Year and place of birth
1976, Moscow
Ph.D. in Philosophy (2006 - Institute of Philosophy RAS), PhD thesis: "Genocide as a phenomenon of politics (philosophical and political analysis)."
Fields of research
The philosophy of politics, philosophical anthropology, social violence, ethics of science, reality and communication
Research projects
- RFH (2014-2016) "The problem of ontology in contemporary physical knowledge" (I);
- RHF (2011-2013) "The problem of reality in modern science and technology" (I);
- RHF (2008-2010) "Modern technologies: the philosophical and methodological problems" (I);
- RHF (2008-2010) "Modern Cosmology and Philosophy" (I).
- Interaction of Science and Power: Science in the Service of Power? // Humanitarian research in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. 2020. No. 3 (53). P. 130-140. ISSN 1997-2857. DOI dx.doi.org/10.24866/1997-2857/2020-3/130-140 (VAK, RSCI, EBSCO) (1)
- The attitude of the scientific community to ethically questionable research // What is a community? Philosophical and methodological perspectives. M .; SPb .; Belgorod: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2020. P. 198-207 (0.7)
- The relationship between science and power in the conditions of transformations of modern society // Sat. materials V International. scientific. conference "Intellectual culture of Belarus: spiritual and moral traditions and tendencies of innovative development" (Minsk, November 19–20, 2020). ISBN 978-985-581-431-4 (vol. 1). 2020. P. 277-281 (0.4)
- Digital medicine: specificity of responsibility // Legal, historical and socio-economic aspects of health care: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference (Ufa, BSMU, October 25, 2019) / ed .: O.M. Ivanova - Ufa: BSMU, 2019. ISSN 2309-7183. P. 152-156 (0.4)
- Information security as a component of technology science // History and philosophy of science in an era of change: a collection of scientific articles. In 6 volumes. T. 4. [Electronic resource]. - Moscow: Publishing House "Russian Society of History and Philosophy of Science", 2018. - 112 p. - Access mode: https://rshps.ru/books/congress2018t4.pdf. P. 28-31.
- Intercultural Communication in Modern Society: Towards a Society of Cultural Pluralism // Philosophy and Culture. - 2018. - No. 1. - P.22-31. DOI: 10.7256 / 2454-0757.2018.1.23548. URL: https://e-notabene.ru/pfk/article_23548.html
- Person in a global society: the dualism of tolerance // Transformation of human potential in the context of the century. N.Novgorod, 2017. P. 376-380.
- Humanitarian aspects of technology // Contours of the future: technology and innovation in a cultural context. Collective monograph / Ed. DI. Kuznetsova, V.V. Sergeeva, N.I. Almazovoy, N.V. Nikiforova. SPb .: Asterion, 2017. P. 127-130.
- Health and information security // Bulletin of the Bashkir State Medical University. № 5. 2017. Sat. materials II All-Russia. scientific and practical. conference with international participation "Health as a social and philosophical problem". P. 135-141.
- From a culture of violence - to the dialogue of cultures // Culture Dialogue of Cultures: setting and faces problems. 2016. P. 122-127.
- Modern science: risk, ethics, responsibility // Bulletin of the Bashkir State Medical University. Application number 2. 2016. P. 253-260.
- Causes of human aggression - biological or social background? // Philosophy and culture. 2016. № 7. P. 1037-1044.
- The culture of violence and cross-cultural dialogue // Dialogue of cultures in an age of global risks: Proceedings of Intern. scientific. Conf. X (Minsk, 17-18 May 2016). Part 2. Minsk. 2016. P. 141-144.
- Violence: a humanitarian catastrophe of our time // Proceedings of the annual Moiseev's readings. T. 6. M.: MNEPU Academy, 2016. P 368-375.
- The social aspect of virtual reality // The problem of reality in modern science / Ed. E.A.Mamchur. M., 2015. P. 367-382.
- Science without morality? // Values and norms in the flow of time // VI International Scientific Conference Kurgan, 2015. P. 137-139.
- Genocide in the traditional and modern history. The problem of responsibility // Proceedings of the annual Moiseev's readings. M., 2015. P. 62-69.
- The transformation of the concept of genocide in modern society // Philosophy and Culture. 2015. № 12. P. 1801-1811.
- Can science be separate from morality // Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalization. East and West - a dialogue of worldviews: abstracts VII Russian Congress of Philosophy (Ufa, 6-10 October 2015). T. II. Ufa, 2015. P. 112.
- Fundamental science, technology, engineering and their interrelationship // Vox / Voice. 2014. № 16.
- The relationship between science and technology: the ethical dimension // The relationship of fundamental science and technology as an object of philosophy of science. M., 2014.
- The reality of the complexity or the complexity of the reality (information and communicative approach) // The philosophy of science. M., 2013. P. 11-125.
- Means of countering social violence // Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences. M., 2013. № 12.
- Information and communicative reality in the scientific world // International scientific and practical conference "Philosophy and the scientific world" (8-9 June 2012, Ufa);
- Philosophical analysis of the information and communication of reality // Philosophy in the Modern World: the dialogue of worldviews / Proceedings of the VI Russian Congress of Philosophy (Nizhny Novgorod, June 27-30, 2012.). In three volumes. V.III. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House of the Nizhny Novgorod State University named. Lobachevsky, 2012 (with Kalinin E.Yu);
- Modern technology and the principles of humanism // humanism and philosophical values, 2011;Way of the noosphere as a way of survival of indigenous peoples in the context of globalization // "Noosferizm: Arctic look at the sustainable development of Russia and of humanity in the XXI Century", 2011. Volume III, Book II;
- Noocosmology: social and ethical aspects of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations // Cosmology, Physics, Culture. M.: IF RAS, 2011;
- New technologies and social reality // Modern Technology: philosophical and methodological problems. Moscow, 2010;
- Prospects for survival of indigenous peoples in the context of globalization "// Russia: cultural diversity and globalization / Ed. Liseev I.K. - M.: "The Canon +", 2010;
- Transformation of social violence - an urgent problem of our time / / Logic, Methodology, Science of Science: Current Issues and Prospects. Sat reports and abstracts of the Scientific Conference, Rostov-on-Don, 2010
- New technologies and social reality // Science. Philosophy. Society. Proceedings of V Russian Congress of Philosophy. T. III. - Novosibirsk: Parallel, 2009;
- "Indirect" genocide in modern society (social and philosophical aspects) // Problems of Philosophy. 2008, № 10;
- «Social and philosophical aspects of the modern violence transformations in the world» XXII World congress of philosophy Rethinking Philosophy Today. Seoul, National University Seoul, Korea, 2008;
- Global problems and social violence // Universal evolutionism, and globalization. Moscow, 2007;
- Genocide in the context of globalization - from direct to indirect // Philosophical Investigations. 2006, № 1.;
- Indirect forms of anti-genocide: opportunities and limitations // Philosophical Investigations. 2006, № 2;
- Genocide in the context of globalization - from direct to indirect // Abstracts of the IV Russian Congress of Philosophy. - Moscow, 2005.
served as Secretary of the sector