Philosophy of Medicine and Psychology |

- M. Pronin. Principles of Aretheya // Philosophical Problems of Biology and Medicine: Volume 7: Natural scientific and humanitarian polylogue: collection of articles. - M.: "Printberri" Publishing House, 2013. - P. 69-73;
- M. Pronin. Areteya: installations, principles, patterns // Modern problems of military and social psychology and social work: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical conference, Odessa, October 4-5, 2013 / Ed. by: L. Snigur, V. Zakharov. - Odessa, 2013. - P. 73-75;
- M. Pronin. Evidence-based Psychology // Philosophical Problems of Biology and Medicine. Vol. 4: Fundamental and applied: Materials of the 4th Annual Scientific-Practical Conference. - M.: "Printberri" Publishing House, 2010. - P. 147 - 149;
- M. Pronin. Anomie in choosing the life-forming professional activity // Workbooks on Bioethics / Moscow University for the Humanities, IphRAS. - M., 2009. - Vol. 8. - P. 130 - 146;
- M. Pronin. Personal and professional longevity: the canon of Tibetan Medicine "Chzhud-shek" and Virtualistics // Philosophical Sciences. - 2008, № 3. - P. 107 - 131;
- M. Pronin, V. Zavialova. Philosophical and theoretical foundations of biorationality in the medievalcanon of Tibetan Medicine "Chzhud-shek" and Virtualistics // Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise. Vol. 2 / IPhRAS. - M., 2008. - P. 164 - 181;
- M. Pronin. The phenomenon of bullying in the armed forces: from the cause of the problem to the ways of its solution // Combat stress and stress mechanisms in extreme conditions: Materials of the 6th All-Russian Symposium with International participation on combat stress, October 25-26, 2007 / Ed. by: I. Ushakov, Y. Bubeev / State Scientific-Research Institute of Military Medicine, Russian Defense Ministry. - M.: The Origins, 2007. - P. 163 - 164;
- M. Pronin. Philosophical understanding of the philosophical crisis of modern medicine // Philosophical Problems of Biology and Medicine. Vol. 1: In search of a new paradigm: compilation. - M.: "Printberri" Publishing House, 2007. - P. 34 - 38. (Materials of the 1st Annual Scientific Conference "Philosophical Problems of Biology and Medicine" held in Moscow on April 5-6, 2007);
- E. Lebed, G. Yuryev, M. Pronin. Syndrome of life depletion: an algorithm of diagnosis and correction // Mental health. - 2006, №6. - P. 44 - 45;
- M. Pronin, A. Mikhailov. Generation of ingratual states among the civilian population in conditions of modern war // War and Health: Combat Stress: Materials of the 5th All-Russian Symposium on combat stress / Ed. by: I. Ushakov, Y. Bubeeva. - M.: The Origins, 2006. - P. 236 - 238;
- M. Pronin. Sociology of modern medicine: the ways and byways of reforms // Transition to a new model of health care: medical and other technologies: to the 60th Anniversary of Polyclinic № 1, RAS / [Scientific editor-compiler: G. Yuryev]. - M.: Nauka, 2006. - P. 174 -178;
- G. Yuryev, M. Pronin, E. Lebed, M. Grabchuk. World outlook trauma and syndrome of life depletion // Transition to a new model of health care: medical and other technologies: to the 60th Anniversary of Polyclinic № 1, RAS / [Scientific editor-compiler: G. Yuryev]. - M.: Nauka, 2006. - P. 108 - 112;
- M. Pronin. Assessing the role of psychosocial factor in sistemogenez of psychosomatic disorders of prenosological level among individual categories of military personnel and development of approaches to medical-psychological correction of these disorders. Responsible executor: G. Yuryev // Main Military-Medical Department of the Ministry of Defense, State Scientific Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defense, Russia, 2005. - Inv. № 7236, May 13, 2005. - P. 1 - 53;
- M. Pronin. Methodical recommendations on virtual approach to psychosocial diagnosis and medical-psychological correction of psychosomatic disorders of prenosological level among military personnel (project). Responsible executor: G. Yuryev // Main Military-Medical Department of the Ministry of Defense, State Scientific-Research Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defense, Russia, 2005. - Inv. № 7236, May 13, 2005. - P. 53 - 103;
- M. Pronin. Human health as an ontological problem of modern medicine and addiktology // Addiktology. - 2005, №1. - P. 35 - 40;
- M. Pronin, A. Mikhailov. Possibilities of the virtual psychology to provide assistance in stress, occured as a result of military operations // Mechanisms of stress in extreme conditions: Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian conference on the problems of combat stress / Ed. by: I. Ushakov. - M.: The Origins, 2004. - P. 115 - 117;
- A. Mikhailov, M. Pronin. Diagnostics of susceptibility to gomitsid // Mechanisms of stress in extreme conditions: Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian conference on the problems of combat stress / Ed. by: I. Ushakov. - M.: The Origins, 2004. - P. 111 - 113;
- M. Pronin. Health as an ontological problem (re-publication) // Sustainable development. Vol. 4-5. Post-non-classical science: the problem of human. Materials of the interregional philosophical seminar (October 8 - 9, 2002). - Ulan-Ude: Buryat Book Publishing, 2003. - P. 285 - 297;
- M. Pronin. Health as an ontological problem // Human health: socio-humanitarian, medical and biological aspects: Theses of reports of the conference / Institute of Human. - M., 2003. - P. 77 - 82.