The Second All-Russian Scientific conference “Philosophy of Creativity”, Moscow, April, 11, 2019. Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Academician V. Lectorsky – Chair of the Program Committee, Prof. N. Smirnova– Chair of the Organizing Committee. The main subject matter of the conference can be designated as “Creativity as Meaning-constitutive Human Agency”. Contributors not only from the Institute of Philosophy RAS, but also from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian State University for Humanities, P.I. Chayckovsky Moscow State Conservatory, M.I. Glinka Nizhniy Novgorod State Conservatory, etc. have greatly contributed to the conference’s presentations and discussions. Conference activity proceeded in 2 formats: “adult” session for the mature researchers and the workshop for the young scientists and post-graduate students. The conference has been completed with general discussion of all participants. To ensure the smooth running of the conference’s presentations, audio- and video computer facilities had widely been used. Direct translation from the conference hall has also been ensured. The conference was opened by V. Lectorsky’s presentation “What Do We Mean by Creativity?” He designated principal problems concerning the very definition of “creativity” concept. Natalia Smirnova proceeded with presentation about philosophical metamorphosis of meaning in historical types of cognitive hermeneutics. Due attention has been paid to meaning-constitutive activity in various languages: vernacular (N. Smirnova), poetic (U. Morkina), scientific (A. Maidanov) as well as in tropological discourse (S. Neretina). I. Beskova greatly contributed to the study of creativity by stressing very special position (non-dual integrity) of creator towards one’s creation. A. Gorelov made the stress to creativity as the way of personal self-constitution. Prof. D. Bogojavlenskaya articulates some basic problems of psychological background of creativity. U. Troitsky presents some patterns of creativity in pedagogical anthropology. The problems of tacit knowledge and its significance for creativity images’ formation have been analyzed by S. Filipenok. Digital creativity has also been discussed (H. Jaroslavtseva). The workshop for the young scientists and post-graduate students (chaired by M. Pilugina, M. Filipenok) has been concentrated on the problems of artistic creativity (N. Derzhavina, V. Shabanov, etc.) in post-modern discourse. To resume, the Second All-Russian scientific-theoretical conference “Philosophy of Creativity” significantly contributed to interdisciplinary study of this enigmatic capacity of human spirit and laid the foundation for further interdisciplinary discussion on this subject matter.