- M. Pronin. War oath: philosophical and anthropological understanding // Information Wars. - 2008, № 4(8). - P. 86 - 93;
- M. Pronin. Analysis of shifts of the ideological determinants of entity of military geopolitics of the USSR and modern Russia // Choice of optimal strategies for the development of modern society: Materials of the 1st Intercollegiate Conference. / Russian New University, Aleksandrovsky affiliate - Aleksandrov, 2005. - P. 69 - 77;
- I. Gundarov, A. Deev, M. Pronin. The law of spiritual-determination population // I. Gundarov. Demographic catastrophe in Russia: causes, mechanisms, ways of overcoming. - M: Editorial URSS, 2001. - P. 39 - 47;
- I. Ushakov, S. Soldatov, M. Pronin, I. Lavrentyev. Physiological-ecological aspects of extreme states of radiative genesis. Theses of reports of the XVII All-Russian Congress of Physiologists, September 14 - 18, 1998. - Rostov-on-Don;
- G. Rumyantsev, G. Semenovyh, S. Novikov, E. Kozeeva, M. Pronin. Report on the scientific research work "Development of quantitative criteria for rapid assessment of the risk of loss of health depending on the intensity of impact of adverse factors" (Final). - Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. - M.: NP, 1997. - 192 p.;
- G. Rumyantsev, G. Semenovyh, S. Novikov, E. Kozeeva, M. Pronin. Report on the scientific research work "Development of quantitative criteria for rapid assessment of the risk of loss of health depending on the intensity of impact of adverse factors" (Intermediate). - Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. - M.: NP, 1996. - 96 p.;
- V. Laguta, M. Pronin. Concept of software-hardware complex of decision-making support of public health status in places of accommodation facilities for the destruction of chemical weapons // Actual problems of fundamental science: Proceedings of the II International Conference / Bauman Moscow State Technical University. - 1994. Vol. 5 (Industrial Ecology);
- V. Lisovoy, M. Pronin, S. Kalyukin. Monitoring the health status of personnel and population in the area of placement facility for destruction of chemical weapons // Journal of the D. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society. - 1993. - Vol. 37, №3. - P. 91 - 96;
- M. Pronin, I. Ushakov, S. Soldatov, B. Davydov, V. Starynskiy, S. Morozov, A. Miroshin, V. Zuev. Nomenclature of the range of indicators of quality of life that affect risk of cancer among the population of radioactively contaminated territories // Abstracts of the Radiobiological Congress: Kiev, September 20 - 25, 1993. - Pushchino: NP, 1993. - Vol. 3. - P. 834;
- I. Ushakov, S. Soldatov, V. Zuev, B. Davydov, M. Pronin, S. Morozov, A. Miroshin. Sanotsentric assessment of quality of life at forecasting medical consequences of the complex environmental situations on example of the Chernobyl accident // Aerospace and Environmental Medicine. - 1993, №5-6. - P. 33 - 42;
- I. Ushakov, S. Soldatov, A. Kalachevich, M. Pronin and others. Features of medical control of the health of flight crew on the radioactively contaminated locality (on the experience of liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power station) // Medical and psychological problems of optimization of the functional state of the pilot. - M., Voenizdat, 1992;
- I. Ushakov, S. Soldatov, V. Zuev, M. Pronin and others. Influence of the quality of life on the emergence of remote consequences in the health status of the population living in the controlled Russian regions // Chernobyl trail. Medical and psychological effects of radiation impact. - M.: Votum, 1992. - Part 2;
- G. Yakovlev, Y. Shishmarev, S. Sergeev, A. Nikiforov, M. Pronin. An attempt of polytenic qualification of a group of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident // Radiation Biology. Radioecology. - 1992. - Vol. 32, Ed. 3. - P. 333 - 340;
- Y. Shishmarev, G. Alekseev, A. Nikiforov, G. Larchenko, A. Krivoruchko, M. Pronin, I. Ivanov. Clinical aspects of the Chernobil disaster consequences // Radiation Biology. Radioecology. - 1992. - Vol. 32, Ed. 3. - P. 323 - 332;
- M. Pronin. Functional status of certain body systems and aircrew's ability to work in connection with the task execution in the radioactively contaminated areas: Ph.D. Dissertation. - Saint-Petersburg, 1992;
- I. Torgun, A. Parpiev, N. Zavyalov, M. Pronin and others. Report on the special topic / Military unit #####, Inv. № 330. - 1990. - 123 p.;
- A. Krolevets, Y. Chernodub, M. Pronin and others. Temporary methodical recommendations on organization of work associated with the disposal of radioactively contaminated settlements unliable for decontamination. - Chernobyl: NP, 1988. - 13 p.;
- A. Mikhailov, S. Zaonegin, M. Pronin and others. Temporary instruction of compliance of the rules of radiation safety for flight and technical staff involved in the liquidation of consequences of the accident at the nuclear power plant. - Chernobyl: NP, 1988. - 17 p.;
- A. Elistratov, G. Tseperov, A. Zorin, M. Pronin and others. Temporary instruction on identification of the radiation environment and conducting decontamination activities in the settlements. - Chernobyl: NP, 1988. - 13 p.