Year and place of birth
1985, Voskresensk
Faculty of Philosophy, State Academic University for Humanities, 2009.
Ph.D. in Philosophy (2013)
Professional appointments |
Head of the Department of the History of Russian Philosophy at the IPh RAS (2021 - present);
Research fellow at the IPh RAS (2015 – present).
Field of Studies |
Russian philosophy of XIX c., works of Vl. Solovyov, marxizm, philosophy in USSR
Articles |
- Alexander Bogdanov at the Institute of the Scientific Philosophy: from the Decline of the Philosophy to the Scientific Monism // Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 10 (2021), pp. 91–99;
- Completion or the Beginning. G. Shpet’s Historical Philosophy as the Foundation of the Institute of Philosophy (co-authored with A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina) // Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 9 (2021), pp. 61–67;
- Yakov Alexandrovich Berman // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 53-57;
- Semyon Ludwigovich Frank // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 82-91;
- Vladimir Alexandrovich Kostitsyn // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 92-96;
- Nikolai Dmitrievich Vinogradov (co-authored with T.G. Shchedrina) // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 97-101;
- Lyubov Isaakovna Akselrod // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 144-152;
- Alexander Alexandrovich Bogdanov // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 153-166;
- Nikolai Ivanovich Zhinkin (co-authored with T.G. Shchedrina) // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 209-213;
- Psychological section of the Institute of Scientific Philosophy: based on the ARAN materials // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 298-303;
- Boris Petrovich Vysheslavtsev // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 267-271;
- Pavel Nikolaevich Kapterev // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 214-218;
- Gustav Gustavovich Shpet (co-authored with A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina) // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 38-52;
- Institute of Scientific Philosophy (1921-1923) (co-authored with S.N. Korsakov, A.V. Chernyaev) // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 18-36;
- Vl. Solovyov and N.I. Kareev: the question of the creative history of the “Justification of the Moral Good” // Solovyov Studies. Issue 4 (68) 2020. pp. 8-19;
- Pragmatism in Soviet Russia in the 1920s: between philosophy, ideology and pedagogy // 150 Years of Pragmatism. History and modernity. M.: Academic project, 2019. pp. 173-185;
- The theme of intercultural dialogue in the work of V.S. Soloviev // Russia and Turkey: Dialogue of philosophers / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev. M.: Gnosis, 2019. pp. 257-268;
- Basic Schools of the Russian Academy of Sciences // Trinity version. The science. No. 275. pp. 11;
- Russian Metaphysics of the 19th Century // The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”). 2018. Vol. е18;
- Marxism and Anarchism in Russia // The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”). 2018. Vol. е18;
- Philosophy in the USSR in the Post-Soviet Period // The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”). 2018. Vol. е18;
- “Philosophical Awakening” (First Third of the 19th Century) (co-authored with S.I. Bazhov) // The Journal of Education and Science “ISTORIYA” (“History”). 2018. Vol. е18;
- Cultural Person as a Result of the Education. From the History of the Domestic Philosophy of Education: V.V. Rozanov, S. I. Gessen, E.V. Il’enkov // Language and Text. 2018, vol. 5, no 3, pp. 67–74;
- Comorile uitate şi ascunse ale filosofiei ruse. Interviu, prezentare, traducere de Tudor Petcu (co-authored with K.V. Vorozhikhina and A.V.Chernyaev) // Revista de Filosofie. T. LXIV. Nr. 6, 2017. pp. 859–868;
- Russians Philosophers on the Meaning of War: persona in bello / Solovyov Studies. 2016.No 1 (49), pp. 114-122.
- V. V. Zenkovsky on "the School of Soloviev»: pro et contra // Solovyov Studies. 2015. No . 4 (48), pp. 6-13.
- V.S. Solovyov and G.W.F. Hegel: Dialectical Aspects of “Philosophical Principles of Integral Knowledge” // Solovyov Studies. 2014. No 2 (42),pp. 67-80.
- The Interpretation of Hegel’s Dialectics in Solovyov’s “The Justification of the Good” // Solovyov Studies. 2012. No 1 (33), pp. 140-151..
- On an Attempt of Reconsideration of Solovyov’s Philosophy of History // History of Philosophy Yearbook’ 2011. Moscow, 2012. P. 330-340.
Reviews |
- Vl. Solovyov’s creative heritage as a single text (about the book: Stahl H. Sophia im Denken Vladimir Solov'evs – eine ästhetische Rekonstruktion. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2019) // Solovyov Studies. Issue 1(65) 2020. pp. 160-170;
- The latest research on Vladimir Solovyov’s philosophy in Germany: M. Altmaier. On Altmaier M. Vergöttlichung bei Vladimir Solov’ёv und Lev Tolstoj: Ein Dialog,der nie geführt wurde. Würzburg, 2014 // Humanitarian research in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. 2019. №3. pp. 99-104;
- The Domestic Historiography of Russian Philosophy at the Turn of the 21st Century: Problems and Prospects. On A. Deblasio's "The End of Russian Philosophy. Tradition and Transition at the Turn of the 21st Century" / History of Philosophy. 2016. Vol. 21, no 1, pp. 160-167.
Publication of archival materials |
- Blonsky P.P. A new book about Blessed Augustine / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 354-367;
- Vysheslavtsev B.P. Impressionism / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 373-375;
- Vysheslavtsev B.P. Curriculum vitae / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 461-464;
- Kapterev P.N. Curriculum vitae / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 480-482;
- Kubitsky A.V. Feedback on the work of P.N. Kapterev / publication by V.V. Sidorin //Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 482-484;
- Kerlin A.S. Curriculum vitae / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 484-485;
- Kapterev P.N. Feedback on the works of A.S. Kerlin / publication by V.V. Sidorin // IInstitute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 485-486;
- Krupyanskaya N.F. Statement and Curriculum vitae / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 489-491;
- Frank S.L. Feedback on the work of N.F. Krupyanskaya / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 491-492;
- Nikitina-Pakhorskaya T.P. Curriculum vitae / publication by V.V. Sidorin // IInstitute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 492-493;
- Kapterev P.N. Feedback on T.P. Nikitina-Pahorskaya / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 493;
- Bely A. Letter to G.G. Shpet with the recommendation of M.P. Stolyarov / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 503-504;
- Ilyin I.A. Feedback on the works of V.R. Eiges / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 507-509;
- Akselrod L.I. Feedback on the works of V.R. Eiges / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 509-510;
- Kapterev P.N. Feedback on the works of I.I. Yagodinsky / publication by V.V. Sidorin // Institute of Scientific Philosophy. The Beginning / Ed. by A.V. Chernyaev, T.G. Shchedrina. Moscow: Political Encyclopedia, 2021, pp. 514-516.
Translations |
- Manon de Courten. V. Solovyov’s Philosophy of History. V. Solovyov and G. Hegel / transl. into Russian by V. Sidorin // History of Philosophy Yearbook’ 2011. Moscow, 2012. P. 341-361.
Conferences |
- Frank and Kant at the Institute of Scientific Philosophy // International Scientific Conference "Kant and Frank: Convergence and Divergence", Kaliningrad, IKBFU I. Kant, November 12-13, 2021;
- S.L. Frank at the Institute of Scientific Philosophy // International Scientific Conference "Krakow meetings-2021". "Semyon Frank - the philosophy of absolute realism", Tula, May 19-21, 2021;
- Formation of the Russian philosophical language: to the problem statement // Russian scientific conference "Civilizational development of modern Russia: a philosophical perspective". Moscow, June 26, 2020;
- Russian philosophy on the meaning of war: N.A. Berdyaev, F.A. Stepun, I.A. Ilyin // Scientific conference "The Great Victory and Russian Philosophy: the relevance of heritage (to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War)". Moscow, May 7, 2020;
- The latest research on ethics V.S. Solovyov in Germany // Krakow meetings 2019. Poland, Krakow, Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec. June 2-5, 2019;
- Immanuel Kant in the moral philosophy of Vl.S. Soloviev and N.I. Kareev: “Justification of the good” and “Thoughts on the foundations of morality” // International scientific conference “Kant and Soloviev: convergence and divergence”. Kaliningrad, IKBFU Immanuel Kant, November 15-16, 2018;
- Pragmatism in Soviet Russia of the 1920s: between philosophy, ideology and pedagogy // International scientific conference “150 years of pragmatism. History and Modernity”. Moscow, IPh RAS, October 30-31, 2018;
- Bogdanov and the intellectual periodicals of the 1920s: polemic and bullying // Round-table discussion “A.A. Bogdanov. Unknown Marxism. To the 145th anniversary of the birth and 90th anniversary of the death of A.A. Bogdanova". Moscow, IP RAS, October 30-31, 2018;
- The ideas of Christian socialism in Russian philosophical thought in the first half of the 20th century. Preliminaries // Round-table discussion «Russian revolution & religion: breaks and connections». IPhRAS, Febrary 14, 2017;
- The Theme of the Intercultural Dialogue in V. Solovyov's Works / "Philosophy and Culture in the Context of the Global Challenges of Our Time", Almaty (Kazakhstan), 2016.
E-mail vlavitsidorin@gmail.com