Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Seminar "Problems of the Study of Russian Thought"
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Seminar "Problems of the Study of Russian Thought"

Theoretical seminar of Department of the History of Russian Philosophy IPhRAS


The purposes of the seminar are professional discussions on relevant issues of the history of Russian philosophical thought and public disclosure of recent scientific achievements in the indicated fields of research.


Director - Anatoly V. Chernyaev

Academic secretary – Vladimir V. Sidorin


Тел.: (495) 697-91-28



Archives of sessions


Session # 23 (February 18, 2020)




 «Russian philosopher on newsreels: Lecture course of S.L. Frank 1932 in Amersfoort»




 Lecturer: А.S. Tsygankov, Ph.D. in philosophy, Research fellow of the Department of the History of Russian Philosophy at the IPh RAS



18.02_01   18.02_02   18.02_03   18.02_04   18.02_05   18.02_06




The session also hosted a screening of a black and white film shot at the International School of Philosophy in the Dutch Amersfoort in 1932 with the participation of S.L. Frank, A. Schweitzer, P. Ehrenfest, B. Becker, D. Bonhoeffer and others.




Trailer with S.L. Frank




Information (pdf)

Video on


Session # 22 (May 30, 2019)




«Vladimir Solovyov and Russian religious idealism»




Lecturer: Randall A. Poole, Ph.D., Professor of History at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minnesota (USA)specialist in the intellectual history of Russia and Europe, visiting researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (under the Fulbright program, 1994), member of the International Center for the Study of Russian Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University






Information (pdf)


Session # 21 (October 4, 2018)




«Ethics of feelings of V.S. Solovyov in the context of European philosophical thought»




Lecturer: Andreas Buller, Dr. Sc. in philosophy, Assistant at the Ministry of Integration of the State of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart (Germany)






Informatin (pdf)


Video on


Session # 20 (May 31, 2018)



«Human rights and the problem of personal dignity in Russian religious thought»


Lecturer: Randall A. Poole, Ph.D., Professor of History at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minnesota (USA)specialist in the intellectual history of Russia and Europe, visiting researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (under the Fulbright program, 1994), member of the International Center for the Study of Russian Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University





Information (pdf)


Session # 19 (April 26, 2018)



«Unknown letters of Lev Shestov to Barbara Malakhieva-Mirovich (1895–1898)»


Lecturer: N.A. GromovaLeading Research Fellow of State Museum of History of Russian literature named after V.I. Dal (Moscow)






Information (pdf)


Video on


Session # 18 (March 6, 2018)


«Russian philosopher V.E. Sezeman»

Lecturer: V.N. BelovDr. Sc. in Philosophy, professor, Head of the Department of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge, RUDN University (Moscow)



Information (pdf)

Video on

Session # 17 (September 26, 2017)


«Philosopher in the provinces: S.L. Frank in the years of Revolution & Civil war»

Lecturer: А.А. GaponenkovDr. Sc. in Philology (Saratov)



Inforamtion (pdf)

Video on

Session # 16 (June 27, 2017)

«Prerevolutional Russia in russians intellectual's reflections: charm of historical myths»

Lecturer: D.A. Anikin, PhD in Philosophy (Saratov)



Inforamtion (pdf)

Video on



Session # 15 (October 6, 2016)

«B.N. Chicherin and E.N. Trubetskoy: Freedom as a Source of Law»

Lecturer: S. ChizhkovPhD in Philosophy (Moscow)




Session # 14 (May 17, 2016)

«Epistolary Biography of S.L. Frank in the Light of Documents of the "Bakhmetiev's Arxhive"»

Lecturer: Teresa Obolevitch, PhD in Philosophy (Krakowie)






Session # 13 (April 26, 2016)

«The Formation of Ukrainophilism (1840-s - 1850-s)»

Lecturer: Andrey Teslya, PhD in Philosophy (Khabarovsk)





Session # 12 (November 26, 2015)

«Philosophy of Law of the Classical Eurasianism  and its Relation with Russian Idealism of the Beginning of XX Century (with P.I. Novgorodtsev's and E.N. Trubetskoy's Ideas)»

Lecturer: Bulat Nazmutdinov, PhD in Law (Moscow)



Abstracts (pdf)

Audio (mp3)



Session # 11 (June 29, 2015)

«Russian Philosophy in Poland: History, Modernity and Prospects»

Lecturer: Teresa Obolevitch, PhD in Philosophy (Krakowie)



Audio (mp3)



Session # 10 (October 7, 2014)

«Russian Philosophy of Law: History and Modernity»

Lecturer: V. Zhukov, Dr. Sc. in Philosophy, (Moscow)




Audio (mp3)



Session # 9 (May 27, 2014)

«Golgother versus Barabbas. On the Polemics between Chernyschevsky and Herzen on Russia and Europe»

Lecturer: V. Kantor, Dr. Sc. in Philosophy (Moscow)





Session # 8 (March 4, 2014)

«Personality in V.S. Solovyov's Philosophy»

Lecturer: I. Borisova, research fellow at IPhRAS (Moscow)



Session # 7 (March 28, 2013)

«Genesis and Typology of Russian Philosophy»

Lecturer: M. Gromov, Dr. Sc. in Philosophy (Moscow)





Session # 6 (November 22, 2012)

«Russian philosophy in China»

Lecturer: An Tsinyan, professor of Renmin University of China (Beijing)




Session # 5 (April 19, 2012)

«Religiosity of Russian Philosophy as a Problem»

Lecturer: I. Evlampiev, Dr. Sc. in Philosophy (Sankt-Peterburg)


И.В. Евлампиев

Abstracts (pdf)

Audio (mp3)



Session # 4 (March 6, 2012)

«P.A. Florensky's Personalism»

Lecturer: S. Polovinkin, PhD in Philosophy (Moscow)


Abstracts (pdf)



Session # 3 (November 22, 2011)

«G. Fedotov as a Philosopher: toward the Question about Ways of Philosophising in Russian Tradition»

Lecturer: V. Serbinenko, Dr. Sc. in Philosophy (Moscow)





Session # 2 (April 14, 2011)

«The Eurasianism as an Encyclopedia of Russian Studies»

Lecturer: Mikhail Maslin, Dr. Sc. in Philosophy (Moscow)


Abstracts (pdf)



Session # 1  (March 1, 2011)

«On Actions and Intentions of Historian of Philosophy in the Past and the Present»

Lecturer: V. Vanchugov, Dr. Sc. in Philosophy (Moscow)


Abstracts (pdf)

Audio (mp3)

Discussion: I.A. Mikhailov 14 remarks to V.V. Vanchugov's report