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  Andrei Seregin
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Andrei Seregin

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Andrei Seregin

Place and Year of Birth


1975, Moscow


 ORCID: 0000-0002-8536-5652 

 ResearcherID: U-8839-2018

 Scopus Author ID: 57201984888

 РИНЦ SPIN6552-4184Author ID: 616529



Moscow State University (1997)




Ph.D. in letters. 

Ph.D. Dissertation Title

“The hypothesis of successive worlds in Origen's De principiis: hermeneutics, textual criticism, cosmological terminology”(Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology, 2003)


Field of Studies

Origen, Plato, history of ethics, ancient and mediaeval cosmology.


Academic Ranks

Senior Research Fellow, IPhRAS.


Publications (in Russian)


  • The Hypothesis of Successive Worlds in Origen's De principiis. Moscow: IPhRAS Press 2005 [«Гипотеза множественности миров в трактате Оригена “О началах”». М. ИФ РАН. 2005]. 



  • Some Remarks on How to Interpret the Concept of “Intermediate Appropriate” Action in Early Stoic Ethics // Ethical Thought. 2022. Vol. 22 (1). P. 68–80. DOI: 10.21146/2074-4870-2022-22-1-68-80.

  • Intentionalism and Deontology in the Early Stoic Ethics // Philologia Classica. 2022. 17 (1). P. 32–47. (in English)


  • The Case Against Metaphysical Retributivism // Philosophy Journal. 2021. Vol. 14 (1). P. 5‒19. DOI: 10.21146/2072-0726-2021-14-1-5-19.


  • Seneca’s Intentionalism and the Possibility of Social Morality in the Context of Stoic Ethics // History of Philosophy. 2020. Vol 25 (2). P. 5–15. ISSN 2074-5869. DOI: 10.21146/2074-5869-2020-25-2-5-15.

  • On Stoic Self-Contradictions: ἀδικεῖν vs. βλάπτειν in Chrysippus (SVF III, 289) // ΣΧΟΛΗ (Schole). 2020. Vol. 14 (2). P. 448–455. ISSN 1995-4328.  DOI:10.25205/1995-4328-2020-14-2-448-455. (in English)

  • Maximus of Tyre on the Paradoxes of Injustice (Dialexeis, 12, 2–5) (or How Ancient Perfectionists Conceived of Social Morality) // Platonic Investigations. 2020. Vol. 13 (2). P. 128-147. ISSN 2410-3047. DOI: 10.25985/PI.13.2.06.


  • Stoicism and the Impossibility of Social Morality // ΣΧΟΛΗ (Schole). 2019. Vol. 13 (1). P. 58–77. ISSN 1995-4328. DOI: 10.25205/1995-4328-2019-13-1-58-77 (in English)

  • Stoicism and Justice // Philosophy Journal. 2019. Vol. 12 (1). P. 34–47. ISSN 2072-0726. DOI: 10.21146/2072-0726-2019-12-1-34-47.

  • Plato on the Reformatory Function of Punishment // Platonic Investigations. 2019. Vol. 10 (1). P. 89-106. ISSN 2410-3047. DOI: 10.25985/PI.10.1.05.

  • On Axiological Atheism // Social Sciences. 2019. Vol. 50. № 1. P. 98-109. ISSN 0134-5486. DOI: 10.31857/S013454860005123-3. (Scopus) (in English)


  • Seneca on gratitude and justice: how to translate Ep. 81, 19? // ΣΧΟΛΗ (Schole). 2018. Vol. 12 (2). P. 393–401. (in English)
  • “Disinterested” virtue in the history of European ethics: some remarks on the genesis of this notion // Intellectual Traditions in Past and Present 4 (2018), P. 120–163.
  • Perfectionism as a premise of the thesis that good and being are convertible and its possible subjectivist critique // St. Tikhons University Review. Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies. Vol 77 (2018). P. 72–85.


  • Instrumentalism and inclusivism in Aristotle’s treatment of “external” goods (towards the interpretation of EN 1099a24–b7) // Ethical Thought. 2017. № 2. P. 73-90
  • Happiness and non-moral values in Aristotle’s ethics // The legacies of Aristotle as constitutive element of european rationality. Proceedings of the Moscow international conference on Aristotle. RAS Institute of Philosophy, October 17-19, 2016 // Ed. by V.V. Petroff. Moscow: Aquilon, 2017. P. 43-60.


  • Non-Moral Good and Evil in Plato’s Ethics // Platonic Investigations, IV / Ed. by I.A. Protopopova. Moscow – Saint Petersburg, 2016.


  • Two Arguments against Hedonism in Plato’s Gorgias // Ethical Thought. 2015. Vol. 15. P. 51–69. (english version)
  • Plato’s Ethical Maximalism and its Eudaimonistic Motivation // The Measure of Things: Man in the History of European Thought / Ed. by G.V. Vdovina. Moscow, 2015. P. 389-444.
  • Criticism of Non-Moral Values in Ancient Philosophical Ethics: from Plato to the Stoics // The Measure of Things: Man in the History of European Thought / Ed. by G.V. Vdovina. Moscow, 2015. P. 272-388.


  • The Perfectionist Theory of the Good in Plato’s Ethics // Platonic Investigations, I / Ed. by I.A. Protopopova. Moscow – Saint Petersburg, 2014.


  • Dogmatic, Antidogmatic and Dialogical Approaches to Interpreting Plato // ΠΛΑΤΩΝΙΚΑ ΖΗΤΗΜΑΤΑ. Studies in the History of Platonism / Ed. by V.V. Petroff. Moscow, 2013. P. 37-77.
  • Non-Moral Good and Evil and Socrates’ Ethical Position in Gorgias // ΠΛΑΤΩΝΙΚΑ ΖΗΤΗΜΑΤΑ. Studies in the History of Platonism / Ed. by V.V. Petroff. Moscow, 2013. P. 95-123.
  • Origen the Platonist and Origen the Christian // ΠΛΑΤΩΝΙΚΑ ΖΗΤΗΜΑΤΑ. Studies in the History of Platonism / Ed. by V.V. Petroff. Moscow, 2013. P. 444-497.


  • “Philosophy of a thrashed man.” (A review of A.N. Nikoliukin. Vassily Rosanov's Golgotha.) In New Literary Review 39 (5/1999) [«Философия выпоротого человека» (Рец. на книгу: Николюкин А.Н. Голгофа Василия Розанова), Новое литературное обозрение, № 39 (5/1999)].
  • “The soul in Greek.” (A review of the Russian translation of R.B. Onians. The Origins of European Thought.) In New Literary Review 46 (6/2000) [«Душа по-гречески» (Рец. на книгу: Онианс Р.Б. На коленях богов), Новое литературное обозрение, № 46 (6/2000)].
  • “Origen and the Stoic doctrine of eternal return.” In Herald of Ancient History 2001, 2  [«Ориген и стоическая концепция вечного возвращения», Вестник древней истории, 2001, №2].
  • “Vladimir Soloviev and the new irreligious conscience.” (A review of the first volumes of Vladimir Soloviev's Collected Works.) In The New World 2001, 2 [«Владимир Соловьев и новое иррелигиозное сознание» (Рец. на первые тома ПСС В.С. Соловьева), Новый мир, 2001, №2].
  • A review of the book Jesus Christ in the Documents of History In Herald of Ancient History 2002, 1 [Рецензия на кн.: «Иисус Христос в документах истории», Вестник древней истории, 2002, №1].
  • “The evil we endure and the evil we make.” (A review of J.B. Russell's books The Devil, Satan and Lucifer.) In New Literary Review 58 (6/2002) [«Зло, которое претерпеваем, и зло, которое творим» (Рец. на книги Дж.Б. Рассела «Дьявол», «Сатана», «Люцифер»), Новое литературное обозрение, № 58 (6/2002)].
  • “Apocatastasis and traditional eschatology in Origen.” In Herald of Ancient History 2003, 3 [«Апокатастасис и традиционная эсхатология у Оригена», Вестник древней истории, 2003, №3].
  • De principiis 1, 4, 3-5 and Origen's interpretation of the eternity of creation.” In  Cosmos and the Soul, ed. by P.P. Gaidenko and V.V. Petrov. Noscow, Progress-Tradition 2005, 779-822 [«О началах 1, 4, 3-5 и оригеновское понимание вечности творения» (Космос и душа. Ред. П.П. Гайденко, В.В. Петров. Прогресс-Традиция. М. 2005, СС. 779-822)].
  • “The problem of Evil in Origen.” In The Problem of Evil and the Theodicy: Proceedings of the International Conference. Moscow, 6-9 June 2005. Moscow: IPhRAS Press 2006 [«Проблема зла у Оригена» // Проблема зла и теодицея: Материалы международной конференции, Москва, 6-9 июня 2005 г. М. ИФРАН 2006].
  • “Origen. Commentary on Matthew. Books 10-11,” translated with an introduction and commentary by A.V. Seregin. In Bogoslovskie Trudy 41. Moscow: Editorial Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Press 2007 [«Ориген. Комментарий на Евангелие от Матфея. Книги 10-11» (предисл., пер. и прим. А.В. Серегина) // Богословские труды. Вып. 41. М. Издательский совет РПЦ, 2007].
  • “Gorgias and humanism.” In Dialogue with Time 24. Moscow: LKI 2008 [«Горгий и гуманизм» // Диалог со временем. Вып. 24. М.: ЛКИ, 2008].
  • “Ancient philosophy and patristics”, “Gorgias”, “Origen of Alexandria”, “Origen the Pagan”, “Celsus.” In The Encyclopaedic Lexicon of Ancient Philosophy, ed. by. M.A. Solopova. Moscow: Progress-Tradition 2008 [«Античная философия и патристика», «Горгий», «Ориген Александрийский», «Ориген платоник», «Цельс» // Античная философия. Энциклопедический словарь. Под ред. М.А. Солоповой. М. Прогресс-Традиция, 2008].
  • “Origen. Form the Commentary on the Psalms (Philocalia 28),” translated with annotations by A.V. Seregin. In Cosmos and the Soul II, ed. by A.V. Seregin. Moscow: Progeress-Tradition 2010 [Ориген. Из «Комментария на Псалмы» (Добротолюбие, 26) (перевод и примечания). Космос и душа (Выпуск второй). Под. ред. А.В. Серёгина. М. Прогресс-Традиция. 2010].
  • “Freedom and ontology of the moral evil in Origen's theodicy.” In Cosmos and the Soul II, ed. by A.V. Seregin. Moscow: Progeress-Tradition 2010 [Свобода и онтология морального зла в теодицее Оригена. Космос и душа (Выпуск второй). Под. ред. А.В. Серёгина. М. Прогресс-Традиция. 2010].
  • “Toward the problem of the two Origens.” In Bogoslovskie Trudy 42. Moscow: Editorial Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Press 2009 [К вопросу о двух Оригенах. Богословские труды. Вып. 42. М.: Издательство Московской Патриархии, 2009].
  • “The doctrine of evil in ancient philosophy.” (As part of the entry on Evil.) In The Orthodox Encyclopaedia, vol. 20. Moscow: Orthodox Encyclopaedia Press 2009 [Учение о зле в античной философии (раздел статьи «Зло»). Православная энциклопедия, т. 20, М. Церковно-научный центр «Православная энциклопедия», 2009].
  • Towards the Interpretation of Gorgias 466b–468e) // Aristeas, Vol. 5, 2012. C. 141-156. [К интерпретации Plat. Gorg. 466b–468e\\Aristeas, Vol. 5, 2012, стр. 141-156.]