Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Antipenko Leonid Gr.
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Antipenko Leonid Gr.

Year and place of birth

26.04.1935 Osovets, Belarus


Researcher ID:  V-6243-2018

РИНЦ SPIN1969-0992Author ID616721 


Senior Research Fellow at the RAS Institute of Philosophy Department of Philosophical Problems in Natural Science 



Ph.D. in Philosophy, PhD thesis: «The problem of connection and relation in quantum physics»



Fields of research

Foundations of physics

Research projects
  • RFH (2014-2016) "The problem of ontology in contemporary physical knowledge" (I);
  • RHF (2011-2013) "The problem of reality in modern science and technology" (I);
  • RHF (2008-2010) "Modern technologies: the philosophical and methodological problems" (I);
  • RHF (2008-2010) "Modern Cosmology and Philosophy" (I).



  • Books: 1) The Problem of Physical Reality (M., 1973); 2) The Problem of Theory Incompleteness and its Epistemological  Meaning (M.,1986); 3) P.A. Florensky on Logic and Symbolic Aspects of Scientific and Philosophical Thinking (M.: IPhRAS, 2012); Antipenko L.G. Mathematical universe of Heidegger / L.G.Antipenko. - M .: "Canon +" ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2015. 192 p.
  • Papers: 
  • Linguistics in the framework of three-dimensional logo: letter, note, numeral // World Journal of English Language. 2020. Vol. 10.No. 2. P. 39-45.
  • A few remarks about the concept of pregeometry, developed by Yu. S. Vladimirov and laid by him as the basis for the concept of the physical and mathematical structure of space-time // Metaphysics (scientific journal). (ISSN 2224-7580) 2020. No. 2. Р. 117-125.
  • A disease of philosophical being (From the natural scientific experience of assimilating dialectical logic) // Scientific Thought of the Caucasus. 2020. No. 2 (102). Р. 22-28.
  • Philosophical and worldview meaning of Gödel's incompleteness theorems // Philosophical school. 2020. No. 11. Р. 49-53.
  • On the Hubble quantum law and the physical and mathematical foundations of alternative cosmology // Applied Physics and Mathematics. 2019.No. 12.P. 10-17. DOI: 10.25791 / pfim.06.2019.1042.
  • On the ontological understanding of the physical existence of things and phenomena // Vox. No. 27. December 2019. P. 256-263.
  • Moral measurement of time in the light of the natural science principle of Le Chatelier ̶ Brown // Izvestiya educational institutions. North Caucasian region. Social Sciences (ISSN 0321-3056). 2019. No. 3. P. 2-7. DOI: 10.23683 / 0321-3056-2019-3-2-7.
  • On the new theory of the Universe in the light of the concept of corpuscular-vortex dualities (philosophical-conceptual analysis) // Metaphysics. 2019. No. 4. P. 108-124. ISSN 2312-2757. DOI 10.22363 / 2224-7580-2019-4-108-124
  • On the temporary resource in the scientific and industrial activity of people // Philosophical school. 2019. No. 7. P. 58-64. ISSN 2541-7673. DOI: 10.24411 / 2541-7673-2019-10705
  • Fundamental ontology of Heidegger as a model of dialectical thinking // Vox. 2018. № 25. [Electronic resource]. 
  • Polemic review on the article by A.V. Bessonov "Predicate dependence of the second Gödel theorem about incompleteness" / Siberian philosophical journal 2017. T. 15. № 3. P. 208-217. 
  • Logic-informational estimation of quark model of matter // Vox. 2017. № 22.
  • Quantum physics has opened the prospect of solving the problem of human consciousness // Metaphysics. 2016. № 2 (20). P. 111-123. 
  • The concept of quantum logic: the mathematical and philosophical aspects // Vox. 2016. № 20. [Electronic resource]. 
  • Evaluation of Kropotkin's ethics in the light of paraconsistent (imaginary) logic of Vasiliev // Lex Russica. 2016. №1 (25). P. 187-191. 
  • On the relationship paraconsistent logic Vasilyeva and Heidegger's fundamental ontology // Logical and philosophical studies. 2016. T. 13. № 2. P. 71-72.
  • About essence of technique: an existential hocks Martin Heidegger's fundamental ontology and basic science // The relationship of fundamental science and technology as the object of the philosophy of science. M., 2014. P. 207-221.
  • The role of the biosphere Vernadsky experience in the processes of global governance, human community // International scientific conference "Philosophical ideas of Vernadsky and modern scientific picture of the world" (to the 150th anniversary of VI Vernadsky) (25-26 March 2013). P. 92-100.
  • Through the pages of "Letters on the study of nature": a critical analysis of Herzen concept of the unity of being and non-being // Alexander Herzen and the historical fate of Russia. Proceedings of the International Conference on the 200th anniversary of Alexander Herzen (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 20-21 June 2012). M.: "The Canon +", 2013. P. 354-362.
  • About geometric and quantum-physical experience for the study and development of cosmic space (Science and philosophical analysis of the problem) // Philosophy of science. V.18. 2013. P. 162-176.
  • On the method of overcoming the divide between nomographic and idiographic sciences // Russian scientific conference «Humanities and the natural sciences: the problem of synthees» (03.04.12); The quantum Universe and quantum brain. In the wake of the ancient principle of the unity of microcosm and macrocosm // Materials of VI Russian philosophical congress « Philosophy in the modern world: a dialog of worldviews» (27-30.06.12).


Member of the Board of the public organization «For the revival of domestic science».


International scientific and practical conference "Contours of the Future: Technology and Innovation in a Cultural Context". The report "Scientific and technical progress: the way to the quay" (St. Petersburg, November 1 - 3, 2017)

The First Belarusian Philosophical Congress "National Philosophy in the Global World". Report "On the issue of the formation of complementary logic" (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 18-20 October 2017).

All-Russian Scientific Conference "Revolution and Evolution: Models of Development in Science, Culture, and Society". Report "Ontology of social revolution" (Nizhny Novgorod, November 24-25, 2017)

Scientific and theoretical Conference "Morality and Law: the ethical-philosophical understanding and practice of convergence." The report "Treatise I.A. Ilyin "On the resistance to evil by force" and the present "(Moscow, Moscow State Law Academy, 22-23 April 2016);

Conference "Ontology of quantum mechanics" (14-15 October 2014). The concept of quantum logic and its philosophical significance (normal oral);

II All-Russian Scientific Conference (27-28 September 2013) "Philosophy of Mathematics: Challenges". Report "The essence of mathematical creativity in the light of Heidegger's fundamental ontology";

Seminar "Metaphysics" by Yu.S.Vladimirov, report "Philosophical understanding of the physical results obtained with the full solution of the quantum-relativistic Dirac equation (Moscow State University, May 2014);

Main results

The results of scientific and philosophical research are distributed in several areas of knowledge as follows:
in the field of theoretical physics: the rationale for the concept of long-range action (the presence in nature of non-power quantum bonds) is given; based on the concept of long-range action formulated the criterion of elementarity in the spectrum of microparticles;

in the field of logical-mathematical research: a method has been developed for resolving such fundamental antinomies as the well-known Russell's antinomy and the ancient Eubulid paradox "The Liar", as well as the complementary logic — the scientific analogue of the dialectical logic of previous years;

 in the study of the space-time universe, the incompleteness of the geometric content (with respect to the non-Euclidean geometry of Lobachevsky) is shown in the special and general theory of relativity (this is the very disadvantage of STR and GR, which leads to false conclusions in cosmology).

Main results

Given the physical and mathematical (and philosophical) justification for existence of motion of physical objects with superluminal speed.


Medal «850 years of Moscow»