

Date and Place of Birth
January 23, 1985. Skhodnya (Moscow Oblast), Russia
2008-2011 – Рost-graduate studies, Faculty of Philosophy, The State Academic University for the Humanities
2003-2008 – Faculty of Philosophy, The State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN)
2013 – Ph.D. in Philosophy. Thesis title: «Comprehension of Truth in Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s “Mantiq al-tayr”» (Institute of Philosophy, RAS)
2008 – [B.A.] Philosophy, State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN), Faculty of Philosophy.
Professional appointments
- September 2023 – present – Senior Research Fellow at the IPhRAS Department of Philosophy of Islamic World, Deputy Head of Department of Philosophy of Islamic World (since 2015)
- 2014 – September 2023 – Research Fellow at the IPhRAS Department of Philosophy of Islamic World
Main fields of research
The Knowledge Journey: Experience of Philosophical Reading of Farid al-Din Attar's Poem "The Language of the Birds" / Edited by A.V. Smirnov, L.G. Lahuti. Moscow: OOO Sadra, 2023. 288 p.; Illustrations: 8 p. ISBN 978-5-907552-40-1 (in Russian).
articles, collective monographies, translations
- Translation: Farīd al-Dīn ʻAṭṭar Nīšābūrī. The Language of the Birds. Concerning the Unity of Almighty God. Part II (Introductory article, translation, historical and cultural commentary by Yulia E. Fedorova) in Ishraq. Islamic Philosophy Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2024, pp. 55–71. DOI: 10.21146/2949-1126-2024-2-2-55-71
- “Perfect Human Being” vs. “Righteous Jurist”: Sufi Origins of the Political Concept of Imam Khomeini in Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 5 (2022), pp. 181–191 DOI: https://doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2022-5-181-191 (In Russian)
- Janis Esots: his Researches, Translations and Editorial Projects in Israq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook: 2022. Issue 10. Moscow: Sadra Publ., 2017, pp. 463-474 (co-authored by Tatyana G. Korneeva, Andrey A. Lukashev, Faris O. Nofal, Ruzana V. Pshu), in Russian
- From Qasida to Treatise: Philosophical Analysis of Stories About the Conference of the Birds in Orientalistica. 2022. Vol. 5. Issue 3, pp. 474-488 https://doi.org/10.31696/2618-7043-2022-5-3-474-488 (In Russian)
- Farīd al-Dīn ‘Aṭṭār’s Mathnawī as Representation of Sufi Doctrine in History of Philosophy (History of Philosophy), Vol. 26, No. 2, 2021, pp. 13–24. DOI: 10.21146/2074-5869-2021-26-2-13-24 (In Russian)
- Review: Lukashev A.A. A World of Mystery in a Few Words. Philosophy of Mahmud Shabistari in the Context of His Epoch, ed. by A.V. Smirnov; Lukashev, A.A. (trans., comm., introd.) Shabistari, Mahmud. The Secret Rose Garden (Persian text, translation, commentary), ed. by N. Chalisova, in Istoriko-filosofskii ezhegodnik (History of Philosophy Yearbook), 2021, No. 36, pp. 449–454. DOI: 10.21146/0134-8655-2021-36-449-454 (In Russian)
- «He is Encompassed by no Description or Definition»: Ibn Sina and ‘Attar on the Ways of Knowing God, in Israq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook: 2019. Issue 9. Moscow: “Sadra”, 2019, pp. 331-348 (in Russian)
- The Concept of Tawhid as the Basis of Ideology of Islamic Rule in Iran (on materials of Murtaza Mutahhari’s works), in Iran in the context of new geopolitical realities (for the 40th anniversary of the Islamic revolution). Compiled and edited by E.V. Dunaeva. Moscow: “Sadra”, 2019, pp. 26-41. ISBN 978-5-907041-23-3 (in Russian)
- Rabi‘a al-‘Adawiya and Hasan al-Basri: Sufi Conversations about Love and Truth, in Philosophical Emanations of Love. Compiled and edited by Yulia V. Sineokaya. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2018, pp. 491-507 (in Russian)
- “Ka‘bah of Act and Knowledge”: Analysis of the Ethical Views of Hasan al-Basry (642-768), in Islam in the modern world, Issue 4 (14). Moscow: Medina Publ. House, 2017, pp. 69-80 DOI: 10.22311/2074-1529-2018-14-4-69-80 (in Russian)
- “He Lifted the Veil from the Mysteries of Meaning”: Summarizing of Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s Philosophical Views, in RUDN Journal of Philosophy, Issue 4 (22). Moscow: RUDN Publ., 2018, pp. 468-475. DOI: 10.22363/2313-2302-2018-22-4-468-475 (in Russian)
- The Problem of the Relationship between Faith and Knowledge in Murtaza Mutahhari’s Philosophy, in Filosofskii zhurnal (Philosophy Journal), Issue 4 (11). Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 2018, pp. 36-46 (in Russian)
- The “Explicit-Hidden” Categorical Relation: Iranian Comprehension Strategy in Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s “Mantiq al-tayr”, in “Scattered” and “organized”: cognitive techniques of Islamic culture. Ed. A.Smirnov. Moscow: “Sadra”: LRC Publishing House, 2017 (Philosophical thought of Islamic world: Researches. V. 10), pp. 221-246 (in Russian)
- Stories about Sufi Devotees in the Context of Philosophical Views of Farid al-Din ‘Attar, in Islam in the modern world, Issue 4 (13). Moscow: Medina Publ. House, 2017, pp. 187-202. DOI: 10.22311/2074-1529-2017-13-4-187-202 (in Russian)
- A Few Remarks about the Conceptualization of the Sufi Terms Maqam and Hal in Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s Poem “The Language of the Birds” in Israq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook: 2017. Issue 8. Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura Publ., 2017, pp. 238-246 (in Russian)
The Concept of Tawhid as the Basis of Ideology of Islamic Rule in Iran (on materials of Murtaza Mutahhari’s works), in Voprosy Filosofii, Issue 9. Moscow: Nauka Publ. House, 2017, pp. 184-194 (in Russian)
- Article as a Research Genre in the Historico-Philosophical Field of Iranian Studies: the Analysis of Ibn Sina’s and Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s Writings, in History of Philosophy in the Form of an Article. Ed. J. V. Sineokaya. Moscow: Cultural Revolution Publ., 2016, pp. 169-197 (in Russian)
- “From Explicit to Hidden”: the Strategy of Philosophical Analysis of Poetic Text on Farsi, in Anatomy of Philosophy: How the Text Works. Ed. J. V. Sineokaya. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2016, pp. 335-358 (in Russian)
- Farid al-Din ‘Attar. The Language of the Birds. An Annotated Russian Translation of Chapters 1 and 2. Translation from Persian, Introduction and Commentary by Yulia Fedorova, in Israq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook: 2016, Issue 7. Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura Publ., 2016, pp. 335-354 (in Russian)
- Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s masnavi «The Language of the Birds» (Mantiq al-tayr): Philosophical Reading of a Poetic Text, in Filosofskii zhurnal (Philosophy Journal), Issue 4 (8). Moscow, Institute of Philosophy Press, 2015, pp. 15-30 (in Russian)
- The Story of the Soul-Bird’s Travel to God: Ibn Sina and Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s Versions, in Litera, Issue 3. Moscow: Nota Bene Publ., 2015, pp. 62-90 (in Russian) DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2015.3.17097
- The Women’s Question in Islam: a Discourse over Women’s Status in Contemporary Islamic Societies, in Philosophical Thought, Issue 10. Moscow: Nota Bene Publ., 2015, pp. 102-128 (in Russian) DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2015.10.16731
- The Mechanism of Truth’s Comprehension as a Culture-Forming Principle, in Russia in the architecture of the global world: a civilizational dimension. Ed. A. Smirnov. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2015, pp. 238-260 (in Russian)
- The Categorical Model “Zahir-batin” in Poetic and Philosophical Context: Si murg and Simurgh as Relation between a Complex Unity and a Simple Unity, in “Scattered” and “organized”: sense-making strategies of Islamic culture. Ed. A. Smirnov. Moscow: “Sadra”: LRC Publishing House, 2015 (Philosophical thought of Islamic world: Researches. V. 7), pp. 139-164 (in Russian)
- Islam in Perception of the Modern European Community: Stereotypes and Reality, in Philosophical Thought, Issue 7. Moscow: Nota Bene Publ., 2014, pp. 99-125 (in Russian) DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.7.13036
- Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s philosophical poem “The Language of the Birds”: Selected Chapters in Translation and Retelling, in Philosophical Thought, Issue 11. Moscow: Nota Bene Publ., 2014, pp. 107-150 (in Russian) DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2014.11.13993
- The Greetings of the Birds. The 1st Chapter of Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s masnavi “Mantiq al-tayr” (XII-XIII cc.). Introduction, Translation and Commentary by Fedorova Y., in Irano-Slavika, Issue1-2 (25). Moscow, 2014, pp. 24-27 (in Russian)
- The Conсept of the True Path in Farid al-Din Attar’s Philosophical Poem “Mantiq al-tayr”, in Philology: Scientific Research, Issue 2. Moscow: Nota Bene Publ., 2013, pp. 102-108 (in Russian)
- “The Birds as the Seekers of Truth”: the Analysis of the 1st Chapter of Farid al-Din Attar’s poem “Mantiq al-tayr” (XII century), in Istoriya filosofii (History of Philosophy), Issue 18. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy Press, 2013, pp. 227-247 (in Russian)
- The Path to Truth: the Composition of Farid al-Din Attar’s Philosophical Poem “Mantiq al-tayr” (XII century), in Philosophy and Culture, Issue 9 (57). Moscow: Nota Bene Publ., 2012, pp. 83-93 (in Russian)
- Zahir-batin-correspondence Principle as a Sense Generating Vehicle: Shaykh San‘an’s Discourse with his Disciples in Attar’s “Mantiq al-tayr”, in Otherness Problematized: Russia and Islamic World. Ed. A. Smirnov. Orientalia et Classica: Papers of the Institute Oriental and Classical Studies, Volume XXVII. Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Cultures Publ., 2010, pp. 469-490 (in Russian)
Research projects |
The project director:
- Project МК-2406.2017.6 “Formation of the Model of Political Structure in Modern Iran and its Philosophical Foundations” (2017-2018). Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists – Ph.D. The executor of the project: Ph.D. in Philosophy T.G. Korneeva.
The executor of projects:
Grant from the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Project “The latest trends in the development of human sciences and society in the context of the process of digitalization and new social problems and threats: interdisciplinary approach” (Agreement No. 075-15-2020-798, 2020-2022). The project director: Ph.D. in Philosophy, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Smirnov.
Project MK-3478.2014.6 “Post-Christian world and Islam: the Dynamics of Cultural and Civilizational Differences” (2014-2015). Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists – Ph.D. The project director: Ph.D. in Political Science D.E. Letnyakov.
Project RFH № 13-03-00414a, “Unity and Multiplicity, Part and Whole: Sense-making Strategies of Islamic culture” (2013-2015). The project director: Ph.D. in Philosophy, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Smirnov.
Project MK-5558.2012.6 “Resource of Religious Tolerance in Medieval Persian Sufism and its Application in Modern Russia” (2012-2013). Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists – Ph.D. The project director: Ph.D. in Philosophy A.A. Lukashev.
State contract 14.740.11.0773 “The Strategy of Civilizational Russian Security: Philosophical and Political Analysis” (2010-2012, the Ministry of Education and Science). The project director: Ph.D. in Philosophy, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Smirnov. Federal Program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia for 2009-2013".