Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Konyaev Sergey N.
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Konyaev Sergey N.

 Konyaev Sergey N.                 

Year and place of birth  

1961  Leningrad


Researcher ID:  V-4651-2018


Scopus Author ID6602386246


РИНЦ SPIN8514-2047Author ID: 73523 



Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology , 1984



Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, 1988.

Fields of research 

Grounds paradigm of natural science, methodology of science, philosophy, physics and biology, philosophy of mind 

Professional appointments 

Senior Research Fellow at RAS Institute of Philosophy

University courses 

The course of philosophy, the concept of modern science, philosophy and methodology of science, philosophical issues of modern information technologies


program of the course "Philosophy and Methodology of Science", participated in the development of state of the course on the philosophy and methodology of science, the preparation of two chapters in the textbook at the rate of the philosophy and methodology of science.

Research projects


  • (2014-2016) "The problem of ontology in contemporary physical knowledge" (I);
  • «The concept of boundaries in biological systems and its formalization in the context of modern natural science paradigm;
  • «The formation of modern natural science paradigm: an analysis of reason";
  • «Coherence: philosophical and methodological aspects."
  •  «Philosophy of mind: Prospects for Development" (2004-2006).



Results published 80 works. Among them:

  • Konyaev S.N. Virtualistics and philosophy of science // Recording and reproduction of volumetric images in cinematography, science, education and other fields: XII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, September 17-18, 2020: Materials and reports / Edited by O. N. Raeva. - M .: IPP "KUNA", 2020. - 195 p. ISBN 978-5-98547-134-2. P. 56-64.
  • Konyaev S.N. Evolution of experiment in the context of technogenic civilization // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2020.V. 57. No. 4. P. 123-127.
  • Konyaev S.N. Natural science as a collective cognitive process: philosophical aspects (about a scientific seminar) // Vopr. philosophy. 2019. No. 10. P. 210-214 (in co-authorship)
  • Konyaev S.N, tr. from English: Larents R. Substance and dynamics: two elements of the Aristotelian-Thomist line of philosophy of nature in the foundation of mathematics in physics // VOX. Philos. journal. 2017. No. 23. URL: DOI: 10.24411 / 2077-6608-2017-00021.
  • Konyaev S.N, Sultanova M.A, tr. from English: Fizete D. Love and hatred: Brentano and Stumpf about emotions and emotional experiences // Philos. anthropology. 2017. Vol. 3. No. 2. URL: DOI: 10.21146 / 2414-3715-2017-3-2-161- 178.
  • The problem of reality and new theoretical concepts. Logical-philosophical research. № 6. M. 2016. P. 141-157. 
  • The physical nature of the information // Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalization. East and West - a dialogue of worldviews: abstracts VII Russian Congress of Philosophy (Ufa, 6-10 October 2015). V. II. Ufa, 2015. P. 95-96.The problem of reality and new theoretical concepts // Logical and philosophical studies. № 6. P. 142-158.
  • Philosophy. Textbook. M. 2014. 9.1-9.3, 9.5-9.7 P. 243-254, 256-265. 
  • Science, technology and innovation. The relationship of basic science and technology as an object of philosophy of science. M., 2014. P. 89-106.
  • Complexity problem and pure science development perspectives // Philosophy of science. V.18. 2013. P. 126-144.
  • Practical issues in the philosophy of science teaching students of natural science specialties // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2013 № 1. P. 118-134.
  • J.Steinbock. Distinctive structure of emotions. Chapter 6. (translation Konyaev S.N., Sultanova M.A.). Psychology and psychotechnic. № 6 (57) June - 2013. P. 556-565.
  • J. Rouzgrant, Bion, Jung, Freud: similarities and differences between psychoanalytic concepts. (translation Konyaev S.N., Sultanova M.A.). Psychology and psychotechnic № 8 (59) August - 2013. P. 759-776.
  • Quantum computation and a new view of the nature of mathematical structures // Philosophy in the Modern World: the dialogue of worldviewsProceedings of the VI Russian Congress of Philosophy (Nizhny Novgorod27-30 June 2012);
  • Modern conceptsof physical realityand theemergence of a newparadigm ofscience//Logical andphilosophicalstudies. V 5  , 2012;
  • Public procurement:participateandwin.M., 2012;
  • Government procurement.Bookcatalog.M., 2012;
  • The formation of the modern paradigm of science. Philosophy of Science. V.16: Philosophy of science and technology. M., 2011;
  • Synergetics and complexity. Synergetics ofinnovation. M., 2011;
  • Materials Round Table "Social and philosophical aspects of nanomedicine: Prospects, Problems and risks." Philosophy. 2010;
  • Physics, Mathematics, and the notion of boundary of the biological system. // Philosophy of Physics: Current problems. Proceedings of the conference on 17-18 June 2010;
  • Modern technology and prospects for development of scientific methodology // Modern technology: philosophical and methodological problems in 2010;
  • The philosophical problems of modern technologies / / Bulletin of RFO, 2008, № 4;
  • «Dialogue of science, philosophy and culture in the virtual environment of mass communications networks: the interaction of complex topology information" in Sat "Facets of knowledge: science, philosophy and culture in the XXI century." M. Science. 2007;
  • New technologies and the concept of time. Synergetics time. An interdisciplinary approach. M., 2007;
  • «Scientific approaches to the phenomenon of consciousness" in the collection. "Philosophy of Science. Vyp.12. The phenomenon of consciousness. " M. 2006;
  • translation of an article of Dreyfus, HL "Teleepistemologiya: Descartes 'last frontier' in coll. "Virtualistics: existential and epistemological aspects." Moscow, 2004;
  • «The coherence of physical objects: general methodological aspects" in coll. "The methodology of science: new concepts and unsolved problems." Moscow, 2004;
  • «Reflection on the evolutionary processes of scientists in scientific thinking XVI-XX centuries" in coll. Philosophy of Science. Issue 9. The evolution of creative thought. Moscow, 2003;
  • «Quantum theory and the methodology of theoretical biology" in coll. "100 years of quantum theory. The history. Physics. Philosophy ", M. 2001;


  • The All-Russian Conference of the Trade Union of the Russian Academy of Sciences dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute "The Place of Trade Unions in Modern Science", St. Petersburg, May 21-25, 2018. "The role of trade unions in research institutes" (report);

  • VII Scientific and practical reading of the memory of N.A. Nosov and I.A. Akchurin "Virtualistics in the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, February 28, 2017). The report "The concept of virtual worlds and scientific knowledge in the works of I.A. Akchurin»

  • 2015 - VII Russian Congress of Philosophy (Ufa, 6-10 October 2015). The physical nature of the information (report);
  • Conference "Ontology of Quantum Mechanics" October 14-15, 2014, Moscow, Report: Coherence - a new ontological foundation of quantum mechanics.
  • «Philosophy of Physics: Challenges" (Moscow State University, June 2010)
  • Presentation at the roundtable "Technological Challenges of XXI Century" International Conference "Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures" (Moscow, November 2009);
  • Conference on the Philosophy of Science, organized by IUC (Croatia) (April 2009);
  • Conference on the Philosophy of Science, organized by IUC (Croatia) (April 2007).


Participation in the preparation of a series of conferences, including the First All-Russian Congress of Philosophy (St. Petersburg, 1997) (executive secretary), International Symposium "Strategy for Russia's development in the Third Millennium" (Dubna, 1997), International Conference "Sustainable Development: Nature, Society and Man" (Moscow, 2006).


Main results 

Philosophical and methodological analysis of the concept of coherence, research foundations of modern natural science paradigm, the development of interdisciplinary approaches to the description of the boundaries of the biological system, the justification of scientific approaches to the phenomenon of consciousness



Several letters IF Sciences for editorial work and participation in collective monographs

