Place and Year of Birth
1975, Moscow
ORCID: 0000-0002-8536-5652
ResearcherID: U-8839-2018
Scopus Author ID: 57201984888
РИНЦ SPIN: 6552-4184, Author ID: 616529
Moscow State University (1997)
Ph.D. in letters.
Ph.D. Dissertation Title |
“The hypothesis of successive worlds in Origen's De principiis: hermeneutics, textual criticism, cosmological terminology”(Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology, 2003)
Field of Studies |
Origen, Plato, history of ethics, ancient and mediaeval cosmology.
Academic Ranks |
Senior Research Fellow, IPhRAS.
Publications (in Russian)
- The Hypothesis of Successive Worlds in Origen's De principiis. Moscow: IPhRAS Press 2005 [«Гипотеза множественности миров в трактате Оригена “О началах”». М. ИФ РАН. 2005].
Some Remarks on How to Interpret the Concept of “Intermediate Appropriate” Action in Early Stoic Ethics // Ethical Thought. 2022. Vol. 22 (1). P. 68–80. DOI: 10.21146/2074-4870-2022-22-1-68-80.
Intentionalism and Deontology in the Early Stoic Ethics // Philologia Classica. 2022. 17 (1). P. 32–47. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu20.2022.103 (in English)
Seneca’s Intentionalism and the Possibility of Social Morality in the Context of Stoic Ethics // History of Philosophy. 2020. Vol 25 (2). P. 5–15. ISSN 2074-5869. DOI: 10.21146/2074-5869-2020-25-2-5-15.
On Stoic Self-Contradictions: ἀδικεῖν vs. βλάπτειν in Chrysippus (SVF III, 289) // ΣΧΟΛΗ (Schole). 2020. Vol. 14 (2). P. 448–455. ISSN 1995-4328. DOI:10.25205/1995-4328-2020-14-2-448-455. (in English)
Maximus of Tyre on the Paradoxes of Injustice (Dialexeis, 12, 2–5) (or How Ancient Perfectionists Conceived of Social Morality) // Platonic Investigations. 2020. Vol. 13 (2). P. 128-147. ISSN 2410-3047. DOI: 10.25985/PI.13.2.06.
Stoicism and the Impossibility of Social Morality // ΣΧΟΛΗ (Schole). 2019. Vol. 13 (1). P. 58–77. ISSN 1995-4328. DOI: 10.25205/1995-4328-2019-13-1-58-77 (in English)
Stoicism and Justice // Philosophy Journal. 2019. Vol. 12 (1). P. 34–47. ISSN 2072-0726. DOI: 10.21146/2072-0726-2019-12-1-34-47.
Plato on the Reformatory Function of Punishment // Platonic Investigations. 2019. Vol. 10 (1). P. 89-106. ISSN 2410-3047. DOI: 10.25985/PI.10.1.05.
On Axiological Atheism // Social Sciences. 2019. Vol. 50. № 1. P. 98-109. ISSN 0134-5486. DOI: 10.31857/S013454860005123-3. (Scopus) (in English)
- Seneca on gratitude and justice: how to translate Ep. 81, 19? // ΣΧΟΛΗ (Schole). 2018. Vol. 12 (2). P. 393–401. (in English)
- “Disinterested” virtue in the history of European ethics: some remarks on the genesis of this notion // Intellectual Traditions in Past and Present 4 (2018), P. 120–163.
- Perfectionism as a premise of the thesis that good and being are convertible and its possible subjectivist critique // St. Tikhons University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. Vol 77 (2018). P. 72–85.
- Instrumentalism and inclusivism in Aristotle’s treatment of “external” goods (towards the interpretation of EN 1099a24–b7) // Ethical Thought. 2017. № 2. P. 73-90
- Happiness and non-moral values in Aristotle’s ethics // The legacies of Aristotle as constitutive element of european rationality. Proceedings of the Moscow international conference on Aristotle. RAS Institute of Philosophy, October 17-19, 2016 // Ed. by V.V. Petroff. Moscow: Aquilon, 2017. P. 43-60.
- Non-Moral Good and Evil in Plato’s Ethics // Platonic Investigations, IV / Ed. by I.A. Protopopova. Moscow – Saint Petersburg, 2016.
- Two Arguments against Hedonism in Plato’s Gorgias // Ethical Thought. 2015. Vol. 15. P. 51–69. (english version)
- Plato’s Ethical Maximalism and its Eudaimonistic Motivation // The Measure of Things: Man in the History of European Thought / Ed. by G.V. Vdovina. Moscow, 2015. P. 389-444.
- Criticism of Non-Moral Values in Ancient Philosophical Ethics: from Plato to the Stoics // The Measure of Things: Man in the History of European Thought / Ed. by G.V. Vdovina. Moscow, 2015. P. 272-388.
- The Perfectionist Theory of the Good in Plato’s Ethics // Platonic Investigations, I / Ed. by I.A. Protopopova. Moscow – Saint Petersburg, 2014.
- Dogmatic, Antidogmatic and Dialogical Approaches to Interpreting Plato // ΠΛΑΤΩΝΙΚΑ ΖΗΤΗΜΑΤΑ. Studies in the History of Platonism / Ed. by V.V. Petroff. Moscow, 2013. P. 37-77.
- Non-Moral Good and Evil and Socrates’ Ethical Position in Gorgias // ΠΛΑΤΩΝΙΚΑ ΖΗΤΗΜΑΤΑ. Studies in the History of Platonism / Ed. by V.V. Petroff. Moscow, 2013. P. 95-123.
- Origen the Platonist and Origen the Christian // ΠΛΑΤΩΝΙΚΑ ΖΗΤΗΜΑΤΑ. Studies in the History of Platonism / Ed. by V.V. Petroff. Moscow, 2013. P. 444-497.
- “Philosophy of a thrashed man.” (A review of A.N. Nikoliukin. Vassily Rosanov's Golgotha.) In New Literary Review 39 (5/1999) [«Философия выпоротого человека» (Рец. на книгу: Николюкин А.Н. Голгофа Василия Розанова), Новое литературное обозрение, № 39 (5/1999)].
- “The soul in Greek.” (A review of the Russian translation of R.B. Onians. The Origins of European Thought.) In New Literary Review 46 (6/2000) [«Душа по-гречески» (Рец. на книгу: Онианс Р.Б. На коленях богов), Новое литературное обозрение, № 46 (6/2000)].
- “Origen and the Stoic doctrine of eternal return.” In Herald of Ancient History 2001, 2 [«Ориген и стоическая концепция вечного возвращения», Вестник древней истории, 2001, №2].
- “Vladimir Soloviev and the new irreligious conscience.” (A review of the first volumes of Vladimir Soloviev's Collected Works.) In The New World 2001, 2 [«Владимир Соловьев и новое иррелигиозное сознание» (Рец. на первые тома ПСС В.С. Соловьева), Новый мир, 2001, №2].
- A review of the book Jesus Christ in the Documents of History In Herald of Ancient History 2002, 1 [Рецензия на кн.: «Иисус Христос в документах истории», Вестник древней истории, 2002, №1].
- “The evil we endure and the evil we make.” (A review of J.B. Russell's books The Devil, Satan and Lucifer.) In New Literary Review 58 (6/2002) [«Зло, которое претерпеваем, и зло, которое творим» (Рец. на книги Дж.Б. Рассела «Дьявол», «Сатана», «Люцифер»), Новое литературное обозрение, № 58 (6/2002)].
- “Apocatastasis and traditional eschatology in Origen.” In Herald of Ancient History 2003, 3 [«Апокатастасис и традиционная эсхатология у Оригена», Вестник древней истории, 2003, №3].
- “De principiis 1, 4, 3-5 and Origen's interpretation of the eternity of creation.” In Cosmos and the Soul, ed. by P.P. Gaidenko and V.V. Petrov. Noscow, Progress-Tradition 2005, 779-822 [«О началах 1, 4, 3-5 и оригеновское понимание вечности творения» (Космос и душа. Ред. П.П. Гайденко, В.В. Петров. Прогресс-Традиция. М. 2005, СС. 779-822)].
- “The problem of Evil in Origen.” In The Problem of Evil and the Theodicy: Proceedings of the International Conference. Moscow, 6-9 June 2005. Moscow: IPhRAS Press 2006 [«Проблема зла у Оригена» // Проблема зла и теодицея: Материалы международной конференции, Москва, 6-9 июня 2005 г. М. ИФРАН 2006].
- “Origen. Commentary on Matthew. Books 10-11,” translated with an introduction and commentary by A.V. Seregin. In Bogoslovskie Trudy 41. Moscow: Editorial Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Press 2007 [«Ориген. Комментарий на Евангелие от Матфея. Книги 10-11» (предисл., пер. и прим. А.В. Серегина) // Богословские труды. Вып. 41. М. Издательский совет РПЦ, 2007].
- “Gorgias and humanism.” In Dialogue with Time 24. Moscow: LKI 2008 [«Горгий и гуманизм» // Диалог со временем. Вып. 24. М.: ЛКИ, 2008].
- “Ancient philosophy and patristics”, “Gorgias”, “Origen of Alexandria”, “Origen the Pagan”, “Celsus.” In The Encyclopaedic Lexicon of Ancient Philosophy, ed. by. M.A. Solopova. Moscow: Progress-Tradition 2008 [«Античная философия и патристика», «Горгий», «Ориген Александрийский», «Ориген платоник», «Цельс» // Античная философия. Энциклопедический словарь. Под ред. М.А. Солоповой. М. Прогресс-Традиция, 2008].
- “Origen. Form the Commentary on the Psalms (Philocalia 28),” translated with annotations by A.V. Seregin. In Cosmos and the Soul II, ed. by A.V. Seregin. Moscow: Progeress-Tradition 2010 [Ориген. Из «Комментария на Псалмы» (Добротолюбие, 26) (перевод и примечания). Космос и душа (Выпуск второй). Под. ред. А.В. Серёгина. М. Прогресс-Традиция. 2010].
- “Freedom and ontology of the moral evil in Origen's theodicy.” In Cosmos and the Soul II, ed. by A.V. Seregin. Moscow: Progeress-Tradition 2010 [Свобода и онтология морального зла в теодицее Оригена. Космос и душа (Выпуск второй). Под. ред. А.В. Серёгина. М. Прогресс-Традиция. 2010].
- “Toward the problem of the two Origens.” In Bogoslovskie Trudy 42. Moscow: Editorial Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Press 2009 [К вопросу о двух Оригенах. Богословские труды. Вып. 42. М.: Издательство Московской Патриархии, 2009].
- “The doctrine of evil in ancient philosophy.” (As part of the entry on Evil.) In The Orthodox Encyclopaedia, vol. 20. Moscow: Orthodox Encyclopaedia Press 2009 [Учение о зле в античной философии (раздел статьи «Зло»). Православная энциклопедия, т. 20, М. Церковно-научный центр «Православная энциклопедия», 2009].
- Towards the Interpretation of Gorgias 466b–468e) // Aristeas, Vol. 5, 2012. C. 141-156. [К интерпретации Plat. Gorg. 466b–468e\\Aristeas, Vol. 5, 2012, стр. 141-156.]
Е-mail |
avis12@yandex.ru |