Centre for the Study of Social and Cultural Change |
The Head of the Centre is the D.Sc. in sociology, leading research fellow Belyaeva Lyudmila.
The Centre received this title in the middle of the 90-th.
The fundamental problematic of the Centre was being formulated at the process of preparation and realization of the all-Russian monitoring, called “Our Values and Interests Today”. This monitoring has began during the Soviet period (at the territory of the former Russian Soviet Federation) and is being repeated every four years; 6 allrussian sociological surveys were already carried out during the following years: in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010.
The Centre widens the analytical themes, concentrating mainly at the problems of unity and differentiation of the socio-cultural space of Russia. Nowadays the main attention of the Centre is focused on the research of modernization of Russia and its regions problems.
The focuses of investigations are as follows:
- The Problems of socio-cultural evolution of the Russia as whole and its regions (federal subjects and federal regions).
- The Analysis of factors, stages and phases of increasing of socio-cultural modernization in Russia and regions.
- The Analysis of social tension on the space (territory) of Russia during the process of modernization; human, cultural, social and symbolic capital of the regions.
- The Values and Interests Evolution of Russians; the transformation of social and socio-cultural stratification of the Russian Society.
- Existential Experience at the Socio-cultural Context.
The Staff:
- Akhvatkina Irina, junior scientific researcher.
- Reznik Yuriy Mikhaylovich, D.Sc. in philosophy, professor, main research fellow
- Yuriy D. Granin, D.Sc. in philosophy, professor, leading research fellow.
Personal monographs:
- Lapin N.I. Theory and Practice of Innovatics. Manual. M., Logos; 2008. 326p.
- Lapin N.I. General Sociology. Manual. M., Higher School. 2006. 415 p.; 2-nd edition: M., Higher School, 2009.
- General Sociology. Anthology. Prepared by Zdravomislov A.G. and Lapin N.I. M., Higher School, 2006, 783 p.).
- Belyaeva L.A. Empirical Sociology in Russia and in the Eastern Europe. Text-book.M., Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2004, 408 p.
- Lapin N.I. Empirical Sociology in the Western Europe. Text-book. Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics.2004. 381 p.
- Belyaeva L.A. Social Stratification and the Middle Class in Russia. (M., ACADEMIA, 2001. 12 p.sh.).
- Lapin N.I. The Russian Ways: Socio-cultural Transformations. M.,: In-t of Philos., the RAS. 2000. 12 p.sh.
Topical collections:
- The Problems of socio-cultural modernization in the Russian Regions. Prep. and ed. Lapin N.I., Belyaeva L.A.. Moscow, ACADEMIA, 2013. 25 pr.sh..
- Russia in Europe. On the base of the International Project “European Social Analysis”. Gen. edition: A.B. Andreyenkova and L.A.Belyaeva. M., ACADEMIA, 2009, 24 pr.sh.
- Regions in Russia: Socio-cultural Portrait of the Regions on the General Russian Context. Preparation and gen. edition – Lapin N.I., Belyaeva L.A. M., In-t of Philosophy, the RAS, 2006, 15,9 pr.sh.
- The Dynamics of Values of the Russian Population. Ed. by N.I.Lapin, L.A.Belyaeva. M., URSS, 1996, 14 pr.sh.
- The Society Going Through a Crisis: Our Society in Three Dimensions. Ed. by Lapin N.I., Belyaeva L.A. M., In-t of Philos. The RAS. 1994; 12,6 pr.sh.
Instrumentation of sociological research:
- Lapin N.I., Belyaeva L.A. The Program and a typical Instrumentation of sociological research: “Socio-cultural portrait of the Russian regions. Modification 2010”. Moscow, Ins-t of Philosophy, the RAS. 2010. 7 pr.sh..
Conferences and Seminars:
The Centre annually carries out conferences, devoted to the socio-cultural development and modernization of the Russian regions:
- 2005 – Moscow, In-t of Philosophy, the RAS;
- 2006 – the State University in Tyumen;
- 2007 – the State University in Kursk;
- 2008 – the state Institute of humanitarian sciences in Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic;
- 2009 – Branch of regional Academy of state work in Smolensk;
- 2010 – the state University in Ulianovsk;
- 2011 – the state technological University of Kazan, Tatar Republic;
- 2012 – the Institute of socio-political and law studies in Ufa, Bashkir Republic;
- 2013 – the Institute of socio-economic development of territories of RAS in Vologda.
Adress: Goncharnaya 12/1, Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation. The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the RAS).
Tel.: 8 (495) 697-06-34.
E-mail: lapin@iphras.ru