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  Viktoria Lysenko
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Viktoria Lysenko

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Viktoria Lysenko
ORCID: 0000-0002-6069-3502


Scopus Author ID: 57195579659


Author ID:



Year and Place of Birth

Born in 1953, Przhevalsk, Kyrgyzstan.




  • Graduated from Department of Philosophy of Moscow State University in 1976.
  • 1976–1979 – Postgraduate education in the Institute for History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D. in Philosophy (1982). Ph.D. Thesis: "Philosophy of Nature in India. The Vaisheshika Atomism", Moscow, 1982.
  • D.Sc. in Philosophy (1998). D.Sc. Thesis: "Continuity and Discontinuity in Indian Thought: Vaisheshika and Grammatical Philosophy", Moscow 1998.

Field of Studies

  • History of Indian philosophy.
  • Indian atomism.
  • Early Buddhism.
  • Epistemology in Buddhist-Brahminical thought.
  • Ccomparative philosophy.
  • Intercultural philosophy.


Professional appointments
  • Head of the Department of Eastern Philosophies, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences since 2012;
  • Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Eastern Philosophies, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Chief Research Fellow at the Department of Eastern Philosophies, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Professor at the Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow.
  • Visiting professor: UGC (Delhi, Benares, Pune), 2005; Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2006,  Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, 2008, 2011, Vilnius 2011.


  • “Buddiyskaya tsivilizatsiya [Buddhist Civilization.”] Dialog kul'tur. Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie dlya 9-10 klassov negosudarstvennyh obscheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdeniy OAO “RZHD” [Dialogue of Cultures. A Teaching Manual for 9-10 Classes of Non-State Educational Institutions of JSC “Russian Railways”.] M.T. Stepnyants ed. M.: FGBOU “Uchebno-metodicheskiy tsentr po obrazovaniyu na zheleznodorozhnom transporte”, 2015: 79-137.


  • “Buddiyskaya tsivilizatsiya [Buddhist Civilization.”] Kniga uchitelya. Dialog kul'tur. Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie i hrestomatiya [Teacher's Book. Dialogue of Cultures. A Teaching Manual and Reader.] M.: FGBOU “Uchebno-metodicheskiy tsentr po obrazovaniyu na zheleznodorozhnom transporte”, 2014: 103-178.


  • “Buddiyskaya tsivilizatsiya [Buddhist Civilization.”] Dialog kul'tur. Programma uchebnogo kursa dlya 9-10 klassov negosudarstvennyh obscheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdeniy OAO “RZHD” [Dialogue of Cultures. A Program for 9-10 Classes of Non-State Educational Institutions of JSC “Russian Railways”.] M.T. Stepanyants ed. Moscow: FGBU “Uchebno-metodicheskiy tsentr po obrazovaniyu na zh-d transporte”, 2013: 21-40.





  • Indiyskiye filosofy o prirode vospriyatiya: Dignaga i yego opponenty. Teksty i issledovaniya [Indian Philosophers on the Nature of Perception: Dignaga and His Opponents. Texts and Studies. Moscow: Nauka – Vost. lit., 2022. ISBN 978-5-02-039881-8.
  • Buddiyskie filosofyi ob instrumentah dostovernogo poznaniya [Buddhist Philosophers About the Instruments of Reliable Knowledge.] Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 2014. (in collaboration with N. Kanaeva; Lysenko’s Translation from Sanskrit into English of the Chapter on Perception from Tattvasamgraha of Shantarakshita with Panjika of Kamalashila thereon).


  • Neposredstvennoe i oposredovannoe vospriyatie: spor mezhdu buddiyskimi i brahmanistskimi filosofami (medlennoe chtenie tekstov) [Immediate and Mediated Perception: Controversy between the Buddhist and Brahmanic Philosophers (analyzing the texts).] Moscow: IPHRAS, 2011. 233 p.


  • Indiyskaya filosofiya. Entsiklopediya [Indian Philosophy. Encyclopedia.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2008, 960 p. (in collaboration with V.K. Shokhin, M.T. Stepanyants, N.A. Zheleznova, N.A. Kanaeva).


  • Classical Indian Philosophy Reintepreted. New Delhi: Decent Books, 2007 (in collaboration with Michel Hulin).


  • Universum vaysheshiki [Universum of the Vaiśeṣika.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2003.


  • Rannyaya buddiyskaya filosofiya [Early Buddhist Philosophy.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 1994.


  • Filosofiya prirody v Indii, Atomizm shkoly vaysheshika [Philosophy of Nature in India. Atomism of the Vaiśeṣika School.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 1986.



Around 200 papers in Russian, English and French, among them

Recent papers:


  • "'Cheloveka nikto ne mozhet osvobodit'' ['No One Can Liberate a Man']." Philosophical Generations. Ed. by Y.V. Sineokaya. Moscow: Publishing House YASK, 2022. P.504–539. ISBN 978-5-907290-83-9.
  • "To Вe Liberated the Vaisheshika Way, or the Vaisheshika Attempt at a «Negative Soteriology'." Filosofskaya Mysl' [Philosophical Thought] 12 (2021): 8–14. DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.12.37003.  URL:
  • "Epistemologiya yogicheskogo vospriyatiya: shkola Dignagi-Dharmakirti [The Epistemology of Yogic Perception: Dignāga – Dharmakīrti’s School]." Voprosy Filosofii [Problems of Philosophy] 10 (2021): 153–165. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2021-10-153-165.
  • "La non-dualite comme resultat de l'analyse de la perception et du langage (d'apres la Vedāntaparibhāṣa de Dharmaraja)." La non-dualité. Perspectives philosophiques, Scientifiques, spirituelles. Édité par J.M. Counet Leuven. Paris–Bristol: Éditions de l’Institut Supérieur de philosophie Louvain-la-neuve Peeters, 2021: 27–34. ISBN: 9789042946040. URL:


For all papers see here (in Russian).




  • Kristian Kozeru. “Soznanie, lichnaya identichnost' i debaty o ‘ya’/’ne-ya’ [Consciousness, Personal Identity and Debates about 'Self' / 'Non-Self'.”] Voprosy filosofii [Russian Studies in Philosophy.] 10(2017): 132-140.


  • Dharmakirti. “Pramana-vinishchaya (Udostoverenie instrumentov dostovernogo poznaniya). Glava 1. Prat'yaksha (Vospriyatie). Kariki 1–25 [Pramana-Vinishchaya (Verification of the Instruments of Reliable Knowledge). Chapter 1. Pratyaksha (Perception). Kariks 1-25.”] Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy.] 20,2(2015): 79-106.
  • Dharmaraja Adhvarindra. “Vedanta-paribhasha. S kommentariem ‘Arthadipika-tika-vibhushita’ Dhanapatisuri Sutashivadatty’ [Vedanta-paribhasha. With the Commentary ‘Arthadipika-tika-vibhushita’ of Dhanapatisuri Sutashivadatta.”] Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik’ 2015 [History of Philosophy Yearbook’ 2015] (2015): 101-131.


  • Shantarakshita. “‘Issledovanie opredeleniy vospriyatiya’ iz kompendiuma ‘Tattva-sangraha’ s kommentariem Kamalashily ‘Pandzhika’ [‘Study of the Definitions of Perception’ from the Compendium ‘Tattva-sangraha’ with the Commentary ‘Panjika’ of Kamalashila.”] (Translation from Sanskrit by V.G. Lysenko.) Lysenko V.G. Kanaeva N.A. Buddiyskie filosofy ob instrumentah dostovernogo poznaniya [Buddhist Philosophers About the Instruments of Reliable Knowledge.] M.: IPHRAS, 2014.


  • Prashastapada. “Padarthadharma-sangraha. Shridhara. N'yaya-kandali [Padarthadharma-sangraha. Shridhara. Nyaya-kandali.”] (Translation from Sanskrit by V.G.Lysenko.) Svet dharmy: Antologiya traditsionnoy indiyskoy filosofii [Light of the Dharma: Anthology of Traditional Indian Philosophy.] S.-Petersburg: Amfora, 2013: 364-412.
  • “Charles Malamoud. Chernota pis'ma [The Blackness of the Writing.”] (Translation from French by V.G. Lysenko.) Vestnik RGGU. Istoricheskie nauki. Istoriya / Studia classica et mediaevalia [Bulletin of RSUH. Historical Studies. History. Studia classica et mediaevalia]17(2013): 142-170


  • Louis Pierre Althusser. “Pis'mo Merabu Mamardashvili [A Letter to Merab Mamardashvili.”] (Translation from French and notes by V.G. Lysenko.) M. Mamardashvili. Opyt fizicheskoy metafiziki [Essay on Physical Metaphysics.] Moscow: Progress-traditsiya, 2009: 271-277.
  • “‘Nyaya-bindu’ of Dharmakirti with the Commentary ‘Tika’ by Dharmottara. Chapter 1. Perception.”] (Preface, transition from Sanskrit and notes by V.G. Lysenko.)  Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy] 14(2009): 170-206.


  • “Dignaga ob ob'ekte kak opore poznaniya. 'Alambana-pariksha' ('Issledovanie opory soznaniya') i Vritti (kommentariy) [Dignaga about the Object as the Support of Knowledge. 'Alambana-pariksha' ('Study of the Support of Consciousness') and Vritti (Comment).”] (Preface and translation from Sanskrit by V.G. Lyssenko.) Voprosy filosofii [Russian Studies in Philosophy] 4(2008): 138–150.


  • Prashastapada. “Sobranie harakteristik kategoriy” s kommentariem “N'yayakandali” Shridhary [“Padārtha-dharma-sangraha” of Praśastapāda with “Nyayakandali” of Shrīdhara.] (Translation from Sanskrit into Russian, Introduction, Historico-philosophical commentary, Notes and Indexes by Victoria Lysenko.) Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2005.
  • Charles Malamoud. Ispech' mir [Cuire le monde.] (Preface, translation from French by V.G.Lysenko). Moscow: Vostochnaya literature, 2005.
  • François Jullien. O vremeni. Filosofiya zhit' [Du “Temps”, Éléments d’une philosophie du vivre.] (Preface, translation from French by V.G. Lysenko.) Moscow: Progress-Traditsiya, 2005.


  • Michel Hulin. “Ideya pereseleniya dush v 20 v. [The Idea of Transmigration of Souls in XX Century.”] (Translation from French by V.G. Lysenko.) Sravnitel'naya filosofiya. Moral'naya filosofiya v kontekste mnogoobraziya kul'tur [Comparative Philosophy. Moral Philosophy in the Context of Diversity of Cultures.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2004.
  • Hans Georg Møller. “Moral' i patalogiya. Komparativnyy podhod [Morality and Pathology. The Comparative Approach.”] (Translation from English by V.G.Lysenko.) Sravnitel'naya filosofiya. Moral'naya filosofiya v kontekste mnogoobraziya kul'tur [Comparative Philosophy. Moral Philosophy in the Context of Diversity of Cultures.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2004.
  • François Jullien. “Osnovanie morali: tayna zhalosti [The Basis of Morality: the Mystery of Pity.”] (Translation from French by V.G.Lysenko.) Sravnitel'naya filosofiya. Moral'naya filosofiya v kontekste mnogoobraziya kul'tur [Comparative Philosophy. Moral Philosophy in the Context of Diversity of Cultures.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2004.


  • François Jullien. “Put' k tseli: v obhod ili napryamik. Strategiya smysla v Kitae i Gretsii [Le Détour et l’accès, Stratégies du sens en Chine, en Grèce.”] (Translation from French by V.G. Lysenko). Moscow: Moskovskiy filosofskiy fond, 2001.


  • Michel Hulin. “Sravnitel'naya filosofiya: metody i perspektivy [Comparative Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives.”] (Translation from French by V.G.Lysenko.) Sravnitel'naya filosofiya [Comparative Philosophy.] Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2000.
  • Michel Hulin. “Pamyat' i bessoznatel'noe v ‘Yoga-sutrah’ i v psihoanalize [Memory and the Unconscious in the ‘Yoga Sutras’ and in Psychoanalysis.”] (Translation from French by V.G.Lysenko.) Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy] 7(2000).


Participation at congresses and conferences

For details see here (in Russian).

Interview with the scholar
