Year and Place of Birth
- November 2008 – 2012
Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Eastern Philosophies Ph.D. Thesis "Discussion between the Buddhists and the Brahmanists on Atman and Anatman". Scientific supervisor - Victoria G. Lysenko
- September 2003 – June 2008
Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) Faculty of Philosophy (graduated with honours)
Additional Education
- September 2008 – present
Sanskrit and Pali language studying, MSU (prof. Victoria V. Vertogradova, prof. Andrej A. Zalizniak)
- September 2008 – September 2008
Hindi language studying at JNCC, Embassy of India, Moscow
- September 2004 – June 2006
Sanskrit language studying, MSU (prof. Vera A. Kochergina)
Field of Studies
- History of Indian philosophy.
Professional appointments |
July 2009 – August 2009
Embassy of India, Moscow
Coordination wing
Translator, Interpreter
Translating from English to Russian and vice-versa, business interpreting, business correspondence in English
September 2010 – present
Orthodox Lycée Sergij Radonezhsky, Moscow
Ancient Greek and Latin language teacher
November 2009 – present
Ancient Greek and Latin language private tutor
March 2012 – present
Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Department of Eastern Philosophies
Senior Research Fellow
January 2007 – July 2007
CROS Public Relations Company
Specialist of analytic department. Monitoring of mass-media, analytics, making reviews of newspapers and magazines
February 2005 – June 2008
LUX PHILOSOPHIAE Student’s philosophical almanac, Moscow
Initiated the creation of almanac from scratch. Organized almanac’s registration with mass-media authorities. Searching for authors, organizing almanac’s prepress and printing, drafting and editing articles.
List of publications |
- Vasubandhu. Abhidharmakosha, kniga 9-ya, "Pudgala-vinishchaya" s kommentariem Yashomitry "Sphutartha-abhidharmakosha-vyakh'ya" [Self in Indian Philosophy (Pudgalaviniścaya of Vasubandhu)] / Translation from Sanskrit, Preface, Introduction, Research part and Comments by Lev Titlin. Scientific editor: Yuri Spiridonov. Moscow: Buddhadharma, 2021. 336 p. 1580 copies. ISBN 978-5-907236-15-8. (The book is an expanded, supplemented and corrected 2nd edition of the monograph of 2018 year).
- Problema subyekta v indiyskoy filosofii ("Pudgalavinishchaya" Vasubandhu) [The Problem of Subject in Indian Philosophy ("Pudgalavinishchaya" of Vasubandhu)]. Moscow: OntoPrint, 2018. 365 p. 600 copies. ISBN 978-5-00121-088-7.
- "Discussion on the Self in “Milindapañha” on Chariot: New Translation and Comments" Vestnik RUDN. Serija «Filosofija» [RUDN University Bulletin. Series ‘Philosophy’] 25.2 (2021): 260–275. DOI: 10.22363/2313-2302-2021-25-2-260-275 (in Russian).
- "Shantarakshita i Kamalashila: zhizn' i uchenie [Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla: Life and Teaching]." Vestnik RUDN. Serija «Filosofija» [RUDN University Bulletin. Series ‘Philosophy’] 24.4 (2020): 570–589. DOI: 10.22363/2313-2302-2020-24-4-570-589.
- "Otritsaet li buddistskoye ucheniye o ne-'ya' ponyatie subyekta? [Does the Buddhist Doctrine of not-'Self' Deny the Concept of 'Subject'?]" Filosofskaja mysl' [Philosophical Thought] 10 (2020): 42–58. DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2020.10.33909. URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=33909.
- "Shantarakshita." Elektronnaya filosofskaya entsyklopediya [Electronic philosophical encyclopedia]. Vol. 9. 2020.
- "Kamalashila." // Elektronnaya filosofskaya entsyklopediya [Electronic philosophical encyclopedia]. Vol. 9. 2020.
- “Oproverzhenie suschestvovaniya sub"ekta v polemike s vaysheshikami v ‘Pudgala-vinishchae’ Vasubandhu [The Refutation of the Existence of Self in Polemics with the Vaisheshikas in the ‘Pudgala-vinischaya’ of Vasubandhu] Voprosy filosofii [Russian Studies in Philosophy]. 2(2018): 206-212.
- “Ob’edinit' neob’edinimoe [Unify the Ununified (on J.C. Gold’s ‘Paving the Great Way: Vasubandhu’s Unifying Buddhist Philosophy’. New York: ColumbiaUniversityPress, 2015).”] Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy] 23, 1(2018): 136-140. DOI: 10.21146/2074-5869-2018-23-1-136-140.
- “The Philosophical Polemics with the Vatsiputriyas About the Self (Pudgala) in ‘Tattvasamgraha’ of Shantarakshita with the Commentary ‘Panjika’ of Kamalashila.’” 4th International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education (ICADCE 2018). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. Atlantis Press 232(2018): 80–85.
- “The Polemics of Shantarakshita and Kamalashila with the Mimamsakas on the Existence and Properties of Atman in ‘Tattvasamgraha-panjika.’” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2018). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. Atlantis Press (2018): 17–21.
- “Suschestvovanie i svoystva sub’ekta kak predmet polemiki mezhdu buddistami i n'yaya-vaysheshikami v ‘Tattvasangrahe’ Shantarakshity [The Existence and Properties of the Self as a Subject of Controversy Between the Buddhists and the Nyaya-Vaisheshikas in the ‘Tattvasamgraha’ of Shantarakshita].” Tsennosti i smysly [Values and Meanings] 4(50)(2017): S. 67-76.
- “Polemika s n'yaya-vaysheshikoy po voprosu o suschestvovanii sub’ekta v ‘Tattva-sangrahe’ Shantarakshity [The Discussion with the Nyaya-Vaiseshika on the Question of the Existence of the Subject in the 'Tattva-sangraha' of Shantarakshita].” Elektronnyy zhurnal ‘Filosofskaya mysl'’ [Philosophical Thought] (2017): 139-163.
- “Indiyskoe filosofskoe obrazovanie pered litsom vyzovov modernizatsii i indiyskogo natsionalizma [Indian Philosophical Education in the Face of Challenges of Modernization and Indian Nationalism].” Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University] 4(400): Filosofskie nauki [Russian Studies in Philosophy] 44(2017): 51-56.
- “Buddizm i fenomenologiya. Obzor mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Buddhism and Phenomenology. Review of International Conference].” Voprosy filosofii [Russian Studies in Philosophy] 9(2017): 202-206.
- “‘Pudgalavinishchaja’ Vasubandhu: nekotorye problemy datirovki, atribucii i interpretacii [‘Pudgalavinischaya’ of Vasubandhu: Some problems of Dating, Attribution and Interpretation].” Russian Studies in Philosophy 12(2017): 140–146.
- “Javljaetsja li ‘ja’ ob’ektom? Diskussija buddistov s pudgalavadinami v ‘Pudgalavinishchae’ Vasubandhu [Is the Self an Object? The Polemics Between the Buddhists and the Pudgalavadins in Pudgalavinischaya of Vasubandhu].” Istorija filosofii [History of Philosophy] 22(2)(2017): 98–106.
- “The Concept Of Pugdala in the Buddhist School of Pudgalavāda: the Problem of Interpretation and the Evolution of the Conception.” Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya ‘Filosofiya’ [Bulletin of the RUDN. Series 'Philosophy'] 1(2014): 105-111.
- “Polemika Vasubandhu so storonnikami ucheniya o pudgale (individe) v ‘Pudgala-vinishchae’ s prilozheniem ‘Pudgala-vinishchaya’ Vasubandhu s kommentariem ‘Sphutartha’ Yashomitry (fragment) [The Polemics between Vasubandhu and Pudgalavadins in ‘Pudgala-vinischaya’].” Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik’ 2013 [History of Philosophy Yearbook' 2013] (2014): 256-276.
- “Teoreticheskie aspekty problemy stareniya v svete trudov I.V. Davydovskogo. K 125-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Theoretical Aspects of the Problem of Aging in the Light of the Works of I.V. Davydovsky. On the 125th anniversary of His Birth].” Klinicheskaya gerontologiya 2012 [Clinical Gerontology 2012] 18,7–8(2012): 40–43 (in collaboration).
- “Asmimana;” “Ahara;” “Mana;” “Nivarana;” “Buddizm v Shri-Lanke [Buddhism in Shri-Lanka].” Filosofiya buddizma: entsiklopediya [Philosophy of Buddhism: Encyclopedia]. M.T. Stepanyants ed. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2011.
- “Problema ontologicheskogo statusa sub’ekta v ‘Pudgala-Vinishchae’ Vasubandhu [The Problem of the Ontological Status of Self in ‘Pudgalavinischayah’ of Vasubandhu].” Psihologiya i Psihotekhnika [Psychology and Psychotechnics] ]8(2011): 91–102.
- “Kontseptsiya soznaniya v buddizme kak put' resheniya paradoksov kvantovoy fiziki i sovremennogo mirovozzreniya [Concept of Consciousness in Buddhism as a Way to Solve the Paradoxes of Quantum Physics and Modern Scientific Outlook].” Iskusstvennyy intellekt: filosofiya, metodologiya, innovatsii. Materialy IV Vserossiyskoy konferentsii studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh, g. Moskva, MIREA [Proceedings of the IV All-Russian Conference ‘Artificial Intelligence: Philosophy, Methodology and Innovations’]. Moscow, 2010.
- “‘Anatman’ (ne-ya) kak klyuchevaya tsennostnaya ustanovka buddizma v kontekste ontologii vaybhashiki i pudgalavady (na materiale 9-oy knigi ‘Abhidharmakoshi’ Vasubandhu) [‘Anatman’ (non-Self) as a Key Value in the Context of Buddhist Vaibhashika and Pugalavadin Discussion (Based on the 9 th Chapter of ‘Abhidharmakoshabhashyam’ of Vasubandhu)].” Idealy. TSennosti. Normy: VI mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya po vostokovedeniyu (Torchinovskie chteniya). 3–6 fevralya 2010 g. [Ideals. Values. Norms. Proceedings of the VI International Conference of Scholars on Philosophy, Religion and Culture of the East ‘Torchinov Conference’] S. V. Pahomov ed. S.-Petersburg, 2010.
- “Discussion on the Notion of Anatman (‘non-self’) in the 9th book of the Abhidharmakosabhashyam of Vasubandhu.” First Asian Philosophy Congress. Abstracts of Papers. March 6-9 2010. New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2010.
- “Al'ternativnye podhody k obschestvu znaniy i iskusstvennomu intellektu: modelirovanie soznaniya i obschestva v buddizme [Alternative Approaches to the Notion of Society of Knowledge and to Artificial Intelligence: Modeling of Social Consciousness in Buddhism].” Iskusstvennyy intellekt: filosofiya, metodologiya, innovatsii. Materialy III Vserossiyskoy konferentsii studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh, g. Moskva, MIREA [Proceedings of the III All-Russian Conference ‘Artificial Intelligence: Philosophy, Methodology and Innovations’]. Moscow, 2009.
- “Obzor konferentsii “Buddizm i nauka [Review of the Conference ‘Buddhism and Science’].” Voprosy filosofii [Russian Studies in Philosophy] 11(November 2009).
- Mall, R.A. "kogda filosofiya stanovitsa mezhkul'turnoy? Prognozy i perspektivy [When Is Philosophy Intercultural? Outlooks and Perspectives]." Comparative Philosophy: from Comparative to Intercultural Philosophy. Ed. by M.T. Stepanyants. Moscow: Nauka – Vost. lit., 2022. P. 18–36. ISBN 978-5-02-040566-0.
- Ganeri, D. "Manifest zanovo rozhdaemoy filosofii [A Manifesto for Re:emergent Philosophy]." Comparative Philosophy: from Comparative to Intercultural Philosophy. Ed. by M.T. Stepanyants. Moscow: Nauka – Vost. lit., 2022. P. 349–357. ISBN 978-5-02-040566-0.
- Lenart Škof. Sestry Antogony: o matritse lyubvi [Antigone`s Sisters. On the Matrix of Love]. Trans. from English by L.I. Titlin, I.G. Shestakov. St.Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2021. 274 p. ISBN 978-5-4469-1921-5.
- "Diskussiya buddistov s sankhyaikami ob atmane (per. fragmenta iz 'Tattvasangrahapandzhiki') [The Polemics of Shantarakshita and Kamalashila with the Mimansakas on the Existence and Properties of Atman in Tattvasamgraha-Panjika (Translation of an excerpt)]." Humanitariy: aktual'nyye problemy gumanitarnoy nauki i obrazovaniya [Humanitarian: actual problems of the humanities and education] 2 (2019):49–68. DOI: 10.15507/2078-9823.042.018.201802.170–183.
- Pradeep P. Gokhale. “Meditatsiya osoznannosti i fenomenologicheskiy podhod [Buddhism and Phenomenology. Mindfulness Meditation and Phenomenological Approach].” (Translation from English by L.I. Titlin) // Voprosy filosofii [Russian Studies in Philosophy] 1(2018).
- “Polemika Shantarakshity i Kamalashily s mimansakami o sushhestvovanii i svojstvah atmana v ‘Tattvasangraha-pandzhike’ (perevod fragmenta) [The Polemics of Śāntarakshita and Kamalaśīla with the Mīmāmsakas on the Existence and Properties of Ātman in ‘Tattvasamgraha-pañjikā’ (Translation of an Excerpt)].” Logos et Praxis 17(1)(2018): 170–183.
- “Diskussija buddistov s sankh'jaikami ob atmane (per. fragmenta iz ‘Tattvasangrahapandzhiki’) [The discussion Between the Buddhists and the Samkhyas on the Atman (trans. of an Excerpt From ‘Tattvasamgrahapanjika’].” Gumanitarij: aktual'nye problemy gumanitarnoj nauki i obrazovanija [Russian Journal for Humanities] 2(2019): 170–183. DOI: 10.15507/2078-9823.042.018.201802.170-183
- Vasubandhu. “‘Pudgalavinishchaya’. S kommentariyami ‘Sphutartha’ Yashomitry. Fragmenty 928-932 [‘Pudgalavinishchaya’. With the ‘Sphutartha’’ Commentaries of Yashomitra. Fragments 928-932].” Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy] 22,2(2017): 107-114.
- Dzhordano Bruno. “Iskusstvo pamyati [The Art of Memory]” (Preface, translation from Latin and notes by L.I. Titlin). Vox. Filosofskiy zhurnal [Vox. Journal of Philosophy] 23(2017).
- “Polemika s n'jaja-vajsheshikoj po voprosu o sushhestvovanii subyekta v ‘Tattva-sangrahe’ Shantarakshity [The Polemics With Nyaya-Vaisheshika on the Existence of the Self in Tattvasamgraha of Shantarakshita].” Filosofskaja mysl' [Philosophical Thought] 10(2017): 139–163.
- Dzhordano Bruno. “O tenyah idey [On the Shadows of Ideas]” (Preface, translation from Latin and notes by L.I. Titlin). Vox. Filosofskiy zhurnal [Vox. Journal of Philosophy] 21(2016).
- Vasubandhu. “Pudgala-Vinishchaya” (Preface and translation of fr. 943-948). Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya Filosofiya [Bulletin of the RUDN. Series ‘Philosophy’] 4(2016).
- Vasubandhu. “Pudgala-Vinishchaya” (Preface, translation and notes by L.I. Titlin). Istoriya filosofii [History of Philosophy] 20,2(2015): 107-125.
Participation at congresses and conferences
- 2022, December 7–9 – Speaker at the LXII Roerich Readings: "To the 120th anniversary of the birth of Y.N. Roerich" (Theme of the Readings: "Text and Cultural Dynamics: Ancient and Medieval India and Central Asia") (paper: "On the Question of the Russian Translation of the 'Mimansaka-parikalpita-atma-pariksha' of Shantarakshita's 'Tattva-sangraha' with Kamalashila's 'Panjika' Commentary"), Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (https://www.ivran.ru/sites/28/files/LXII_RERIKhOVSKIE_ChTENIIa_(7-9_dekabria_2022)_Programma_konferentsii.pdf).
- 2021, October 26 – Speaker at the Methodological Seminar "Oriental Studies and Intercultural Philosophy in the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects», IPH RAS, online (paper: «Premises for Intercultural Philosophy in the Classical Indian Tradition»).
2021, July 19 – Speaker at the Conference with international participation "Methodological Aspects of Non-Experimental Sciences and Indian Philosophy", Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation, Nalchik online (paper: "The Concept of Love in the Work of G. Oberhammer 'The Forgotten Secret of Human Love: An Attempt of an Approach'").
2021, May 20 – Speaker at the XLII Zograf Readings "Problems of Traditional Indian Text" MAE RAS, St. Petersburg, online (paper: "Controversy with the Mimansaks about Atman in Shantarakshita's 'Tattvasangraha'").
- 2020, October 28 – Speaker at the Methodological Seminar on the problems of translation and interpretation of philosophical texts, organized by IPH RAS and RUDN, IPH RAS, Moscow, online (paper: "To the Question of the Translation of Philosophical Sanskrit Terms for “Love” and Related Concepts by G. Oberhammer").
2020, May 13 – Speaker at the XLI Zograf Readings "Problems of Traditional Indian Text" MAE RAS, St. Petersburg, online (paper: "Pudgalavada Buddhism: Toward the Question of the Pudgala Subject").
2016, December 5-6 – Speaker at the LIII International Scientific Conference "The Roerich Readings", Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (paper: "The Controversy with the Vaisheshikas on the Question of the Existence of the Self in «Pudgalavinishchaya» of Vasubandhu").
2016, November 7 – Speaker at the International Scientific Conference "Buddhism and Phenomenology" (paper: "Refutation of the Existence of the Self in the Polemics with the Vaisheshikas in «Pudgalavinishchaya» of Vasubandhu").
2016, October 6 – Speaker at the Scientific Conference "The Subjective World in the Context of the Challenges of Modern Cognitive Sciences" (paper: "The Existence of the Self as a Subject of Polemics Between the Buddhists and the Vaishashikas in «Pudgalavinishchaya» of Vasubandhu").
2013, April 22 – Speaker at the Scientific Conference «Source and Artifact in the Context and Axiological Aspect», Russian Orthodox University of John the Theologian (RPU) (paper: "Pudgala-vinischaya" of Vasubandhu: Some Problems of Dating, Attribution and Interpretation").
2012, May 16-18 – Speaker at the XXXIII Zograf Readings "Problems of Traditional Indian Text" MAE RAS, St. Petersburg (paper: "Evolution of the Buddhist Doctrine of the 'Non-Self': Two Concepts of Anatmavada").
2010, November 19 – Speaker at the Scientific Conference "Philosofical Strategies in the Countries of the East", Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg (paper: "Refutation of Vaisheshikas' Views on the 'Self' in Vasubandhu").
2010, November – Speaker at the V All-Russian Conference "Artificial Intelligence: Philosophy, Methodology and Innovations", Moscow, MIREA, (paper: "Concept of Consciousness in Buddhism as a Way to Solve the Paradoxes of Quantum Physics and Modern Scientific Outlook").
2010, October 20–21 – Speaker at the XIII Conference "Science. Philosophy. Religion: Man in the Face of the Latest Biomedical Technology", Dubna (paper: "Identity in the Postmodern Age: A Philosophical Approach to Bioethics Problems").
2010, February 3–6 – Speaker at the VI International Conference of Scholars on Philosophy, Religion and Culture of the East "Torchinov Conference: Ideals. Values. Norms", St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philosophy, St. Petersburg (paper:"'Anatman' (non-Self) as a Key Value in the Context of Buddhist Vaibhashika and Pugalavadin Discussion (Based on the 9 th Chapter of Abhidharmakoshabhashyam of Vasubandhu").
2010, March 6–9 – Speaker at the The First Asian Philosophy Congress, JNU, New Delhi, India (paper: “Discussion on the Notion of Anаtman ('non-Self') in the 9th Book of the Abhidharmakosabhаshyam of Vasubandhu”).
2009, November 20–21 – Speaker at the Conference on "The November Readings", St. Petersburg State University, Department of History, St. Petersburg (paper: "The Socio-historical Backgrounds of Philosophy in Ancient India and Ancient Greece: a Comparative Analysis").
2009, November 11–13 – Speaker at the III All-Russian Conference "Artificial Intelligence: Philosophy, Methodology, Innovation", MIREA, Moscow (paper: "Alternative Approaches to the Notion of Society of Knowledge and Artificial intelligence: modeling of social consciousness in Buddhism").
E-mail: titlus@gmail.com |