August 19, 1934 – December 14, 2018
- Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1987), Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1994), Professor (1979)
Philosophy, Faculty of History, Belarusian State University, 1956. Postgraduate studies, Philosophy, Faculty of History, Belarusian State University, 1959.
- Dr. Sc., Philosophy, 1975 («The problem of the structure and genesis of the physical theory»)
- Cand. Sc. Philosophy [Ph.D.], 1965 («The general methodological problems of scientific knowledge and modern positivism»)
Academic qualifications
- Member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science (Italy) (2009)
- Member of the International Academy of Sustainable Development and Technology (Germany) (2009)
- Honorary Professor of Belarusian State University (Minsk) (2009)
- Honorary Professor of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing) (2005)
- Honorary Doctor of Rostov State University (2002)
- Member of the International Institute (Academy) of Philosophy, Paris (2001)
- Honorary Doctor of Novgorod University (2000)
- Foreign Member of the National Academy of Ukraine (2000)
- Honorary Professor of Moscow State University (1999)
- Doctor honoris causa of University of Karlsruhe, Germany (1999)
- Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1998)
- Honorary Member of the Academy of Science and Education (Bruchsal - Karlsruhe, Germany)
Professional appointments
- 2009 – till now - Full Member-secretary of Branch for RAS
- 2006 – till now - Head of Section of philosophy, sociology, psychology and the law of Branch of social studies of the RAS
- Head of the Department of Philosophical Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University
- Director of IPh RAS (1988–2006) (to 1991- USSR Academy of Sciences); Scientific Head of the Institute of Philosophy (2006), Councillor of RAS, Honor Director of the Institute of Philosophy
- Director, Institute of History of Science and Technology (1987-1988)
- Since 1974 - Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Humanities Faculties of Belarusian State University; 1981-1987 - Head of Department
- Since 1959 - Teaching experience: Assistant, Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Belarusian Polytechnic Institute
- President of the Russian Philosophical Society, Member of the editorial board of the journals "Problems of Philosophy", "Human," "Journal for General Philosophy Science" (Germany); The chairman of scientifically-editorial council «New philosophical encyclopedia» in four volumes (Мoscow, 2000–2001)
- Where does the Russian culture move? St. Petersburg, SPbGUP, 2010 (co-authored)
- Philosophy of Science. General Problems. Moscow, 2006
- Self-developing systems and postnonclassical rationality. Moscow, 2003
- Theoretical knowledge (structure, historical evolution). Moscow, 2000
- Value basis and prospects for technological civilization. Moscow, 1999
- Paradigmatic examples of the solution of theoretical problems. Moscow, 1998
- Foundations of science and their socio-cultural dimension. MA, 1996
- The era of change and scenarios of the future. Moscow, 1996
- Philosophy of science and technology. Moscow, 1996 (co-author. with V.G. Gorokhov, M.A. Rozov)
- Scientific picture of the world in the culture of the technogenic civilization. Мoscow, 1994 (co-author. with L.F. Kuznetsova)
- Philosophical anthropology and philosophy of science. Moscow, 1992
- The scientific revolutions in the dynamics of culture / Editor-compiler and co-author V.S. Stepin. Minsk, 1987
- The specificity of scientific knowledge. Minsk, 1983
- The formation of the scientific theory: meaningful aspects of the structure and genesis of theoretical knowledge of physics. Moscow, 1983
- Ideals and norms of scientific research / Editor-compiler and co-author V.S. Stepin. Minsk, 1981
- The nature of scientific knowledge. Minsk, 1979
- Methodology. Worldview. Moscow, 1979
- The formation of a scientific theory. Minsk, 1976
- Modern positivism and private science. Minsk, 1963
- In the world of theoretical ideas. Discussions with I.S. Alekseev // How It Was: Reminiscences and Reflections. Moscow, 2010.
- The speech at the Round Table: "Where does the Russian culture move?" (Speeches in the discussions) // Problems of Philosophy. 2010. № 9.
- The speech at the plenary discussion on "Dialogue of Cultures and Partnership of Civilizations: The Making of a Global Culture" // Dialogue of Cultures and Partnership of Civilizations: The Making of a Global Culture: Proceedings of the 10th International Likhachov Scientific Conference. V. 2. St Petersburg., 2010.
- Speeches at the sectional discussion «The Global culture: A variety of experiments and universal values »// Dialogue of Cultures and Partnership of Civilizations: The Making of a Global Culture: Proceedings of the 10th International Likhachov Scientific Conference. V. 2. St Petersburg., 2010.
- Hegel and Modern Science // "Phenomenology of Spirit" of Hegel in the context of modern gegelevedeniya. Moscow, 2010.
- The Dialogue of Cultures and the search for new values // Philosophy in Dialogue of Cultures: Proceedings of World Philosophy Day. Moscow, 2010.
- My memories about E.G. Yudin // Eric G. Yudin. Moscow, 2010. P. 158-165.
- Science and religion in socio-cultural dimension // Metaphysics. The XXI century. Almanac. No. 3: science, philosophy, religion. Moscow, 2010.
- Science and Philosophy // Problems of Philosophy. 2010. № 8.
- Paradigmatic samples of the decision of theoretical problems and their genesis//Vladimir A. Smirnov. Moscow, 2010.
- The development of philosophy and personality of the philosopher // Ivan T. Frolov. Moscow, 2010
- The Book Review: G. Behmann. The modern society: the society of risk, the information society, the knowledge society // Problems of Philosophy. 2010. № 7.
- The formation of theoretical knowledge in social and humanitarian sciences // V.L. Rabinovich. Imitafory of Rabinovich, or Heavenly cutter. Moscow, 2010.
- At the root of modern philosophy of science // Bonifatius M. Kedrov. Moscow, 2010. Philosophy of Music of Eugene Glebov // Eugene Glebov. The fate of silver strings. Minsk, 2010.
- Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Science (interview with L.N. Mitrokhin) // Lev N. Mitrokhin. Moscow, 2010.
- The value of the law and problems of forming a legal society in Russia // Philosophy of Law at the beginning of the XXI century through the lens of constitutionalism and constitutional economics. Moscow, 2010.
- Globalization Strategies and Dialogue of Cultures // Dialogue of Cultures and Partnership of Civilizations: the Making of a Global Culture: Proceedings of the 10th International Likhachov Scientific Conference. St. Petersburg, 2010.
- Globalization and Strategies for Democratic Reform in Russia. Journal Russian Studies in Philosophy. N.Y., 2009.
- Nanotechnology: Perspective for Future and Nanorisks // Silicon Versus Carbon. Fundamental Nanoprocesses, Nanobiotechnology and Risks Assessment. Ser. B: Physics and Biophysics. Springer, 2009.(in co-authored with с V.G. Gorohov).
- New Models of Development and The Problem of Values // Diogenes. 2009. № 222–223. Vol. 56. Issues 2–3.
- Scientific Knowledge and Values of Technogenic Civilisation // The Social Integration of Science. Institutional and Ehistemological Aspects of the Transformation of Knowledge in Modern Society. Berlin, edition sigma, 2009.
- Speeches at the Round Table: "Democracy. Pluralism. Philosophy, " "Are there any national types of democracy? The experience of Commonwealth countries "; the presentation of book series" National Philosophy of the second half of the XX century "// Philosophy and Democracy in the Modern World: Current issue of humanitarian cooperation. Moscow, 2009.
- Genetically constructive method, ideals and norms of science; Culture, Science, Scientific world view, Foundations of Science, Philosophical foundations of science // Encyclopedia of epistemology and philosophy of science. Moscow, 2009.
- Changes in the structure of science and modern status of basic research // Science of Russia. From present to future. Moscow, 2009.
- Institutional change in the modern science // Science and innovations. Minsk, 2009. № 12.
- Interview // Full Member G.V. Osipov - Patriarch of Sociology. Moscow, 2009.
- Picture of social reality in the system of scientific knowledge. Part 1: Methodological prerequisites, integrative and heuristic functions // Sociology. Minsk, 2009. № 3.
- Picture of social reality in the system of scientific knowledge. Part 2: The structure of social reality // Sociology. Minsk, 2009. № 4.
- Picture of social reality as a form of scientific knowledge // Full Member G.V. Osipov - Patriarch of Sociology. Moscow, 2009.
- Constructivism and the problem of scientific ontologies // Constructivist approach in epistemology and sciences of human. M., 2009.
- Structurally prognostic functions of philosophy and science of the XXI century // The essence of the word: The collection of articles for the anniversary of Professor N.V. Motroshilova. Moscow, 2009. P. 34-50.
- Constructive and prognostic function of philosophy // Problems of Philosophy. 2009. № 1.
- Culturology as a science: for and against: the Round Table. Moscow, February, 13. St. Petersburg, 2008. Publishing House of St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise, 2009.
- Human rights in the era of globalization and cultural dialogue // Declaration of Human Rights: Universalism and variety of experiences. Moscow, 2009.
- The Strategy of nonviolence and the development of civilization // Philosophy and Ethics: On the 70th anniversary of Full Member A.A. Guseynov. Moscow, 2009.
- Philosophy and religion in social context // Value discourse in sciences and theology. Moscow, 2009.
- Philosophy of nature and post-non-classical rationality // Philosophy of Nature today. Moscow, 2009.
- The Epoch of civilizational changes and dialogue of cultures // Almanac «Forum – 2009»: Civilization and national problems. Moscow, 2009.
- Classic, nonclassic, postnonclassic: criteria for distinguishing // Postnonclassic: philosophy, science, culture. St Petersburg. Publishing House "Mir", 2009.
- Russian mentality and market transformation // Economic and social environment: subconscious interaction. Scientific notes and essays. Moscow: Institute of Economic Strategies, 2008.
- Science and education in the epoch of civilizational changes // Sustainable Development. Science and practice. 2002. № 1.
- The historical challenge and the problem of a national idea // Reformist ideas in the social development of Russia. M., 1998.
- Civilization Choice of Russia and world development scenarios. // Strategy for Russia's development in the third millennium. Moscow, 1998.
- Sustainable development and the problem of values // Technology, Society and Environment: Proceedings of the International scientific conference. (June 18-19, 1998). Moscow, 1998.
- Paradigmatic examples of the solution of theoretical problems and their genesis // Philosophy of Science. No. 4. Moscow, 1998.
- R.S. Karpinskaya as the methodology of science // Philosophy of Biology. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (In memory of Regina S. Karpinskaya). Moscow, 1996.
- The Systematic theoretical models and their construction operations // Philosophy of Science. No. 1: Problems of rationality. Moscow, 1995.
- Philosophy and the images of the future // Problems of Philosophy. 1994. № 6.
- Philosophical Anthropology: essay of the history // Philosophical Investigations. 1993. № 2 (in co-authored).
- The ecological crisis and the future of civilization (Epilogue) // B. Hesle Philosophy and the environment. Moscow, 1993.
- The Fate of marxism and the future of civilization // Studies in East Europian thought / Dordrecht etc. –1993.
- Outbound forecast or a specific project // Marxism pro and contra. Moscow, 1992.
- Nonviolence as a biological and socio-cultural phenomenon // Problems of Philosophy. 1992. №8.
- Ideals and research as aspects of scientific tradition // World futures. N.Y., 1992.
- Scientific rationality in the human dimension // About human in the person. M., 1991.
- The prospects of civilization. The cult of force to dialogue and agreement // Ethics of nonviolence. Moscow, 1991.
- Strategy of civilizational development: the search for new values // the Truth and values on the boundary of XX-XXI centuries. Moscow, 1991.
- The philosophy of nonviolence and the future of civilization // Communist. 1991. № 2.
- The activity concept of knowledge (discussion with I. Alekseev) // Problems of Philosophy. 1991. №8
- From classical to science postnonclassical (change of bases and value orientation) // Value aspects of science. Moscow, 1990.
- Philosophy, science, humanism // Human. 1990. № 3.
- The movement. Space and time // Philosophy of Science. 1989. № 5.
- The socio-cultural dimension of the normative structures of science // Philosophy of Science. 1989. №7.
- Scientific knowledge and values of technogenic civilization // Problems of Philosophy. 1989. № 10.
- Philosophical knowledge in the dynamics of culture // Human in the system of sciences. Moscow, 1989.
- Systematic theoretical knowledge and procedures of the constructive establish of theory // Theory and Method. Moscow, 1987.
- About the prognostic nature of philosophical knowledge (philosophy and science) // Problems of Philosophy. 1986. №4.
- The formation of theory as a process of discovery // The nature of scientific discovery. Moscow, 1986.
- Foundations of scientific research and scientific revolutions // Problems of Philosophy. 1985. №7.
- Methodological analysis and its role in the modern scientific study // Philosophical and methodological problems of the interaction of scienceы. Minsk, 1985.
- The socio-cultural conditioning of the heuristic function of Philosophy // Leninist theory of reflection as the methodology of scientific knowledge. Minsk, 1985.
- The dialectics of the genesis and functioning of a scientific theory // Problems of Philosophy. 1984. №3.
- Scientific Revolution and the nonlinear character of growth of knowledge // Dialectics in the sciences of nature and human. Dialectics - outlook and methodology of modern science. Moscow, 1983.
- Heuristic functions of the scientific world picture // Science picture of the world as a component of the modern worldview. Obninsk, 1983.
- About criteria of distinction of specially-scientific and ordinary knowledge // Philosophical Thought. 1982. № 5.
- Structure of theoretical knowledge and historical-scientific reconstruction//Methodological problems of historical-scientific researches. Moscow, 1982.
- Creativity of culture and predicting functions of philosophy//Dialectics of scientific and technical creativity. Obninsk, 1982.
- About potentially possible ways of historical development of science//Unity and variety of the world. Differentiation and knowledge of integration. Moscow, 1981.
- About increasing value of methodology in modern scientific knowledge. Minsk, 1980.
- Evolutionary way of thinking in modern astrophysics // Astronomy.
- Methodology of construction of the physical theory // Problems of Philosophy. 1974. № 12.
- The practical nature of knowledge and methodological problems of modern physics. Minsk, 1970 (in co-authored with L.M. Tomilchik).
- Gnoseological aspect of the concept of time // Problems of Philosophy. 1970. №10 (in co-authored)
- The problem of subject and object of experimental science // Problems of Philosophy. 1970. №1.
- Interviews to the 70th anniversary. 2004.
- Structure of Scientific Revolution // A. Gordon. Dialogues (December, 2003)
- According to the "Hamburg score" // Problems of Philosophy. 1995. №2
- It is impossible to design the future // N. Metelskaya. Contemporaries. Moscow, 2002
The main scientific results
V.S. Stepin made a significant contribution to the study of problems of methodology of science, epistemology, philosophy of culture. In 70-80s. he developed a perspective concept of the structure and genesis of scientific theory, which has a wide range of applications in the methodology of natural and engineering sciences, unexplored operation of constructing theory has been discovered and described (a constructive introduction of theoretical objects), which resolves the problem of forming in a part of the theory of paradigmatic models for solving problems. Within this framework, Stepin revealed the structure of the foundations of science (scientific picture of the world, the ideals and standards of research, philosophical foundations), showing their relationship to the theories and practices, and their functions in a scientific finding. Analysis of the dynamics of the grounds of science has revealed the specific mechanisms of influence of sociocultural factors on the formation of research strategies. Stepin substantiated the idea of potentially many possible histories of science and the selective role of culture in the implementation of only some of them becoming real, empirical history of science. Developed the idea of types of scientific rationality (classical, non-classical, post-non-classical). Each of these types is characterized by a special system of ideals and standards of research, particularly the level of reflection on science and expands the development of science all the new types of system objects - from the dominance of simple systems to the study complex self - organizing, historically developing systems. In recent years, Stepin investigated the function of worldview universals of culture, their role in the transmission of historical experience, reproduction of lifestyle and characteristics of civilizational development. Stepin analyzed the relation of universals of culture and philosophical categories, elucidating the mechanisms of generation in the culture of new categorical structures that provide an understanding of different types of system objects. Universals (categories) of culture (" nature", "space", "time," "causality," "freedom," "justice," "conscience," "good," "evil," etc.), along with general, invariant features for different cultures, expressing the deep structures of human existence, also include a special historical content, expressing the specific of culture of each historical type. Universals function 1) as forms of selective selection and transmission of social and historical experience, 2) as the categorical structure of consciousness in a particular historical epoch, 3) as an extremely general picture of human life-world by which an idea of human is introduced and the world and the scale of values is fixed, adopted in a particular type of culture. The system of cultural universals serves as a kind genetic code of each species and type of civilization. Philosophy is reflection on the universals of culture. Philosophical categories simplify and schematize the worldview universals, turning them into a theoretical concept of the limiting degree of generality. But at the expense of operating by these concepts philosophy can generate new ideas that go beyond the cultural universals of his era. These ideas can become worldview guidelines for future phases of development of civilization and culture. Stepin developed the concept of civilization development types (traditionalist and technogenic), highlighting the general values to each of these types provided by the meanings of culture universals. He investigated changes in these respects, occurring at the present stage of civilization. He interpreted them as preconditions for the transition to a new type of development, designed to find a way out of ecological, anthropological and other global crises.
- 2004 – gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation for great contribution to the development of science and long-term fruitful activity
- 2004 – the State award in the field of Science and Technics
- 1999 – awarded the Order "For merits to the Fatherland» (IV degree)
- 1986 – awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples for their achievements in scientific and teaching activities
- 1982 – awarded the Diploma of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR for the success in training highly skilled specialists, the development of science and culture.