Place of birth
Reseacher ID: X-3682-2018
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0392-0035
Moscow State University, History Department
Ph.D. in Philosophy
Fields of research
History of philosophical and social thought in Russia (18th – 19th centuries)
Professional appointments
RAS Institute of Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow
Course Handbooks
History of Russian philosophy. M., 1998. Tutorial. (Chapters 1, 5, 6, 7 of the second section).
- Vladimir Pecherin: the Pilgrim of Freedom. M.: IP RAS, 2018.
- Nikolai Novikov in Russian Culture. M.: Progress-Traditsiya. 2011.
- M.M. Speransky. Russian reformer. M., 2001. (in co-authorship).
- Tsar. God. Russia. Self-consciousness of the Russian nobility. (Late 18th – the first third of 19th centuries). M., 1995.
The Formation of the Historiosophical Discourse in Russiaat the Beginning of the 19th Century // Voprosy Filosofii. 2021. VOL. № 1. PP. 122-131.
The problem of ideologizing a philosophical text, or Three messages of Benckendorff on the closure of Ivan Kireevsky's journal "The European" // Polylogos. 2020. Vol. 4. No. 4.
V.M. Mezhuev on the special purpose of the philosophy of history // Polylogos. 2020. Vol. 4. No. 3.
Pyotr Chaadaev and Pyotr Vyazemsky on Nikolai Gogol's "Selected Passages from Correspondence with his Friends" // Polylogos. 2019. Vol. 3. No. 4.
Nihilism in artistic comprehension of Ivan Turgenev and Fyodor Dostoevsky // Polylogos. 2018. Vol. 2. No. 3. (in co-authorship)
Anthropological meanings of nihilism - from model I.S. Turgenev to the "real nihilists" Alexander Bogdanov and Pavel Florensky // Polylogos. 2018. Vol. 2. No. 4. (in co-authorship)
Nikolay Karamzin's choice: from the Masonic anthropology and European humanism to providentialism and moral freedom // VOX. Philosophical journal. 2017. December. No. 23. P. 89-113.
Vladimir Pecherin on re-unification of the Christian churches // Herald of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy. 2017. Vol. 18. No. 2. P. 34–40.
Wladimir Weidlé’s philosophy of history as a trauma of Russian émigrés // VOX. Philosophical journal. 2017. June. No. 22. P. 199-217. (in co-authorship)
Factor of Philosophy in the System of Values of Catherine II // History of Philosophy. 2016. Vol. 21. No. 1. P. 41–52.
- Lermontov: The Failure of Humanism // Russian Studies in Philosophy, vol. 54, no. 2, 2016, pp. X-XX. q 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, LLС.
- The evolution of the ideological-political views of F.M. Dostoevsky's"the Devils" to "Teenager" // Polignozis. № 1-2. 2014. P. 76-90.
- Ideological metamorphosis of Fyodor Dostoeyevsky // Guidelines... Vol. 9. M., 2014. P. 83-107.
- Historiosophy: the losy meaning // Guidelines... Vol. 8. M., 2013. P. 27-37.
- Out of personal responsibility // Ideology and processes of social modernization. М.: Academia, 2013. P. 141-164.
- Silent People // Guidelines… Vol. 7. M., 2011. P. 65-85.
- Earl M.M. Speransky // From history of liberalism on Vladimirskaya land. Moscow-Vladimir. 2007.
- Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky: "To change the precarious contrariness to freedom right …" // Russian liberalism: ideas and people. 2nd edition, revised. M.: New publishing house. 2007.
- Prelude to the Russian Humanism. // Collage-5. M., 2005.
- T.N. Granovsky, V.I. Lopukhin, M.N. Katkov, Mikhail Lunin, Freemasonry in Russia, Novikov N.I., Pecherin V.S., M.M. Speransky, Schwartz I.F… (20 articles). In the New philosophical encyclopedia. M., Mysl’, 2001.
- Kamensky Z.A. Philosophy Slavophiles. Ivan Kireevsky. Aleksey Khomyakov. St-P, RHGI, 2003.
- Pustarnakov V.F. University philosophy in Russia. Ideas. Personalia. The main centres. St-P., RHGI, 2003.
- Pustarnakov V.F. Philosophy Education in Russia and in France: the experience of comparative analysis. M., 2002
- Liberalism in Russia. M., 1996.
E.mail: ir.rius@gmail.com