Since 2010 to the present in the Center constantly operating research seminar "The philosophical bases of ecological education during an era of nanotechnologies" is realized.
Since 2012 in the Center the methodological seminar "Russia in globalization labyrinths" is held.
During 2007-2009 there was a work of a research methodological seminar "Idea of evolution in biology and culture".
During 2003-2008 work of a research Russian-Polish seminar "Nature philosophy today" was implemented.
Since 2001 the Philosophical Problems of Globalization group of the Center bio - and экофилософи holds a monthly interdisciplinary seminar "Philosophical and methodological researches of global studies".
During 2007-2012 the Philosophical Problems of Globalization group worked over the "Who is Who in Global Studies" project, holding regular research seminars and встерчи together with global studies Mgu.Issledovany's various scientific and educational divisions".
Presentation of the book and the scientific report "Studying of genetic history of ethnos from a position of modern science" professor Episkoposyan Levon Mikhaylovich. Information on the author: anthropologist and geneticist, Dr.Sci.Biol., professor, head of the laboratory of anthropogenomics of Institute of molecular biology of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Area of scientific interests – genetic history of the people of the Middle East and South Caucasus, population genetics, a paleoanthropology, statistics of health care.
International scientific conference "V.I.Vernadsky's philosophical ideas and modern scientific picture of the world". Conference was organized and carried out by the Center.
On March 25-26, 2013 at Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences the international scientific conference "V.I.Vernadsky's philosophical ideas and a modern scientific picture of the world", dated for the 150 anniversary since the birth of outstanding domestic scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky took place. Organizers of conference: Russian philosophical society, Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of history of natural sciences and equipment of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian academy of natural sciences, Russian ecological academy.
V.I.Vernadsky's ideas have fundamental value for understanding of a current state of the biosphere of a planet, and its assumption of a noosphere as a new stage of development of the biosphere causes numerous discussions and disputes, but, nevertheless, doesn't lose the relevance. This perspective was in the center of consideration of conference.
Whether the international Round table within a seminar of Department of philosophy of science and equipment "The new physics is necessary to explain a brain and consciousness? " with participation of the professor of the Oxford university, the author of books "New Mind of the King", "Reason Shadows" and "Way to Reality" of Sir Roger Penrose.
Participants of a round table: corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences K.V.Anokhin (The Kurchatov institute), academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A.Lektorsky (Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences), M.B. Mensky (Russian Academy of Sciences physical institute), A.D.Panov (Institute of nuclear physics of the Moscow State University), T.V.Chernigovskaya (St.Petersburg State University and Kurchatov institute).
Consciousness problem - old and traditional for a philosophical reflection. In the XX century naturalistic turn was outlined in its consideration that forced a large number of the scientists who are going in for natural sciences, to pay close attention to a consciousness problem from the point of view of a current state of quantum mechanics in particular and a natural-science picture of the world in general. The position of Sir Roger Penrose - one of leading physicists-theorists of the present - found many supporters, but also generated the mass of opponents. Its concept, objections against it and the facts testifying in its advantage, were discussed on the round table.
Staff of the Center took part in work of a round table. Professor Backsanskiy O.E. made comments and statement of own position on a cognitive perspective.
Scientific and practical conference with the international participation "Actual problems of modern cognitive science".
On October 18-20 the Fifth All-Russian scientific and practical conference with the international participation "Actual problems of modern cognitive science" took place. See: Program of conference (project)
All-Russian interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference "System strategy: science, education, information technologies", Vologda, on September 24-25, 2013.
Materials konferentsii: option=com_content&view=article&id=1516
In conference work took participation the employee of the Center bio - and ecophilosophies of IF Russian Academy of Sciences of O.E.Backsanskiy.