Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Natalya D. Ivanova
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Natalya D. Ivanova



Date and Place of birth

06.04.1994, Moscow.



  • In 2018 she graduated from the State academic University of Humanities, faculty of political science. Master of political science. Direction training (magistracy): 41.04.04 "political Science" WRC: "Socialist city as an instrument of symbolic policy:philosophical and ideological aspects."
  • In 2016 she graduated from the State academic University of Humanities, faculty of political science. Bachelor of political science. Direction of training (bachelor): 41.03.04 "political Science" WRC: "the Ideal city as an architectural and political project in the utopias of the Renaissance and early Modern times."

Research interests

  • History of political doctrines, symbolic urbanism, architecture of the Soviet period, history of feminism.





Researcher ID -






Professional appointments 

  • Since 2019 to present - leading specialist of the Scientific and organizational Department of the Institute of philosophy;
  • Since January to April of 2019 - senior laboratory assistant of the Scientific and organizational Department of the Institute of philosophy.




Articles, theses
  • The problem of correlation between utopia and ideology // Materials of the International youth scientific forum "LOMONOSOV-2020" [Electronic resource] / ed. I. A. Aleshkovsky, A.V. Andrianov, E. A. Antipov. - Electron. text messages. (1500 MB.) - Moscow: MAX Press, 2020. ISBN 978-5-317-06417-4
  • Architectural and revolutionary reconstruction of life. To address the issue of the emancipation of women // Historical documents and actual problems of Archeography, source studies, Russian and universal history of modern and contemporary times. Proceedings of the IX International conference of young scientists and specialists "Clio-2019" / [CH. ed. A. K. Sorokin, resp. ed. S. A. Kotov]. – Moscow: Political encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2019. – P. 187-189. ISBN 978-5-8243-2313-9
  • On the formation of the category of the image of the city in the architectural and political space // Materials of the International youth scientific forum "LOMONOSOV-2019" / Resp. ed. I. A. Aleshkovsky, A. V. Andriyanov, E. A. Antipov. [Electronic resource.] – M: MAX Press, 2019. – 1 electron. wholesale. disc (DVD-ROM); 12 cm. – Systems. requirements: PC with processor 486+; Windows 95; diskovod DVD-ROM; Adobe Acrobat Reader. – 1600 MB. ISBN 978-5-317-06100-5
Papers and Talks
  • Presentation: "The problem of correlation between utopia and ideology". International youth scientific forum "LOMONOSOV-2020". Moscow, Russia (the event is being postponed).
  • Presentation: "Architecture-a revolutionary reconstruction of everyday life. To address the issue of the emancipation of women." IX international conference of young scientists and specialists "Clio-2019". "Left-wing ideologies, movements and organizations in history. Historical documents and actual problems of Archeography, source studies, Russian and General history of modern and modern times". 3-4 April 2019 (Moscow, RGASPI) - Program.
