Year and place of birth
Mikhaylovka Mikhailovsky district of Primorsky Krai
Researcher ID: V-6185-2018
РИНЦ SPIN: 2551-7470, Author ID: 129268
In 1972, he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (group of system analysis). From 1975 to 1978 - postgraduate study in the Institute of Philosophy (Department of Philosophical questions of Natural Sciences).
- In 1983, after defending his dissertation "Control and Decision Making (philosophical aspects)” he was conferred to the academic status of candidate of philosophical sciences (with specialization in the field of philosophical questions of Natural Sciences).
- In 1998, after defending his dissertation "The Pre-Standard Situations in the structure of scientific cognitive activity” he was conferred to the academic status of Doctor of Philosophy (with specialization in the philosophy of science and technology).
In 1999 on the base of the Decision of the Academic Council of the Department of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences he was conferred to the status of Professor.
Fields of research
Philosophy of Control and Decision making, high techs as a factor in the civilization development, philosophical and methodological problems of global studies, Philosophy of scientific cognitive activity, philosophical questions of the transdisciplinary researches.
Professional appointments
Since 1979 he works at the Institute of Philosophy, RAS. From 1984 to 1992 - Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Philosophy. Now - Leading Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophical questions of Natural Science at the Institute.
University courses
"Concepts of the contemporary natural sciences" In 2009-2010 lectures for students of IMPiE by name of A.Griboedov. "Philosophical problems of biology" (2016 - present) for students GAUGN
Prepared visual textbook, "Atlas of the history of Western philosophy," the author's program of the course "Concepts of the contemporary natural sciences."
Results published more then 175 works. Among them:
- The future of fundamental science: conceptual, philosophical and social aspects of the problem. M, 2011. (ed. with E.A. Mamchur)
- Humanism and philosophical values. M., 2011. (ed. with A. Gezalov)
- The monograph "Scientific Language in the Pre-Standard situations" (Moscow, 1997)
- textbook, "Atlas of the history of Western European Philosophy (Moscow, 1997).
- Krushanov A.A. What is the meaning of the project "Philosophy of Collective Science" // Problems of Philosophy. 2020. No. 12. P. 115-123.
- Krushanov A.A. Philosophy of collective science on population effects in cognition and in a heterogeneous subject // Societies in Science and Philosophy. Methodological perspectives / Ed. B.I. Pruzhinina, T.G. Shchedrina. M .; SPb .; Belgorod: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2020. 242 p. ISBN 978-5-98712-234-1. P. 139-152.
- Krushanov A.A. Epistemological features of collective cognitive processes // Humanitarian research in Siberia and the Far East. 2019. No. 2 (48). P. 111-116. ISSN 1997-2857. DOIdx.doi.org/10.24866/1997-2857/2019-2/111-111
- Krushanov A.A. Universal evolutionism and the concept of noosystems // Universum: social sciences. 2019. № 9 (59). P. 4-8. ISSN 2500-1264 (RSCI, Cyberleninka, Elibrary.ru, Ulrichsweb, Socionet)
- On the wrong "right" thinking // Vestnik RFO, 2018. № 1. P. 71 - 75.
- How to self-determine the study of universal laws? // Vox: Philos. journal. 2018. № 25 [Electronic resource].
- The language of science in the global dynamics // The language problem in a globalized world / ed. by E.V.Ganinoy, A.N. Chumakov. Moscow.: Prospect, 2016. P. 119-129.
- The search for better global environmental strategy continues // The Bulletin of RFO. 2016. № 2. P. 103 - 109.
- About systems research. From birth to oblivion // VOX / Voice. 2016. № 20.
- The image of the scientific revolution in the two new turns // Polignozis. 2015. № 1 (48). P. 35-46.
- The paradoxical picture of the world transdisciplinary research // The problem of reality in modern science. M., 2015. P 312-340.
- About cybernetics prebiological systems (as a possible future) // The Bulletin of RFO. 2015. № 2. P. 83-89.
- Returning to the issue of "inconceivable effectiveness of mathematics" // The Bulletin of RFO. 2015. № 4. P. 101-107.
- About the epistemological identity collective cognitive processes // Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. T. XXXIX. № 1. 2014. P. 79 - 95.
- Omne vivum ex vivo or whether the Universe is a living environment? // RFO. 2014. № 1. S. 86 - 92.
- Could be another Pangaea? // The Bulletin of RFO. № 4. 2014. P. 107-113.
- Vernadsky and the problem of the origin of life // International scientific conference "The philosophical ideas of V.I. Vernadsky and the modern scientific picture of the world" (to the 150th anniversary of V.I. Vernadsky) (25-26 March 2013). P. 105-112.
- How do the radical scientific ideas break through the dictatorship of the paradigms? // RFO. 2013, № 1. C. 36-42.
- Robizonada № 2. Is it time to say farewell to it? // RFO. 2013, № 2. P.72-79.
- Scientific revolution as stadial process // RFO. 2013. № 3. P. 108 - 114.
- About transdisciplinary content of system studies // Logical and philosophical studies. № 6. 2013.
- Modern women's share (male eyes) // Bulletin RFO, 2011. № 2;
- And a life-world is not enough // Bulletin of RFO. 2011. № 4;
The strategy of sustainable development - the path to instability? // Dialogue of cultures in a globalized world: the Baku forum. M., 2012;
- The concept of a homogeneous Universe and its possible consequences // Proceedings of the RFO. 2012. № 18;
- Life science. Nothing is alien, even fashion // Bulletin of RFO, 2012. № 1;
- Transdisciplinary paradox of modern science // Bulletin of RFO, 2012. № 2;
- On the socio-technical reality in the context of trans-disciplinary research // Bulletin of RFO, 2012. №3;
- About Mesostructure socio-technical reality in the context of trans-disciplinary analysis // Proceedings of the Russian Philosophical Society, 2012. № 8;
- The scientific picture of the world in two ways // Philosophy in the Modern World: the dialogue of worldviews / Proceedings of the VI Russian Congress of Philosophy (Nizhny Novgorod, June 27-30, 2012.). In three volumes. T.I. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House of the Nizhny Novgorod State University named. Lobachevsky, 2012.
- Strategy for Sustainable Development - the path to the instability? // Dialogue of Cultures in the times of Globalization: The Baku forum. Moscow, 2010;
- Transdisciplinary search as cognitive strategy of the XXI century // Humanism and philosophical values. Moscow, 2010;
- Perfect technologies in an imperfect society // Modern technologies: philosophical and methodological problems. Moscow, 2010;
- Science beyond the tradition // Bulletin of RFO. 2010. Number 2.;
- Panpsychism of Tsiolkovsky in the light of contemporary transdisciplinary researches // Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and the Present: Materials of the XLV Scientific Readings of Tsiolkovsky. Kaluga, 2010;
- Twilight Zone of scientific search // Journal of RFO. 2010. № 4;
- Ontological innovations of cybernetics // Philosophy of Sciences. No. 14. The ontology of sciences. Moscow, 2009;
- Global Challenges of the XXI century and Russia // Proceedings of the International Scientific Congress "Global Studies - 2009." T.I;
- Transdisciplinary researches: from de facto to de jure // Science. Philosophy. Society. Proceedings of the V Russian Congress of Philosophy. T. I. Novosibirsk, 2009. Scientific and technological development from the points of vew of contemporary critics and apologists // Proceedings of the RFO. No. 18. Moscow, 2009;
- The idea of "The end of sciences" in the XXI Century: pro et contra // Proceedings of the RFO. Issue 18. M., .2009;
- Science and belief in the epistemological context // Bulletin of RFO. № 4, 2009;
- Masculane share / / Bulletin of RFO. 2009. Number 2. S. 119 - 125;
- The idea of "The End of sciences" of J.Horgan: principles of justification of the position // Polignozis. 2008. № 4;
- «The End of the sciences" is not obvious, but the "halt" is visible // Polignozis. 2008. № 4;
- Pre-Standard Situations in the general dynamics of scientific activity // Proceedings of the RFO. No. 15. Moscow, 2008;
- The problem of transdisciplinarity and mathematics // Proceedings of the RFO. No. 15. Moscow, 2008;
- On the way to a Silicon community // Bulletin of RFO, № 4, 2008;
- Work in the field of global evolutionism: for what and how? // An Interdisciplinary Journal "General and Applied tsenologiya." 2007. Number 2;
- Is a renaissance of panpsychism possible? // Proceedings of the members of the RFO. Vyp.13. Moscow, 2007;
- Hidden qualities of a Man / / Bulletin of RFO. 2007. Number 2;
- Important gaps in the body of contemporary methodological knowledge // Actual problems of philosophy of sciences. M., 2007.
- Pre-standard Situations in the dynamics of scientific cognitive activity // Problems of Philosophy. 2006;
- On the ambiguity of the term "ecological culture" // Ecological culture and social development. Moscow, 2006;
Including online publications:
Sustainable development: what is it and why is it important? - Can be found on the site of the Center for Environmental Culture - https://www.eco.ifap.ru 2008 Works in the foreign languages:
Artificial intelligence and decision-making ( on the “morals” of systems with artificial intelligence)
Picture of the world and knowledge organization
Pre-standard situations in the historical becoming of natural sciences //Abstracts // XXII World Congress of Philosophy. Rethinking philosophy today. (July 30 – August 5, 2008). Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea.
Publications in media:
- On "simplicity" and complexity of science // Knowledge - force. 2017. № 5. P. 27-31.
- How radical scientific ideas break through the paradigm dictate? // Knowledge - force. 2014. № 2. P. 73 - 77.
- Alas, - stagnation .... But the global // Knowledge - force. 2014. № 8. P. 96 - 99.
- Science and faith in the context of knowledge // Knowledge - force. 2013 . Number 4 . P. 67 - 70.
- Transdisciplinary paradox of modern science // Knowledge - force. 2013. Number 5. P. 91 - 95.
- Science in fashion or fashion in science? // Knowledge - force. 2013. № 6 (1032). P. 35-39.
- Magazine “Knowledge - force” ("Knowledge itself is power») (№ 5, 2010) announced the awarding of the title of laureate of the journal in 2009 for the article "Starting dynamics of the century: a sentence or a reason to think?" Published in № 6, 2009.
- “The End of Sciences”? - no reasons to worry // Knowledge - force. 2010. Number 1. P. 91-93;
- Masculane share // Knowledge - force 2010. Number 2. P. 65-69;
- On the way to a Silicon community // Knowledge - force. 2010. № 10. P. 106-112.
Statements in electronic media:
- February 14, 2010 - guest of the program "Back to the Future" radio station "Echo of Moscow".
- March 5, 2010 participated as an expert in the "Other News" First television channel.
The Round Table "Philosophy of Natural Science in the USSR: Losses and Acquisition" (January 25, 2018, Moscow)the report "On Cybernetics and Its Comprehension in the USSR" at report "RS Karpinskaya and Universal Evolutionism" at the International Conference "The Philosophy of Biology in a New Dialogue with Nature (on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of RSKarpinskaya)" (January 30, 2018, Moscow) report "About time from the very beginning" at the Conference "The problem of time in modern science" (February 6, 2018, Moscow). VII Scientific and practical reading of the memory of NA. Nosov and IA Akchurina "Virtualistics in the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, February 28, 2017). Report "The sum of virtual realities" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcUH7xQN2OTa4efXWtKkzVw/videos International Scientific Conference in memory of V.G. Gorokhov "Philosophy and Sociology of Engineering in the 21st Century (Moscow, May 24-26, 2017)" Social and technical as components of the noosystem reality "
- Inter-College seminar of Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University. The report "On transdisciplinarity as the terms of homogeneity of the Universe" (Moscow, Moscow State University, April 2016).
- Sci. Conference "Philosophical knowledge and challenges of civilization development" dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Belarus. Poster: "On" transdisciplinarity "in the top two refractions" (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 21-22 April 2016).
- VII Russian Congress of Philosophy (Ufa, 6-10 October 2015). Normal oral "The phase model of scientific revolution".
- International Conference "Social Philosophy of Science. Russian prospects " (Moscow, November 2014) - report "Transdisciplinary research as a challenge to" traditional Big science. "
- Vernadsky and the problem of the origin of life // International scientific conference "The philosophical ideas of V.I. Vernadsky and the modern scientific picture of the world" (to the 150th anniversary of V.I. Vernadsky) (25-26 March 2013);
- Report "Global Challenges of the XXI century and Russia" // International Scientific Congress "Global Studies - 2009", Moscow State University (Moscow);
- "Challenges Cascade of the XXI Century" // Russian conference "Library in the context of history." Moscow, 2009.
during 9 years worked as Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Philosophy
Main results
To Methodological picture of the development of scientific cognitive activity was added by special model that characterizes the parallel dynamics of the scientific language. He is the first who identified and analyzed a family of transdisciplinary researches of universal type and on this basis developed concept of the hidden structural homogeneity of the stair of being.
It is shown that in the XXI century. traditional system of devision of power demonstrates its inefficiency, and on this basis, a proposal is suggested to add the system of devision of power with another power - the "strategic."
Critically analyzed the theological idea of nowadays that science is not different from religion, as well as based on the belief (for example, on the belief in the prior knowledge which is accepted without cross-checking). It is proposed to supplement the traditional epistemological concerns with two new components - the concepts of "trust" and "existential faith", yet mistakenly identified with the concept of religious faith.
It is shown the usefulness of selection in the general sphere of scientific research activity of special boundary subdomain, called "twilight zone of scientific search" (paleokontakts, panpsychism, etc.) which is characterized by high uncertainty, the lack of support paradigm and high risks to be unjustified.
Divorced two different states of scientific knowledge: crystalloids and massives. Traditionally accounted methodology involves knowledge only as "knowledge crystalloids" and not analyse existance of scientific knowledge in the fragmented state which identified as massive of knowledge. In this connection new useful concepts were introduced (such as "content", "scientific innovation") and was proposed a classification of scientific contents, allowing more accurate than it is in modern methodology to study the dynamics of scientific creativity.
To Methodological picture of the development of scientific cognitive activity was added by special model that characterizes the parallel dynamics of the scientific language. He is the first who identified and analyzed a family of transdisciplinary researches and on this basis developed concept of the hidden structural homogeneity of the stair of being.
It is shown that in the XXI century. traditional system of devision of power demonstrates its inefficiency, and on this basis, a proposal is suggested to add the system of devision of power with another power - the "strategic."
Critically analyzed the theological idea of nowadays that science is not different from religion, as well as based on the belief (for example, on the belief in the prior knowledge which is accepted without cross-checking). It is proposed to supplement the traditional epistemological concerns with two new components - the concepts of "trust" and "existential faith", yet mistakenly identified with the concept of religious faith.
It is shown the usefulness of selection in the general sphere of scientific research activity of special boundary subdomain, called "twilight zone of scientific search" (paleokontakts, panpsychism, etc.) which is characterized by high uncertainty, the lack of support paradigm and high risks to be unjustified.
Divorced two different states of scientific knowledge: crystalloids and massives. Traditionally accounted methodology involves knowledge only as "knowledge crystalloids" and not analyse existance of scientific knowledge in the fragmented state which identified as massive of knowledge. In this connection new useful concepts were introduced (such as "content", "scientific innovation") and was proposed a classification of scientific contents, allowing more accurate than it is in modern methodology to study the dynamics of scientific creativity. |
In 1998 he was awarded by the medal "850 years of Moscow".
Personal web site