1. To the problem of «intellectual emotions and feelings //Consciousness and knowledge. M., 1984. P.91-97.
2. The intensification of the human factor as the problem of social personality typology // the Human factor. M., 1987, P.137-142.
3. To the theoretic-methodological foundations of the study of artistic creativity // Youth and creative work of problems Part 2. M., 1989 P. 169-172.
4. To the problem of dialectics of feelings and mind in art// Esthetics as the philosophy of culture. M., 1990. P.47-50.
5. Dialectics of emotional and rational in art // Dialectics of emotional and rational in art and perception. M., 1985. P. 108-130. – 1 A. Sh. (author's sheet).
6. The dialectical method and natural language // Problems of dialectics as the methodology of scientific knowledge. M., 1986, P.55-66. - 0.6 A. Sh.
7. Specificity of social principles of designing automatic control systems and VT // Methodological problems of science and technology. M., 1988, P.100-105.
8. Of socio-psychological conditionality of social theory.// The philosophy of the practice. M., 1988. P.139-143.-0, 2 A.Sh.
9. To the problem of the dialectics of the objective and the subjective in social cognition. // The philosophical knowledge and new ways of thinking. M., 1989. P. 17-23 - 0,3 A.Sh.
10. The issue of the dialectical method and practical psychology // Truths and values at the turn of the twentieth century. M. 1992. P.137-140. - 0,3 A. Sh.
11. A.A. Potebnya // Rhizome ABOUT. M. 1998. C. 225-229. - 0,4 A. Sh.
12. Experimental aesthetics and aesthetics of the spatial forms // Philosophical investigations 1998, № 1, P. 202-229. - 1 A. Sh.
13. A point and a line on a plane. Color and form in the esthetics of Russian avant-garde // Rhizome OA. M. 1999. P. 255-277. - 1, 3 A. Sh.
14. Optical-kinetic form in design. // High technologies and modern civilization. M, 1999. С.122-126. - 0, 2 A.Sh.
15. Dream and dream-creation in poetics of Ch. Caudwell // Polygnosis. M., 2000 С.130-140. - 0, 9 A .Sh.
16. W. Worringer // Abstraction and “in-sensation” in the world history of arts // Polygnosis. 2000. № 4. P.125-135. - 0, 8 A. Sh.
17. K. Jung about the «stand alone complex» in the art // Benchmarks. М.2003, P.153-182. - 1, 6 A. Sh.
18. 4 encyclopedic articles in the book: Lexicon of non-classics. The artistic and aesthetic culture of the twentieth century. M., 2003 - Lipps P. 274-276. - 0,3 A.Sh.
19. «Potebnya» - S. 359-362, - 0, 3 A.Sh.
20. W. Worringer P.119-120, - 0, 3 A.Sh.
21. «Fechner» - 449-451, 0, 3 A.Sh.
22. Volkelt - P.458-459. - 0, 3 A .Sh.
23. To the problem of artistic and psychological installation. // Polygnosis. 2004. № 2 - P. 136-150. - 1, 2 A. Sh.
24. The problem of art in the Western psychological aesthetics at the end of ХIХ, beginning of XX century // Aesthetics. Yesterday. Today. Always. M., 2005, N 197 - 221. - 1, 6 A.Sh.
25. Optical - kinetic art. Search for new types of morphogenesis. Aesthetics. Yesterday, Today. Always. Vol. 2 M, 2006. P.144-162. - 1, 3 A. Sh.
26. A dream in the poetics of Ch. Caudwell. Between psychologies and poetry // Archetype. M., 2007. P.92-100. - 1,1 A. Sh.
27. Ch. Caudwell. From the experience of studying psychology styles. // Oedipus. M. 2008. P. 94 - 101. - 0,8 A. Sh.
28. Century Wundt as esthetician //Philosophy and culture. 2008. № 5. P.120-129. - 0, 8 A.L.
29. C. G. Jung. The phenomenon of «Autonomous complex and the problems of art, Philosophy, and culture. № 9. P.156-181. - 1, 8 A. Sh.
30. Biological origins of beauty. In the book: Aesthetics. Yesterday. Today, Always. M., 2008. P. 207-233. - 1, 3 A. Sh.
31. Shaping in nature. Biological bases of beauty. Part 1 // Polygnosis, № 2. 2009. P.130-144. - 1, 3 A. Sh.
32. Shaping in nature. Biological bases of beauty. Part 2 // Polygnosis. № 3. 2009. P. 83-97. - 1, 4 A. Sh.
33. Word as a “provision of thought” in the philosophical and linguistic conception of A.A. Potebnia // Slavic languages //Philosophy and culture. 2009. No.11 (23). P. 45-57 - 1.2 A.Sh.
34. Body as a form. The anthropic principle in the formation of a socio - cultural system of measures. // Philosophy and culture. № 12. 2009. P. 80-91 - 1, 3 A. Sh.
35. At the origins of modern bionics. Bio-morphological formations of artificial environment // Polygnosis. № 1-2. 2010. Part 1-2, P. 126-136 - 1, 2 A. Sh.
36. At the origins of modern bionics. Bio-morphological formations of artificial environment // Polygnosis. № 3. 2010. Part 3, P. 80-91 - 1 A. Sh.
37. The Golden section as the main morphological law //Philosophy and culture № 9. (33). 2010 P. 96-109 - 1, 5 A. Sh.
38. Aesthetic aspects of the physical conception of the world // Philosophy and society. 2010. № 3. P.80-94. - 1. A. Sh.
39. From the history of neurocomputing // Polygnosis. 2011 № 2 P. 131-143 - 1, 2 A.Sh.
40. Fractals. In memory of Benoit Mandelbrot // Philosophy and culture № 9 (33) 2010. № 8. P. 39-54. - 1, 9 A .Sh.
41. The word in the philosophical and linguistic concepts of A.A. Potebnia // Slavic languages //«Acta Neophilologika»/ Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warminsko-masurskiego w Olsztynie. ХІУ Polska). 2012 № 1. P. 31 - 49 - 1, 2 A. Sh.
42. «Holophonic sound». To binaural beats technology of perception of a sound // Psychology and psychotechnics. № 5. P. 83-97 - 1, 9 A. Sh.
43. Audio-drugs (I-DOSER) - Myth or reality? // Psychology and psychotechnics. № 10 P. 98-113. - 1, 7 A. Sh.
44. «Ein Beitrag zur Stillpsychologie». W. Worringer about the psychology of styles in art. // Humanitarian research. June, 2013 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/2013/06/3331- 0, 8 A. Sh.
45. Pavel Filonov – the witness of in-visible. From the history of the artistic avant-garde in Russia // Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warminsko-masurskiego w Olsztynie (Polska) no 1U 2013. P. 351-363 - 1 A. Sh.
46. Raiding as a socio-economic phenomenon. The theory and practice of Russian seizures // The Economic and philosophical newspaper. № 27. (969), July, 2013 - 0.7 A. Sh.
47. Biomusica in pop culture: the use of animal sounds in the music of the «Beatles» // Journal of popular music. Interdisciplinary research. So 24. 2012. Vol. 1. P. 25-38. // Humanitarian research. November 2013. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/2013/06/3331 - 0, 8 A. Sh.
48. From the hitory of algorithmic music. To the music technologies of the future // Polygnosis, 2014, № 1-2. С. 140-149. - 1 A. Sh.