Year and place of birth
1993, Moscow.
ResearcherID: J-4049-2018
ORCID: 0000-0003-4408-3103
Degrees |
- PhD of Political Sciences, 2020 ("Problems of Democracy Functionality: modern methodological approaches").
Education |
- 2015-2018 RAS Institute of Philosophy. Political Theory, History and Methodology of Political Science. Educator-researcher.
- 2013-2015 State Academic University for the Humanities, Faculty of Political Science. Master of Political Science.
- 2009-2013 State Academic University for the Humanities, Faculty of Political Science. Bachelor of Political Science.
Professional activity
- Since 2020 to the present - Head of the Department of Scientific communication and Science Popularization;
- Since 2014 to the present - Junior Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy RAS;
- 2018-2020 - Deputy Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Philosophy RAS;
- 2014-2014 - Senior laboratory assistant of the Scientific and Organizational Department of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
- 2012-2013 - Laboratory assistant of the State Academic University of the Humanities.
Field of research interests
- The history of political doctrines, the phenomena of utopia and utopianism, democracy and democratic transit, scientific communication.
About the Liquid Democracy Phenomenon // Democracy & Society. Special issue: Truth and Information. Volume 18, 2021-2022. P. 26-28 Problems of Democracy Functionality: Methodological Approaches // DER DONAURAUM. Jahrgang 60 – Heft 4/2020. P. 75-88. ISSN: 0012-5415 Democracy and capitalism: The price of interconnectedness in the age of globalization // The Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology. Special issue: The Socio-Economic Realities Of Post-Industrial Capitalism Volume 11, Number 1. P. 59-67. ISSN 2068-0317 |
Scientific Publications
- Paradoxes of Legitimacy in Mass Democracies. Central European Journal of Politics. Volume 7 (2021), Issue 2. P. 31–47. DOI: 10.24132/cejop_2021_7 (Ananieva, A.Z. and Rozhkova, Z.I.)
- About the Liquid Democracy Phenomenon // Democracy & Society. Special issue: Truth and Information. Volume 18, 2021-2022. P. 26-28
- Problems of Democracy Functionality: Methodological Approaches // DER DONAURAUM. Jahrgang 60 – Heft 4/2020. P. 75-88. ISSN: 0012-5415
- Democracy and capitalism: The price of interconnectedness in the age of globalization // The Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology. Special issue: The Socio-Economic Realities Of Post-Industrial Capitalism Volume 11, Number 1. P. 59-67. ISSN 2068-0317
- Education for democracy or democratic education? // Politics and Society. 2020. No. 4. pp. 39-49. DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684. 2020.4.34556. ISSN 2454-0684 (in Rus.)
- Rozhkova Z. I., Kalakutskaya A. A. On the question of the role of Internet marketing in modern society. Nauka.me -2020. - 3 issue 2020 [Electronic resource]. DOI: 10.18254/S241328880010535-2. ISSN 2413-2888 (in Rus.)
- Formation of public opinion in democratic regimes. Polylogos. 3(3 (9)) 2019 (Electronic Journal). DOI: 10.18254/S258770110007596-7 (in Rus.)
- Problems of democracy functionality: methodological approaches to the study // Izv. Sarat. UN-TA. New. CE. Ser. Sociology. Political science. 2018. Vol. 18, vol. 4. P. 479-484. DOI: 10.18500 / 1818-9601-2018-18-4-479-484. 2541-8998 ISSN (online). ISSN 1818-9601 (print) (in Rus.)
- Democracy in Islamic countries. Experience of Indonesia // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 12: Political Science. No. 6. 2017. P. 85-93. ISSN 0868-4871 (in Rus.)
- Specific features of the Evolution in the use of the term “democracy” in the political discourseof XVIII-XXI century (Electronic Journal). 2016. № 4. ISSN 2224-0209 (in Rus.)
Papers and Presentations
- Utopia as a political and philosophical project of modernity // Utopian projects in the history of culture: materials of the III All-Russian (with international participation) scientific conference "Utopian projects in the history of culture" on the topic "(Not)possible worlds: present and future in the mirror of dystopia" / Southern Federal University; [editor: T. S. Paniotova (ed.) and others]. – Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Southern Federal University Press, 2021. C. 150-154. ISBN 978-5-9275-3841-6 (in Rus.)
- Liquid democracy in the twenty-first century: theory and practice // Administration of the state and development of Russia: threats and global structural changes»: collection of articles of the international conference session. Volume 3. - Moscow: Publishing House "SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY", 2020. pp. 887-894. (in Rus.)
- Changing social technologies through planning and militant democracy by K. Mannheim // Materials of the International youth scientific forum "LOMONOSOV-2020" [Electronic resource] / ed. I. A. Aleshkovsky, A.V. Andrianov, E. A. Antipov. - Electron. text messages. (1500 MB.) - Moscow: MAX Press, 2020. ISBN 978-5-317-06417-4. (in Rus.)
- Social inequality in the democratic world // Trajectories of political development of Russia: Institutions, projects, actors: proceedings of the all-Russian scientific conference RAPN, Moscow. 6-7 December 2019 / edited by O. V. Gamn-Goltuvina, L. V. Smorgunov, L. N. Timofeeva. – M.: Moscow state pedagogical University, 2019. Pp. 336-337. ISBN 978-5-4263-0832-9. (in Rus.)
- Democratic education as the formation of a new form of critical thinking // Proceedings of the II all-Russian (with international participation) scientific conference "Utopian projects in the history of culture" on "the City of the Sun": in search of an ideal locus" (on the 450th anniversary of the birth of Tommaso Campanella) / Utopian projects in the history of culture: proceedings of the II all-Russian (with international participation) scientific conference "Utopian projects in the history of culture" on "the theme"the City of the Sun": in search of an ideal locus" / southern Federal University; [redkol.: T. S. Paniotov (resp. ed.), etc.].– Rostov-on-don; Taganrog: southern Federal University Press, 2019. P. 28-29. ISBN 978-5-9275-3064-9. (in Rus.)
- Democratic ideal: myth or reality? // Policy development, state and the world order: proceedings of the VIII all-Russian Congress of political scientists, Moscow, 6-8 December, 2018 Under the General editorship of O. V. Gaman-Golovino, L., Smorgunov, L. N. Timofeeva. M.: Publishing House "Aspect Press", 2018. C. 453-454. ISBN 978-5-7567-1011-3. 1000 EQ. (in Rus.)
- The fall of the democracy index: accident or regularity? // Materials Of the international youth scientific forum "LOMONOSOV-2018" / Res. edited by I. A. Aleshkovsky, A.V. Andriyanov, E. A. Antipov. [Electronic resource] - Moscow: MAX Press, 2018. - 1 electron. wholesale. disc (DVD-ROM); 12 cm. - Systems. requirements: PC with 486 + processor; Windows 95; DVD-ROM drive; Adobe Acrobat Reader. - 1450 MB. - 11000 copies ISBN 978-5-317-05800-5. (in Rus.)
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in scientific events
- Report: "Modern Discussions on the functionality of democracy" (Moscow, The next joint meeting of the UNSC RAS and the Research Institute "Trust, Dignity and Rights", 08/20/2022) (in Rus.);
- Report: "Social Inequality in the World of Democracy". St. Petersburg Conference on Inequality and Diversity / ID Conference (Saint Petersburg, HSE, 05-07. 11. 2020);
- IV Russian Forum on Scientific Communication (Moscow, 16.10.2010);
- Report: "Democracy: between equality and inequality". Study Circle 5 & Study Circle 8. Nordic Summer University Summer Session 2020. Tracing the Spirit – NSU 70th Anniversary (week virtual events). 26.07.2020-02.08.2020.
- Report: "Liquid democracy in the 21st century: theory and practice". VIII international conference "Journalism and media practice: communications of the subjects of the Russian Federation with the Federal center", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Chuvash Autonomous region in videoconference mode (Moscow, 17.04.2020) (in Rus.);
- Report: "Democracy and capitalism in the context of globalization". Study Circle 5: Patterns of Dysfunction in Contemporary Democracies; Impact on Human Rights and Governance. Nordic Summer University Summer Session 2019. Estonia, Roosta, 28.07.19-04.08.2009.
- Report: "Role and Mechanisms of Public Opinion Formation". Study Circle 5: Patterns of Dysfunction in Contemporary Democracies Impact on Human Rights and Governance Joint Venture Between NSU and EHU. Winter Session 2019 – Special Focus: The Digital Revolution and Democracy. Saint Petersburg, St Petersburg University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, March 1-3 2019.
- Report: "Democratic ideal: myth or reality?". Development policy, state and world order. VIII all-Russian Congress of political scientists. Moscow, Financial Academy under the President of the Russian Federation, 6-8 December 2018. (in Rus.)
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