- Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy,
Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1976.
- Postgraduate studies, Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy,
Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1982
- Dr. Sc., Philosophy, 2000,
- Cand. Sc. Philosophy [Ph.D.], Moscow State University, 1983
- Professor, 2003,
- Senior Research Scolar, 1991
Professional appointments
- DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Chief Research Fellow 2016– present;
- Head, Department of Methodology of the Interdisciplinary Study of Man, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2005-2016;
- Professor, Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, Institutr of Philosophy, Russian Acadimy of Science, 2010 – present (part-time);
- Professor, Department of the Sourse Study, Faculty of Historical Archive Study of Russian State Humanity University, 2011 – present (part-time).
Teaching Experience
- History of Philosophy; the European cultural context (96 academic hours for Students);
- Theory and methodology of History (72/36 academic hours for Students);
- History of Religion (16 academic hours for Students);
- Philosophy: cours for Students of Phsihology (36 academic hours for Students);
- History and Philosophy of Science (60 academic hours for Postgraduate of Lingvistic and History of Literature).
Professional activities
- Expert, Russian Foundation for Humanities, since 2008
Grants |
- Ot drevnerusskoj knižnosti k evropejskoj učenosti : intellektualʹnyj vybor Rossii. Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2004–2005 (research grant); 2011 (publishing grant).
- Chelovek v kulture russkogo barocco. Rossisko-Ukraunskij proekt. Konferencija RAN i NANU. Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2006.
(out of more than 150)
- Intellektualʹnyj vybor Rossii vtoroj poloviny XVII – načala XVIII veka: ot drevnerusskoj knižnosti k evropejskoj učenosti. Moskva: Progress-Tradicija. 2011.
- Ed. Chelovek vchera i segodnja: meždisciplinarnye issledovanija. Vyp.1-8. Moskva. .2007-2014.
- Učenie knižnoe : tekst i kontekst drevnerusskoj knižnosti. Moskva : Indrik. 2000.
Papers (selected)
- Marina S. Kiseleva. Problems of interdisciplinarity in human knowledge: ideas and practices by Boris Yudin // Philosophy of Science and Technology. 2019, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 5–20. DOI: 10.21146/2413-9084-2019-24-2-5-20
- Marina S. Kiseleva. Russian intelligentsia about the “depths” of the Russian revolution: hysterics and illusions in the context of time // Voprosy Filosofii. 2019. Vol 8. P. 134–145.
- MarinaS. Kiseleva. The Project of the “Novy Grad”s Man: F. Stepun and V. Varshavsky // Voprosy Filosofii. 2018. Vol 6. P. 144–154. DOI:https://doi.org/10.7868/S0042874418060122
- Marina S. Kiseleva. History of the Russian State as Personal Project; Vasily Tatishehev and Nikolai Karamzin Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2018. Pages 396-409. Published online: 13 Feb 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611967.2017.1409514
- M.S. Kiseleva. Humanities research and projectivity: Disciplinary and interdisciplinary strategies of knowledge // Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki. 2016, vol.158, no.4, pp. 1163-1172.
- M.S.Kiseleva.UNDERSTANDING HISTORY: THE DECISIONS OF NIKOLAI BERDYAEV Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2015. vol. 53. № 4. С. 305-323.
- Marina S. Kiseleva. The War, Faith and Power in the Cultural Context of the Moscow Kingdom 50-70th XVII Century: Simeon Polockij and Jury Križanich // Voprosy Filosofii. 2015. Vol 12. P. 101–112