Date and place of birth
1978, Moscow
- 2003 - Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciencies (IPh RAS), full-time graduate
- 2000 – Moscow State University, Philosophy Faculty
Ph.D., Thesis on "The Problem of socio-natural adaptation of a human being to the information environment (in modern philosophical discourse)." Moscow, IPh RAS, 2005
Research interests |
- Philosophical Problems of Biology, philosophical anthropology, the problem of human adaptation
- Philosophical analysis of the human adaptation problem in the information environment
Professional activities
- Head of the Department of Bio- and Ecophilosophy (since 2013)
- Research Fellow at the Center for Bio - and ekophilosophy (IPf RAS)
- Associate professor of logic, ontology and epistemology Department, Philosophy Faculty of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) (since 2006)
- Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences Griboedov Institute of International Law and Economics. (since 2010)
- "Concepts of Modern Natural Science" (HSE, Griboedov Institute of International Law and Economics)
- "Ecology" (HSE)
- "Philosophical Problems of specific disciplines" (HSE)
Research projects
- "Formation of the person in the Information Society" Russian President Grant for young Russian scientists (? MK-4543.2010.6). 2010-2011.
- "The problem of human adaptation in the information environment," Russian President grant for young Russian scientists (? MK-3343.2006.6). 2006-2007.
- "Modern information environment: the problem of social adaptation." Philosophy Faculty of the HSE. Grant to support young teachers (? 600/08-08).
- "Philosophical foundations of environmental education in the era of nanotechnology." Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RHF) grant ? 10-03-00282a. Leader I. Liseev. 2010-2012. Executor.
- "The idea of evolution in biology and culture (to the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin's" Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection ")." Grant RFH ? 07-03-00316. Leader O. Backsanskiy. 2007-2009. Executor.
- "Life sciences and modern philosophy: the challenges, problems and answers." Grant RFH ? 06-03-00182. Leader I. Liseev 2007-2009. Executor.
- "The problem of diversity preservation of cultural traditions of Russia in the context of globalization." Grant of the Presidium of RAS. Leader I. Liseev. 2008. Executor
Publications |
Sections in collective monographs, articles in journals and scientific proceedings
- Interdisciplinarity and Crowdsourcing in Ecology as Responses to the Challenges of Technogenic Civilization // Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. 2020. V. 57. No. 4. P. 117-122. (0.3)
- Information ecology as a "survival strategy" of a person in the digital environment // Problems of Philosophy. 2020. No. 10. P. 89-98. (1.1)
- The Transformation of the Environment in the Digital Age "(et al.) // Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, vol. 468. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities - Philosophy of Being Human as the Core of Interdisciplinary Research (ISSESSH 2020). R. 131-134. (0.3)
- The development of emotional intelligence in the digital environment as a problem of neuroethics // Materials of the round table "Actual problems of neuroethics" (October 30, 2019). // Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2020. T. 4. No. 1. P. 142-145. (0.3)
- Transformation of the Scientific Community in the Digital Age // Communities in Science and Philosophy. Methodological perspectives / Ed. B.I. Pruzhinin, T.G. Shchedrina. M .; SPb .; Belgorod: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives. 2020. 242 p. ISBN 978-5-98712-234-1. P. 175-189. (1)
- Development of biology and ecology in the light of T. Kuhn's concept of paradigms // Humanitarian research in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. 2020. No. 2 (52). P. 105-109. (0.6)
- Ecology of the modern digital environment // Economic and social and humanitarian studies. 2019. Issue. 3 (23). P. 103-108. ISSN 2409-1073. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24151/2409-1073-2019-3-103-108 (RSCI).
- Sketches for a cognitive portrait of a person in the digital age // Humanitarian research in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. 2019. No. 3 (49). P. 105-111. ISSN 1997-2857 (Print). DOI dx.doi.org/10.24866/1997-2857/2019-3/105-111 (RSCI).
- Ecology of the cognitive and educational space of the digital age // Education Development. 2019. No. 3 (5). P. 28-32. ISSN 2619-1466. DOI 10.31483 / r-33283 (RSCI).
- Information competence of education as an adaptation factor in information society // Informats. about-in. 2012 . No. 2. P. 37-43.
- Problem of self-identity of the person of information society//Philosophical problems of biology and medicine. Vyp. 6: Freedom and responsibility. M, 2012. Page 172-175.
- Adaptation problem in its evolutionary aspect: from biology to culture//Idea of evolution in biology and culture. M: Canon +. 2011 . Page 454-476
- The problem of adaptation in its evolutionary aspect: from biology to culture // The idea of evolution in biology and culture. Moscow: Kanon +. 2011. P. 454-476
- Adaptation problems in the information environment // The Information Age: Challenges to man. M. ROSSPEN, 2010. P. 258-281
- Preservation of cultural traditions in the information society: the role of myth // Russia: cultural diversity and globalization. Moscow: Kanon +, 2010. P. 432-445
- The problem of intensive development of information technology and human ecology (philosophical-anthropological aspect) // Sciences of Life and modern philosophy. Moscow: Kanon +, 2010. P. 335-348
- Adaptation as a factor in evolution // Charles Darwin and modern biology. St Petersburg.: Nestor-Istoria, 2010. P. 776-781
- Multiculturalism and the global information society // Interaction of cultures in a globalizing world. M., Canon +, 2010. P. 307-312
- The formation and development of personality: problem (co-author M. Loshilina). // Vestnik of Moscow State Open University. A series of "Social and Political Sciences and Humanities." ? 1, July-September 2010. P. 9-16
- Adaptation of human being as a socio-natural problem // Philosophy of Nature Today. Moscow: Kanon +, 2009. P. 472-489
- Adaptation / / Encyclopedia of epistemology and philosophy of science. Moscow: Kanon +, 2009. P. 23-24
- Human being and Information Environment: Issues of interaction // Official site of Russian Filosophy Society (RFS) "Dialogue of the XXI century» https://www.congress2008.dialog21.ru/Doklady/16410.htm. 0.3 pp
- Human being in the modern information environment: the problem of social adaptation // The Information Age: New Challenges to man and society. Moscow: OOO "Shirokii Vzgliad", 2008. P. 100-118
- Adaptation of man as a social-natural problem // Dialogue and universalism. Vol. XVII. ? 11-12. 2008. P. 151-162
- Health and the problem of human adaptation // Philosophy of Science. ?. 13. Health as a problem of the natural and biomedical sciences. M.: IF Academy of Sciences, 2008. P. 114-123
- Information society and the problem of identity card // Proceedings of the members of the RFS, ? 13. M.: RFS, 2007. P. 129-133
- Negative aspects of the influence of modern information environment on human ecology. // Modernization of society and the environment. Part 1. M.: IF Academy of Sciences, 2006. P. 210-223
- Some genetic and biological aspects of human adaptation to a changing environment. // Eugenics in the discourse of contemporary global issues. Moscow: Kanon +, 2005. P. 141-153
- Methods of information transfer and the evolution of culture. (co-author M. Loshilina). // Theory and Methodology of creation: results and prospects. M., 2001. - 0.4 pp.
- The philosophical bases of ecological education during an era of nanotechnologies// Ed. I.K.Liseev. — M: "Canon+", 2014.
- V.I.Vernadsky's philosophical ideas and present. The collection of articles and materials of the conference devoted to the 150 anniversary of V.I.Vernadsky. Moscow. On March 25-26, 2013, Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Publications in materials research activities
- Educational potential of the Information Society(co-author M. Loshilina) // Artificial Intellect: philosophy, methodology, and innovation. Proceedings of IV All-Russian conference of students and young scientists. P.2. M.: "Radio i sviaz", 2010. P. 135-138
- Virtual reality and the mental health of the younger generation // Philosophical problems in biology and medicine. No. 4. Fundamental and applied: proceedings of the 4-th Annual Scientific Conference, Moscow: Printberri, 2010. P. 160-162
- Information technologies in medicine // Philosophical problems in biology and medicine: traditions and innovations. No. 3. M., "Printberri", 2009. 0.2 pp
- The problem of socio-cultural identity in the space of Internet-based communications // Proceedings of V Russian Congress of Philosophy, "Science, philosophy and society." V.3. Novosibirsk, 2009. P. 306-307
- Human Being and Information Medium: Interaction Problems. XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Rethinking Philosophy Today. Seoul, Korea, 2008. P. 417
- Formation of the person in the information society: challenges and prospects // Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Artificial Intellect: philosophy, methodology, and innovation." M. 2008. 0.2 pp
- The problem of information storage and retrieval: Past and Present // Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium "The phenomena of nature and human ecology." Kazan, 2008. 0.1 pp
- Information technologies and their impact on people: problems of health and adaptation // Philosophical Problems of Biology and Medicine. No. 2. Interdisciplinary aspects of biomedicine. M.: 2008. 0.2 pp
- Human adaptation in the information environment (co-author I. Liseev) // Internet - Culture - Ethics: Proceedings of the VIII International Engelmeyers readings. Moscow: Center for Information Technologies in Environmental Management, 2006. P. 111-115
- Playing as an adaptive activity in the traditional and the Information Society / / Proceedings of the First All-Russian Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Artificial Intellect: philosophy, methodology, and innovation" (Moscow, 6-8 April, 2006), P. 197-200
- Information epoch evolution. // BMSTU & MNTORES Proceedings of "Lasers in science, technology, medicine." Vol. 17, M., 2006. P. 158-170
- Features information to adapt the man of literary culture and information society. / / IV Russian Congress of Philosophy, "Philosophy and the future of civilization." Report Abstracts. Volume 4. M, 2005. - 0.1 pp
- Some aspects of electronic mass media the negative influence on human being. // BMSTU & MNTORES Proceedings "Lasers in science, technology, medicine." M., Vol. 14. 2003. – P 124-126
- The role of information revolution in the development of the noosphere. // The reality of the noosphere development. M., 2003. - 0.1 pp
- Videoecology problem under urbanization conditions. Report Abstracts of the XIII International Scientific-Technical Conference "Lasers in science, technology, and medicine." M., 2002. – P. 26-227
- The modern information environment and the problems of human ecology. Abstracts of the III Russian Congress of Philosophy, "Rationalism and Culture in the third millennium." Report Abstracts. Vol 1. Rostov-on-Don, 2002. - 0.1 pp
- Human being and the information society. Report Abstracts of the X International scientific conference "Lasers in science, technology, medicine." M., 1999. – P. 193
petrova@mail.ru |