-5-18.

  • "Filosofskiy printsyp pratit'ya-samutpada (osnovnyye aspekty) [Philosophical Principle of Pratītyasamutpāda in the Pāli Canon (Principal Aspects)]." Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 7 "Filosofiya" [Moscow University Bulletin. Series 7. Philosophy] 2(Marсh–April 2018): 3–19.

  • "Pon’yatie Vzaimozavisimogo Proisxozdeniya (pratītya samutpāda) v Paliiskom Kanone [The Conception of Co-dependent Arising (pratītya samutpāda) in Pāli Canon]". Zhurnal Voprosi Filosophii [Journal “Russian Studies in Philosophy”] Vol. 11: Pp. 202–212. DOI: 10.31857/S000523100001905-9.

  • "Klassiphikatsionnie Spiski v Rannem Buddisme [Classification Lists (mātikā / mātṛkā) in Early Buddhism]". Philosofskii Zurnal [The Philosophy Journal] Vol. 11, No. 3: Pp. 56–70.

  • "Metod Femenologitcheskoi Reduktscii I Problema Sub’ekta v  Kathāvatthu 1.1 [Method of Phemenological Reduction and the Problem of Subject in Kathāvatthu 1.1]". Almanach Istoria I Teoria Kulturi [Almanac “History and Theory of Culture”] Vol. 2: Pp. 44–58.

  • "K formirovaniyu drevneindiyskoy logiki: problemy interpretatsii vos'mi oproverzheniy po 'Kathavatthu' [On the Beginning of Indian Logic: The Problems of Interpretation of Eight Refutation According to 'Kathāvatthu’]." Indiya-Tibet: tekst i intertekst v kul'ture. 'Rerikhovskie chteniya v Institute vostokovedeniya RAN 2012-2015' [India - Tibet: Text and Intertext in Culture. Roerich’s Readings of IAS RAN in 2012–2015], Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskoy kul'tury, 2017: 152–163.
  • "Bogi v rannem buddizme [The Gods in Early Buddhism]." Finikovyy Kompot [Palm Fruit Compote] 12(2017): 91–101.

Personal page with publications in public access:


Participation at congresses and conferences



  • 2022, May 27 – Speaker at the VIII Russian Philosophical Congress "Philosophy in a Polycentric World. On the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of A.A. Zinoviev", Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (paper: "Possibilities of Study and Translation of Texts of the Pali Canon (Abhidhamma-pitaka) with the Help of European Historico-philosophical Conceptual Tools") (
    2022, October 18 – Speaker at the Methodological Seminar "Asian Traditions of Thought in Intercultural Perspective", Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (paper: "Research Approaches to the Study of the Buddhist Text "Questions of Discussion" ("Kathavatthu")") (

  • 2021, September 27–28 – Speaker at the  IX Dorzhiev Readings "Buddhism and Modern World", St. Petersburg (paper: "The concept of good and bad deeds according to Points of Controversy'").


  • 2020, June 08–12 – Participant in the International Summer School "Cultivating socially oriented development throughout life: Contexts, connections and contemplative practices", Harrison Institute, New York, USA, online.
  • 2020, October 7–10 – Speaker at the XI International Conference "Modes of Thinking, Ways of Speaking", HSE, Moscow (paper: "On the Negative Definition of the 'Subject' (Pudgala) Concept in the Early Buddhist Polemics According to 'Kathavatthu I.1'").


  • 2019, December, 10 – Speaker at 59th Roerich’s Readings, Institute of Asian Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (paper: “Talks on the Subject-Pudgala” in the Structure of Pāli Canon and History of Buddhist Philosophy”).
  • 2019, October  25-27 – Participant at Mind and Life Contemplative Science Symposium, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany.
  • 2019, March, 25 – Speaker at the 3rd conference for young scholars "Philosophical and Aesthetic thought of the Asian Countries: the Main Conceptions and the Problems of Interpretation", RGGU, Moscow, Russia (paper: The Early Buddhist Text ‘Subjects of Discourse’ (‘Kathāvatthu’) – Translator’s Notes”).
  • 2018, December, 17 – Speaker at 58th Roerich’s Readings, IAS RAN, Moscow, Russia (paper: “The Talk about Relation of the Self (pudgala), Discreteness of Intellection (citta) and Stability of Characteristics of the Personality in the Text ‘Subjects of Discourse’ (Kathāvatthu I.1.193-I.1.196)”).
  • 2018, Octobert, 13 — Speaker at the Interdisciplinary Popular Science Lectorium of Young scientists, All-Russian Festival of Sciences "Science 0+", Moscow, Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov (paper: “Such a Different India”).
  • 2018, May, 22 – Speaker at Laboratory 1, Philosophical Workshop, Institute of Philosophy, RAS, Moscow, Russia (paper: “The Talks about the Self (pudgala) in Early Buddhist Text ‘Subjects of Discourse’ (Kathāvatthu I.1)”).
  • 2018, May 15–18 - Speaker at the 39S Zograff’s Readings, St. Petersburg (paper: "The Conception of Causality in the Abhidhamma Piṭaka").
  • 2018, April, 12 – Speaker at the 25th Lomonosov Reading, MSU, Moscow, Russia (paper: “Classification Lists (mātikā / mātṛkā) as Fenonena of Indian Ancient Culture and the Basis of Text Construction”.
  • 2017, December 11–13 - Speaker at the 57s s Roerich’s Readings of IAS RAN, Moscow (paper: "The Citation as Method of Philosophical Discussion in the ‘Question about the Self (Pudgala)’ in the Kathāvatthu 1.1').
  • 2017, December 5 - Speaker at the conference for young scholars "Philosophical and Aesthetic thought of the Asian Countries: the Main Conceptions and the Problems of Interpretation", MSU, Moscow (paper: "The Philosophical and Religion Schools (Nikāyas) in the Early Buddhism). 
  • 2017, October 6 - Speaker at the conference Studia Orientalia, RGGU, Moscow (paper: "The Texts of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka as the Main Source for Study of Philosophical and Religious System of the Early Buddhism").
  • 2017, June 1 - Speaker in the RGB Library, Moscow (paper: "The Pāli Canon as the Main Corpus of Early Buddhist Philosophical Texts").
  • 2017, May - Speaker at the 38s Zograff’s Reading, St. Petersburg (paper: "The Question about Buddha’s God Nature in the Kathāvatthu 21.5–21.6’").
  • 2017, April 20 - Speaker at the 24s Lomonosov Reading, MSU, Moscow (paper: "On the Problem of the Definition the Subject (Pudgala) in the Context of Early Buddhist Approach to Characteristic Feature (Lakṣaṇa) in the Kathāvatthu 1.1.146–1.1.147’").
  • 2016, December 7 - Speaker at the 53s Roerich’s Readings of IAS RAN, Moscow (paper: "The Classification Lists (Mātikas) in the Early Buddhism").
  • 2016, November 30 - Speaker at the conference for young scholars "Philosophical and Aesthetic thought of the Asian Countries: the Main Conceptions and the Problems of Interpretation", Moscow (paper: "The Method of Phenomenology Reduction and the Problem of Subject in the Kathāvatthu 1.1").
  • 2015, April - Speaker at the seminar "Actual Problems of Study Indian Art", SIAS, Moscow (paper: "The Schools of the Early Buddhism").
  • 2015, April 21–23 - Speaker at the Lomonosov’s Reading, MSU, Moscow (paper: "Kathāvatthu (“Points of Controversy”) as Philosophical and Religious Text in the Structure of the Pāli canon").
  • 2015, December 14–16 - Speaker at the 52s Roerich’s Readings of IAS RAN, Moscow (paper: "The Problems of the Interpretation the Eight Refutation According to the Kathāvatthu").
  • 2015, May 25–27 - Speaker at the 36s Zograffsky’s Reading, St. Petersburg (paper: "The Part of Discussion about Pudgala in the Kathāvatthu 1.1: Pudgala and Skandhas").
  • 2014, November - Speaker at the 51s Roerich’s Readings of IAS RAN, Moscow (paper: "The Term Pudgala in the Early Buddhism").
  • 2013, November 11–14 - Speaker at the 50s Roerich’s Readings of IAS RAN, Moscow (paper: "Pratītyasamutpāda in Early Buddhist Literature (based on the Pāli canon)". 