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of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Reznik Yuriy Mikhaylovich
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Reznik Yuriy Mikhaylovich

Year and place of birth

 1959, Kuybyshevo, Zaporozhye oblast (Ukraine).




  • Philosophic faculty, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1987;
  • Post-graduate studies, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1990.


Academic degrees

  • Ph.D. (Sociology) (1990);
  • D.Sc. (Philosophy) (1998).
Academic titles
  • Associate professor, chair of social engineering (1993);
  • Professor, chair of social anthropology (1999).


Field of interest
  • Philosophy of man and philosophical anthropology;
  • Social philosophy and social theory;
  • Theory of personality and philosophical personology;
  • Theory of civil society;
  • Social anthropology and cultural studies.


Professional activities
  • Main research fellow, IPh RAS (since 2005);
  • Deputy director for science, Russian Institute of Culturology (since 2004 up to now, part-time);
  • Professor, chair of social philosophy, People’s Friendship University of Russia (since 2006 up to now, part-time).


Research projects
  • RGNF (Russian Foundation for the Humanities), 97-06-08086. Р.
  • RGNF, 98-06-14018. Р.
  • RGNF, 00-06-40008б. Р.
  • RFFI (Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research), 11-06-00465а. Р.


Scientific publications

Major monographs:

  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo kak fenomen tsivilizatsii [Civil society as a civilizational phenomenon]. Part 1. Idea gazhdanskogo obshchestva v eyo istoricheskom razvitii [The idea of civil society in its historical perspective]. M.: Soyuz Publ., 1993. – 167 p.
  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo kak fenomen tsivilizatsii [Civil society as a civilizational phenomenon]. Part 2. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie aspekty issledovaniya [Theoretical and methodological aspects of study]. M.: Soyuz Publ., 1998. – 560 p.
  • Zhiznennye strategii lichnosti (opyt kompleksnogo analiza) [Life strategies of the personality (an experience of a complex analysis)]. M.: Independent Inst.for Civil Society Publ., 2002. – 260 p. (co-author).
  • Vvedenie v sotsialnuyu teoriyu [Introduction into social theory]. Part. 1. Sotsialnaya epistemologia [Social epistemology]. M.: Inst.of Oriental Studies RAS, 1999. – 327 p.
  • Vvedenie v sotsialnuyu teoriyu [Introduction into social theory]. Part. 2. Sotsialnaya ontologia [Social ontology]. M.: Inst.of Oriental Studies RAS, 1999. – 514 p.
  • Vvedenie v sotsialnuyu teoriyu [Introduction into social theory]. Part. 3. Sotsialnaya sistemologia [Social systemology]. M.: Nauka, 2003. – 525 p.


Editor of collected scientific works, journals and almanacs:

  • Sotsialnaya antropologia na poroge XXI veka [Social anthropology at the threshold of the 21st century]. Theses and materials of the conference / Yu.M. Reznik. M.: MSSU “Soyuz” Publ., 1998.
  • Nauka o culture i sotsialnaya praktika [The science of culture and social practice]: Coll. works / Yu.M. Reznik. М., 1998.
  • Journal «Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo» [Personality. Culture. Society]. 1999-2010. Vols. 1-12. Issues 1-60 ( Yu.M. Reznik.).
  • Chelovek, kultura i obshchestvo v kontekste globalizatsii sovremennogo mira [Man, culture and society in the context of globalization of the modern world]: Materials of the 3rd International conference. Issue 3 / Ed.-in-chief Yu.M. Reznik, 2004.
  • Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2007. Issue 1. Filosofskie i nauchnye osnovaniya sovremennoy sotsialnoy teorii [Philosophical and scientific foundations of modern social theory] / Yu.M. Reznik, 2007. – 376 p.
  • Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2008. Vol. 2. Issue 1 (2). Sotsialnaya realnost: kontseptsii i metodologia issledovaniy [Social reality: conceptions and methodology of studies] / Yu.M. Reznik : IPhRAS, 2008. – 500 p.
  • Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2009. Vol. 3. Issue 1 (3). Sotsialnost’ i kultura v izmenyayushchemsya mire  [Sociality and culture in the changing world] / Yu.M. Reznik. М.: IPhRAS, 2009. – 372 p.
  • Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2010. Vol.4. Issue 1. Chelovek v poiskakh identichnosti [Man in search of identity] / Ed. by Yu.M.Reznik and M.V.Tlostanova. М., 2010. – 528 p.
  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo: teoria i praktika [Civil society: theory and practice]. Yearbook. 2007. Issue 1. / Ed. by G.N.Grigor’ev i Yu.M.Reznik. Cheboksary: ChSPU, 2008. – 208 p.
  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo: teoria i praktika [Civil society: theory and practice]. Yearbook. 2008-2009. Issues 2-3. / Ed. by G.N.Grigor’ev i Yu.M.Reznik. Cheboksary: ChSPU, 2009.
  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo: teoria i praktika [Civil society: theory and practice]. Yearbook. 2010. Issue 4. / Ed. by G.N.Grigor’ev i Yu.M.Reznik. M., Cheboksary, 2010. 162 p.
  • Sotsialnye teorii sovremennosti [Social theories of modernity]: Scient. almanac. Issue 1 / Eds. T.V.Dushina and Yu.M.Reznik. М., Stavropol, 2010. 294 p.
  • Mestnye soobshchestva: problemy sotsiokulturnogo razvitiya [Local communities: problems of sociocultural development]: / Yu.M.Reznik and N.I.Mironova. М.: Independent Inst.for Sivil Society, 2010. 192  p.
  • Teoriya kultury: raznoobrazie podkhodov i vozmozhnosti ikh integratsii [Theory of culture: diversity of approaches and possibilities of their integration] / Ed. by. Yu.M.Reznik. М.: ROSSPEN, 2011. – 360 p.


Major articles:

  • Filosofia, vlast’, publishnaya sfera [Philosophy, power, public sphere] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol. XV. Issue 1 (77). P. 171-173.  
  • Na grani: gumanitarnaya nauka pod pressom byurokratii [On the verge: the humanities under a bureaucratic press] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2012. Vol. XIV. Issue 4 (75-76). P. 8-26.
  • Chelovek v prostranstve transpersonal’nogo vzaimodeystviya [Man in the space of transpersonal interaction] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2012. Vol. XIV. Issue 4 (75-76). P. 83-100.
  • Osnovnye napravleniya sotsioinzhenernoy podgotovki [Basic directions of social engineering training] // Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie [Managerial counselling]. 2012. No. 4 (48). P. 7-12.
  • Etika filosofa [The ethics of a philosopher]. By way of a dialogue (part 1) // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2012. Vol. XIV. Issue 4 (75-76). P. 233-245.
  • Chelovek kak sub’ekt transpersonal’nosti [Man as a subject of transpersonality] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 5 / Ed-in-chief P.S.Gurevich. М.: Iph RAS, 2013. 167 p. P. 113-138.
  • K metafizike chelovecheskogo bytiya: ot refleksii k rekonstruktsii [On the mataphysics of human being: from reflection to reconstruction] // Bulletin of RUDN. Series: Filosofia [Philosophy]. 2013. No. 2. P. 132-146.
  • O tipakh byurokratii v nauke [On bureaucratic types in science] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 1 (77). P. 8-25.
  • Byurokratia i soobshchestva v nauke [Bureaucracy and communities in science] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 2 (78). P. 8-22.
  • K sotsialnoy antologii eticheskogo. Spetsifika i printsipy sotsialno-eticheskoy teorii [On a social anthology of the ethical. Specificity and principles of socioethical theory] // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 3-4 (79-80). P. 88-106.
  • Filosofia v moyom ponimanii [My understanding of philosophy] (an experience of phenomenological interpretation). Part 1. Philosophy as the analytics of being // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 3-4 (79-80). P. 107-122.
  • Etika filosofa [The ethics of a philosopher]. By way of a dialogue (part 2) // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 2 (78). P. 231-249. (в соавт.)
  • O situatsii v otechestvennoy akademicheskoy nauke [On the situation in Russian academic science] (a dialogue) // Lichnost. Kultura. Obshchestvo [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2013. Vol.XV. Issue 3-4 (79-80). P. 298-315.


Problems of the philosophy of man and general anthropology:

  • Zhiznennye strategii lichnosti [Life strategies of the personality] // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies].  1995. No. 10. (in coauthorship with T.E.Reznik).
  • Zhiznennoe orientirovanie lichnosti: analiz i konsultirovanie [Life orientation of the personality: analysis and counseling] // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies].  1996.  No.6 (in coauthorship).
  • Chelovek i obshchestvo (opyt kompleksnogo izucheniya) [Man and society (an experience of complex study)]// Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society] 2000. Vol. 2. Issue 3-4.
  • «Integralnaya antropologia» kak forma mezhdistsiplinarnogo sinteza [“Integral anthropology” as a form of interdisciplinary synthesis] // Filosofskiy vek [Philosophical Century]. Almanac. Issue 21. Nauki o cheloveke v sovremennom mire [Human sciences in the modern world]. Part 1. SPb., 2002.
  • Chelovek v rossiyskom obshchestve: problemy grazhdanstvennosti i grazhdanskoy identichnosti [Man in Russian society: problems of civic consciousness and civil identity] // Filosofskaya i pravovaya mysl’ [Philosophical and legal thought]. М., 2003. Issue 5.
  • Chelovek v grazhdanskom obshchestve: problemy grazhdanstvennosti i grazhdanskoy identichnosti [Man in civil society: problems of civic consciousness and civil identity] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2003. Vol. 5. Special edition.
  • Zhiznenny mir rossiyskikh ludey glazami sovremennika (antropologicheskiy vzglyad) [The life world of Russian people through the eyes of modern man (an anthropological view)] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2003. Vol. 5. Spec. issue 1-2.
  • Zhiznenny mir rossiysogo cheloveka: opyt kriticheskoy refleksii [The life world of the Russian man: an experience of critical reflection] // Chelovek v sovremennykh filosofskikh kontseptsiyakh [Man in modern philosophical conceptions]: Proceedings of conf. in 2 vols. Vol. 1. Volgograd, 2004.
  • Proekt kompleksnoy nauki o cheloveke: ot obshchey antropologii k antropologii personalisticheskoy [A project of a complex science of man: from general anthropology to personalistic anthropology (in the light of I.T.Frolov’s ideas) // Nauka. Obshchestvo. Chelovek [Science. Society. Man] / Ed-in-chief V.S.Styopin. М.: Nauka, 2004.
  • Filosofia zhizni ili zhizn’ v filosofii [Philosophy of life or life in philosophy] // Filozofia Bliższa Życiu. Warszawa. 2004. Vol. 2.
  • Filosofia kak ideynaya osnova zhiznetvorchestva [Philosophy as a the ideological basis of life creation] // Doctrina. Warszawa. 2005. No 2.
  • Chelovek v grazhdanskom obshchestve: problema institutsionalizatsii i identichnosti // Homo institutius – Chelovek institutsionalny / O.V. Inshakov. Volgograd: VolGU Publ., 2005. P. 435-463.
  • Filosofia v zhizni lichnosti [Philosophy in the life of a personality] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2006. Vol. 8. Issue 3 (31). P. 131-152.
  • Spetsifika integrativnoy antropologii. Antropologia: kompleks nauk i roekt integratsii znaniy o cheloveke [Specificity of integrative anthropology. Anthropology: a complex of sciences and a project of integration of human sciences ] // The spectrum of anthropological doctrines. М.: IPh RAS, 2006. P. 65-83.
  • Lichnost’ i sistema v epokhu sotsialnykh peremen [The personality and the system in the age of social changes] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2007. Vol. 9. Issue 4 (39). P. 9-20.
  • Lichnostny potentsial i strategia zhizni cheloveka [Personal potential and strategy of human life] // Chelovecheskiy potentsial kak kriticheskiy resurs Rossii [Human potential as Russia’s critical resource] / Ed.-in-chief B.G. Yudin. М.: IPh RAS, 2007. P. 119-125.
  • Chelovek v grazhdanskom obshchestve: problema identichnosti [Man in a civil society: the problem of identity] // Chelovek vchera i segodnya: mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniya [Man yesterday and today: interdisciplinary studies]. М.: IPh RAS, 2007. P. 47-58.
  • Vozmozhna li edinaya nauka o cheloveke [Is a unified human science possible?]  // Mnogomerny obrza cheloveka: na puti k sozdaniyu edinoy nauki o cheloveke [The multi-dimensional image of man: toward creation of a unified human science] / B.G. Yudin. М.: Progress-Traditsia, 2007. P. 286-291.
  • Zhiznenny mir provintsialnogo cheloveka [The life world of a provincial man] (an experience of analysis of sociocultural differences) // Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie [Managerial counselling]: Scient.-pract. journal. 2007. No. 4. P. 143-159.
  • Lichnost’ i sistema v sovremennom obshchestve [The personality and the system in modern society]: toward a civil dialogue // Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie [Managerial counselling]: Scient.-pract. journal. 2008. No.1. P. 175-182.
  • Chelovek v poiskakh smysla zhizni i schastya [Man in search of life sense and hapiness] (reflexive notes) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. IPh RAS. 2008. No.4. P. 153-165.
  • Chelovek v mire sotsialnogo poznaniya [Man in the world of social nowledge]: an experience of analysis of sociocultural differences // The spectrum of anthropological doctrines. Issue 2. М.: IPh RAS, 2008. P. 159-184.
  • Chelovek i sotsialnaya praktika [Man and social practice] // Chelovek vchera i segodnya: mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniya [Man yesterday and today: interdisciplinary studies]. М.: IPh RAS, 2008. P. 84-102.
  • Za predelami kultury i sotsialnosti: problema transpersonalnosti [Beyond culture and sociality: the problem of transpersonality] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2009. Vol. 11. Issue 1 (46-47). P. 109-119.
  • Transpersonalnost’ cheloveka: k metodologii issledovaniya i konstruirovaniya (metafizicheskie aspekty) [Human transpersonality: toward methodology of research and construction (metaphysical aspects)] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2009. Vol.11. Issue 2 (48-49). P. 131-152.
  • Tvorchestvo kak prednaznachenie cheloveka [Creativity as human mission] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2009. Vol. 11. Issue 3 (50). P. 182-200.
  • Chelovek za granitsami kultury i sotsialnosti: transpersonalnost’ kak predmet sotsialnoy teorii [Man beyond culture and sociality: transpersonality as a subject for social theory ] (metaphysical foundations) // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii[Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2009. Vol. III. Issue 1 (3). Sotsialnost’ i kultyra v izmenyayushchemsya mire [Sociality and culture in a changing world] / Yu.M.Reznik. М.: ИФ РАН, 2009. P. 169-195.
  • Chelovek na granitse sistemnosti i tvorchestva: problems transpersonalnosti [Man on the border of sistematicity and creativity: problems of transpersonality] // Chelovek vchera i segodnya: mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniya [Man yesterday and today: interdisciplinary studies]. / M.S. Kiseleva. М.: IPh RAS, 2009. P. 159-173.
  • Chelovek v labirintakh poznaniya: urovni postizheniya [Man in the labirynths of knowledge: levels of comprehension] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2010. Vol. XII. Issue 2 (55-56). P. 56-76.
  • Personalim protiv sotsiotsentrizma [Personalism versus sociocentrism] (a personality-oriented theory of civil society: possibilities of rationale) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2009. No.8 (20). P. 19-28.
  • Transpersonalnost’: metafizicheskie aspekty issledovaniya [Transpersonality: metaphysical aspects of study] // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. 2009. No.11 (23). P. 19-34.
  • Obrazy cheloveka kak osnovaniya dla postizheniya ego identichnosti [Images of man as the basis of comprehension of his identity] // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2010. Vol. IV. Chelovek v poiskakh identichnosti [Man in search of identity] / Ed. by Yu.M.Reznik and M.V.Tlostanova. М.: Association «Interdisciplinary Society of Social Theory», 2010. P. 7-17.
  • Mnogogranny obraz cheloveka: predposylki ostroeniya konfigurativnoy modeli [The multifaceted image of man: prerequisites of building a configurative model] // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii[Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2010. Vol. IV. Chelovek v poiskakh identichnosti [Man in search of identity] / Ed. by Yu.M.Reznik and M.V.Tlostanova. М.: Association «Interdisciplinary Society of Social Theory», 2010. P. 18-62.
  • Kontseptsiya mnogogrannogo cheloveka kak osnovanie ego identichnostey [The conception of a multifaceted man as a basis for his identities] // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii[Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2010. Vol. IV. Chelovek v poiskakh identichnosti [Man in search of identity] / Ed. by Yu.M.Reznik and M.V.Tlostanova. М.: Association «Interdisciplinary Society of Social Theory», 2010. P. 481-492.
  • «Metaantropologia»: na puti k integratsii nauk o cheloveke [«Metaanthropology»: toward integration of human sciences] // Sotsialnaya teoria i antropologicheskie vyzovy XXI veka. Sotsialnaya antropologia v nauchnykh i obrazovatelnykh praktikakh sovremennogo obshchestva [Social theory and anthropological challenges of the 21st century. Social anthropology in scientific and educational practices of modern society]. Chita, 2010. P. 7-21.
  • Chelovek kak problema [Man as a problem] // Filosofia v dialoge kultury [Philosophy in a cultural dialogue]: Proceedings of the World Philosophy Day. М.: Iph RAS, 2010. P. 603-609.
  • Chelovek mezhdu kulturoy i obshchestvom [Man between culture and society] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2010. Volом XII. Issue . 4 (59-60). P. 385-395.


Problems of social theory and general sociology:

  • Ponyatie «sotsialnoe» v sotsiologicheskoy teorii marksizma [The notion of «social» in sociological theory of Marxism] // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 12. Sotsialno-politicheskie issledovaniya [Socio-political studies]. 1990. No.4.
  • Sotsialnaya inzheneria: predmetnaya oblast’ i granitsy primeneniya [Social engineering: subject matter and limits of application] // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies].  1994.  No.2.
  • Sotsialnaya inzheneria v sisteme sotsiologicheskogo obrazovaniya [Social engineering in the system of sociological education] // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies]. 1994.  No.5. 
  • Sotsiologia zhizni: novaya paradigma ili mezhdistsiplinarny sintez [Sociology of life: a new paradigm or interdisciplinary synthesis]? // // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 18. Sociology and political science. 1996. No.4.
  • Sotsiologia v sredney shkole [Sociology in secondary school]: logic of construction and curriculum // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies]. 1997. No.2.
  • Sotsialnaya inzheneria kak instrument gumanizatsii obshchestva [Social engineering as a tool of humanisation of society] // Sotsialnoe upravlenie v epokhu post-moderna [Social management in the age of post-modernism]. Proceedings of the conference. М., 1999.
  • Sotsialnaya teoria kak oblast’ mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovaniy [Social theory as a field of interdisciplinary studies] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 1999. Vol. 1. Issue 1.
  • Puti sistemnoy reorganizatsii i integratsii sotsialnogo znaniya [Ways of systemic reorganization and integration of social knowledge] (essays on the destiny of Russian social knowledge) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 1999. Vol. 1. Issue . 1. 2000. Vol. 2. Issue 1-3.
  • «Sotsiologia zhizni» kak novoe napravlenie mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovaniy [«Sociology of life» as a new trend of interdisciplinary studies] // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies].  2000. No.9.
  • Evraziyskiy vybor Rossii [The Eurasian choice of Russia] (reflections about geopolitical fantasies of Z. Brzezinski) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2001. Vol. 3. Issue 3.
  • O statuse sovremennoy sotsialnoy teorii i ee antropologicheskoy orientatsii [On the status of modern social theory and its anthropological orientation] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2002. Vol. 4. Issue 3-4.
  • Akademicheskaya sotsialnaya nauka pered vyborom [Academic social sciences facing a choice] (on some problems and perspectives of development of Russian social knowledge) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2003. Vol. 5. Issue . 1-2. 2004. Vol. 6. Issue 1.
  • Kultura i sotsialnost’: problems institutsionalizatsii [Culture and sociality: problems of institutionalization] (main perspectives of knowledge) // Filosofia i kultura [Philosophy and culture]. Facets of culture. What culturologists think about and what they discuss: Coll. Scient. works. М., 2003.
  • Sotsialnaya teoria segodnya: predposylki funktsionalnogo krizisa [Social theory today: prerequisites of functional crisis] // Obshchestvo i lichnost’: integratsia, partnerstvo, sotsialnaya zashchita [Society and personality: integration, partnership, social protection]. Stavropol, 2004.
  • Sotsialnaya teoria v Rossii: poiski samoopredeleniya [Social theory in Russia: search for self-determination] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2005. Vol. 7. Issue 1 (25).
  • Sotsialnaya teoria i obshchestvo: grazhdanskaya missia intellektualov [Social theory and society: civil mission of intellectuals] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2006. Vol. 8. Issue 1 (29). P. 60-79.
  • Sotsialnaya teoria i obshchestvo: refleksivnaya missia intellektualov [Social theory and society: reflexive mission of intellectuals] // Chelovek, kultura i obshchestvo v kontekste globalizatsii [Man, culure and society in the context of globalization: Proceed. of int. scient. conf. М.: Academicheskiy Projekt; RIK, 2007. P. 12-19.
  • Sotsialnaya teoria i teoreticheskaya sotsiologia na puti inegratsii [Social theory ad theoretical sociology towards integration] // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies].  2007. No.9. P. 17-24.
  • Sotsialnaya teoria segodnya: predmet i mezhdistsiplinarny status [Social theory today: subject matter and interdisciplinary status] // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii[Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2007. Vol I. Issue 1. Philosophic and scientific foundations of modern social theory / Yu.M.Reznik. М., 2007. P. 306-320.
  • Konstruirovanie sotsialnoy realnosti: sotsiokulturnye razlichiya sub’ektov poznaniya [Constructing reality: sociocultural differences of subjects of knowledge] // Chelovek v kulture [Man in culture]. Warszawa: Higher school of finance and management, 2007. P. 419-435.
  • Sotsialnye i kulturnye praktiki: intentsionalny podkhod [Social and cultural practices: intentional approach] // Kultura i kulturnaya politika [Culture and cultural policy]: Issue 2: Formation of Russian culturology in events and persons / O.N. Astafieva and V.K. Egorov. М.: MAKS Press, 2008. P. 158-168.
  • Sotsiokulturnye praktiki v sisteme deyatelnosti lichnosti [Sociocultural practices in the system of personal activities] // Postneklassicheskie praktiki: opredelenie predmetnykh oblastey [Postnonclassical practices: determination of subject fields]: Proceedings of intern. seminar / O.N. Astafieva. М.: MAKS Press, 2008. P. 157-185.
  • Sotsialnaya teoria i mir praktik [Social theory and the world of practices] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2008. Vol. 10. Issue 1 (40). P. 9-18. 2008. Vol. 10. Issue 2 (41). P. 8-18.
  • Sotsialnaya realnost’: idei i praktiki [Social reality: ideas and practices] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2008. Vol. 10. Issue 3-4 (42-43). P. 9-19. Issue 5-6. P. 10-21.
  • Sotsiokulturny podkhod kak metodologia issledovaniy [Sociocultural approach as methodology of research] // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2008. Vol. II. Issue 1 (2). Sotsialnaya realnost’: kontsepsii i metodologia issledovaniy [Social reality: conceptions and methodology of research] / Yu.M.Reznik. М.: IPh RAS, 2008. P. 353-380.
  • Sotsialnaya realnost’: poiski smysla [Social reality: search for meaning] (afterword for discussion) // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii [Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2008. Vol. II. Issue 1 (2). Sotsialnaya realnost’: kontsepsii i metodologia issledovaniy [Social reality: conceptions and methodology of research] / Yu.M.Reznik. М.: IPh RAS, 2008. P. 556-578.
  • Priroda sotsialnoy realnosti: mnogoobrazie podkhodov [The nature of social reality: diversity of approaches] // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii[Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2009. Vol. III. Issue 1 (3). Sotsialnost’ i kultura v izmenyayushchemsya mire [Sociality and culture in the changing world] / Yu.M.Reznik. М.: IPh RAS, 2009. P. 202-204; 209-220.
  • O nekotorykh «tupikakh» sotsialnoy teorii[On some «deadlocks» of social theory]: Scient. almanac of social theory (polemic notes) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2009. Vol. XI. Issue 4 (51-52). P. 122-130.
  • Sotsiokulturny podkhod k upravleniyu: analiz i konstruirovanie [A sociocultural approach to management: analysis and construction] // Bulletin of N.I. Lobachevsky N.Novgorod Univ. Series Social sciences. 2009. No.4 (16). P. 104-111.
  • Refleksivnaya sotsialnaya teoria versus reflektivnoy sotsialnoy filosofii [Reflexive social theory versus reflective social philosophy] (a retrospective of one discussion) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2010. Vol. XII. Issue 1 (53-54). P. 98-103.
  • Sotsioalno-gumanitarnye tekhnologii upravleniya: k vozmozhnosti promeneniya v obrazovatelnykh praktikakh [Socio-humanitarian technologies of management: toward possibility of using in educational practices] // Chelovek vchera i segodnya: mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniya [Man yesterday and today: interdisciplinary studies]. Issue 4. / M.R. Kiselev. М.: IPh RAS, 2010.
  • Ideynoe nasledie Zapada i otechestvenny opyt institutsionalizatsii sotsialnoy teorii [The ideological heritage of the West and the Russian expecience of institutionalization of social theory] // Nasledie v epokhu sotsiokulturnykh transformatsiy [Heritage in the age of sociocultural transformations]: Proceed. of Int. scientific conference / E. А. Shulepovaа. М., 2010. P. 26-31.
  • Sotsialnaya teoria vchera i segodnya: refleksivnye zametki ob odnoy paradigme [Social theory yesterday and now: reflexive notes about one paradigm] // Sotiiologicheskiy almanakh [Sociological almanac]. Minsk: Belorusskaya nauka, 2010. P. 77-87.
  • O refleksivnoy perspektive v sovremennoy sotsialnoy teorii i teoreticheskoy sotsiologii [On a reflexive perspective in modern social theory and theoretical sociology] // Sotsialnoe znanie i belorusskoe obshchestvo [Social knowledge and Belorussian society]: Proceedings of Int. scient.-pract. conf. Minsk: Pravo i ekonomika, 2009. P. 18-24.
  • Ponyatiya «sovremennost’» i «sovremennoe obshchestvo» v sotsialnoy teorii [The concepts «modernity» and «modern society» in social theory] // Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii[Problems of social theory]: Sotsialnye teorii sovremennosti: Scient. almanac. Issue 1 / Ed-in-chief  T.V. Dushina, head of project Yu.M. Reznik. М., Stavropol: North-Caucasian State University of Technology, 2010. P. 7-45.
  • Sotsialnaya realnost’: k opredeleniyu urovney postizheniya [Social reality: toward determination of levels of comprehension] // Sotsialnye teorii sovremennosti [Social theories of modernity]: Scientific almanac. Issue 1 / Ed.-in-chief T.V. Dushina, head of project Yu.M. Reznik. М., Stavropol: North-Caucasian State University of Technology, 2010. P. 46-71.
  • O statuse sovremennoy sotsialnoy teorii i ee antropologicheskoy orientatsii [On the status of modern social theory and its anthropological orientation] // Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy. [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines] Issue 3 / Ed. P.S.Gurevich. M.: IPhRAS, 2010. P. 162-173.


Problems of civil society:

  • Idea grazhdanskogo obshchestva v ee razvitii [The idea of civil society in its development] // Sotsialnaya filosofia v kontse ХХ veka [Social philosophy of the 20th century]. Coll. works.  М., MGU Publishers, 1991.
  • Formirovanie institutov grazhdanskogo obshchestva (a socio-engineering approach) // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies].  1994. No.10.
  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo kak obyekt sotsiologicheskogo poznaniya // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 18. Sociology and political science. 1995.  No.2.
  • Na puti sozdaniya integralnoy teorii grazhdanskogo obshchestva. Idea grazhdanskogo obshchestva: istoria i sovremennoe sostoyanie [Toward creation of an integral theory of civil society. The idea of civil society: history and modern state] // Problemy stanovleniya grazhdanskogo obshchestva v Rossii [Problems of formation of civil society in Russia]: Abstracts of scient.pract.conf. Krasnoyarsk, 1996.
  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo, sredniy klass i vozmozhnosti ikh koevolutsii v sovremennoy Rossii: sotsiokulturny aspekt [Civil society, middle class and possibilities of their coevolution in modern Russia: a sociocultural aspect]// Sotsialno-politicheskaya stabilnost’ v Rossiyskoy Federatsii i formirovanie srednego klassa [Sociopolitical stability in the Russian Federation and formation of the middle class]. М., 2001.
  • Paradoksy i perspektivy grazhdanskogo obshchestva [Paradoxes and perspectives of civil society] // Scientific proceedings of V.I.Vernadsky Tavricheski National University. Vol. 17 (56). No 2. Philosophy. Simferopol, 2005.
  • Idea «vsemirnogo grazhdanskogo sostoyaniya» I. Kanta i ee sovremennye interpretatsii [I.Kant’s idea of universal civil condition and its modern interpretations] // Filosofia I. Kanta (istoria i sovremennost’) [Philosophy of I.Kant (history and our days]: Coll. scient. works. Omsk: OmGU Publ., 2006.
  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo kak sotsiokulturny proekt sovremennoy Rossii: vozmozhnosti i paradoksy realizatsii [Civil society as a sociocultural project of modern Russia: opportunities and paradixes of realization] // Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie [Managerial counselling]: Scient.-pract. journal. 2006. No 1. P. 55-73.
  • Grazhdanskoe soglasie kak osnova konstruktivnogo vzaimodeystviya sub’ektov v sovremennom obshchestve [Civil consent as a basis for constructive interaction of subjects in modern society] // Tsivilizatsii [Civilizations]. Issue 7. Dialog kultur i tsivilizatsiy [Dialogue of cultures and civilizations]. М., Institute of World History RAS, 2006.
  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo v sisteme tsennostnykh orientatsiy rossiyskogo cheloveka [Civil society in the system of value orientations of a Russian citizen] // Dalny Vostok: dinamika tsennostnykh orientatsiy [Far East: the dynamiks of value orientations]. Proceedings of intern. scientific-practical conference. I.I. Dokuchaev. Komsomolsk-on-Amur: KnAGTU, 2008. P. 115-130.
  • Lichnostno-orientirovannaya teoria grazhdanskogo obshchestva: personalism protiv sotsiotsentrizma [A personality-oriented theory of civil society: personalism versus sociocentrism] // Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo: teoria i praktika [Civil society: theory and practice]. Yearbook 2008-2009. Issues 2-3 / G.N. Grigor’ev and Yu.M.Reznik. М., Cheboksary, 2009. P. 36-51.
  • Chelovek grazhdanskiy: problemy identichnosti [The civil man: problems of identity]// Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii[Problems of social theory]: Scient. almanac. 2010. Vol. IV. Chelovek v poiskakh identichnosti [Man in search of identity] / Ed. by Yu.M.Reznik and M.V.Tlostanova. М.: Association «Interdisciplinary Society of Social Theory», 2010. P. 305-325.
  • Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo: teoretiko-metodologicheskie aspekty sotsiokulturnogo analiza [Civil society: theoretical and methodological aspects of sociocultural analysis] // Mestnye soobshchestva: problemy sotsiokulturnogo razvitiya [Local communities: problems of sociocultural development]: Collected scient. works / Yu.M.Reznik and N.I. Mironova. М.: Independent Institute for Civil Society, 2010. P. 5-7; 6-47. (in coauthorship with T.E. Reznik). 6-71.


Methodological problems of social anthropology and cultural studies:

  • Sotsialnaya antropologia: opyt postroeniya kursa [Social anthropology: an experience of building a course] // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii [Higher education in Russia]. 1997. No.4.
  • Sotsialnaya antropologia kak nauchnaya distsiplina [Social anthropology as an academic discipline] // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies].  1997. No.5.
  • Sotsialnaya antropologia v sisteme kompleksnogo izuchenia cheloveka [Social anthropology in the system of a complex study of man] // Vestnik RGNF [Bulletin of RGNF]. 1997. No 4.
  • Sotsialnaya antropologia kak uchebnaya distsiplina [Social anthropology as an educational discipline] // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Moscow University]. Series 18. Sociology and politology. 1997. No.4. 1998. No 1.
  • Sushchnost’ korporativnoy kultury v sovremennoy organizatsii [The essence of corporative culture in a modern organization] // Upravlenie personalom [Human resource management]. 1998. No 8 (in coauthorship).
  • Prikladnaya sotsialnaya antropologia organizatsiy: nauchny status i spetsifika [Applied social anthropology of organizations: scientific status and specificity] // Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies].  1999. No.6.
  • Kultura kak predmet izucheniya [Culture as a subject for study] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2001. Vol. 3. Issues 1-3.
  • O statuse sovremennoy kulturologii i ee sootnoshenii s drugimi naukami o kulture [On the status of modern culturology and its relation with other cultural studies] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2004. Vol. 6. Issue 2 (22).
  • «Inoe» i formy ego predstavlennosti v nauke o culture: antropologicheskiy vyzov vremeni [«Other» and forms of its presentation in cultural studies] // Parerga: International philosophical journal. Warszawa, 2004. Vol. 2.
  • «Inoe» v nauke o kulture [«Other» in cultural studies] // Doctrina. Warszawa. 2005. No.2.
  • Kulturologia kak nezavershenny nauchny proekt [Culturology as an incomplete academic project] // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2007. Vol. 9. Issue 3 (37). P. 9-17.
  • Nauki o kulture: proekty i grani ikh vzaimodeystviya [Cultural studies: projects and frames of their interaction] (introduction) // Teoriya kultury: raznoobrazie podkhodov i vozmozhnosti ikh integratsii [Theory of culture: diversity of approaches and possibilities of their integration] / Yu.M.Reznik. М.: ROSSPEN, 2011. P. 4-15.
  • Kultura kak predmet izucheniya: metasistemnaya kontseptsia [Culture as a subject for study: a metasystemic conception] // Teoriya kultury: raznoobrazie podkhodov i vozmozhnosti ikh integratsii [Theory of culture: diversity of approaches and possibilities of their integration] / Yu.M.Reznik. М.: ROSSPEN, 2011. P. 15-40.
  • Sotsiokulturny podkhod kak metodologia issledovaniy [A sociocultural approach as a methodology of research // Teoriya kultury: raznoobrazie podkhodov i vozmozhnosti ikh integratsii [Theory of culture: diversity of approaches and possibilities of their integration] / Yu.M.Reznik. М.: ROSSPEN, 2011. P. 138-161.


Interviews and essays:


  • Ya – gumanitariy [I am a humanitarian]! (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. P.S. Gurevich, IPh RAS, October 1999) // Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]. 2000. Vol. 1. Issue 1 (2). P. 251-257. 
  • Tsennosti issledovaniya i issledovanie tsennostey [Values of study and study of values] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with corr.-member of RAS N.I. Lapin, IPh RAS, November 1999) // LKO. 2000. Vol. 2. Issue 1 (2). P. 258-280.
  • Moya zhizn’ v nauke [My life in science] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with corr.-member of RAS R.G. Yanovskiy, ISPI RAS, January 2000) // LKO. 2000. Vol. 2. Issue 2 (3). P. 221-227.
  • Nauka – eto interesno [Science is interesting]! (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.S. Dudchenko, Gildia konsultantov [Guild of consultants], spring 2000) // LKO. 2000. Vol. 2. Issue 3 (4). P. 241-253. 
  • Sotsialnaya otvetstvennost’ uchenykh [Social responsibility of scientists] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.V. Shcherbina, RGGU, spring 2000) // LKO. 2000. Vol. 2. Issue 3 (4). P. 254-275.
  • Sotsialnaya filosofia na puti k cheloveku [Social philosophy on its way to man] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.S. Barulin, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., January 2000) // LKO. 2000. Vol. 2. Issue 4 (5). P. 237-245.
  • Moy put’ v nauke [My life in science] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. A.A. Zinov’ev, M.V. Lomonosov MSU, November 2001) // LKO. 2001. Vol. 3. Issue 4 (10). P. 278-334. 
  • Filosofia kak prizvanie i professia [Philosophy as calling and profession] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.Zh. Kelle, IPh RAS, autumn 2001) // LKO. 2002. Vol. 4. Issue 1-2 (11-12). P. 352-379.
  • Filosofia kak mirovozrenie svobodnogo cheloveka [Philosophy as the world view of a free man] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.M. Mezhuev, IPh RAS, spring 2003) // LKO. 2003. Vol. 5. Issue 1-2 (15-16). P. 327-364.
  • Moya zhizn’ в filosofii [My life in philosophy] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. M.S. Kagan, StPbSU, 20 October 2003) // LKO. 2003. Vol. 5. Issue 3-4 (17-18). P. 328-360.
  • Chto znachit byt’ sotsiologom v Rossii? [What is to be a sociologist in Russia?] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.A. Yadov, Institute of Sociology RAS, spring 2004) // LKO. 2004. Vol. 6. Issue 3 (23). P. 309-315.
  • Nauka kak neprestanny poisk istiny [Science as an incessant search for truth] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. Yu.I. Semenov, MFTI, December 2004) // LKO. 2004. Vol. 6. Issue 4 (24). P. 322-340.
  • Filosof i poet [Philosopher and poet] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.L. Rabinovich, Institute of Man RAS, 21 February 2005 // LKO. 2005. Vol. 7. Issue. 1 (25). P. 340-349.
  • Delay to, chto mozhesh [Do what you can] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. E.A. Orlova, GASK, March–April 2004) // LKO. 2005. Vol. 7. Issue 2 (26). P. 299-311.
  • Chelovek, kotory filosofstvuet [Philosophizing man] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. A.P. Ogurtsov, IPh RAS, 2 July 2005) // LKO. 2005. Vol. 7. Issue 3 (27). P. 324-330. 
  • Filosof i gumanitariy [Philosopher and humanitarian] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with acad. E.M. Babosov, Institute of Sociology NANB, 24 February 2006) // LKO. 2006. Vol. 8. Issue 3 (31). P. 335-343.
  • Khochu skazat’ [I want to say] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with I.M. Khakamada, PhD (Economics) (see: 2006. Vol. 8. Issue 4 (32). P. 346-358.
  • Chelovek dela [Man of work] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with N.A. Stepanov. S.A.Esenin RGU, 28 January 2009) // LKO. 2009. Vol. 11. Issue 1 (46-47). P. 495-509.
  • Sud’ba uchenogo [The fate of a scholar] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof., corr.-mem. RAS B.G. Yudin, IPh RAS, 9 February 2009) // LKO. 2009. Vol. 11. Issue 2 (48-49). P. 456-477.
  • Filosofia professionala [Philosophy of a professional] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. P.K. Grechko, RUDN, 12 February 2009) // LKO. 2009. Vol. 11. Issue 2 (48-49). P. 442-454.
  • Na puti k samomu sebe: neyubileyny razgovor o nasushchnom [On the way to oneself: a non-jubilee talk about vital things] (dialogues with Prof. Yu.M.Reznik, 25, 27 March and 4 April 2009) // LKO. 2009. Vol. 11. Issue 3 (50). P. 534-566.
  • Filosofia professionala, part 2 [Philosophy of a professional] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. P.K. Grechko, RUDN, 20 March 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. 12. Issue 1 (53-54). P. 365-363.
  • Moya zhizn’ – moya filosofia [My life – my philosophy] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.I. Razumov, OmSU, 20 April 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. 12. Issue 1 (53-54). P. 384-393.
  • O lichnom otnoshenii k nauke [About a personal attitude to science] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. A.B. Gofman, GU-VShE, May-June 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. 12. Issue 1 (53-54). P. 394-415.
  • Eshche raz o filosofii i o mnogom drugom [Once again about philosophy and many other things] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. A.P. Ogurtsov, IPh RAS, 2 June 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. 12. Issue 1 (53-54). P. 416-438.
  • Nichto chelovecheskoe… Moya zhizn’ vne professii [Nothing human… My life outside profession] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. K.E. Razlogov, RIK, 29 June 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. 12. Issue 1 (53-54). P. 439-449.
  • Filosofia i zhiznenny vybor cheloveka [Philosophy and man’s life choice] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. O.A. Mitroshenkov, RAGS, 6 July 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. 12. Issue 1 (53-54). P. 450-473.
  • O nevozmozhnom v zhizni [About the impossible in life] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with A.A. Pelipenko, RIK, 1 July 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. 12. Issue 2 (55-56). P. 437-443.
  • Sotsiolog i ego paradoksy [Sociologist and his paradoxes] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with corr.member of RAS Zh.T. Toshchenko, IS RAS, July 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. XII. Issue 2 (55-56). P. 444-459.
  • O lubopytstve v nauke i gumanitarnoy refleksii [On curiosity in science and humanitarian reflection] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. D.I. Polyvyanny, Ivanovo, 15 May 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. XII. Issue 3 (57-58). P. 373–381.
  • O sebe, filosofii i vremeni [About philosophy, time and myself] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.Zh. Kelle, IPh RAS, 17 July 2009) // LKO. 2010. Vol. XII. Issue 3 (57-58). P. 364-373.
  • O professionalnom otnoshenii k nauke i tvorchestvu [On professional attitude to science and creativity] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. A.L. Zhuravlev, IP RAS, 12 October 2009 // LKO. 2010. Vol. XII. Issue . 4 (59-60). P. 398-411. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 1 (61-62).
  • Filosofia tvorchestva i tvorchestvo v filosofii [Philosophy of creativity and creativity in philosophy] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. K.S. Pigrov, StPbSU, 28 October 2009) // 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 1 (61-62).
  • O chem on mechtal [What he was dreaming about] (Yu.M.Reznik’s interview with Prof. V.P. Kultygin, ISI MGALP, autumn 1999) // LKO. 2011. Vol. XIII. Issue 2 (63-64).



  • K voprosu o kriteriyakh «razmezhevaniya» i otsenki professionalnoy zrelosti uchenykh v nauchnom soobshchestve [On the criteria of “delimitation” and evaluation of professional maturity of scholars in the academic community] // LKO. 1999. Vol. 1. Issue 1. P. 268-274.
  • Dva portreta odnogo cheloveka (o formalnom i neformalnom v oblike Vyacheslava Shcherbiny) [Two portraits of one man (about the formal and informal in the image of Vyacheslav Shcherbina)] // LKO. 2007. Vol. 9. Issue . 1 (34). P. 352-386.
  • Shtrikhi k filosofii zhizni i tvorchestva K.S. Pirgova [ Some traits of K.S. Pirgov’s philosophy of life and creative works] // LKO. 2008. Vol. 10. Issue 3-4 (42-43). P. 423-451.
  • Chelovek dela (vvedenie v personalny obraz N.A.Stepanova) [A man of work (an introduction into the personal image of N.A.Stepanov)] // LKO. 2009. Vol.11. Issue 1 (46-47). P. 470-494.
  • Chelovecheskoe litso zhurnala (zametki i nabludeniya) [A human face of the journal (notes and observations)] // LKO. 2009. Vol.11. Issue 3 (50). P. 650-678.
  • V.Zh. Kelle: nabroski k nezavershennomu portretu [V.Zh. Kelle: sketches to the uncompleted portrait] // LKO. 2010. Vol. XII. Issue 3 (57-58). P. 400–416.


Educational and methodological teaching aids

Teaching aids under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (in Russ)]:

  • Introduction into the theory of personality. Part 1. A sociocultural approach: a textbook. М.: Independent Institute for Civil society Publ., 2003. – 272 P. (in coauthorship).
  • Introduction into the theory of personality. Part 2. The personality and its life world: a textbook. М.: Independent Institute for Civil society Publ., 2005. – 320 P. (in coauthorship).


Teaching aids and chapters in textbooks (in Russ.):

  • Social engineering:  programmes of courses and plans of seminars for students of the sociological faculty / Ed.-in-chief Yu.M. Reznik. М.:  Publ.House «Soyuz», 1993.
  • Social engineering: a lecture course. М.: Publ.House «Soyuz», 1994. – 147 P. (in coauthorship).
  • Teaching and methodological materials and bibliography for disciplines of the cycle «Civil society» // Proceedings of scient-pract. conf. Krasnoyarsk, 1996.
  • Sociocultural anthropology (a historic-theoretical introduction): a textbook. М.: Publ.House «Soyuz», 1998. – 320 P. (in coauthorship).
  • The idea of civil society: history and our days (chapter 25) // General and applied anthropology: a textbook for higher educational institutions / Ed. by V.I. Zhukov and B.I. Krasnov. М.: Publ.House «Soyuz», 2001.
  • The social as the object of philosophical knowledge // Philosophy: a lecture course / Ed. by O.A. Mitroshenkov. М.: Gardarika, 2002. P. 358-386.
  • Programmes of courses on general professional disciplines («Introduction into social anthropology», «Social anthropology», «Methods of socio-anthropological research», «General psychology», «Social psychology», «Theory and history of sociology») // Collected approximate programmes for second-generation disciplines of the federal cycle in sociology and social anthropology. Part III / Sociological faculty, М.V. Lomonosov University. М.: MGU Publ., 2003.
  • Programmes of the courses «Methodology and methods of sociological research», «Ethnical psychology», «Philosophical anthropology», «Foundations of socio-psychological counselling» // Collected approximate programmes for second-generation disciplines of the federal cycle in sociology and social anthropology. Part IV / Sociological faculty, М.V. Lomonosov University. М.: MGU Publ., 2003.
  • Programmes of the courses «Human development», «Theory of personality» // Collected approximate programmes for second-generation disciplines of the federal cycle in sociology, social anthropology and organization of work with the young people. Part V. / Sociological faculty, М.V. Lomonosov University. М.: MGU Publ., 2004.
  • Personality (chapter 5) // Sociology: the basics of general theory: a textbook / ed.-in-chief G.V. Osipov, L.N. Moskvichev. 2nd ed., rev. and updated. М.: Norma, 2008. P. 201-256.


Lecture courses
  • Theory of personality (54 hrs; S.A.Esenin RGU; 2004-2006);
  • Modern social theories (36 hrs.; RUDN; since 2007 till now);
  • Russian social philosophy: competition of ideas (36 hrs; RUDN; since 2007 till now);


Organization of scientific activities

Continuing conferences, symposiums and seminars:

  • The international scientific conference «Man, culture and society in the context of globalization». Is held once in 2 years (October – November) since 2000. In all, 7 conferences were held. Yu.M. Reznik is a permanent head of the organizing committee.
  • The interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory and socio-humanitarian education in the post-Soviet space». Moscow-Ryazan. Ryazan State University of Radiotechnology together with the Institute of Philosophy of RAS and Association «Interdisciplinary Society of Social Theory». Is held annually in April since 2007. Yu.M. Reznik is a scientific head of the project and chairman of the programme committee of the symposium. E-mail:
  • The interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory and problems of civil society in the post-Soviet space». Cheboksary, I.Ya. Yakovlev ChGPU. Inter-Institute Centre of Social Theory. Is held once in two years since September 2007. Yu.M. Reznik is co-chairman of the organizing committee. E-mail:
  • The interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory today: problems and perspectives.  Moscow. RUDN. Inter-Institute Centre of Social Theory. Is held annually since June 2008. Yu.M. Reznik is co-chairman of the organizing committee.   E-mail:
  • The interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory and problems of the personality in modern society». Kursk. KGTU (YuZGU). Inter-Institute Centre of Social Theory. Is held once in two years since May 2009. Yu.M. Reznik is co-chairman of the organizing committee.
  • The interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory and the anthropological challenges of the 21st century». Чита. Chita State University together with the editorial board of the journal «Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo» and the Association «Interdisciplinary Society of Social Theory». Is held once in two years since May 2010. Yu.M. Reznik is co-chairman of the organizing committee.
  • The interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory and problems of organizational development in the region». Nizhny Novgorod. N. Novgorod National Research University. Inter-Institute Centre of Social Theory. Is held once in two years since September 2010. Yu.M. Reznik is co-chairman of the organizing committee. E-mail:
  • The interdisciplinary scientific symposium with international participation «Social theory and society under the conditions of globalization». Moscow. М.V. Lomonosov University. Philosophical faculty together with the department of complex problems of human studies of the Institute of Philosophy of RAS. Is held once in two years since December 2010. Yu.M. Reznik is deputy chairman of the organizing committee.
  • The interdisciplinary scientific seminar «Social theory and sociocultural dynamics of Russia». Moscow. IPh RAS. Is held once in three months since 2005. Yu.M. Reznik is head of the seminar.


Organization of projects

  • Editor-in-chief of the journal «Lichnost’. Kultura. Obshchestvo. [Personality. Culture. Society]» (since 1999 till now;; e-mail:;.
  • Editor-in-chief of the scientific almanac «Voprosy sotsialnoy teorii [Problems of social theory]» (since 2007 till now; e-mail:;
  • Deputy Chairman of Scientific-coordination council on philosophical problems of social theory (since 2008 till now);
  • President of the Association «Interdisciplinary Society of Social Theory» (since 2007 till now; e-mail:;
  • Chairman of the Commission for complex problems of human, cultural and social studies of the Scientific Council of RAS «History of world literature» (since 2007 till now).


Address of the personal site