Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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Journals of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences


The Philosophy Journal (Filosofskiy zhurnal)



Philosophy Journal


ISSN 2072-0726 (Print)


Editor-in-Chief: Andrey V. Smirnov


The Philosophy Journal (Filosofskiy zhurnal) aims at representing the state of the art in philosophical research, both in the traditional areas like ontology, epistemology, logic, ethics, aesthetics, political theory or history of philosophy, and in the interdisciplinary studies that combine philosophy with other areas of knowledge such as the exact sciences, literary criticism and the theory of visual arts, with their ongoing debate concerning the usage of newly coined concepts. Particularly welcome are publications on new and non-traditional forms of philosophy.



Epistemology and Philosophy of Science


Epistemology and Philosophy of Science


ISSN 1811-833X (Print); ISSN 2311-7133 (Online)


Editor-in-Chief: Ilya T. Kasavin


Epistemology and Philosophy of Science is devoted to the themes in modern epistemology, philosophy and history of science, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind. Epistemology and Philosophy of Science is aimed to be the unique platform for current discussions between philosophers and researchers from the all fields of scientific knowledge.



Philosophy of Science and Technology




Philosophy of Science and Technology


ISSN 2413-9084 (Print)

Editor-in-Chief: Vladislav A. Lektorsky


Philosophy of Science and Technology (Filosofija nauki i tehniki) Journal is a philosophical periodical with two issues a year. It is oriented towards professional audience. The goal of the journal is the publication of the research results in the field of philosophy of science and technology, epistemology and philosophy of cognitive science. The journal is a redesigned continuation of the annual “Filosofija nauki” (Philosophy of Science) that has been published in the Institute of Philosophy of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) since 1995 till 2015.



Logical Investigations



Logical Investigations


ISSN 2074-1472 (Print); ISSN 2413-2713 (Online)


Editor-in-Chief: Alexander S. Karpenko


Since 2015 the first specialized journal dedicated to logic Logical Investigations is being published (semiannually), which is the continuation of the annuary under the same name which was being published from 1993 until 2014. The first issue is published in spring, 2015. The journal is peer-reviewed, is included in is included in the List of the leading reviewed scientific journals and editions (approved by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science) since 2010, and is indexed by Zentralblatt MATH, Mathematical Reviews and Russian Science Citation Index (RINC). The applications have been submitted to include the journal in Scopus and Web of Science.



 Ethical Thought



Ethical Thought


ISSN 2074-4870 (Print); ISSN 2074-4897 (Online)


Editor-in-Chief: Abdusalam A. Gusseinov


Ethical Thought (Eticheskaya mysl') is a specialized journal, publishing scholarship results on the whole scope of ethics from different intellectual perspectives. It also publishes discussions, review essays and book reviews.

Official website of the journal


History of Philosophy


History of Philosophy


ISSN 2074–5869 (Print)


Editor-in-Chief: Irina I. Blauberg


History of Philosophy (Istoriya filosofii) is a specialized journal on the history of philosophy. The journal's main objective is to promote the development of professional research in the history of Western, Eastern and Russian philosophy, and to establish and strengthen ties with foreign philosophers. The journal publishes original scientific papers, as well as translations from other languages, reviews and surveys. Special attention is given to covering new, little-explored problems, to developing the methods of the history of philosophy, and to elaborating terminology. Among the journal's authors are both major specialists, the leading scientists in their fields of knowledge enjoying international renown, and postgraduate students and young scientists. The journal provides them with an opportunity to regularly publish the results of their scientific research, and thus encourages the formation of scientific teams, united by the study of certain topics. The journal also publishes the materials of conferences (national and international) in the history of philosophy.



History of Philosophy Yearbook



History of Philosophy Yearbook


ISSN 0134–8655 (Print)


Editor-in-Chief (2021-2022): Yulia V. Sineokaya


Within the Branch for History of Philosophy, the Department of History of Western Philosophy participates since 1986 in the annually published History of Philosophy Yearbook (Istoriko-Filosofskij Ezhegodnik); the Head of our Department. The research articles of the Russian and foreign thinkers, new translations into Russian of classical philosophical texts, archival materials, reviews of works of Russian and foreign authors, interdisciplinary researches, as well as papers of the international and domestic conferences are published on pages of the Yearbook.



Philosophical anthropology



 Philosophical anthropology


ISSN 2414-3715 (Online)


Editor-in-Chief: Pavel S. Gurevich


The journal “Philosophical anthropology” is designed to reflect the history and trends of the philosophical understanding of man. It highlights the main stages of the formation of the philosophy of man, the multiplicity of anthropological doctrines, relations between philosophical anthropology and other fields of philosophical thought. The journal is meant to trace the development of philosophical-anthropological views, to show their depth and richness, the originality of anthropological insights of remote and near cultures, to reveal the inner affinity of problems and meanings of particular philosophic conclusions about man. The journal includes all varieties of philosophical-anthropological knowledge – cultural, social, political, historic, religious, psychoanalytic, paedagogic anthropology. Also, the journal publishes papers of interdisciplinary character that deal with studying human nature through the prism of cultural science, biology, psychology, paedagogics and other scientific areas.

The journal acquaints the readers with the current state of philosophical-anthropological thought in Russia and throughout the world.





Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches


ISSN 2587-683X (Print)


Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir K. Shokhin