Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Irina A. Beskova
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Irina A. Beskova



Irina Beskova




 ORCID iD icon

Scopus Author ID: 56298407300

Year and place of birth


1954, Tbilisy, USSR





Moscow State University, Philosophical Department, Chair of Logic, 1980




  • D.Sc. in Philosophy.
  • Doctor of Science Dissertation “Creative Thinking as a Philosophical Problem”, 1993
  • Ph. D. Dissertation “Logically semantic Means of the Natural Language Analysis”, 1980

Fields of research

Evolutionary Epistemology, Philosophy of Consciousness, Philosophy of Corporeality, Creative Thinking, Philosophy of Dreaming, Philosophy of Language, Methodology of a Cognitive Complexity


Professional appointments

Leading Research Associate





  • Beskova I.A. Language, Meaning, Creativity. M.: IPhRAS, 2015. –141 p.. (in Co-authorship with Smirnova N.M. and Majdanov A.S.);
  • Beskova I.A. The Nature and Images of Corporeality. M.: Progress-Tradition, 2011. – 456 p. (in Co-authorship with Knyazeva H.N. and Beskova D.A.);
  • Beskova I.A. The Phenomenon of Consciousness (in Co-authorship with Gerasimova I.A. and Merkulov I.P.). M.: Progress-Tradition, 2010. – 366 p.
  • Beskova I.A. The Nature of Dreamings (epistemological analysis). M.: IPhRAS, 2005. – 239 p.;
  • Beskova I.A. Evolution and Consciousness: New Outlook. M.: Indric, 2002. – 256 p.;
  • Beskova I.A. Evolution and Consciousness (cognitive and symbolic analysis). M.: IPhRAS, 2001;
  • Beskova I.A. How is Creative Thinking Possible? M.: IPhRAS, 1993.

Main articles

  • Beskova I.A. Meaning-Constitution Process as an Epistemological Phenomenon // Philosophy of Creativity. Vol. IX. Moscow: Voice, 2023. P. 106–180.
  • Beskova I.A. Cognitive Transmutation of Subjectivity in Creative Process // Philosophy of Creativity. Vol. IX. Moscow: Voice, 2023. P. 38–50. 
  • Beskova I.A. Natural and Artificial Intelligence: Points of Contact // Voprosy Filosofii (Questions of Philosophy). 2023. № 9. С. 83–92. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2023-9-83-92.
  • Beskova I.A. Paradigmatic Shift Reveling the Nature of the Human Mind // Science and Human Being Phenomenon in a Civilization Macroshift Period. Moscow: IOI, 2023. P. 267–311. DOI 10.29039/iab.267-311. 
  • Beskova I.A. Specificity of the Aesthetic Meaning // III Russian Aesthetic Congress: Reports. Vol. I. Vlidimir: Archaim, 2023. P. 60–61.
  • Beskova I.A. Paradigmatic Shift in the Individual Consciousness // Science and Human Being Phenomenon in a Civilization Macroshift Period. Moscow: IOI, 2023. P. 37–39. DOI 10.29039/iab.267-311. 
  • Beskova I.A. On the Isomorphism of Two Types of Knowledge // III Stepin Readings. Koursk: University Book, 2023. P. 429–433. 
  • Beskova I.A. Structural Dynamics of the Creative Mind // Philosophy of Creativity. Vol. VIII. Moscow: Voice, 2022. P. 82–149. 
  • Beskova I.A. On the Nature of the Mythologizing Mind // Philosophy of Creativity. Vol. VIII. Moscow: Voice, 2022. P. 46–53. 
  • Beskova I.A. The Intensional Semantics in a Natural Language Analyses // Intellectual Systems. Theory and Applications. Vol. 26. № 1. 2022. Р. 174–178.
  • Beskova I.A. The Nature of Intuitiveness: Origins and Manifestations // Philosophy of Creativity. M.: Voice. 2021. P. 36–93 
  • Beskova I.A. Mindell’s Creativity Concept // Philosophy of Creativity. M.: Voice. 2021. P. 262–286.
  • Beskova I.A. Some concepts of Amy Mindell's theory of creativity // Philosophy of Creativity. M.: Voice. 2021. P. 368–374.
  • Beskova I.A. Idea as an aggregator of “soft” meaningful dynamics in creativity // Philosophy of Creativity. M.: Voice. 2021. P. 2523–2525.
  • Beskova I.A.Philosophy of Creativity in the Interdisciplinary Phenomenon Interpretation // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. 2020. № 5-1 (44), 2020. P. 110–120. DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2020-10462. ISSN 2409-8728.
  • Beskova I.A.What Cultural Research Сan Give to a Creativity Researcher // Philosophy of Creativity. M.: Voice. 2020. P. 27–98. ISBN 978-5-91932-016-6.
  • Beskova I.A. Self-transformation of Personality in the Creative Process // Chelovek  (Human Being), 2019. N 3. P. 50–60. ISSN 0236-2007. DOI 10.31857/S023620070005379-3.
  • Beskova I.A. Philosophy of Creativity and Science: the Facets of Interaction // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. 2019. № 10-1 (37). С. 185–197. ISSN 2500-1000 (Print); ISSN 2500-1086 (Online). DOI 10.24411/2500-1000-2019-11633.
  • Beskova I.A. Meanings’ Dynamics: Mirror Neurons in the Mechanisms of Creativity // Philosophy of creativity / Ed .: N.M. Smirnova, I.A. Beskova. M.: IIntell, 2019. Issue 5. Pp. 20–61.
  • Beskova I.A. The Logic of the Creative Transformation: a Non-dual Approach // Philosophical School. 2018. № 6. – P. 48–60. ISSN 2541-7673. DOI 10.24411/2541-7673-2018-10642.
  • Beskova I.A. Logical-methodological analysis of the establishment of self-position // Philosophical Thought. 2018, N 2. P. 1-14. (Erih)
  • Beskova I.A. The Logic of Creative Capacities’ Coming into Being and their Manifesting in Creative Process // Philosophy of Creativity. Creation and the Person’s Life-World». Vol. 3. M.: Iintell, 2017. P. 130-168.
  • Beskova I.A. Language of the Creative Unconscious // The Philosophy of Creativity // The Philosophy of Creativity. Cognitive and sociocultural Dimensions / Ex. by Smirnova N.M., Maidanov A.S. Moscow: IIntell, 2016 –314 p. ISBN 978-5-98956-014-1 – P. 111–151.
  • Beskova I.A.The Methodology of Cognitive Complexity Investigation // The Innovative Complexity. SPb.: Aletheya, 2016. (608 p.) P. 218-268.
  • Beskova I.A.The Nature of Creative Insight // The Philosophy of Creativity. Materials of the 1 Scientific Conference. IPhRAS. M.: IIntell, 2015.
  • Beskova I.A.The Dynamics of Meanings in Human Cognitive Development // Psychology and psycho-techniques. 2015. – N.8. P. 771-786. DOI: 10.7256/2070-8955.2015.8.16037.
  • Beskova I.A.Face in the Mirror: Me, Not Me, un-Me? // Human Face in Science, Art and Practice. M.: Cogito-Centre, 2014. (694 p). P.13-29.
  • Beskova I.A. Border Experience as a Background of a Meaning Emergence / Experience and Meaning. M.: IPhRAS, 2014. p. 155-175.
  • Beskova I.A. The Natural Intelligence, Interdisciplinary and the Integral Comprehension Phenomenon // Epistemology in Interdisciplinary Investigations (Philosophy of Science, V. 19). M.: IPhRAS, 2014. P. 163-183.
  • Beskova I.A.Corporeality: the key to analyzing the realm of the consciousness // Russian studies in Philosophy. FALL 2013. Vol. 52. No 2. P. 80-99.
  • Beskova I.A.The Creative Giftedness: the Nature, Premises, Manifestations / Epistemology of Creativity. M.: «Canon+» РООИ «Reabilitacija», 2013. P. 204-272.
  • Beskova I.A.The Complexity of a Human Embodiment / 23rd World Congress of Philosophy. Athens, School of Philosophy, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, 2013. P. 120. - 0.2 а.л.
  • Beskova I.A.Intelligence – Imagination – Creativity: Approaches and Decisions. M.: IPRAS, 2013.  P. 72-90.
  • Beskova I.A.Human Embodiment as a Complex Phenomenon / Philosophy: Theory and Practice. Moscow: IPRAS, 2013. P. 32-36.
  • Beskova I.A. The Universes that Communicate / Philosophy of Science. Vol. 16. Epistemological Analysis of Communications. М.: IPRAS, 2012. P. 98-113.
  • Beskova I.A.Intelligence, Creativity, Culture / Evolutionary Epistemology. Anthology. М.: Centr gumanitarnych iniciativ, 2012. P. 556-602.
  • Beskova I.A.Gerald Edelman’s Conception of Consciousness / Evolutionary Epistemology. Anthology. М.: Centr gumanitarnych iniciativ, 2012. P. 409-419.
  • Beskova I.A.The Problem of Language and Cultural Translation in D. Smillie’s Conception Light / Evolutionary Epistemology. Anthology. М.: Centr gumanitarnych iniciativ, 2012. P. 362-366.
  • Beskova I.A.Evolutionary Epistemology as a Sphere of a Growing Complexity / Evolutionary Epistemology: Trends and Perspectives. М., IPRAS, 2012. P. 35-57.
  • Beskova I.A.The Ordinary Perception and the Perception of Ordinary: East – West / Actual Problems of a Modern Cognitive Science. Ivanovo, 2012. P. 145-155.
  • Beskova I.A.Philosophy as a Most Practical Science / Who Produces a Philosophy in Russia Today. M., 2011;
  • Beskova I.A.Creativity as Creation and Co-Creation / Liberty and Creativity. M., 2011.
  • Beskova I.A.Bidirection of the Causal Connections (Model where the Effect May Precede the Cause) / Philosophical Journal. M., 2008;
  • Beskova I.A. Logic of the Influence to a Human Life from the Dreaming Reality / Annals of the “Russian Anthropologic School” , M., 2008, V.5;
  • Beskova I.A. Self and Self-Consciousness in Cognitive Development of a Human Being / Evolution. Thinking. Consciousness. M., 2004.



  • Edelman G. Consciousness: The Remembered Present. In: Cajal and Consciousness. Scientific Approaches to Consciousness on the Centennial of Ramon y Cajal’s Textura. Ed. By Pedro C. Marijuan. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 929. N.Y., 2001. The Russian translation is published in: Psychology and Pychotecnics. 2009, N 7.


Papers at international conferences

  • Consciousness as Multy Levelled Phenomenon. 13th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. August 9-15, 2007 Beijing (China).


Conferences participation

  • International Conference III Stepin Readings. Sectional report. Theme of the report: "To the question of isomorphism of two types of knowledge". 19-20.06.2023., Moscow, IphRAS.
  • Round table "Science and Human Phenomenon in the Age of Macro Shift". Speech topic: "On the paradigm shift in individual consciousness". 15.09.2023, Moscow, IphRAS. 
  • Round table "In Memory of Anatoly Stepanovich Maidanov". Theme of the report: "The Nature of Mythologizing Mind". April 4, 2022, Moscow, IphRAS. 
  • VIII Russian Philosophical Congress. Section No. 23 "Philosophy of Creativity". Sectional report. Topic of the report: "Idea as an aggregator of "soft" meaning-forming dynamics in creativity". May 27, 2022, Moscow, IphRAS. 
  • XII International Scientific Conference "Intellectual Systems and Computer Science". Section 3: "Natural Language Processing". Paper topic: "Intensional semantics in natural language analysis". November 29 - December 03, 2021, Moscow, Moscow State University. 
  • International Conference "Second Stepin Readings. Rationality in the Digital Age". Paper topic: "Schrödinger's Cat as a representation of the dynamics of primordial awareness". November 9-10, 2021, Moscow, IphRAS. 
  • "To the 100th Anniversary of IphRAS ": Round table "Theories of creativity: unity in diversity". The topic of the report: "Amy Mindell's Theory of Creativity". April 12, 2021, Moscow, IphRAS  
  • International Conference "Second Stepin Readings. Rationality in the Digital Age". Paper topic: "Schrödinger's Cat as a representation of the dynamics of primordial awareness". November 9-10, 2021, Moscow, IphRAS.
  • III All-Russian Scientific Conference “Cognitive Science and Culture” Moscow State Pedagogical University, May, 28, 2019. Report “Creativity as the meaning of scientific knowledge”
  • II All-Russian Conference " Philosophy of Creativity ", Moscow, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, April 10, 2019. Report " Meanings’ Dynamics in the Creative Process." 
  • International Scientific Conference “Problems of Art Methodology” – 12-14 of March 2018, Moscow, Moscow State Conservatory – “Integral Experience in the act of Co-Creation”.
  • The Round Table “100th anniversary of Russian revolution” – 26th of October 2017, Moscow, Institute of Philosophy - “Revolutionary Burning of Creativity” 


  • Co-editor of the collective monographs «Philosophy of Creativity». M.: Iintell, 2017, 2018, 2019
  • The editor of the collective monograph «The Embodiment as Epistemological Phenomenon», M. : IPhRAS, 2009. –  232 p.;

Research projects

  • 2020-2022 – «Contemporary Trends in Human and Social Sciences’ Development in the Context of Digitization Processes and the New Social Challenges: Interdisciplinary Approach» (№ 075-15-2020-798) – collective project.

  • RFFI № 10-06-00433 «To Perceive the World through Body / Mind: Cognitive Sciences and Teachings of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism  on the Nature of Experience»;

  • RHSF № 2008-2010, № 08-03-00098а «Problem of a Freedom in Epistemological Investigations of Creativity»;

  • RHSF № 2008, № 08-03-16103д, «Phenomenon of Consciousness»;
  • RHSF № 2007-2009, № 07-03-00196а «Complexity of a Human Embodiment:  the Structure and Dynamics»;
  • RHSF № 2004-2006, № 04-03-00311а «Consciousness: Evolutionary, Cognitive and Sociocultural Aspects»;
  • RHSF № 2003-2005, №03-03-00163а, «Argumentative Models of Contradictory Discourses».

Main results

The change of cognitive space from routine into creative one is taking place due to the transformation of the deepest foundations of human self- and world-seeing, when the subject/object dichotomy of the cognitive universe is removed, and the perceptive and mental space becomes non-dual and integral. It is shown that the fundamental origins of human intellectuality are rooted in the specific conditions of the organism’s cognitive formation in the prenatal period, when the future individuality naturally matures in a non-dual and integral mode of the mother's and child's organisms’ coherence. It is substantiated that the leap of awareness, which marks a paradigmatic shift in individual consciousness, occurs at the moment of experiencing intuitive insight and represents a change in the format of coherence from dual to non-dual one. In this case, the attractor of changing integrity ("human being ≡ creative task that he solves"), in the course of a search of balance by this innovative system is perceived by the subject of creativity as a solution and is grasped in direct discretion as an integral part of his own intra-body dynamics. It is shown that the meaning creation dynamics includes different modes of the novelty generation: a) from the perspective of subjectively initiated transformation of the research field and b) from the mode of non-acting, which becomes available in the state of wholeness of subject of creativity concentration on the problem (2022-2024).

Within the framework of a multidimensional model of creative problem solving and based on Tibetan Dzogchen tradition ideas, an interpretation of the worldview transformation is offered. In particular, the initial isolation in the space of creative interaction of beginnings, that communicate, is replaced by an alternative state, when not only the subject of cognition appears as an agent of action, but also the "object" starts to be active, as if "pulling" the problem situation in the direction of creative solution  (2021). 

The intuitiveness phenomenon was analyzed within the framework of studying the dynamics of creativity: its nature, status, place and role in the cognitive process. Special attention was paid to the possibility of non-dual interpretation of the most important components of the creative process that are holistic and non-dual in nature. It has been shown where is the source of a high degree of subjective conviction in the correctness of the intuitively found solution, though the flash of insight has not yet found proof. The instantaneous nature of intuitive "hints" is explained, and it is shown how they are possible and by what resources are provided. The article reveals how is it possible that the diverse and multidimensional spheres of not only scientific but everyday manifestations of the intuitiveness phenomenon can be based on the same features of the awareness dynamics (2021).

Notions of extensional and intentional modes of interdisciplinary phenomenon understanding were offered. It was revealed that the true interdisciplinary synthesis correlates not with a quantitative increase of knowledge, but with providing of a qualitative leap in meanings’ generation. To clarify the subtle points of new knowledge formation, the concepts of summativity and integrity were compared. It was shown that the holistic status of human understanding emerges from the non-dual integrity of the experience and person who lives it.

The methodology of non-duality in its application to analysis of the complex non-dual phenomena (such as culture and creativity) in their correlation was investigated. Also there were revealed the peculiarities of the unity transforming in the act of creative borning of new meanings. It was shown how is it possible that the beginnings that look like opposites, independent and self-existent ones, when a position of a researcher is dual, in the transformed space of the creative dynamics appear to be the integral undifferentiated unity that evolves as a whole to ensure a solution of a problem (2020).

The non-dual integral nature of creativity as a state, as a cognitive ability, as a style of problem solving is substantiated.  It is revealed how creative effectiveness relates to the establishment of a mode of comprehension conducive to the achievement of a creative breakthrough.  The role of the researcher’s basic self-understanding and world outlook in creative result achievements is revealed.  The concepts of volumetric meaning, non-dual meaning, as well as perceived and implied meanings are introduced and interpreted.  Based on the consideration of the mirror neurons system operation, hypotheses that offer an interpretation of the state of person’s creative absorption by the subject of interest, as well as the state of non-dual being in the space of the given are formulated.  An explanation is proposed of why, under certain conditions, the creative process proceeds not only as efficiently as possible, but also, spontaneously and almost without effort. (2019)

It is argued that there is a correlation between a person’s  cognitive capacities coming into being stage with the state of non-dual integrity of the one. Therefore there exist the profound prerequisites for the essential dissimilarity of the adult and of the child worldview. It has been substantiated that the researchers’ unconscious attitude, associated with the interpretation of a small child behavior within the adult’s categorical frames, provokes an incorrect interpretation of the logic of self-formation in a human cognitive development. It is shown that the resources of the formation of cognitive abilities, as well as an initial nature of creativity, are correlated with the mode of non-dual integrity of a human being and, on the contrary, are masked in the duality mode (when viewed from the observer's position). In this regard, the idea of constructing the epistemology of non-duality is put forward, which can substantially complement the classical epistemology of a dual worldview. (2018).

There were examined some aspects of the specificity of self-position establishment and functioning during the childhood. It was argued that an unconscious orientation of some researchers when the young child behavior is interpreted within the framework of the world perception categorical scale of adult, provokes inaccurate outlook upon the interpretation of logics of selfness’ establishment within the cognitive development of a person. It was shown that there exists an essential demarcation between the stages when a phenomenon is only coming into being and its further development: the first one is holistic and non dual while the other correlates with the state of duality. Therefore an extrapolation of experiments’ interpretation from one to another causes a conceptual discordance of the self- and world perception of a child and an adult experience and cognition (2018).

The analysis of meanings’ formation and development in a human cognitive evolution from the earliest stages of phylogenies is proposed. The mechanisms of these processes is offered. In accordance with these points the logic of the natural language emergence, formation and development is formulated.

The volumetric approach to analysis of complex phenomena is worked out. The notion of integral corporeality is offered. Laws of its formation, development and functioning are investigated. The model of a subconscious-unconscious functioning (in their relation with conscious and self-conscious activities) is proposed. The understanding of dreaming/awakened realities’ interconnection and of their influence to a human being reality is worked out. The nature of giftedness in the context of human creative and co-creative capacities is investigated. The questions of specificity of creativeness are developed. Is shown that a creative product is the concentrated form of the creator’s personality manifestation. That’s why it is necessary to understand the phenomenon of human being existence and development in a whole spectrum of personality’s manifestations and in a whole volume of its deepest potentials (including nonduality of mind, wholeness of the integral embodiment organization and the specificity of structural dynamics, arising in a complex phenomena and leading to a formation of principally new emergent qualities in a previously designed patterns of possible). The language of the creative unconscious was investigated and the concept of the some kind pf derivative language that permits to express some aspects of the inexpressible experience without arising of paradoxes was offered.

It was argued, that essential characteristics of the human cognitive capacities, as well as specifics of their realization in person’s creative activity, can be adequately understood only if we track logic of their ontogenetic coming into being. The access to the earliest person’s impressions was provided by the technique of the hypnotic analysis developed by G. Frankl. On this basis it was shown that resources of cognitive abilities’ formation (as well as the genuine nature of human creativity) correlate to the mode of non dual integrity of human existence and, on the contrary, all of them are masked in the duality mode of their analysis from the external point of view (from the observer’s position). It was argued also that it is necessary to work out an epistemology of non duality which will add effectively an epistemology of a dual world understanding prevailing nowadays. It will permit to elaborate more adequate creativity outlook.
