City and date of birth
Moscow, 05.06.1989
Professional activity
Research Fellow in the Department of Social Epistemology of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 2015 Ph.D. in Philosophy - RAS Institute of Philosophy ("The concept of a priori in contemporary analytic epistemology");
- 2012 MA in Philosophy – National Research University Higher School of Economics;
- 2010 BA in Philosophy – Russian State University for Humanities (summa cum laude).
- Distributed scientific cognition within the academy and beyond. Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2023. Vol. 60, № 4. P. 31-35. (In Russian)
- On the Necessity and Possibility of Consensus in Scientific Research and Philosophy. Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab. 2023. Vol. 6, № 4. P. 85-98. (In Russian)
- Philosophia i Tsifrovye Issledovaniya Gumanitarnykh Nauk [Philosophy and Digital Humanities Research]. Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab. 2021. Vol. 4, № 4. P. 132-144. (In Russian)
- Proyekt Naukhnoy Filosofii i Istoricheskaya Epistemologiya (Project of Scientific Philosophy and Historical Epistemology) / The Union of Science and Humanism (collective monograph). Moscow: RSHPS, 2021, pp. 37-63 (Rus.)
- Grazhdanskaya Nauka vs Professional'naya Nauka: Uilyam Kh'yuel i The Great Tide Experiment [Citizen Science vs Professional Science: William Hewell and The Great Tide Experiment]. Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab. 2020. Vol. 3, № 4. P. 107-114. (In Russian)
- A priori pragmatic and A priori functional / Philosophy of Science and Semantics. M., 2020. P. 178-189. (In Russian)
- History of Science and Philosophy of Science in French Historical Epistemology / Philosophy of Science and Semantics. M., 2020. P. 81-87. (In Russian)
- Science communication studies: The case of scientific periodicals. Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab. 2019. Vol. 2, № 4. P. 159-167. (In Russian)
- Historical Epistemology in France: to the History of the Discipline's Formation. Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2019. Vol. 57, № 1. P. 150-168. (In Russian)
- On universal rationality or What to do in case one would like to keep dogmas. The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab. 2019. Vol. 2, № 3. P. 25-35. (In Russian)
- Reply to critics. The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab. 2019. Vol. 2, № 3. P. 60-62. (In Russian)
- Science as a Profession: In Search of Self-Determination. Voprosy filosofii. 2019, № 8. P. 24-28. (In Russian)
- Philosophy of Science: the Project and the Discipline. Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2019. Vol. 56, № 1. P. 47-53. (In Russian)
- Computer Science: features of Russian classification. Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2018. № 1. P. 31-35. (In Russian)
- (& others) Communications in Science: Epistemological, Socio-cultural and Infrastructural Aspects. Materials of the Round Table. // Questions of Philosophy. 2017. № 11. P. 23-57. (In Russian)
- Why so complicated? // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2017. № 2. P. 47-51. (In Russian)
- Book chapter: Social Philosophy of Science. Russian Prospects. Moscow, 2016. (In Russian)
- A commentary (with Kasavin I.T., Nikiforov A.L., Vostricova E.V.) to the Russian translation of Whwewll W. The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, founded upon their History. Moscow, 2016.
- A priori and the philosophy of science: a new look on the old theories // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2016. № 3. P. 225–229. (In Russian)
- Gaston Bachelard and the Topicality of Historical Epistemology // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2016. № 2. P. 209–219. (In Russian)
- The notion of a priori in logical empiricism and its first critics // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 2015. № 3. P. 80–97. (In Russian)
- C.I. Lewis' pragmatic a priori // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 2014. № 4 (42). P. 218-221. (In Russian)
- Book chapter: Epistemic norms and the problem of understanding // Understanding in cross-cultural communication / Ed. I.T. Kasavin. Moscow, 2014. P. 108–118.(In Russian)
- Scientist as Fiction Writer: Soviet Science-Fiction and Space Exploration // Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 2014. Vol. 4, No. 1. P. 3-13.
- Osobennosti filosofskogo obrazovaniya: sluchaj Francii. [Features of Philosophical Education: the Case of France] // Logos, № 1(91), 2013, Moscow. (In Russian)
- Fontenelle XXI veka. Review on Engel P. Épistémologie pour une Marquise. P., 2011. // Epistemology and Philosophy of science. № 2, 2012, Moscow. (In Russian)
- Epistemologuicheskaya historiya Geogea Canguilhema: sluchaj psykhologuii [Epistemological history by G. Canguilhem: The case of psychology] // Epistemology and Philosophy of science. № 1, 2012, Moscow. (In Russian)
Translations into Russian
- Bachelard G. Topicality of the history of sciences // Epistemology and philosophy of science / Эпистемология и философия науки 2016. Vol. XLVII. № 2. С. 220–232. (from French)
- Lewis C.I. A pragmatic conception of the a priori // Epistemology and Philosophy of science. 2014. Vol.. 42. № 4 (42). С. 222-231. (from English)
- Canguilhem G. Chto takoe psykhologiya? [What is psychology?] // Epistemology and Philosophy of science. № 1, 2012, Moscow. (from French)
- 2019 (December 4-6), Lomonosov Moscow State University, International Conference "Interactive Cosmos 'Russia – Europe'. Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt for Modern Russia", ("The Great Tide Experiment" and its role for the XIXth century scientific communication);
- 2018 (24 April) National Research University Higher School of Economics, Conference "Ways of Thinking, Modes of Speaking", ("'Ultra-Platonic Hypothesis': The a priori in William Whewell’s Philosophy of Science");
- 2018 (23 March) University of Barcelona, Logos Research Group, ("The a priori in the epistemology of science");
- 2018 (14 March) University of Barcelona, Logos Research Group, ("The a priori, before and after Kant");
- 2017 (30 November) Kasavin I.T., Sokolova T.D. Library of F.M. Dostoevsky's, Moscow, ("The Birth of Philosophy of Science from the Spirit of Victorian Era");
- 2017 (24-25 November) Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, "Revolutions and Evolutions: Models of development in sciences, culture, and society", (Forgotten Revolutions: Pragmatism and Historical Epistemology");
- 2017 (13-14 October) Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Conference "Methodology of the history of Philosophy: Strategies and Contemporary Trends", ("Case Study: History of the concept 'a priori'");
- 2016 (15-17 September) University of Geneve, Switzerland, Conference "La philosophie et son histoire: Un débat actuel" [Philosophy and its History: A Contemporary Debate], ("Is a ‘Continuist’ Position Possible without History of Philosophy? The Case of the A Priori Problem");
- 2016 (5-8 July) New University of Lisbon, Portugal, 17th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society ("Utopia as a Social Project: Early Soviet Technocratic Utopias");
- 2014 (18-19 November) RAS Institute of Philosophy, International Conference "Social Philosophy of Science. Russian Prospects" ("Fiction or Science? Soviet Science-Fiction and Space Exploration");
- 2014 (14-19 September) Durham University, UK, International Conference "Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Relations in Russia: Zones of Collaboration, Competition, and Conflict" ("Scientist as Fiction Writer: Soviet Science-Fiction and Space Exploration");
- 2013 (28 October) Faculty of philosophy National Research University Higher School of Economics, Conference "Ontologies of Negation" ("Between being and nothingness: Epistemology and Norms")4
- 2013 (1 April) V sociological Interuniversity Conference of students and postgraduates «Sociology in action» («Agregation and philosophy «à la française»: canon and methodology»);
- 2012 (29-31 May) Faculty of philosophy Saint Petersburg State University, Analytic philosophy: problems and prospects of development in Russia(«Analytical philosophy in France: A new perspective of discipline»).
Lectures & Seminars
- 2014 Faculty of philosophy National Research University Higher School of Economics (History of modern philosophy, assistant), Philosophy: main course (seminars).
- 2012 Faculty of philosophy National Research University Higher School of Economics (History of modern philosophy, seminars).
- 2011 Faculty of philosophy Russian State University for the Humanities (British philosophy, seminars).
- 2010 Faculty of philosophy Russian State University for Humanities (Philosophy, seminars).
- Russian (native), English, French
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