Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Department of scientific communication and popularization of science
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Department of scientific communication and popularization of science


Рожкова Зинаида Игоревна


Head of Department

Rozhkova I. Zinaida

Ph.D in Political Science, junior researcher

Phone: (495) 697-92-17



Шайхутдинова Диана Рашатовна



Diana R. Shaikhutdinova

junior researcher

Штильман Оксана Олеговна

Shtilman O. Oksana

leading specialist



Anastasya A. Kalakutskaya

senior assistant



Maria D. Yakovets


Directions of work of the Department


The main goals are to increase the level of presence of philosophical knowledge in the public consciousness, strengthen the role of philosophy in shaping the modern worldview, and popularize philosophy.


• monitoring and analysis of data in the media related to the Institute's activities,
• supervising information promotion of new projects and activities of the Institute,
• informational and organizational support of scientific events of the Institute, organization of major scientific events,
• development of electronic means of dissemination of information of the Institute, including in social networks


public relations
• creating a positive image of the Institute,
• organization of stable relations of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the media, government agencies, commercial and non-profit organizations, development of scientific communication,
• implementation of a strategy to improve the Institute's representation in the public space,
• development of presentation materials (posters, brochures, catalogs, booklets, banners, etc.), video and audio materials, etc.



Address: 109240, Russian Federation, Moscow, 12/1 Goncharnaya street, 512

Telephone: (495) 697-92-17

Fax: (495) 609-93-50
