
- M. Pronin. Virtual of the team - phenomenology and theoretical model of team building // Bioethics and humanitarian expertise. Vol. 6 / Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of philosophy. Editor-in-chief: F. Maylenova. - M.: Institute of Philosophy, RAS, 2012. - P. 194 - 210;
- M. Pronin, V. Gubanov. Modern innovative technologies in the development of industries and organizations during the "Epoch of changes" (re-publication) // Almanac "Management of the company in conditions of crisis" / "Image-Media" Publishing House. 2011. - P. 91 - 98;
- M. Pronin, V. Gubanov. Modern innovative technologies in the development of industries and organizations during the "Epoch of changes" // Materials of the 6th International Forum: "Innovative approaches in management and consulting: training consulting". - M.: Your printing partner, 2011. - P. 202 - 215;
- M. Pronin. How does the worlds - realities in management deploy? // Workbooks on Bioethics / Moscow University for the Humanities, IphRAS. - M., 2010. - Vol. 10. - P. 43 - 49;
- M. Pronin. Coaching of virtuosity // Workbooks on Bioethics / Moscow University for the Humanities, IphRAS. - M., 2009. - Vol. 9. - P. 121 - 132;
- M. Pronin. The inner path of becoming outstanding leaders // Materials of the 4th International Forum "Trends of Contemporary Russia: from random to nonrandom. Methods of management of education, consulting." - M.: "Mask" Publishing House, 2008. - P. 89 - 102;
- M. Pronin. Three pine trees of spiritual marketing (How to look into the man's soul) // Workbooks on Bioethics. Vol. 7: Philosophical and anthropological analysis of self-organization of informal power structures in closed collectives (on example hazing), part 2: Collection of scientific articles / Ed. by: P. Tishchenko. - M.: Moscow University for the Humanities Publishing House, 2008. - P. 216 - 223;
- M. Pronin. Open Space: Open Space for living, business and training // M. Pronin, G. Yuryev. Introduction to Virtualistics: Textbook / Ed. by: M. Pronin (Editor-in-chief), A. Zahryapin, E. Mochalov / Mordovia Institute for the Humanities. - Saransk: RuzPrint, 2008. - 130 p. - (Proceedings of the Researching Group "Virtualistics", Institute of Philosophy, RAS. Vol. 28). - P. 114 - 119;
- M. Pronin. Strategic way of thinking // Methodological problems of communication. Materials of the 3rd International Forum "Effective communication: practice and methodology". - M., 2007. - P. 139 - 143;
- M. Pronin. Three pine trees of spiritual marketing (How to look into the man's soul) // Marketing PRO. - 2007, № 7-8 (34-35). - P. 86 - 89;
- M. Pronin. Three pine trees of spiritual marketing (How to find an assistant) // Marketing PRO. - 2007, №6 (33). - P. 66 – 68;
- M. Pronin. Selfidentification // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2007, № 11-12. - P. 29 - 32;
- M. Pronin. The results of the one conference (What Open Space can) // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2006, № 9-10. - P. 35 - 39;
- M. Pronin. The results of the one conference held on the "Open Space" technology // Model of assessment of training programs: Collection of scientific articles / [D. Adams and others]. Ed. by E. Pechurichko, A. Solntseva, E. Kochergina. - Minsk: A. Varaksin, 2006. - P. 49 - 59;
- M. Pronin. Strategic way of thinking (Dissident by vocation) (re-publication) // Commercial Messenger of Yakutia. - № 27, September 15, 2006. - P. 6;
- M. Pronin. Strategic way of thinking (Dissident by vocation) // Marketing PRO. - 2006, № 9. - P. 64 - 66;
- M. Pronin, G. Tsarkova. Open Space: open space for marketing // Marketing PRO. - 2006, № 6. - P. 40 - 44;
- M. Pronin. Do all coaches do it?... // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2005, № 8. - P. 14 -17;
- M. Pronin. Professional associations, which we can afford // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2004, № 7. - P. 4 - 6;
- M. Pronin. Where are the training and consulting companies of the Russian Land from... // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2003, № 5. - P. 9 - 12;
- M. Pronin. Proposal and report of the coach-consultant // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2003, № 4. - P. 24 - 27;
- M. Pronin. Humanitarian, civil capacity of society // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2003, № 3. - P. 32 - 33;
- M. Pronin. Dunce, armadillo, consultant // Coaching: origins, approaches and perspectives / Сompilers: M. Danilova, E. Frolova / Translation from English by S. Shevtsova - St. Petersburg.: Publisher "Speech ", 2003. - P. 51 - 58;
- M. Pronin. Dunce, armadillo, consultant // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2002, № 2 (2). - P. 21 - 27;
- M. Pronin. Worldview, philosophy, theory, technologies and practice of coaching: Questions without answers: Theses of reports of the 1st International Conference on Coaching in Russia, "Coaching - new opportunities", St. Petersburg: November 22 - 23, Moscow: November 24 - 25, 2002 / Alexander Savkin Training Center, Aspect: center of education, counseling and support. - M.: NP, 2002. - P. 81 - 86;
- M. Pronin. Towards a new classification of short training programs for management: virtual approach: Abstracts of V All-Russian Сonference "Psychology and its applications, Moscow, January 30 - February 2, 2002 // Psychologyin system of Sciences (Interdisciplinary Studies): Yearbook of the Russian Psychological Society. - M.: Autonomous Non-profit Organization, Educational and Methodological Union "Insight", 2002. - Vol. 9, Ed. 1. - P. 177 - 178;
- M. Pronin. Virtual organizational realities in management consulting (re-publication) // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2002, № 1 (1). - P. 18 - 27;
- M. Pronin. Virtual organizational realities in management consulting // New approaches to the problem of human resources / Career counseling center of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development. - M.: NP, 2001. - P. 35 - 48;
- B. Zhogin, M. Pronin, G. Tsarkova. Development of resistance of the resource centers of non-profit organizations by improving the quality of advisory services: Practical manual based on the results of the Program of professional development of personnel from resource centers of the NPOs of Russia / Interregional public association of trainers and consultants "InterTraining". - M.: NP, 2001. - 46 p.;
- Y. Titov, M. Pronin. New information technologies in the management of banks and consulting // Consulting. - 1999, № 1. - P. 28 - 31.
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Russian Academy of Sciences
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