Head of the Department – D.Sc. in Philosophy Olga V. Popova
Main research activity areas: Department of humanitarian expertise and bioethics was established in 2006 as a subdivision of The Branch for Integrated Problems in the Study of Man headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, D.Sc. in philosophy Boris G. Yudin. At the present time (in line with the plan for 2020-2022) main research directions of the department are following:
1. Science, man and the prospects of technogenic civilization.
2. Philosophical foundations of bioethics (director – P.D. Tishchenko) Plans call for: Mapping bioethical foundations in terms of national and foreign philosophical and methodological traditions. Research of phenomena of normal and pathological issues (both in somatic medicine and in psychiatry and phycology), normative and descriptive in bioethical discourses. Research of interrelation of bioethics, religion and art.
3. Uncovering regularities and mechanisms of human reactions determined by his nature by means of analysis and comparisons of influence of new and traditional technologies and contrasting clinical and social aspects of «traditional» and new deseases-addictions, such as narcomania and computer game addiction (virtual reality and internet). (Director – M.A. Pronin) Plans call for: Philosophical apprehension in terms of virtual approach and methodological elaboration of results of competitive researches of traditional addictive state phenomena and/or present-day deseases and addictions, determined by technological development.
4. Research of academician Frolov’s scientific legacy (director – G.L. Belkina). Plans call for: Research and republication of of academician Frolov’s scientific legacy. Research of Institute of Philosophy RAS’s history.
Associated Reserch Fellows:
Postgraduate Students:
Internet site of the Department - "Bioethical Forum"
Research Group "Virtualistics"
Contacts: Address: Goncharnaya 12/1, Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation Telephone: (495) 697-90-67. E-mail: bioethics@mail.ru |