Year and place of birth
1950, Norilsk
Tula State University, historical-philological faculty. 1975.
Academic degrees
- PhD of philosophy, 1980. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
- Doctor of philosophy.
Academic titles
Area of scientific interest
The study of the process of globalization, the explication and analysis of philosophical basis of research paradigms and concepts of nature, origin and evolution of globalization, Nations, nation-States and nationalism; methodological advantages and disadvantages of these paradigms
Professional activities
- leading researcher of IFRAN,
- Head of the Department of «History and philosophy of science», Institute for television and radio broadcasting
Teaching courses
- Nation and nationalism in history and the present
- Stage of globalization and historical forms of globalization and nationalism
- Books
Nation, nationalism and federalism. Philosophical and methodological research experience//Kaluga, 2002, 260 p.
Ethnic groups, national State and the formation of the Russian nation. Philosophical and methodological research experience // М., 2007 167p.
Globalization, Nations and nationalism in the history and the present. M. 2010. 430 p.
Globalization and nationalism: past and present. Social and philosophical analysis. Saabrûken, 2011. 363 p.
The national state in the globalized world. Moscow: RUSNIKA. 2014 - 362 pages.
National state. Past. Present. Future. SPb., 2014. - 240 pages.
- History and philosophy of science. A course of lectures for PhD students // Saarbrucken, Publisher of LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2012.296 p.
- «Globalization» or «Westernization»? // Problems of Philosophy. 2008. № 2
- «Global citizenship» or «global ethics»? // The philosophical Sciences. 2008.№ 10
- United States-the last liberal Empire // Political class, 2009, № 5 (53), may
- The rise and decline of Empires // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2009, vol. 79, № 6, June
- Nationalism and the intellectuals // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2010, vol. 80, №2, February
- Will Russia «nation State»? // Problems of Philosophy. 2011.№1
- Myths and misconceptions in studying Empire and nationalism // Problems of Philosophy. 2012. №3
- Projects of the coming world order: between «national» and «cosmopolitan» // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2012,vol 82, № 9, September
- The formation of the Russian nation // Svobodnaya thought. 2012. No. 7/8 (1634)
- To a problem of reality of modern sociology: disappearance of "group"? // The higher education in Russia. 2014. No. 2. P.148-152.
- We change "beads" for oil // Free thought. 2014. No. 1, February. P. 171 - 182.
- Modernization of Russia: in a track of "dependent development"// Problems of Philosophy. 2014.№4. P.14-24.
- Yellow spots on a cloak of the Russian television // Journalist. Social communications. 2014. No. 2. P. 60-74.
- Globalization: dialectics of historical forms of implementation // Century of globalization. 2014. No. 1. P. 90-103.
- Transformations of language of modern sociology // Messenger of electronic and print media. 2014. No. 2. P. 20-29.
- Paradigm of "a strategic relativism" // New in psychology and pedagogical researches. 2014. No. 1. P. 33-39.
- Transformations of language of modern social philosophy//European social science journal. European magazine of social sciences. 2014. No. 6(45). T.3. P. 52-59.
- S. A. Lebedev, S. N. Koskov. Epistemologiya and philosophy of science. Classical and nonclassical // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. T.84. No. 9. P.857-860.
- National identity before globalization calls // European Journal of Philosophical Researcher. 2014. T. 2. No. 2. P.102-112.
- Degradation of the Russian television. Who is guilty? // European social science journal. European magazine of social sciences. 2014. No. 7(46). T.2. P. 359-366.
- Globalization: "Westernisation" and alternative forms of global strategy // Russia and world: anatomy of modern processes. The collection of articles / Under the editorship of E.A. Narochnitskaya. - M.: International relations, 2014. P. 8-27.
- Evolution of not air television of Russia // National association of scientists. Monthly scientific magazine. 2014. No. 4. P. 156-158.
- Energy of the world // Live philosophy (the collection of articles) / Under the general editorship of M. V. Zborovskaya. - M.: Publishing house of Glance, 2015. P. 85-96.
- The national states in the globalized world. Threats and prospects // Modern global challenges and national interests: XV International Likhachevsky scientific readings / Editions A.S. Zapesotsky (St. Petersburg, on May 14 - 15, 2015). SPb., 2015. P. 308-310.
- Whether "the national states" in the XXI century will remain? // Free thought. 2015. No. 2 (1650). P.65-80.
- Globalization: erosion of national identity // Century of globalization. 2015. No. 1. P.142-153.
- Social and philosophical interpretation of nationalism, its types and historical forms // Questions of philosophy and psychology. 2015. No. 2. P. 56-66.
- "Ethnos" and "nation" in the history of the European philosophy and science // New in psychology and pedagogical researches. 2015. No. 7. P. 5-16.
- In a vice of "the catching-up modernization" // Journalist. Social communications. 2015. No. 1-2. P. 32-45.
- "Nation" and "ethnos": evolution of approaches and interpretations in philosophy and science of the XVIII-XX centuries // Problems of Philosophy. 2015.№7. P.5-16.
- Phenomenon of "new journalism" and transformation of the Russian television // Personality. Culture. Society. 2015. T.17. No. 1-2 (85-86). P. 174-184.
- National identity in the globalized world // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015. T. 85. No. 9. P. 805-811.
- Scientific knowledge and assessment // International research magazine. No. 8 (39). Part 4. September. 2015. P.85-88.
- Paradigm of "a strategic relativism" and disappearance of "groups" // News of the Russian Academy of Education. 2015. No. 3(35), July-September. P. 22-27.
- S. A. Lebedev. Philosophy of scientific knowledge: main concepts // Problems of Philosophy. 2015. №9. P.211-214.
- Scientific knowledge: a choice and an assessment // The All-Russian scientific conference "The person before a choice in the modern world: problems, opportunities, decisions". M 2015. T.3.P.201-208.