Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Evgenia Frolova
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Evgenia Frolova

Русскоязычная версия страницы


ORCID: 0000-0001-5282-1925

Researcher ID: V-9154-2018

Scopus Author ID: 57203429448

РИНЦ SPIN: 6108-3352, AuthorID: 617195



Philosophy department of the Moscow State University (1951)




  • 1985 D.Sc. in Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy USSR Academy of Sciences. Thesis title Belief and Knowledge in Arabic Philosophy’.
  • 1954 Ph.D. in Philosophy, Moscow State University. Thesis title ‘On the Relationship between Language and Thinking’.


Scientific interests



Medieval and Modern Arabic philosophy


 Current position


Leading Research Fellow the IPhRAS Department of Philosophy of Islamic World.

Working science 1961 in the Insitute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Science.


 Teaching experience


2009-2011 – Lecturer, Department of Comparative Philosophical Studies, State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN): basic courses “Falsafa” and “Modern Arabic Philosophy”.


1990-2002 – Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University (MSU), Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH), Russian Open University: basic course “Arab Islamic Philosophy”.


  • A History of Arabic Muslim Philosophy: Textbook & Anthology / ed. A. Smirnov. Moscow: Academic Project, Sadra, 2020. 623 p. (in Russian, co-author)
  • A History of Arabic Muslim Philosophy: Manual. Moscow: Academic Project Publishers, 2013. 255 p. (in Russian, co-author)
  • A History of Arabic Muslim Philosophy: Anthology. Moscow: Academic Project Publishers, 2013. 267 p. (in Russian, co-author)
  • A History of Arabic Muslim Philosophy. Middle ages and Modernity: Manual. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy Press, 2006. 199 p.
  • A History of Medieval Arabic Muslim Philosophy: Manual. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy Press, 1995. 175 p.


Scientific publications




  • Discourse of Arab philosophy / Ed. A.V.Smirnov. Moscow: ООО Sadra: Languages of Slavic culture, 2015. 312 p. (Philosophical thought of Islamic world: Research. Vol. 8).
  • Discourse of Modern Arab philosophy. Part 1 / Ed. A.V. Smirnov. Moscow: Languages of Slavic culture, 2012. 72 p. (Philosophical thought of Islamic world: Research. Vol. 4).
  • Arab Philosophy: Past and Present. Moscow: Languages of Slavic cultures, 2010. 464 p. (Philosophical thought of Islamic world. Research. Vol. 2).
  • The Problem of Belief and Knowledge in Arabic Philosophy. Moscow: Nauka, 1983. 169 p.

Collective Monographs:


  • Islam and Modernity: Collection of Articles / Trans. from pers. I. Gibadullin. Ed. E. Frolova. Moscow: Sadra, 2017.  277 p.
  • Medieval Arabian Philosophy: Problems and Solutions / Ed. E. Frolova. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura RAS publ., 1998. 527 p.
  • Rationalistic Tradition and Modernity. Near and Middle East: Collection of Articles / Ed. E. Frolova. Moscow: Nauka, 1990. 230 p.
  • Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Selected Philosophical Works. Trasl. from Arabian, Farsi, Dari. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1980. 551 p. (co-author)


About 60 articles on Medieval and Modern Arabic philosophy, published in Russian, Arabic and German languages, including selected ones:


  • The Place of Nature in Arabo-Islamic Culture in Israq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook: 2022. Issue 10.Moscow: Sadra Publ, 2022, pp. 431–445 (in Russian) 
  • The Problem of Method in Heritage of Ibn Sina in Philosophy. Culture. Religion: East – West: Sagadeev’s Readings. Moscow: RUDN, 2021, pp. 81-105 (in Russian) 
  • Revolutions in the Light of the Historical Experience of the Arab Countries in Revolution and evolution in Islamic thought and history. Executive editor. Yu.E. Fedorova. Мoscow: Sadra Publ., 2020, pp. 15–22 (in Russian)  
  • The “Arab Reason” in Islamic Culture from the Middle Ages till the Modern Age // Islam in the modern world. 2020. Vol. 16 (1), pp. 107-126. (In Russ.)

  • The “Arab Reason” in Islamic Culture (Middle Ages) // Islam in the modern world. 2019. Vol. 15 (4), pp. 37-54. (In Russ.)

  • The “Arab Reason” and its Grounds in the Bedouin Poetry // Islam in the modern world. 2018. Vol. 14 (4), pp. 25-44 (In Russ.)

  • The Concept of Epistemological Rupture in the Work of the Moroccan Philosopher, Muhammad ‘Abid al-Jabiri // Russian Studies in Philosophy. V. 56. No 3. 2018, pp. 198-213. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.1080/10611967.2018.1459377

  • Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri and Hasan Hanafi: Two Approaches to Modern Arabo-Islamic Culture // Israq: Islamic Philosophy Yearbook: 2016. No 7. Moscow: Nauka – Vost. lit., 2016, pp. 202-216. (In Russ.)

  • Arabian “Revival” (Nahda) as a Modernization Project // Problems of Philosophy. 2013. No 5, pp 11-18. (In Russ.)

  • Arabian Marxist Philosophers // History of Philosophy. No 14. 2009, pp. 85-110. (In Russ.)

  • The Concept of Faith and Reason in Contemporary Arab Philosophy // Contemporary philosophy: Knowledge and Belief in the Dialogue of Cultures. Edited by Marietta Stepanyants (Contemporary philosophy. Essie 3). Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura Publ., 2008, pp. 187-195. (In Russ.)

  • The Notion of Sin in Muslim Theology and Philosophy // Universals in Oriental Culture. Edited by Marietta Stepanyants. Moscow: Publ. firm «Vostochnaya literatura» RAS, 2001, pp. 141-179. (In Russ.)

  • Individual Being – longed for, never reached // Medieval Arabian Philosophy: Problems and Solutions / Ed. E. Frolova. Moscow: Vost. lit. RAS, 1998, pp. 115-145. (In Russ.)

  • Man—World—God in Medieval Islamic Culture // God—man—society in Orient Traditional Cultures. Edited by Marietta Stepanyants. Moscow: Publ. firm «Vostochnaya literatura» RAS, 1993, pp. 144-155. (In Russ.)

  • Das problem der Wahrheit des Wissens in der arabo-islamischen Philosophie // Knowledge and science in medieval philosophy. Helsinky, 1991. (In Russ.)

  • The Rationalism of Arab-Muslim Philosophy (in Place of Introduction) // Rationalistic Tradition and Modernity. Near and Middle East: Collection of Articles / Ed. E. Frolova. Moscow: Nauka, 1990, pp. 4-23. (In Russ.)

  • Rationalism and Stoico-Sceptical Strands in the Philosophy of Abu Khayan at-Taukhidi // Rationalistic Tradition and Modernity. Near and Middle East: Collection of Articles. Ed. E. Frolova. Moscow: Nauka, 1990, pp. 170-193. (In Russ.)

  • Arabic Thought and the Core Values of the Modern World // Value Dimension of Scientific Development. Ed. N. Zlobin, V. Kelle. Moscow: Nauka, 1990, pp. 244-259. (In Russ.)

  • The Epos of Nomadism and Lyricism of Sedentariness (Life Values in Ancient  and Medieval Arab Poetry) // History of Philosophy Yearbook ’88. Ed. N. Motroshilova. Moskow: Nauka, 1988, pp. 72-93. (In Russ.)

  • Science and Islam (Individual Philosophic Aspects of Their Relationships) // Methodological Problems of Studying the History of Philosophy of Foreign East. Collection of articles. Ed. M. Stepanyants, G. Shaymuhambetova. Moscow: Nauka: Main Edition of Vostochnaya literatura, 1987, pp. 117-134. (In Russ.)

  • Faith and Knowledge, Science and Religion in Arab Thought // Philosophy and Religion in Foreign East: XX century. Collection of articles. Ed. M. Stepanyants. Moscow: Nauka, Main Edition of Vostochnaya literatura, 1985, pp. 166-180. (In Russ.)

  • The Problem of Method in Heritage of Ibn Sina // Problems of Philosophy. 1980. No 9, pp. 87-98. (In Russ.)

  • Early Islam // Science and Religion. 1971. No 10, pp. 57. (In Russ.)

  • The Descartes Problem in Modern Arabian Philosophy // Problems of Philosophy. 1969. No 5, pp. 120-127 (In Russ.)

  • Cogito, ergo sum.The Dispute over Descartes and [Modern] Arabian Philosophy // Asia and Africa Today. 1968. No 8, pp. 34-36. (In Russ.)

  • Critique of the Philosophical Views of the Modern Lebanese Philosopher al-Hajah // Modern Philosophical and Sociological Thought of Orient. Moscow, 1965, pp. 155-176. (In Russ.)
