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Vladimir Vasyukov

Formal Ontology. - M.: Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2006. - 140 p.

ISBN 5-9540-0065-4 (978-5-9540-0065-8)

The book is devoted to the Formal Ontology - the interdisciplinary field of research that emerged at the intersection of Logic and Ontology in the early twentieth century. The   chronology of research on the Formal Ontology is shown, the typology of the systems of Formal Ontology is regarded. The detailed investigation of the  problems of constructing of formal languages ​​for Formal Ontology, in particular the problem of the ontological commitments of logical languages​​ and the overview of the systems of Formal Ontology for artificial intelligence are given. Separate chapter is devoted to the philosophical problems of relations between Logic and Formal Ontology,  the concept of Global and Local Ontologies is nominated and substantiated. The variety of approaches is implemented by the author, the systems of Ontologics allowing to agree among themselves the ontological commitments of the developing formal languages ​​and the Ontology of the subject areas,  the theory of which are the systems constructed by the author, are constructed.



Vladimir Vasyukov

Quantum Logics. - M.: PER SE, 2005. - 192 p. 

ISBN 5-9292-0142-0

The book is devoted to the Quantum Logics - an interdisciplinary field of science which is of interest to the physicists, mathematicians, logicians and philosophers. First of all the Quantum Logics is considered by the author of the monograph in the terms of logical calculations and logical techniques. Main attention is paid to the syntactic reconstruction of Quantum Logics systems and to the construction of various kinds of abstract semantics for the obtained systems. Philosophical questions arising during the process of building of the systems of Quantum Logics, for example, the nature of time in the quantum world, are considered and solved through the prism of non-classical methods of modern Logics. The history of Quantum Logics is briefly described and the overview of current research directions in this area is given. Of particular interest are the last three chapters of the book, devoted to the so-called Quantum Logics of the Observed, constructed by the author and intended to overcome the gap between the used in most investigations quantum-logical formalisms and the mathematical apparatus of modern quantum theory.



Vladimir Vasyukov

Categorical Logics. - Moscow: ANO Institute of Logics, 2005. - 194 p.

ISBN 5-85593-145-5

The book is concerned with categorical deductive systems which are logical calculi with the codes of proofs transforming with certain inference rules and operations. The deductive system turns into category if we define the system of equations between proofs, i.e. category is a deductive system with the notetion for the inferences and the rules for their identifying. In the book a categorical logic is treating from the point of view of non-classical logics as well as her requirements (proof-theoretical, in particular). Attention is paid both to the systematic yielding of categorical logic calculi and categorical-theoretical semantics of non-classical systems (whose mission is to replace the set-theoretical and algebraic semantics of those). The book of such orientation is lacked in modern literature.

The book addresses logicians, philosophers and mathematicians and would be helpful in modern logical studies of theoretical and metatheoretical issues.





Vladimir Vasyukov

Formal Phenomenology. - M.: Nauka. 1999. - 223 p.

ISBN 5-02-008313-5

The book is devoted to the construction of the phenomenologically oriented formal languages ​​that allow to interpret the rational aspects of philosophical doctrines of such prominent philosophers of the twentieth century as F. Brentano, E. Husserl, A. Meinong, K. Twardowski, R. Ingarden, J.-P. Sartre. Extensive material showing the main provisions of the Formal Phenomenology, which can be qualified as a new independent branch of Logic and philosophical thought is given. It is a new area of ​​scientific knowledge that occurs at the intersection of several disciplines of philosophy - Ontology, Logic, Phenomenology. 

For philosophers, logicians and those, who are interested in the problems of philosophical logic and modern philosophy.