Year and Place of Birth
Born in Moscow in 1935.
Graduauted from Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Faculty of Oriental Studies in 1959.
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. in Philosophy (1963, Institute of Philosophy, AS USSR).
- D.Sc. in Philosophy (1974). D.Sc. Thesis: "Мусульманские концепции в философии и общественной мысли зарубежного Востока XIX-XX вв." ("Muslim conceptions in philosophy and social thought of the foreign East in XIX-XXth century") , Institute of Philosopy, AS USSR.
Academic rank
- Professorship (1983).
- Honoured Scholar of the Russian Federation (by the decree of the President of the RF, 2002)
Field of Studies
History of eastern philosophies (especially muslim philosophy and modern indian philosophy), philosophical comparativism.
Professional appointments
- Head of a research branch "Comparative Philosophy and the Dialogue of Cultures."
- Chief Research Fellow at the Department of Eastern Philosophies, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences since 2012.
- The Chairholder of UNESCO chair “Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures” since 2008 up till now.
- Head, Chair of Philosophy and Political Thought of the East, the Russian State University of Humanities since 1996 up till now.
- Research Fellow of the Institute of Philosophy, USSR (now Russian) Academy of Sciences since 1959.
- Head of the Department of the Eastern Philosophies and the Head of the Center for Eastern Philosophies' Studies at the Institute of Philosophy since 1980 up till 2012.
- Active member of the Academy of Humanities since 1995.
- Professor of the Diplomatic Academy (1980 -1994).
- The 1st Vice-President of FISP (2008-2013).
List of publications
Books (selected):
Over 20 books from 1967 till present, among them:
- Introduction to Eastern Thought. Walnut Creek-Lanham-New York-Oxford: Alta Mira Press. A Division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, INC., 2002, 293 pp.
- Gandhi and the World Today. A Russian Perspective. New Delhi: Rajendra Prasad Academy, 1998, 84 pp.
- Sufi Wisdom. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994, 132 pp.
- The Philosophical Aspects of Sufism. New Delhi: Ajanta Publications, 1989, 109 pp.
- Islamic Philosophy and Social Thought (XIX-XX Centuries). Lahore: People`s Publishing House, 1989, 159 pp.
- Lotoso Zviedasant Delno (in Litvinian). Vilnius: Leidykla "Mintis", 1973, 142 pp.
- Pakistan: Philosophy and Sociology. Lahore: People`s Publishing House, 1972, 150 pp.
- Intercultural Philosophy: Origins, Methodology, Problems and Prospects. Moscow: Nauka — Vost. lit., 2020. 183 pp. (ISBN 978-5-02-040560-8, ISBN 978-5-02-039847-4).
Editor of the following books (selected):
Over 45 books, among them:
- Comparative Philosophy: from Comparative to Intercultural Philosophy. Moscow: Nauka — Vost. lit., 2022. 399 pp. (ISBN 978-5-02-040566-0).
- Philosophy and Science in Cultures of East and West. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series IVA, Eastern and Central European Philosophical Studies, Vol. 50. Russian philosophical studies XIII. Washington: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2014.
- Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series IVA, Eastern and CentralEurope; V. 39. Washington: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2011.
- Russia Looks at India. A Spectrum of Philosophical Views. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research Published in association with D.K.Printworld Lyd., 2010.
- Comparative Ethics in a Global Age. Washington: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2007.
- Religion and Identity in Modern Russia. The Revival of Orthodoxy and Islam. Burlington: Ashgate, 2005 (co-ed. with Juliet Johnson and Benjamin Forest).
- Technology and Cultural Values: On the Edge of the Third Millennium. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2003 (co-ed. with Peter Hershock and Roger T. Ames).
- Sufismo e confraternite nell’islam contemporaneo. Il difficile equilibrio tra mistica e politica. Torino: Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 2003.
- Justice and Democracy: Crosscultural Perspectives. Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 1997 (co-edited with Ron Bontekoe).
- History of Indian Philosophy. A Russian Viewpoint. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 1993.
- Muslim Philosophy in Soviet Studies. New Delhi: Sterling Publishing House, 1988.
- Al-tirasal-filasafial-islahifiajaissofiatia. Beirut: dar al-Farabi, 1987.
Editor-in-chief of two Academic series: “Vostochnaya filosofiya” (“Eastern Philosophy”) and “Sravnitel'naya filosofiya”(“Comparative Philosophy”). Moscow: “Vostochnaya literatura”.
Member of the editorial сouncil for journals: “Filosofskiye nauki [Philosohical Studies”], “Vestnik RUDN [RUDN Journal of Philosophy”,] “Philosophy East & West Journal” (Honolulu), “Ishraq,” "Istoriko-filosofskij zhurnal [History of Philosophy Yearbook"] (IPHRAS), "Elektronnaya filosofskaya enciklopediya [Electronic Encyclopedia of Philosophy"] (IPHRAS), "Problemy civilizacionnogo razvitiya [Civilization Studies Review "] (IPHRAS).
Over 300 papers from 1958 till present.
For a complete list of publications of Marietta Stepanyants see here (in Russian).
Participation at congresses and conferences
For a complete list of participations of various events for Marietta Stepanyants see here (in Russian).
- Sarasvati Samana award, 1996.
- State Award of Tajikistan “Ashraf”, 1999.
- “Annual Lecturer” Award of the Indian Council for Philosophical Research, 2001.
- Elected FISP Executive Committee Member since 2003.
- Award of the President of the Russian Federation for directing a leading school in humanities, 2006-2007.
- Plehanov’s Award of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the outstanding achievements in the field of philosophy, 2006.
- Award of the President of the Russian Federation for directing a leading school in humanities, 2007-2008.
- “The Best Book of the Year” award of the National competition 2009 (book: "Indian Philosophy. An Encyclopaedia").
- Silver Medal “For Contribution in the Development of Philosophy”, 2010.
- “The Best Book of the Year” award of the National competition 2012 (book: "Philosophy of Buddhism. An Encyclopaedia").
- Certificate of appreciation from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the contribution in the field of Iranistics (2018).
- Medal of the Muslims of Russia "For a weighty contribution to the study of Islamic philosophical thought" (April 28, 2022, Moscow Cathedral Mosque, Moscow) (https://iphras.ru/honors.htm).
Е-mail: marietta_35@mail.ru; mstepani_35@yahoo.com |