Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Home Page » Scholars » Academic Divisions » Department of philosophy of natural Sciences » Philosophical Problems in Natural Science » Conferences



  • February 6, 2018 Department organized the conference "Time in the modern picture of the world" (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow). More information
  • On January 23, 2018, the department organized a Round Table "The Philosophy of Natural Science in the USSR: Losses and Acquisitions" (as part of the series of scientific events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the revolution year "Revolution, Evolution and Dialogue of Cultures"). More information



  • International scientific conference in memory of V.G.Gorokhov "Philosophy and Sociology of Engineering in the 21st Century (Moscow, May 24-26, 2017) - The participants: A.Y. Sevalnikov, A.A. Krushanov, Yu.V.Chernovitskaya.
  • The First Belarusian Philosophical Congress "National Philosophy in the Global World" (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, October 18-20, 2017) - The participants: A. Sevalnikov, L. Antipenko, Yu. Chernovitskaya.
  • All-Russian Scientific Conference "Philosophy of Science and Technology in Russia: Challenges of Information Technologies" (Vologda, June 2-3, 2017) - The participants: A. Sevalnikov, Yu.Chernovitskaya.
  • All-Russian Scientific Conference "Revolution and Evolution: Models of Development in Science, Culture, and Society" (Nizhny Novgorod, NI Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, November 24-25, 2017) - the participants Mamchur E.A, Antipenko L.G.
  • VII Scientific and practical reading of the memory of N.A. Nosov and I.A. Akchurina "Virtualistics in the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, February 28, 2017). - The participants: Sevalnikov A. Yu., Krushanov A.A., Konyaev S.N., Mamchur E.A.


  • 14-15 April 2016 conference "Quantum mechanics and philosophical discourse" (produced with the financial support of the RHF, the research project number 14-03-00452a "The problem of the new ontology in modern physical knowledge"). The conference was organized by the Institute of Philosophy of RAS, physical and philosophical faculty of Moscow State University and dedicated to the issues of the philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics and the problems of its interpretations. As part of this conference, a round table was held "realism problem in modern quantum mechanics." More Information   
  • The members of the Sector take part in events organized by the Institute of Philosophy National Academy of Sciences Belarus Republic (Scientific Conference "Philosophical knowledge and challenges of civilizational development" (Minsk, 21-22 April 2016)- Krushanov A. and the Intern. Scientific conf. "Dialogue of cultures in the global risk age" (Minsk, 17-18 May 2016) - Chernovitskaya Yu.
  • Moscow International Aristotle Conference 2016 (Mamchur E., Sevalnicov A., Rodin A.). More Information
  • 12th International Conference “Logic Today: Developments and Perspectives”. Report «What is a Formal System? The Idea of Geometrical Characteristics from Leibniz to Voevodsky» (Saint-Petersburg State University, June 22-24, 2016); International workshop  «The Bounds of Logic Reloaded». Report «Homotopy Type theory and the Bounds of Logic» (Moscow HSE 20-21 October 2016) - Rodin A.; 
  • Scientific and theoretical Conference "Morality and Law: the ethical-philosophical understanding and practice of convergence." The report "Treatise I.A. Ilyin "On the resistance to evil by force" and the present "(Moscow, Moscow State Law Academy, 22-23 April 2016) - Antipenko L.; and ect.



  • VII Russian Philosophical Congress "Philosophy: Tolerance: Globalization: East and West - Dialogue of Worldviews" (Ufa, October 6-10, 2015). The participants: Sevalnikov A.Y., Krushanov A.A., Antipenko L.G., Konyaev S.N., Chernovitskaya Yu.V.
  • September 21-23, 2015 Conference "New Mathematical Methods in Today's Physics: Logical, Epistemological and Computational Aspects"


Over the last few decades there were a number of important attempts to apply the new 20-th century mathematics in physics. Mathematics in its turn borrowed from physics many important ideas and motivations. During the planned Conference these developments will be discussed and scrutinized from various viewpoints including logical, epistemological and historical ones. The Conference will bring together physicists, mathematicians and philosophers working on mathematical foundations of physics. We aim, in particular, at developing a new theoretical and pragmatic perspective on the famous problem of "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences" stressed by E. Wigner back in 1960. We hope that this event will help to strengthen conceptual ties between mathematics and logic, on the one hand, and physics and other natural sciences, on the other hand.

More Information



  • The Department organized conference "Ontology of quantum mechanics" (on the 14th-15th of October 2014);
  • Conference "The extreme state of matter" (1-6 March 2014, Elbrus). Sevalnikov A.Yu. report "Study of nuclear fusion in Germany 30 years of the twentieth century"; 
  • Seminar on "Metaphysics" by Yu.S.Vladimirov. Sevalnikov A.Yu. report "To the problem of understanding of reality in modern physics" (Moscow State University, October 2014),  Antipenko L.G. report "Philosophical understanding of the physical results obtained from the full solution of the quantum-relativistic Dirac equation (Moscow State University, May 2014); 
  • Conference on the Philosophy of Science, organized by IUC (Croatia) (April 2014) - Mamchur E.A.;
  • International Conference "Social Philosophy of Science. Russian Perspectives " (V.S.Stepin) (November 2014) -  participate in the preparation of the conference and the report  "Transdisciplinary research as a challenge to" traditional Big Science ".  Krushanov A.A.;
  • "Categorical approach in the computer representation of knowledge." Workshop "Categories and ontology for computer representation of knowledge" IF RAS, 17 September 2014 (as part of the regular seminar "Actual problems of philosophy of science and technology") - Rodin A.V.;
  •  “Constructive Identities for Physics”. Contributed talk at the conference Frontiers of Fundamental Physics 14 (Marseille July 15-18 2014)- Rodin A.V.;
  •  “Constructive Axiomatic Method”. Invited talk at Logic Seminar at the Institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (Paris) June 17, 2014 - Rodin A.V.;
  •  “Logic for Natural Sciences: A Categorical Perspective”. Plenary talk at the conference Teaching Logic and Prospectives of Its Development (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, 15-16 mai 2014) - Rodin A.V.;
  • Objecthood in Modern Logic. Invited talk at the conference AnalytiCon-2014: Informations, Languages, Knowledge (Ekaterinburg,UralFederalUniversity, 29-30 April 2014) - Rodin A.V.;
  • “Objecthood and Genetic Axiomatic Method in Categorical Mathematics”. Invited talk at the conference Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics – 2014: Aspects of Interaction (Saint-Petersburg, Steklov Institute, 21-25 April 2014) - Rodin A.V.;
  • "Galileo's science and constructive mathematics." Invited lecture at the International Conference Galileo Galilei: contexts and interpretations (Moscow, 19-20 March 2014) - Rodin A.V. 



  • Conference on the Philosophy of Science, organized by IUC (Croatia) (April 2013) - E.A. Mamchur.
  • International scientific conference "The philosophical ideas of V.I. Vernadsky and the modern scientific picture of the world" (to the 150th anniversary of V.I. Vernadsky) (25-26 March 2013)  - A.A.Krushanov, L.G.Antipenko.
  • 23 World Congress of Philosophy, Athens 04-10 August 2013,  University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Greece. - E.A.Mamchur «Metapysics and the progress  of science».
  • Third All-Russian Scientific Conference (Moscow State University, 27-28 September 2013) "Philosophy of Mathematics: Challenges". - L.G.Antipenko. A.V.Rodin.


  • An International Colloquium "Realism and modern science" held on the 22-23th of November 2012 (Moscow, Institute of Philosophy).
  • All participants of the Sector took part in the VI Russian Philosophical Congress “PHILOSOPHY IN THE MODERN WORLD: DIALOG OF WORLD OUTLOOKS” in Nizhnii Novgorod, June 27-30, 2012, section Philosophy of Natural Sciences.
    «Possible scenarios of development of a civilization in a context of universal history (Big History)» // International Congress «Global Future – 2045» - Kazyutinsky V.V.
  • International Conference on the 200th anniversary of Alexander Herzen (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 20-21 June 2012) "Alexander Herzen and the historical fate of Russia" - Mamchur E.A., Antipenko L.G.


  • 14th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Nansi, France 19-26.07 2011.) - E.A. Mamchur - Sectional report, "Should we rethink the role of epistemology in modern philosophy of science?"
    XVI-th Scientific Reading Tsiolkovsky (Kaluga, September 2011) - Kazyutinsky V. - Invited talk at the symposium (in the readings), "Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and the future of humanity"; sectional report entitled "Space early twenty-first century.";
  • Philosophy and the paradigm of modern science, Section "Simulation in modern science” (Moscow). Sevalnikov A.Yu. On the possibility of metaphysical study of quantum mechanics (normal oral).


  • XLV Scientific Readings in Memory of K.E. Tsiolkovsky. Kaluga, September, 2010 (Institute of Sciences - one of the organizers): Member of the organizing committee, the chairman of the section entitled "Space and Society: Philosophy Tsiolkovsky, the speaker, the head of the round table" The legacy of Tsiolkovsky and we "- Kazyutinsky B. V.;
  • International Conference "Vasily Nalimov - mathematician and philosopher" (the 100th anniversary of the birth). Moscow, November 2010. Session Chair, "Probability-oriented philosophy." Invited lecture "Philosophy in the world of probability: the problem of inconceivable effectiveness of mathematics" - Kazyutinsky VV;
  • Conference on "Philosophy of Physics: Challenges". Moscow, June 2010 - E.A.Mamchur, V.V.Kazyutinsky,  A.A.Krushanov, S.N.Konyaev, L.G.Antipenko;
  • Conference Philosophy of Physics: Current problems (Moscow). Sevalnikov A.Yu. Thomism and modern interpretation of quantum mechanics (normal oral);
  • Conference The modern educational technologies and their use in the system of human training of engineers (Moscow). Sevalnikov A.Yu. Relation of teaching and research in the works of Louis de Broglie (normal oral).