Ecological interaction of society and nature: theory and practice. Proceeding of the International. scientific and practical conf. (Pavlovsky Posad, May 18, 2017) / Ed. T.V. Borzovа, I. K. Liseev. 315 pp. ISBN 978-5-7609-1266-4
Chumakov A. N. Metaphysics of globalization. Cultural and civilizational context. Monograph. - 2nd ed., ISPR. and DOP. - Moscow: Prospect, 2017 - 496 p. ISBN: 978-5-392-19573-2
Chumakov A. N. Globalization. The contours of the holistic world]. - 3rd ed., pererab. I DOP. - Moscow: Prospect, 2017. - 448 p. ISBN 978-5-392-21562-1
Baksanskiy O.E. Technologies of manipulations with masses: advertizing, marketing, PR, GR (cognitive approach): Pocket book of the political strategist, URSS, 2016, 224 p. ISBN 978-5-9710-4119-1.
Baksanskiy O. E., Korzhuyev A.V. Crisis of a classical paradigm in physics: From Bohr's atom to the theory of relativity, M., URSS, 2014, 152 p. ISBN 978-5-9710-0989-4.
Coevolution thinking in the context of convergent technologies: from biology to culture \\Philosophy and culture, No. 9 (69), 2013, tt. 1307-1313.
Baksanskiy O.E., Samoilova V. M. Modern psychology: theoretical approaches and methodological bases. Book 1: METHODOLOGY of MODERN PSYCHOLOGY. Book 1. 2013. 280 p. ISBN 978-5-397-03626-9.
Baksanskiy O.E., Samoilova V. M. Modern psychology: theoretical approaches and methodological bases. Book 2: MODERN PSYCHOLOGY of KNOWLEDGE. Book 2. 2013. 320 p. ISBN 978-5-397-03676-4.
Baksanskiy O.E., Samoilova V. M. Modern psychology: theoretical approaches and methodological bases. Book 3: AFFECTIVE SPHERE of the PERSONALITY AND COMMUNICATION PSYCHOLOGY. Book 3. 2013. 368 p. ISBN 978-5-397-03889-8.
Backsanskiy O.E. Science and philosophy an image of an ovaniye in XXI century: narrative and discourse. - Pedagogics and education, 1 (09), 2013, pp. 7-18. - 10.7256/2306-434Х.2013.01.2.
Backsanskiy O.E. Knowledge Managment. - Philosophy and culture, No. 3 (63), 2013, pp. 366-381 . - 10.7256/1999-2793.2013.03.10.
N. A. Kuznetsov, O. E. Baksanskii, and S. Yu. Zholkov - Sources and Foundation of Pragmatic Knowledge,
ISSN 1064-2269. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2012, Vol. 57, No. 8. pp. 868-881. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc.,2012.
Original Russian Text © N.A. Kuznetsov, O.E. Baksanskii, S.Yu. Zholkov, 2012, published in Informatsionnye Protsessy, 2011, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 428-447.
Problem of understanding and acceptance of a natural-science explanation of the nature. Scientific knowledge and common sense. Ordinary, scientific and social representations of knowledge. - LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2012, 233 p.
Cognitive designing of reality. Philosophy of Education, URSS, 2012, p. 256.
Dialogue of cultures in the conditions of globalization / Materials of the Baku forum devoted to memory of Heydar Aliyev//Edd. Mamedov Н. М, — М: Canon+, 2012. — 616 p.
Philosophical problems of biology and medicine: results and prospects: the collection of articles. — М: Publishing house "Printberry", 2011.-300 p.
Materials of the scientifically-practical conference devoted to the 65 anniversary of Polyclinic № of 1 Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. - М: the Science, 2011. - 456 with. - ISBN 978-5-02-037615-1/Backsanskiy O.E. Philosophy of education, pp. 169-174.
Aronov R. A. A physical reality and knowledge. Logiko-gnoseological pathologies of knowledge. The theory of a relativity and the quantum mechanics. A.Einstein, N.Bhor, A.Puankare's heritage / Edd. by Backsanskiy O.Е. – М: Crasand, 2011.
Idea of evolution in biology and culture. – М: Canon+, 2011.
Esoterics discourses. The philosophical analysis / Under the editorship of Fesenkova L.V. – М: Editorial URSS, 2011.
Filozofia Przyrody Dzis. Philosophy of nature today/ Redacja W.Lugowski & I.L.Lisiejew. - Warszawa,2010, IFIS, 206 p.
Physics philosophy: Actual problems: Materials of scientific conference 17 - on June, 18th, 2010. - 2010, URSS, 400 with.
Globalization and problem of preservation of cultural variety / Edd. by J.V.Hen. – М: IPH of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010.
Sciences about life and modern philosophy. – М: Canon+, 2010.
Russia. Variety of cultures and globalization. – М: Canon+, 2010.
Globalization phenomenon in a context of dialogue of cultures. – М: Canon+, 2010.
Backsanskiy O.Е., Gnatik E.N., Kucher E.N. Nanotechnolog, biomedicine, philosophy of education in mirror of an interdisciplinary context. – М: Librocom, 2010.
Backsanskiy O.Е., Kucher E.N. Cognitive paradigm of NLP: from knowledge to action. – М: Crasand, 2010.
Backsanskiy O.Е., Kucher E.N. Cognitive image of the world: prolegomens to philosophy of education. – М: the Canon+, 2010.
Nature philosophy today. – М: Canon+, 2009.
Backsanskiy O.E. Physics and mathematics: the Analysis of the bases of mutual relation: Methodology of modern natural sciences. – М: Librocom, 2009.
Backsanskiy O.E. Cognitive representations: ordinary, social, scientific. – М: Librocom, 2009.
Science philosophy. Vol. 13: Health as a problem of natural and biomedical sciences / Edd.: I.K.Liseev, E.N.Gnatik. – М; IPH of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008.
Natural sciences: modern cognitive concepts, М, 2007.
Modernization of a society and ecology. V. I / Edd. by O.E.Backsanskiy. – М: IPH of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006.
Cognitive sciences, М, 2005.
Cognitive sciences: from knowledge to action, 2005, (co-author Kucher Е.N.).
The system approach in a modern science. – М: Progress-tradition, 2004.
Biology and culture. - М: the Canon+, 2004.
Cognitive sciences: the interdisciplinary approach, 2003, (co-author Kucher Е.N.).
Knowledge methodology: cognitive analysis, М, 2003.
Representation of reality: cognitive approach, М, 2002.
Esotericism discourses (the philosophical analysis), М, 2001.
Biology methodology: new ideas (synergetrics, semiotics, coevolution). – М: Editorial URSS, 2001.
Representation of reality: cognitive approach, 2001 (co-author Kucher Е.N.).
Science methodology: cognitive analysis, 2001, (co-author Glinsky B. A).
Image of the world: cognitive approach, 2000 (co-author Kucher Е.N.).
Modeling and cognitive representations, 2000 (co-author Glinsky B. A).
Life as value (IPH of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000).
Coevolution representations of modern knowledge orientations, 1999.
Biophilosophy (IPH of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997).
Баксанский О.Е. Наука и философия образования в ХХI веке: нарративность и дискурс. - Педагогика и просвещение, М., № 1 (09), 2013, сс. 7-18. - 10.7256/2306-434Х.2013.01.2.