Year and place of birth
1953, Moscow.
Graduate, 1978, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Philosophy.
- D.Sc. in Philosophy, 1999, Doctoral thesis: «Evolution of the cognitive presuppositions of creativity», specialization «09.00.01 – Onthology and theory of knowledge», Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Cand. of Sc. in Philosophy, 1983, Thesis: «Neighbourhood sematics for modal and intensional logics», Specialization «09.00.07 – Logic», Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Fields of Research
Epistemology, logic, theory of argumentation, philosophy of science and technology, philosophy of music, philosophy of creativity, Old Russian bookness.
Professional Work
Main Research Fellow in the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Technologies of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
Logic, theory and practice of argumentation, philosophy of science.
Scientific Advisory
Krasnopolskaya A.P. "Epistemological analysis of sophistic" Ph.D. Thesis defended (2005),
Plokhova M.A. "The problem of the unconsious in the study of the cognitive abilities" Ph.D. Thesis defended (2008).
Tutorial and methodical works
- Filosofiya i metodologiya nauki. Filosofskie problemy nauki i tekhniki [Philosophy and methodology of science. Philosophical problems of science and technology] / Uchebnoe posobie dlya magistrantov fakul'teta «Khimicheskie tekhnologii i ekologiya» [Study guide for the graduate students of the department "Chemical engineering and ecology"]. M.: Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas Publishing Center. 2014. 135 p. ISBN 978-5-91961-158-5.
- Introduction to the theory and practice of argumentation. M.: Logos, 2007. (2nd ed.: 2012).
- Practical course of argumentation. M.: IPh RAS, 2003.
Methodical Works
- Course program "Thepry of argumentation and philosophical research" // Study programs for post-graduate studies of philosophical and political specialities. M., 2012. P. 5–9.
- Work-book for the course "Philosophy of science and technology" for graduate students. M.: Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. 2009.
- Learning materialas on the philosophical problems of science (magistrand course). M.: Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. 2009.
- Philosophy of science. Work-book for magistrands. M.: Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. 2003.
- Program for the course "Theory and practice of argumentation" // Programs on logic and theory of argumentation. M.: IPh RAS, 2003.
Methodical Papers
Journal "Epistemology and philosophy of science"
- Truths of science and truths of existence in the perception of the magistrands (№1)
- General statements: premises, foundations, conclusions (№2)
- Points of view, or the discussion of miracles (№1)
- Argumentatio nof the presentism (№2)
- The Truth, the Internet and the ancient Indian argumentation (№4)
- The proffesional feeling (№1)
- Natural philosophy of the Antiquity in the mirrors of science and culture. Teachings of the Arche. (№2)
- Natural philosophy of the Antiquity in the mirrors of science and culture. Mathematic and logic (№3)
- Drawing the time (On the role of visualization in the teaching process) (№4)
- Classical and non-classical logic: capabilities and limits of applicability (№2)
- The question that can not be answered "in principle" (№3)
- The teacher and the student (№2)
- Philosophical rhetoric (№3)
- Space and time. Lecture and referates // Epistemology and philosophy of science. (№1).
- Techniques for the questions durind seminars // Epistemology and philosophy of science. (№2).
Research projects
- RGNF, «Esoteric knowledge of Rus': traditions and interpretations», 2012-2014.
- RGNF, «Philosophical problems of the foundations of logic», 2011-2013.
- The program of the fundamental studies of the Presidium of RAS «Historico-cultural legacy and the spiritual values of Russia», project «Onthological conceptions in the ancient Russian written records: recunstructions and interpretation.
- RGNF, «Interaction of eastern and western cultural models: theory and practices», 2009-2010.
- RGNF, «The problem of freedom in the epistemological studies of creativity», 2008-2010.
- RGNF, «MEthodological analysis of the Duality principle», 2006-2008.
- RGNF, «Consciousness: evolutionary, cognitivce and socio-cultural aspects», 2004-2006.
- RGNF, «Argumentative models for inconsistent discourses», 2003-2005.
- RGNF, «Cognitive approach in epistemology», 2000-2002.
- RGNF, «Logical semantics and the models of cognition», 1999-2001.
Scientific works
- Sokrovennye znaniya Drevnei Rusi [Esoteric knowledge of Ancient Rus']. Vyp. VIII. M.: KNORUS, 2015. 680 p. (Pamyatniki drevnerusskoi mysli: issledovaniya i publikatsii). (with V.V. Mil'kov, R.A. Simonov).
- Unity of the plural (epistemological analysis of the plural). M.: Alpha-M, Infra-M. 2010.
- The Phenomenon of consciousness. M.: Progress-Tradition. 2010 (in collaboration with I.A. Beskova and I.P. Merkulov)
- Formal grammatics and intensional logic, M.: IPh RAS, 2000. https://www.auditorium.ru
- Human in the world: evolution of cognition. M.: Altex. 1998.
- Umozaklyucheniya ot priznaka i ikh rol' v nauke [Reasoning from attribute and its role in science] // Uchenye zapiski Krymskogo federal'nogo universiteta imeni V.I. Vernadskogo. Filosofiya. Politologiya. Kul'turologiya [Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Philosophy. Political Science. Cultural Studies]. 2015. Vol. 1 (67). № 2. P. 149–158.
- Gippokrat i Aristotel' (k voprosu o stanovlenii pervykh logicheskikh programm) [Hippocrates and Aristotle (to the question of making of first logical programs)] // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science / Epistemologiya i filosofiya nauki. 2016. Vol. XLVIII. № 2. P. 121–140.
- Drevnerusskaya stikhiologiya v kontekste naturfilosofskikh uchenii antichnosti i Srednevekov'ya [Ancient Russian science of elements in the context of natural-philosophical teachings of Antiquity and Middle Ages] // Gerasimova I.A., Mil'kov V.V., Simonov R.A. Sokrovennye znaniya Drevnei Rusi [Esoteric knowlege of ancient Rus']. M.: Knorus, 2015. P. 73–116.
- Meditsinskaya tematika v knizhnosti Drevnei Rusi [Medical topics in the bookness of Ancient Rus'] // Psikhologiya i Psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2016. № 2 (89). P. 179–191. (with V.V. Mil'kov).
- «Galenovo na Gippokrata» v kontekste astromeditsiny [«Galenovo na Gippokrata» in the context of astromedicine] // Vopr. filosofii [Problems of philosophy]. 2015, № 1. P. 51–60.
- Narodnaya meditsina v Drevnei Rusi [Folk medicine in Old russia] // Psikhologiya i psikhotekhnika [Psychology and psychotechnology]. 2015. № 3 (78). P. 245–258 (with V.V. Mil'kov).
- Razmyshleniya o knige «Relyativizm kak bolezn' sovremennoi filosofii» [Reflections on the book «Relativism as a disease of modern philosophy»] // Vopr. filosofii [Problems of philosophy]. 2015. № 8. P. 213–219.
- Tipy argumentatsii i ikh vozmozhnosti v transdistsiplinarnom dialoge [Types of argumentation and their capabilities within the transdisciplinarian dialogue] // Transdistsiplinarnost' v filosofii i nauke: podkhody, problemy, perspektivy [Transdisciplinarity in philosophy and science: approaches, problems, perspectives]. P., 2015. P. 433–450.
- Filosofskie predposylki matematicheskikh vremennykh praktik Drevnei Rusi [Philosophical premises of the mathematical temporal practices of Old Russia] // Kirik Novgorodets i drevnerusskaya kul'tura. Ch. III. [Kirik of Novgorod and Old Russian culture. Part III] / ed. V.V.Mil'kov. Velikii Novgorod: Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University. 2014. P. 54-71.
- Drevnerusskie Shestodnevy (logiko-metodol. analiz) [Old Russian Hexahemerons (logico-methodological analysis)] // Filos. zhurn [Philosophical Journal]. 2014. № 2 (13). P. 78–93.
- Predislovie [Introduction] // Filosofiya nauki. [Philosophy of Science]. Issue. 19: Epistemologiya v mezhdistsiplinar. issled. [Epistemology in the Interdisciplinary Studies] / ed. I.A. Gerasimova. M., 2014. P. 5–8.
- Chuvstvoznanie: razmyshlyaya vmeste s N. Uranovym [Straight-knowledge: thinking along with N. Uranov] // Nikolai Uranov – filosof i pevets Bespredel'nosti. Zhizn' po strune nad bezdnoyu: K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Nikolai Uranov – the philosopher and the singer of the Immensity. Life on the string over the abyss: to the centenary of the birth]. M., 2014. З. 110–117.
- Biomedical technologies as the problem of philosophy of science // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2014. № 2. P. 5-18.
- Palaea Tolkovaja, antique science and folk technology // Palaea Tolkovaja in the context of Old Russian culture of XI-XVII centuries – M. 2014. P. 15-38.
- Healing and bookness in Old Russia // Philosophy of science. Issue 19. Epistemology in iterdisciplinary studies. M. 2014. (with V.V. Milkov).
- Esoteric lore of Rus': cognitive and methodological foundations // Orientiry. 2013. С. 103–123.
- Dialogue of generations in the age of Internet communications // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2013. № 2. С. 133–147. (With V.G. Budanov, I.A. Aseeva, E.I. Boev, Kamenskiy, P.F. Kravchuk et al.).
- Palaea Tolkovaja on universe and cognition // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2013. № 2. С.178–194. (with V.V. Milkov).
- Images of science in Russian literature of XVIII-XXI centuries. // Epistemology and philosophy of science. 2013. № 3. С. 100–111.
- Reflections on the books: Gorokhov V.G. Technology and Culture: the Origin of the Philosophy of Technology and the Theory of Technological Creativity in Germany and in Russia at the End of the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Century (Comparative Analysis). Moscow, Logos. Gorokhov V.G. Philosophy and History of Science (Textbook for postgraduate students of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research). Dubna: JINR. Gorokhov V.G. Engineering Sciences: History and Theory (The History of Science from the philosophical Point of View). Moscow: Publishing House “LOGOS” // Higher education today. 2013. № 11. С. 74–79.
- Ancient Russian Palaea: interpretation of the difficult questions of the universe // Delphis. 2013. № 2. С. 64–71.
- Kirik of Novgorod – scientist and theologist // Orthodox discourser. Almanac of the Kazan ecclesiastical seminary. 2013. Issue 1(23). С. 42–54.
- Cosmic and cryptic works in booklore Russia // Proceedings of the seminar. Materials of Science and Philosophy Seminar "Problems of cosmic thinking and Living Ethics", V. 2. M., 2012. Pp. 32-42 .
- Irremovability of uncertainty in the social evaluation of technology // Epistemology and philosophy of science, 2012. N 2 . Pp. 123-140 .
- The man and the instrument // Epistemology and philosophy of science, 2012. N 3. Pp. 98-113 .
- Philosophy of chemistry: an epistemologist's opinion // Epistemology and philosophy of science, 2012. N 4 . Pp. 130-150.
- P.A. Florensky on contradiction (logical and methodological analysis) // Logical Investigations. Vol. 18. Moscow-SPb. : CGI, 2012. Pp. 77-96.
- The principles of harmony in the work Kirik of Novgorod // Kirik of Novgorod and Old Russian culture. P.1 . Veliky Novgorod: Novgorod State University of Yaroslav the Wise , 2012. Pp. 128-153 .
- The problem of the integrity of thinking (evolutionary epistemological analysis) // Evolutionary epistemology . Anthology / Ed. , comp. E.N.Knyazeva . Moscow: CGI , 2012. Pp. 556-602 .
- On the way to creating the general theory of rhythm // Polygnosis. №2, 2011. Pp. 13-27.
- Feelings and emotions in scientific cognition // Language, meaning, reality. M.: Alpha-M, 2011.
- Principle of beauty in science // Epistemology and philosophy of science. №4, 2011.
- Logic of a dream or an impossible //Models of Reasoning-4. Argumentation and rhetoric. Kal-d. 2011. Pp. 225-238.
- The expirience of Yoga and creativity // Freedom and creativity (interdisciplinary studies). M.: Alpha-M. 2011. Pp. 251-270.
- Musical practices: body and creative will // Freedom and creativity (interdisciplinary studies). M.: Alpha-M. 2011. Pp. 290-314.
- The art of thinking the future // Epistemology and philosophy of science (№1).
- The problem of wholeness // Epistemology and philosophy of science (№1).
- The problem of Truth in argumentation and its theory // Truth in science and philosophy. M.: Alpha-M, 2010.
- Problems of logico-epistemological analysis of cultural practices // Philosophy of cognition. To the anniversary of L.A. Mikeshina. M.: ROSSPAN. 2010. Pp. 251-263.
- Problem of the non-dual thinking in the evolutionary-cognitive studies // Philosophy of science. Issue 15. Epistemology: current problems. M.: IPh RAS. 2010. Pp. 233-247.
- Problems of perception of the cosmic ideas // Delphis. №2, 2010. Pp. 42-49.
- Transformation of corporality in musical practices // Corporality as the epistemological phenomenon. M.: IPh RAS.
- The phenomenon of argumentation // Epistemology and philosophy of science (№3).
- The problem of duality in the context of the comparative studies // Epistemology and philosophy of science (№4).
- Logical squares // Polygnosis (№3).
- Visualization, creativity and cultural practices // Visual image (Interdisciplinary studies). M.: IPh RAS.
- Ethos of science. The problem of good and evil // Ethos of science. M.: Acedimia.
- Multifaced duality. Methodologial analysis of cultural contexts // Opposites and paradoxes. M.: Canon+-Rehabilitation.
- Human in the world of duality // Opposites and paradoxes. M.: Canon+-Rehabilitation.
- Practices of Yoga and the problem of creativity // Philosophy and culture. №6.
- Dance // Culturology. The encyclopedia. T.2, M.
- Duality principle and the cognitive practices // Questions of philosophy (№3).
- The problem of good and evil: dualistic and holistic models of argumentation // Thought. SPb.
- Creative styles of scientific discussions. // Synergetic paradigm-4. M., Progress-Tradition.
- Dialogue of cultures and the cognitive evolution // Consciousness, thinking, evolution. M., Canon+.
- Name, image, notion // Thought and the art of argumentation. M.: Progress-Tradition.
- Contemporary thinking as art. An experience of the philosopico-synergetic investigation // Synergetic paradigm. Non-linear thinking in science and art. M.: Progress-Tradition.
- Evolution of kinesthetic thinking // Evolution, language, cognition. M.: Russian language.
- Philosophical understanding of dance // Questions of philosophy. 1998, №4.
- Nature of the living and sentient experience // Questions of philosophy. 1997. №8. https://evolsoznanie.narod.ru/Gerasimova
- Normative Reasoning and Default Assumptions // Philosophical Logic and Logical Philosophy. 1997. Dordrecht. P.203-212.
- [Gerasimova I.A. roundtable talk]. Atomizm/atomisticheskii podkhod v fizike i matematike i kul'turnyi kontekst [Atomism/atomistic approach in physics and mathematics and the cultural context] // Vopr. filosofii [Problems of philosophy]. 2015. № 5. P. 131–157.
- Istoriya drevnerusskoi meditsiny v kontekste mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovanii [History of Old Russian medicine in the context of interdisciplinary research] // Vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie distsipliny i istochnikovedenie: sovremennye issledovaniya i perspektivy razvitiya: Materialy XXVII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf [Auxiliary sciences of history and source studies: modern research and perspectives of development: Materials of XXVII international conference]. (Moscow, 9–11 apr. 2015). M., 2015. P. 164–166.
- «Khimicheskie elementy» i ‘στοιχεῖα’. Problema klassifikatsii [«Chemical elements» and ‘στοιχεῖα’. The problem of classification ] // 9-e Smirnovskie chteniya: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [9-th Smirnov readings: materials of the international conference] (Moscow, 17–19 june 2015). M., 2015. P. 144–145.
- [Gerasimova I.A. roundtable talk] Atomizm i alfavitnyi printsip [Atomism and the alphabetical principle] // Vopr. filosofii [Problems of Philosophy]. 2014. № 6. P. 182–184.
- Antichnaya meditsina kak obrazets «postneklassicheskogo znaniya» [Antique medicine as an exemplar of the "postnonclassical knowledge"] // Sotsial'naya filosofiya nauki. Rossiiskie perspektivy: Materialy konf., posvyashch. 80-letiyu akad. V.S. Stepina (g. Moskva, 18–19 noyab. 2014 g.) [Social philosophy of science. The Russian pespectives: Proceedings of the conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of V.S. Stepin (Moscow, November 18-19 2014)]. V. 4. M., 2014. P. 18–21.
- Logic in the course in philosophy of science for chemical technologists // Problems of Logical Education. VI International Conference, Kiev, 2014. P. 21-23.
- Humoral medicine in the context of cognitive science and convergent technologies (Sixth all-Russian scientifico-practical conference with international participation "Current problems of modern cognitive science", 17-19 October 2013, Ivanovo).
- Palaea Tolkovaja, antique science and everyday experience (International scientific conference "Palaea Tolkovaja in the context of Old Russian of XI-XVII centuries", 22 January 2013. Moscow. Maxim Gorky Literature Institute.
- Problem of the logical analysis of the Old Russian hexahemerons (Eighth Smirnov's Readings in logic: International conference, Moscow, 19-21 June 2013).
- Logic for politologists // Problems of Logical Education. V International Conference, Kiev. Pp. 33–36.
- Corpus Areopagiticum: an experience of the synergetic reading // Philosophy in the Modern World: the dialogue of worldviews. Materials of VI Russian Philosophical Congress (Nizhny Novgorod, 27-30 June 2012): In 3 vols, V. II. Nizhny Novgorod, 2012. P. 336.
- International conference Seventh Smirnov readings in logic. M., 22-24 June, 2011. Report: P.A. Florensky on contradiction: logic, argumentation, rhetoric.
- All-Russian scientific seminar "Models of reasoning - 5: argumentation and rhetoric", Svetlogorsk, 22–24 September 2011. Report: Antinomy and logical contradiction.
- International conference "David Hume and modern philosophy", 15-17 November 2011. Report: David Hume and the problem of development of the scientific method.
Administrative work
- Member of the Attestation Commission of IPh RAS;
- member of the Board of Studies for thesis defence in logic: MSU, the Department of philosopy;
- member of the Board of Studies for thesis defence of the IPh RAS;
- Editor in chief of collective monographies: theory and practice of argumentation. M.: IPh RAS, 2001. Thought and the art of argumentation. M.: Progress-Tradition, 2003. Contradiction and discourse. M.: IPh RAS, 2005. Oppositions ond paradoxes. M.: Canon+-Rehabilitation. 2008.
- member of the organizing committee of the "Smirnov Readings in Logic" conference.
Essential scientific results
- Semantical analysis of systems of epistemic and deontic logic;
- New methods of intensional logics in combination with the priciples of the Montague approach have been devised for the analysis of modal, temporal and epistemic context of Russian language and the language of musical notation;
- The conception of argumentation which unites research, justification and persuation;
- Evolutional model of the cognitive perculiarities of non-verbal thinking, on the basis of the research of the syncretic forms of creativity in modern art and traditional societies the reconstruction of various types of feeling-knowledge is proposed;
- The analysis of cognitive perculiarities of dialogue in various cultural traditions is proposed; the perculiarities of collective thinking as an art and as a form of scientific research are detected;
- The methodological model of dualistic thinking is devised, which allows to revise the perculiarities of the thinking styles in the West and the East;
- The conception of creativity as the disciplined spontaniety is being developed.
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homegera@gmail.com |