Philosophical Anthropology |

- M. Pronin. The virtual person as object of philosophical and anthropological researches // Philosophy in the modern world: dialogue of worldviews: Materials of the VI Russian Congress of Philosophy (Nizhny Novgorod, June 27-30, 2012), in 3 volumes. V. III. - N. Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Lobachevsky State University Publishing House, 2012. - P. 270 - 271;
- M. Pronin. Gender imperatives / Determinants of the types of biorationality: preliminary philosophical and anthropological formulation of the problem // Philosophical problems of Biology and Medicine. Vol. 5: Normative and descriptive: Materials of the 5th Annual Scientific-Practical Conference. - M., "Printberry" Publishing House, 2011. P. 123 - 124;
- M. Pronin. Female sexuality: the philosophical and anthropological analysis (re-publication) // Proceedings of the Research and Practical Conference dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of Polyclinic № 1, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow / [Editor-compiler: G. Yuryev]. - M.: Science, 2011. - P. 232 - 242;
- M. Pronin. Female sexuality: the philosophical and anthropological analysis // Psychology and Psychotechnique. - 2011, № 6. - P. 22 - 29;
- M. Pronin. Donations of Orient: Russian Measure (re-publication with the 2010 preface) // Change management: modern technologies and tools. Collection of articles by leading experts in change management. - M.: IKAR Publisher, 2011. - P. 97 - 121;
- M. Pronin. Vodka-management (Anthropology of the Russian drinking) (re-publication) // Psychology and Psychotechnique. - 2010, №10 (25). - P. 74 – 82;
- M. Pronin. Vodka-management (Anthropology of the Russian drinking) // Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise. Vol. 4 / IPhRAS. – M., 2010. - P. 211 - 233;
- M. Pronin. Female sexuality: the philosophical and anthropological essay // Philosophical Sciences. - 2010, № 4. - P. 99 - 110;
- M. Pronin. Donations of Orient: Russian Measure // Philosophical Sciences. - 2009, № 7. - P. 135 - 151;
- M. Pronin. Formation of a military man: philosophical and anthropological interpretation // Workbooks on Bioethics. Vol. 7: Philosophical and anthropological analysis of self-organization of informal power structures in closed collectives (on example hazing), part 2: Collection of scientific articles / Ed. by: P. Tishchenko. - M.: Moscow University for the Humanities Publishing House, 2008. - P. 33 - 62;
- M. Pronin. War oath: philosophical and anthropological understanding // Information Wars. - 2008, № 4(8). - P. 86 - 93;
- M. Pronin. Military man: problems of anthropological understanding // Philosophical Sciences. - 2008, № 6. - P. 39 - 51;
- M. Pronin. Social transformation of the anthropological grounds of philosophy of post-non-classical medicine // Abstracts of the 1st All-Russian Conference "Sorokin readings - 2004: Russian society and the challenges of globalization." - M.: Alpha-M, 2005. - Vol. 5. - P. 247 - 249;
- M. Pronin. Humanitarian, civil capacity of society and human values: virtual approach // Philosophical and legal thought. Almanac. Vol. 5. - Saratov - St. Petersburg: Science Book Publishing House, 2003. - P. 64 - 78;
- M. Pronin. Humanitarian, civil capacity of society // InterTraining: Journal for trainers and consultants from NPOs. - 2003, № 3. - P. 32 - 33.