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  Faris Nofal
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Faris Nofal


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Date and Place of Birth


ORCID: 0000-0002-3163-4722

Researcher ID: 

Scopus Author ID: 57196042458

РИНЦ Author ID: 9054-3224

1995, Krasnoarmiysk (Porovsk), Ukraine.




  • 2014 – 2018 - Faculty of history and philosophy, Odessa National University named after I. Mechnikov.
  • 2012 – 2015 - Faculty of philosophy, Luhansk National University named after V. Dahl.




  • 2018 – MA in philosophy. Thesis title: “Theological and Anthropological Teachings of Abu al-Qasim al-Kaʻbi”.


  • November 2020 – present – Research Fellow at the IPhRAS Department of Philosophy of Islamic World. 
University courses
  • 2023 — course of lectures “the History of Arab Philosophy”, State Academic University for the Humanities.
  • 2023 — course of lectures “Judaism and Islam”, Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University of Humanities.



Main fields of research

Islamic Studies, The History of Arabic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Phenomenology of Religion, The History of Arabic Literature, Symbolical Anthropology.

Taking part in editorial boards of scientific editions

  • 2022 – present – Deputy Chief Editor of  “Ishraq”, Islamic philosophy journal

  • 2022 – Guest editor of the 10th issue of “Ishraq”, Islamic philosophy yearbook

  • 2022 – present – a member of editorial board “Interreligious Dialogue” (Saint Petersburg State University, Moscow Islamic Institute).

  • 2021 – 2022 – a member of editorial board “Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity” (Saint Petersburg State University, Moscow Islamic Institute).

  • 2016 – 2022 – a member of editorial board ‘Philosophic orientalism at University of Odessa’ (I.I.Mechnikov National University).


articles, collective monographies, translations


  • Studies in Zaydi Thought of VII-XI ct. (Smirnov A.V. ed.) Moscow: Sadra publ., 2023. 248 pp. (In Russian with Arabic Texts)

  • Arabian Nights. Studies in the History of Oriental Erotic Literature. Moscow: Tsiolkovsky publ., 2023. 208 pp. (In Russian)

  • Religion and Method: Manifesto of a Symbolist Phenomenologist (Pskhu R.V. ed.) Moscow: Sadra publ., 2022. 200 pp. (in Russian)
  • Al-Jišamī, al-Ḥākim. Šarḥ ʿUyūn al-Masāʾil wa al-Jawābāt (Commentary on "Sources of Questions and Answers", vol. IV). Publ. and comment. with a brief study by F.O. Nofal; ed. by A.V. Smirnov. Moscow: OOO Sadra, 2021. 774 pp. (in Arabic and Russian)
  • Al-Haddad, al-Tahir. On the Situation of Women. Transl. and comment. by F.Nofal. Moscow: Medina publ., 2021. 184 pp. (in Russian)
  • Abdo, Muhammad. Treatise on the Oneness of God. Transl. and comment. by F.Nofal. Moscow: Medina publ., 2021. 268 pp. (in Russian)
  • Al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din. Refutation of Materialists. Transl. and comment. by F.Nofal. Moscow: Medina publ., 2021. 64 pp. (in Russian)
  • Al-Budayri, Shihab al-Din. The Daily Accidents of Damascus. Transl. and comment. by I. Smilyanskaya,S. Kamilev and F. Nofal. Moscow: Indrik, 2021. 400 pp. (in Russian)
  • The Problem of Reason and the Problematical Heritage. Cairo: Dar al-Fajr, 2021. 181 pp. (in Arabic)

  • Cross and Time: an Essay in Orthodox Theology of Time. San Juan Capistrano: Karmel, 2020. 93 pp. (in Arabic)
  • The Dialectics of an Abrahamic Symbol. (Petrikovskaya E. and Sumchenko I. eds.) Moscow: Sadra publ., 2020. 328 pp. (in Russian)
  • Ahmad al-Budyri. The Daily Events of Damascus (1154/1741— 1176/1763). Studied and translated by Nofal F. (Petrikovskaya E. ed.) Odessa: ONU, 2019. 162 pp. (in Russian)
  • Al-Taskhiri, Muhammad ʻAli. Qur’an in Muslim Nations’ Culture. Translated by Mikulskiy D. and Nofal F. (Mikulskiy D. ed.) Moscow: Sadra publ., 2018. 296 pp. (in Russian)
  • Philosophy of Muslim-Christian Dialogue. Moscow: Kanon+ publ., 2019. 192 pp. (in Russian)
  • “There is a Certain Place for All…”.  Modern Arabic Poetry and World Literature. Moscow: YaSK, 2018. 160 pp. (in Russian)
  • “Scattered” and “organized”: Cognitive Methods of the Arab Muslim Culture (with al-Janabi M., Drozdov V., Kuznetsov V., Lukashev A., Mikulskiy D., Pskhu R., Seleznev N., Smirnov A., Fedorova Yu., Chalisova N., Shamilli G. and Yakubovich M.; Smirnov A. ed.). Мoscow: ООО Sadra publ., YaSK, 2017. 736 pp.
  • Gethsemane. An Introduction to the Тheology of Аbsurd. Odessa: “Feniks”, 2017. 86 pp. (in Russian)
  • Arab Existentialism. An Anthology. With a brief study, translations and commentaries by F. Nofal (Sumchenko I. ed.) Odessa: “Feniks”, 2017. 208 pp. (in Russian)
  • Abu al-Qasim al-Kaʻbi and the Sunset of Baghdadi’ Mutazilites. (Smirnov A. ed.) Moscow: YaSK, Sadra publ., 2017. 136 pp. (in Russian)
  • The Category of Faith in Classical Islamic Theology. (Petrikovskaya E. ed.) Odessa: “Feniks”, 2016. 210 pp. (in Russian)
  • Muʻammar ibn ʻAbbad al-Sulami and his Philosophical Teachings. Beirut: Dar al-Farabi, 2015. 120 pp. (in Arabic)
  • Ibrahim ibn Sayyar al-Nazzam. (Smirnov A. ed.) Moscow: YaSK, Sadra publ., 2015. 152 pp. (in Russian)




  • Al-Šayẖ al-Mufīd. The Very First Sayings about Selected Teachings. Part Three: On Sophisticated Matters. Introduced, translated and commented by Faris O. Nofal, in: Ishraq. Islamic Philosophy Journal. 2023, Vol. 1, No 1. Pp. 116–143.

  • Religious and Philosophical Teachings of Al-Nazzam in the Light of Newly Discovered Sources, in: Concept: philosophy, religion, culture. 2023, 7(1). Pp. 62-73.
  • “Awakening Thought”. Review on: Pavluchenkov N.N. Theology of Unity: from F.W.J. Schelling to the Priest P.A. Florensky. Moscow: “Izd-vo PSTGU” publ., 2023. – 608 pp., in: National Philosophy, 1(2). Pp. 121-127.
  • ’Abū al-Ḥasan al-Ṣūrī. The Book on Resurrection. Introduced and published by Faris O. Nofal, Ishraq. Islamic Philosophy Journal. 2023, Vol. 1, No 2. Pp. 76-95.
  • The Evolution of Samaritan Eschatological Exegesis in the 11th — 19th Centuries, in: Bible and Christian Antiquity, № 3 (19), 2023. Pp. 107–125.
  • “And You will See the Christ’s Image in Similarity”: the Phenomenology of Beauty and Old Believers’ Theology, in: The unity of goodness, truth and beauty in the Russian religious and philosophical tradition. Collection of articles / Complied by N. K. Syundyukov. St. Petersburg: Тhe Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities named after Fyodor Dostoevsky Publ., 2023. Pp. 24-39.
  • “Anti- Heritage”: The Critical Project of George Tarabishi, in: Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. Religio-philosophical Yearbook. № 6. Moscow: Medina publ., 2022. Pp. 185-220.
  • Mohammed al-Jabri. Us and Heritage. Transl. and comm. by F. Nofal. In: Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. Religio-philosophical Yearbook. № 6. Moscow: Medina publ., 2022. Pp. 419-444.
  • Muhammad Immara The Crisis of Contemporary Muslim Though. Transl. and comm. by F. Nofal. In: Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. Religio-philosophical Yearbook. № 6. Moscow: Medina publ., 2022. Pp. 445-464.
  • Abdarrazaq al- Jubran Existentialism and the Sins of Traditional Islamic Philosophy. Transl. and comm. by F. Nofal. In: Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. Religio-philosophical Yearbook. № 6. Moscow: Medina publ., 2022. Pp. 465-482.
  • Towards a Phenomenological Islamology, in: Ishraq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook. № 10. Moscow: “Sadra” publ., 2022. Pp. 431-445.
  • Janis Esots: his Researches, Translations and Editorial Projects, in: Ishraq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook. № 10. Moscow: “Sadra” publ., 2022. Pp. 463-474 (co-author).
  • Four Apologetic Treatises by Ibrāhīm al-ʻAyyah (from the manuscript BL Or 2691). Introduction and preparation of the text by Faris O. Nofal, in: Religion and Society in the East. 2022. Is. VI. Pp. 180–232. DOI:10.31696/2542–1530–2022–6–180–232
  • “Oh, Those Who Worship the Accursed Calf! ...”. Four Apologetic Treatises by Ibrāhīm al-ʻAyyah, in: Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research. 2022. Vol. 28. № 2. Рp. 39-46. DOI: 10.31250/1238-5018-2022-28-2-39-46
  • “The Samaritan Hexameron” as an Arab-Muslim Anthropological Manifesto: Reading of the first Chapters of Ṣadaqah al-Ḥakīm’s Commentary on Genesis, in: Islam in the Modern World, 2021, 17(3), pp.179-194.
  • The Last Day of Creation. M. Naimy’s Mystical Manifesto, in: Problems of Literature, 2021, No5, pp.246-263.
  • ʿAbd al-JabbārAl-Jubbāʾī, ʾAbū Hāšim, al-Jubbāʾī, ʾAbū ʿAlī  – articles for Electronical Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 12.
  • Ṣalāt, in: The Orthodox Encyclopedia, Vol. 61. Moscow: Pravoslavnaya Encyklopedia publ., 2021. Pp. 170-171.
  • Midrash “Chapters of Rabbi Eliezer” and Muslim Sunnah: an Comparative Essay, in: Review of the Russian Christian Academy of Humanities, 2021, vol. 22, pp. 170-179.
  • Apologetic Treatises by Ibrahim al-ʻAyyah and the Samaritan Theology of the 18th Century, in: Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seria I, 2021, vol. 96, pp. 20-37.
  • Hanafi, H. Our Civilizational Concept. Transl. and comm. by F. Nofal. In: Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. Moscow: Medina publ., 2021. Pp. 513-548.
  • Al-Farabi. Treatise on the Harmony Between the Two Sages. Transl. and comm. by F. Nofal. In: Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. Moscow: Medina publ., 2021. Pp. 103-118.
  • Ibn Sabʻin’s Theology of Atributes, in: Papers of the 2nd Russian Islamological Forum, Makhachkala: Alef, 2021, pp. 166-173.
  • The Space in Mutakallimūn Teachings (VIII–XIII cent.), in: Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 2021, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 18‒31.
  • Theonyms in Safaite Inscriptions: Preliminary Remarks, in: Pis’mennye pamiatniki Vostoka, 2021, vol. 18, no. 1 (issue 44), pp. 53-61.
  • Rumi, in: The Orthodox Encyclopedia, Vol. 60. Moscow: Pravoslavnaya Encyklopedia publ., 2021. Pp. 394-395.
  • Toward a Religious Integrity: How to Explain Graham Harvey’s Hermeneutic Failure? In: Christian Reading, 2021, No1, pp. 196-204.
  • A Human in a Speculative Theology of al-Qasim al-Rasi, in: The Eighth Russian Philosophical Congress. Vol.1. Moscow: Logos, 2020. pp. 701-704. 
  • Understanding of Time and Temporality in Kalam, in The Philosophy Journal, 2020, Vol. 14, 1, pp. 47-56.
  • The Doors in Ancient Arabic Ritual, in Mejdunarodnaya Konferencia “Nauka, Obrazovaniye, Kultura”. Comrat, 2020, pp. 72-75.
  • The Apology by Muhammad Abduh: a Classic of Theology or the Modernity of Philosophy? In Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. No4’2019. Moscow, Medina Publ., 2020, pp. 29-58.
  • Ibn Miskawayh. The Refinement of Morals (fragment), transl. by Nofal F., in Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. No4’2019. Moscow, Medina Publ., 2020, pp. 155-186.
  • M. Abduh. Treatise on the Oneness of God (fragment), transl. by Nofal F., in Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. No4’2019. Moscow, Medina Publ., 2020, pp. 187-218.
  • T. al-Haddad. Woman in Islam, transl. by Nofal F., in Islamic Thought: Tradition and Modernity. No4’2019. Moscow, Medina Publ., 2020, pp. 241-262.
  • Al-Allaf, al-Nazzam, Wasil ibn ʻAtta, Mutazilism – articles for Electronical Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 6,
  • Abu Muʻin al-Nasafi, al-Ashʻari, al-Djuwayni, al-Maturidi, Asharism, Maturidism – articles for Electronical Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 7,
  • “Islamic Existentialism” of ‘A. al-Djubrān as a Contemporary Religious and Philosophical “Revolutionism” Manifest, in: Revolution and Evolution in Islamic Thought and History (Fedorova Yu ed.) Moscow: Sadra publ., 2020, pp. 23-38.
  • Yahya ibn ʻAdi Theology: A Terminological Essay, in Asiatica, 2020, vol. 14, 1, pp. 40-52.
  • The Gnoseological Doctrine of al-Sayyid Humaydan, in Islam in the modern world, 2019, vol. 15, 1, pp. 71-80.
  • Religious and Philosophical Doctrine of Ibn al-Moqaffaʻ, in Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogogumanitarnogo universiteta.Seriia I: Bogoslovie. Filosofia. Religiovedenie, 2019, vol. 84, pp. 67-76.
  • “Hermeneutics of Hellenism”: F. Nietzsche’s Legacy in G. V. Florovsky’s Creative Work, in Russkiy Logos 2: Granitsy Kontrolya. Sint Petersburg: Izdatelstvo RGPU im. A. Gerzena, 2019, pp. 146-149.
  • “The Duties of the Heart” by Ibn Paquda as an Eclectic Encyclopedia of the Jewish Thought, in Iudaika v Odesse. Vol. 5. Odessa: “Feniks”, 2019, pp. 73-79.
  • Concept “Continuity” as Fundameny of Abrahamic Religions’ Theology: New Statement of the Problem, in Khristianskoye Chtenie, 2018, 1, pp. 192-199.
  • Vasil b. ʻAttah and the Birth of Muʻtazilite “First Grounds”, in Islam in the modern world, 2018, vol. 14, 1, pp. 93-112.
  • Saadia Gaon. The Book of Doctrines and Beliefs. Transl. by Nofal F., in  Iudaika v Odesse. Vol. 4. Odessa: “Feniks”, 2017, pp. 74-86.
  • “The Koran of Musailimah al-Kazzab”. Preface, Translation and Commentaries by Nofal F., in Pismenniye Pamyatniki Vostoka, 2017, vol. 14, 2, pp. 67-75.
  • Al-Kindi’ Philosophy of Music: Cosmological Aspect, in Islam in the modern world, 2017, Vol. 13, 2, pp. 41-54.
  • The Russian Logos of Middle East: an Arab Berdiaev, in Russkiy Logos: Gorizont Osmysleniya. Saint-Petersburg; RKHGA publ., 2017, pp. 47-60.
  • Yahya b. Adi. About our Words: “And Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin”. Transl. by Nofal F., in Khristianstvo na Blijnem Vostoke, 2017, 2, pp. 81-88.
  • Murjiʼism of Bishr al-Marisi:an essay of contextual reconstruction, in The Philosophy Journal, 2017, vol. 10, 3, pp. 47-60.
  • “Old Goethe” and “Old Luther”: The Reformation in Faust’s Eyes, in Reformatsiya I Suchasniy Svit. Odessa: Astroprint, 2017, pp. 124-127.
  • Badawi A. Is it Possible to Construct an Existentialist Ethics? Transl. by Nofal F., in Ethical Thought, 2017, vol. 17, 2, pp. 143-160.
  • Ancient Arabic Jewish-Christian Tradition: Readingof Classical Islamic Apologetic Treatise, in in Svet Khristov Prosveshchayet Vsekh: Almanakh Svyato-Filaretovskogo Instituta, 2017, 23, pp. 58-73.
  • An Arab “Lolita”: Eastern Eros Metaphysics, in Voprosy Literatury, 2017, 3, pp. 347-362.
  • Art and “Gnosis”: al-‘Aqqād and His Philosophy of the Creative Act, in Voprosy Filosofii, 2017, Vol. 4, pp. 202–210.
  • About Anniyah in Arab Peripatetism, in Polilog, 3, 2016, pp. 78-83.
  • Abu Muin an-Nasafi Theology as Quintessence of al-Maturidi’s Philosophy, in The Philosophy Journal, 2016, vol. 9, 1, 134-145.
  • Don Quixote’s Faces in Modern Arab Poetry, in Voprosy Literatury, 2016, 2, pp. 171-189.
  • The Eclectic Wing of the Mutazili Kalam: Ahmad b. al-Hait and His Abrahamic-Neo-platonic “Synthesis”, in Vestnik PSTGU’I, 2016, 1(63), pp. 69-78.
  • Badawi A. The Quintessence of our Existential Concept: an Existential Time. Transl. by Nofal F. in Doksa, 2015, 2(24), pp. 297-311.
  • Early Islamic Apologetical Tradition: Brief Study, in Svet Khristov Prosveshchayet Vsekh: Almanakh Svyato-Filaretovskogo Instituta, 14, 2015, pp. 129-147.
  • Nathanel: Faylasuf or a Mutakallim? In Iudaika v Odesse. Vol. 3. Odessa: “Feniks”, 2015, pp. 77-84.
  • The Epistemology of al-Kaʻbi: an Attempt of Reconstruction, in Polilog, 2, 2015, pp. 243-250.
  • Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Farabi. The Great Book of Music. Transl. by Nofal F.O., in Philosophski Doslidjennya, 21, 2014, pp. 258-265.
  • The Gnoseology of al-Nazzam in the Context of Kalamical Epistemology, in Philosophski Doslidjennya, 19, 2013, pp. 32-39.
  • The Problem of “Confessional” Qur’anic Textology: Between “the Word” and “the Method of Recitation”, in Pismenniye Pamyatniki Vostoka, 2(19), 2013, pp. 177-181.
  • The Mu‘allaka of Imruʼ al-Kays, transl. by Nofal F., in Pismenniye Pamyatniki Vostoka, 1(18), 2013, pp. 24-32.
Papers  at conferences and seminars, public lectures
  • Presentation of the book “Arabian Nights. From the history of Arabic erotic literature — Moscow, All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after. M.I. Rudomino, 14 October 2023.

  • “Translation or commentary? Al-Farabi, “Aristotle’s Theology” and “Arabic Proclus”” —“Problems of philosophical translation: speech as a form of thought”, Moscow, IPhRAS, 7 November 2023.
  • “The Unity of Eugen Khailov’s  Beauty” – Moscow, IPhRAS, Ibn Sina Foundation, 19 January 2022.
  • “The Values and the Humanities, or Once Again About the Responsibility of a Scientist (Methodological Sketch)” – Moscow, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, RSUH, “The Values of Humanism in the Face of Global Challenges”, 15 September 2022.
  • “Philosophical Islamic Studies in Russia: a ‘Medieval’ Contribution to Modernity” – Moscow, RSUH, “A Man and the Values of the Modern World”, 4 October 2022.
  • “‘The Logic of Aviasaf’: Several Notes on the Slavic Translation of ‘The Aims of the Philosophers’ by al-Ghazali and Its Context” – Moscow, IPhRAS, “Problems of Studying Ancient Russian Thought”, 4 October 2022.
  • “A Russian Translation of al-Budayri’s Chronicle” –Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies, 29 November 2021.
  •  “Zaydis: The Game of Saddles” – a talk with A. Lukashev, Moscow, Ibn Sina Foundation, 3 November 2021.
  • “‘The Samaritan Illuminationism’: the Reception of Ishraqi’ Philosophy in Samaritan Theology of XVIII cent.” –Moscow, RSUH, “Religious Studies: its Past, Present and Future”, 23 October 2021.
  • “Pluralism in Modern Theological Education: Drawing a Problem” – Moscow, Moscow Islamic Institute and Saint-Petersburg State University, The 14th International Congress named after G. Barudi "Principles of Religious Pluralism in Islamic Education", 23 September 2021.
  •  A lecture course “The History of Arab Erotic Literature” – Moscow, Ibn Sina Foundation, 2021.
  •  “Religion and Mystics in Daily Experiences” – a talk with A. Lukashev and V. Zolotukhin, Moscow, East-East radio and Ibn Sina Foundation, 2021.
  • “Modern Arab Philosophy in the Mirror of J. Tarabishi’s Thought” –Moscow, IPh RAS, Workshop “Architectonics of culture”, 24 February 2021.
  •  “Ibn Sabʻin’s Theology of Atributes” – Makhachkala, The 2nd Russian Islamological Forum, 23 April 2021.
  • A lection ‘The Samaritans: Status Quo?’ – Odessa, Philosophic School Under Philosophy Department of I.I.Mechnikov National University’, 13 November, 2020.
  • A lecture course ‘History of Muslim-Christian dialogue’ – Moscow, Ibn Sina Islamic Culture Research Foundation.
  • “‘Hermeneutics of Hellenism’: F. Nietzsche’s Legacy in G. V. Florovsky’s Creative Work” – an international scientific conference ‘Russian Logos – 2: modernism – limits of control’, Saint Petersburg, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 25-28 September, 2019.
  • “‘Muslim existentialism’ A. al-Djubran as a Manifest of Modern Arab Religious and Philosophic ‘Revolutionism’” – a scientific conference with international participation of “Evolution and revolution of Muslim thought and history”, Moscow, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 5-6 October, 2017.
  •  ‘Russian Logos of Middle-Eastern neighboring countries: ‘Arab Berdyayev’ – an international scientific conference ‘Russian Logos: Comprehension Horison’, Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology, 25-28 September, 2017.
  • “Philosophical System of “al-Risalah al-Kamiliyyah fi al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah””: analysis and critics’ – an international scientific conference ‘Forgotten Authors and Rare Texts’ (Aʻlam Maghmurun wa Nusus Nadirah) Oujda, Mohammed The First University, 28-29 May, 2015.
