Editorial Board
Editorial Introduction
I. PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION AS A PHILOSOPHICAL DISCIPLINE Vladimir K. Schokhin. "Philosophy of Religion": the Beginning of Self-Reflexion Richard Schaeffler. To Understand Religions and to Estimate Religions (transl. by Andrei K. Sudakov) Bernhard Kasper. What could be called Phenomenology of Religion? An Attempt at Understanding (transl. by Mikail L. Khorkov)
II. TODAY'S PHILOSOPHICAL THEISM Richard Swinburne. The Argument from Laws of Nature Reassessed (transl. by Alexei B. Tolstov) William L. Craig. The Kalam Cosmological Argument (transl. by Helen V. Kosilova) Robin Collins. Evidence for Fine-Tuning (transl. by Helen V. Kosilova) Nelson Pike. A Latter-Day Look at the Foreknowledge Problem (transl. by Helen V. Kosilova) Robert Adams. Flavors, Colors, and God (transl. by Alexander I. Kyrlezhev) William Alston. Religious Experience as Perception of God (transl. by Alexander I. Kyrlezhev) Alvin Plantinga. The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology (transl. by Alexei Tolstov) Mikhail O. Schakhov. Is Humean Principle Correct? Vladimir K. Schokhin. Theism, Postmodernist Burial of Metaphysics and Indian Atmavada III. HISTORY OF NATURAL THEOLOGY Marcus Edners. Thinking on the Unsurpassed: the Twofold Normativity of the Notion of God
Hugh of St. Victor on the Two Kinds of Theology (Introduced, translated from Latin and commented by Alexei R. Fokin) Peter V. Rezvykh. The First Draft of Philosophical Theology of Friedrich Wilhelm Jeseph Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm Jeseph Schelling. The Stuttgart Private Lectures (Introduced, translated from German and commented by Peter V. Rezxykh)
V. PUBLICATIONS AND ARCHIVES Archpriest John Skvortsov. Lectures on Philosophy of Religion. Part 2 (Publication of the Manuscript, and comments by Natalia A. Kutsenko) Maria V. Zubova. Vasilii Zubov as a Relidion Thinker Vasilii P. Zubov. Mithra and Anahita (Alexander M. Shishkov)
VI. BOOK REVIEWS AND COMMENTS Peter B. Mikhailov. Issues in Byzantine Philosophy: A New Book by Vasilii M. Lurie Deacon Pavel Serdzhantov. The So-Called Half-Pelagian Disputes Alexei R. Fokin. A New Investigation of Severus the Antiochean's Christilogy Vladimir K. Schokhin. Rereading Lewis Sergius S. Pimenov. The Cambridge Introduction into Postmodernist Theology
VII. CURRENT AFFAIRS "Philosophy of Religion - Theology - Religious Studies": A Seminar The Christmas Readings: A dialogue Between Philosophy and Theology