Editorial Board
Editorial Introduction
I. Philosophy of Religion as a Philosophical Discipline Vladimir K. Schokhin. Philosophy of Religion and Varieties of Rational Theology II. Philosophical Theology and Christian Tradition Modern Philosophical Theism Vladimir V. Mironov. The Relationship of Philosophy ans Religion and the Heritage of Hegel Richard Swinburne. Christ's Atoning Sacrifice (transl. by Marina O. Kedrova) Michael Rea. Hylomorphism and the Incarnation (transl. by Marina O. Kedrova) Brian Leftow. The Humanity of God (transl. by Alexander V. Frolov)
Patristics and Scholasticism Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware). The Unity of the Human Person according to the Greek Fathers (transl. by Alexander Kyrlezew) Alexey R. Fokin. Rational Methods of Approaching the Mystery of God's Triunity in Latin and Greek Patristics Richard Cross. Divine Simplicity and the Doctrine of the Trinity: Gregory of Nyssa and Augustine (transl. by Alexander V. Frolov) David Bradshaw. Divine Freedom: The Greek Fathers and the Modern Debate (transl. by Marina O. Kedrova and Alexander V. Frolov) Peter B. Mikhailov. Competence of Rationality in Theology: the Evidences of Greek Patristics Catherine Regers. The Reality of Sin: Anselm's Unusual View Robert C. Koons. Way Two and Three: Thomas Aquinas on the Intelligibility of Being (transl. by Galina V. Vdovina) Tatiana Y. Boroday. Imagination in the Knowledge of God: from Antiquity to the Modern Times
Russian philosophy Irina V. Tsvyk. Transcendental Monism of V.D. Kudryavtsev-Platonov Alexey P. Kozyrev. Sophiology of Archpriest. Sergius Bulgakov: a "Theologema" or a "Philosophema"?
Orthodoxy in the Modern Context Alexander Filonenko. Theology of Communion and Eucharistic Anthropology Vladimir K. Shokhin. On Limits of Reason's Competence in Soteriology and Sacramentology: Some Non-Theological Reasonings Kristina Stoeckl. Post-secular Subjectivity in the Western Philosophical Discussion and Orthodox Theology (transl. by Alexander Kyrlezev)
III. Classical Authors Alexey R. Fokin. Philosophical Theology in Latin Patristics: Marius Victorinus' Treatise "Against Arius" Marius Victorinus. Against Arius. Book III. (Transl. from Latin and Comments by Alexey R. Fokin) Kirill V. Karpov. Status of Theological Knowledge in the Philosophy of Gregory of Rimini Gregory of Rimini. Commentary on the First Book of "Sentences" of Peter Lombard. (Transl. from Latin and Comments by Kirill V. Karpov) Andrey K. Sudakov. Baader, Kant, and the Possibility of Salvation Franz von Baader. On Kant's Deduction of the Practical Reason and the Absolute Blindness of the Latter. (Transl. from German and Comments by Andrey K. Sudakov) Peter B. Mikhailov. Jean Daniélou's Theology of History Cardinal Jean Daniélou. Christianity and History. (Transl. from French and Comments by Peter B. Mikhailov) IV. Book Reviews and Comments Theology Alexander S. Lyskov. "Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion" by M. Murray and M. Rea Kirill V. Karpov. "God and Design. The Teleological Argument and Modern Science". Ed. by N. Manson Sergey S. Pimenov. On the Tradition, Innovation and Theological Effort ("German Protestantism of the Twentoeth Century. Texts and Commentaries". Ed. by K.I. Ukolov) Maria S. Sentchukova. Joseph Aryankalail on the Ways and Dead Ends of the Ecumenical Theology
Religious Studies Alexander V. Frolov. Hermeneutical Approaches to the "Sacred" by R. Otto Marina O. Kedrova. Alexander Krasnikov on Methodological Problems of Religious Studies Ruzana V. Pskhu. "On the Mutual Influences and Relationship of Višişţādvaita Vedānta Paňcarata". Ed. by Gerhard Oberhammer and Marion Rastelli Andrey P. Zabiyako. Putonghua of Chinese Mythology and Religion in the Encyclopedia "Spiritual Culture of China" Christianity in the Twentieth Century Natalia T. Eneeva. "The Church and the Third Reich" by L.N. Brovko Vladimir K. Shokhin. "They Betrayed Him": Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on the Secon Vatican Council
V. Historiography Natalya N. Trubnikova. The Issue of Old and New Buddhism of the Kamakura Era in Religious Studies
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