Year and place of birth
1957, Moscow
ResearcherID: K-3996-2018
ORCID: 0000-0002-1181-5219
Scopus Author ID: 57196055126
Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1979
- Doctor of Philosophy, 1983, Moscow Lomonosov State University ("A critical analysis of the philosophy of the spirit of Louis Lavelle")
- Sc. D. in Politics, IPh RAS, 2005 ("Principles of the Enlightenment of political philosophy in France in the epoch of bourgeois revolutions")
Professional appointments
- Head of the Department of History of Political Philosophy, IPhRAS
- Head of the Department of History of Political thought, Institute of politics, GUGN.
- Lecturer of the State Academic Universiry of Humanitarian Sciences
Lecture courses |
A course of lectures on the history of political thought.
Scientific management
Six graduate students in various areas of the history of political thought.
Learning and teaching workings |
- "The history of political thought", a general course. Plans of seminars. IPhRAS, GUGN, 2005 (textbooks for students)
- "The course of lectures on the history of political thought," the publishing house "The whole world"
Monographs (more than 70 publications):
- Metamorphoses of the Enlightenment of the political philosophy in France in the epoch of bourgeois revolutions. Moscow, IPhRAS, 2005
- Classical political philosophy. Moscow, "The whole world", 2001
- The series of articles on the history of political thought of the XIX century in France. New Philosophical Encyclopedia, Vol. I-IV. Moscow, The Thought, 2001
- Classic French liberalism. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2000
- Modernism and anti-modernism in French political thought of the XIX century. Moscow, IPhRAS, 1997
The collective monographs:
- On the history of the formation of socio-political concepts (comparative analysis of methodological programs) // The history of philosophy in different perspectives: ideas, concepts, methods. / Ed. Blauberg I.I. M., Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2022.
- Philosophy and ideology from Marx to Postmodernism - Moscow: Progress-Tradicia, 2018
- Value grounds of Western civilization - Moscow, 2014
- Political consolidation of russian society at modern times - Moscow: Canon+, 2014
- The political as a problem. Essays on the political philosophy of the XX century (editor) - Moscow: Idea Press, 2009
- European political thought of the XIX century. - Moscow: Science, 2008
- Essays on the History of Western European liberalism of the XVII-XIX centuries. - Moscow, IPhRAS, 2004
- Socialism is in a perspective of post-industrialism. - Moscow, URSS, 1999
- Dekomb V. Modern French Philosophy. Moscow, "The whole world", 2000
- A. de Tocqueville "The old order and the Revolution". Moscow, 1997, and etc.
- On the paradoxes of the time of history // The Philosophy Journal. Т.16. №2. 2023.
- Paradoxes of Historical Time // Social Sciences. Vol.54. №3. 2023.
- Historical consciousness of the Modern era and political projectivity // Polilogos. T. 5. 2021.
- Images of historical progressivism of the Modern era: utopias, social ideals, political projects // Social ideal as a problem for Russian philosophy and political thought. To 65th anniversary of prof. A.A. Kara-Murza. 2021.
- Modernity: Approaches and Problematization // Polilogos. №2. Vol.4, 2020.
- M. Foucault/R. Koselleck: Two Strategies of Articulation of Historical Consciousness and Politics // South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.21, №1, 2020.
- Modernity. Unmodernity. Archaism // The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture. №2 (63), 2020.
- The Notion of Memory's Duty in the Context of Modern Ideological Discourses // The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture. № 2, 2019.
- Event: Modern Approaches to the Formulation of the Notion // Voprosy Filosofii. №6, 2019.
- Politics of Globalization, national state and personal sovereignty // The Caspian Region. №2 (55), 2018.
- History/memory: "difficult" dilemma // History of Philosophy. Vol. 23. №1, 2018.
- Revolution: The Transformation of the Semantic Field in Contemporary Political Philosophy // Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2017. Vol. 55. Issues 3-4. 2017.
- Memory politics in the context of "soft power" politics // 25 let vneshnejj politike Rossii: sb. materialov Kh Konventa RAMI. MGIMO-Universitet, 2017.
- Tradition in the context of politico-philosophical discourses // Philosophy Journal. Vol. 10. №3, 2017.
- People's sovereignty: the paradoxic fate of revolutionary principal in postrevolutionary era // History of philosophy yearbook 2012.
- "The tention line" of globalize world: universalism and identity issues // Globalization. Culture. Man, 2012.
- Political ideas in public domain of modern Russia // Analitics bulletin №1 (46), 2012
- Philosophy and politics. Philosophy journal, 2012.
- Benjamin Constant, François Guizot, Alexis de Tocqueville // Historical dictionary. Encyclopaedia of XIX century. Vol. VII-VIII, Moscow, 2012.
- The truth and legitimacy // Philosophy of Politics and Law. The collection of scientific works. Issue 2. Moscow, A.V. Vorobiev (publisher), 2011. Signature stamp: MSU, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law.
- The translation of an article of F.Saltel «Machiavelli, himself»: Hume and the Florentine secretary // History of philosophy yearbook 2010.
Organizational and project activities
Scientific coordinator of the project RNP. "Philosophical and methodological approaches to the categories of political science," the program "Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education," 2006-2008.
Е-mail: amfedorovs@mtu-net.ru, ms57@yandex.ru