Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Fyodor Blyukher
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Fyodor Blyukher

Fyodor Blyukher

Date and place of birth                                                                                                                              ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2592-6059              Русскоязычная версия страницы

20.05.1956, Moscow                                                                                                                                            Reseacher ID: G-2528-2018


Lomonosov Moscow State University, faculty of philosophy, 1984


Ph.D. in philosophy since 1990

Fields of research

The history of philosophy, philosophy of science and philosophy of history.
Professional appointments

  • Since 2014 till now — head of the department of Philosophical Problems in Social Sciences and Humanities, IPhRAS.
  • Head of Department of Philosophy and the Humanities of the Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University.

  • "Philosophy"
  • "Philosophy of Science"
  • Special course "Dialectic" in MGPPU.
Participation in research projects

  • Intentional analysis of ideology // Przeglad Wschodnioeuropejski. v.1. 2014. Uniwersitet warminsko-mazurski w Olsztynie. 2014. S.163-177. RFH 13-03-00605 "Intentional characteristics of ideological discourse"
  • The ideology of the historical knowledge. Aesthetic and ethical basis of the analysis. Grant RFH, 2006-2008. Project number 06-03-00284a.

Scientific publications


  • Discourse-analysis and discursive practices. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2016, 134р. (with S.L. Gurko, A.A. Guseva, G.B. Gutner).

More than 50 articles, including:

  • Scholii V.S. Liberator of ancient culture. (Objections to the Master) / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 24, 2018, p. 1-12. URL: 

  • Two sources of modern philosophy of science. / Philosophy and science: problems of correlation: Proceedings of the international conference, Moscow, 2017, p. 43-46. (with S.L. Gurko) 

  • Myth and ideology as a form of discourse / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 21, 2016, p. 1-51. URL: 

  • Alexander Pavlovich Ogurtsov as a learned humanist / Philosopher and Science. Alexander Pavlovich Ogurtsov / Ed. S.S. Neretina. Moscow, "The Voice", 2016, p. 189–201. 

  • Two sources of modern philosophy of science / Philosophy and Science: problems of correlation. Aleshinsky readings, Ed. T.A. Shiyan, Moscow, 2016, p. 29-30. (with S.L. Gurko) 

  • War and Russia. / VOX: the Journal of Philosophy, № 18, 2015, URL: 

  • Berdyaev: experience of philosophical discourse-analysis. Journal of Russian Christian Аcademy, SPb, 2015, p. 143-157. (with S.L. Gurko). 

  • Intentional discourse analysis of ideology // Methodology of science and discourse analysis. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2014, p. 268-284. (with S.L. Gurko). 

  • Power. Policy. Morality. // Bulletin of analytics, № 1 (51). Moscow, 2013, p. 135-143. (with S.L. Gurko). 

  • The dialectic of the categories "history" and "modernity" // History of science and technology through the eyes of young researchers. UlGTU, 2012, p. 46-48. 

  • Discourse analysis of ideology. 2013, p. 104-109. (with S.L. Gurko). 

  • Why study the history of "concepts"? // The evolution of concepts in the light of the history of Russian culture. Moscow, 2012, p. 24 - 35. 

  • Ideological forms of political struggle. // The Journal of Philosophy, Moscow, IPhRAS, 2012, p. 87-103. (with S.L. Gurko). 

  • The emergence of "Kievan Rus'" and the problem of historiography // Methods of understanding the past. Moscow, 2011, p. 209 – 225. 

  • Systematic approach in the design of the socio-economic reality // Knowledge in social and cultural space (collective monograph, executive editor V.S. Stepin). Moscow, 2011, p. 387-404. 

  • "Time" in the history // Philosophy of Science. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2000.

