Institute of Philosophy
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  Department of Interdisciplinary Problems in the Advance of Science and Technology
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Department of Interdisciplinary Problems in the Advance of Science and Technology

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Head of the Department - Vladimir Budanov,  Cand. of Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, D.Sc. in Philosophy.


The Department was found in September, 1992. The first name of the Department was "Philosophy of Self-Organization and Post-Non-Classical Science".

May 1998 the Department was renamed to "Department of Philosophical Problems of Interdisciplinary Research".

May 2006 the Department was renamed to "Department of Interdisciplinary Problems of Scientific and Technological Development". 




Heads of departments:


Vladimir Budanov October 2016 – present time

Vitaliy Gorokhov, 2012 - 2016

Vladimir Arshinov, 1992 -2012




History of the sector 


Sector "Philosophy of technology" ‑ was organized in June 1988 in the Department of philosophy of science and technology by the head of the sector Gorokhov Vitaly. Then it transformed into a research group.

In February of 1990  the head of the research group became Rozin Vadim.

In May of 1992 the research group joined to the "sector of Interdisciplinary problems of scientific and technological development".

In December of 2012 on the basis of this group the Academic Council of the Institute of philosophy RAS created the research "Center of philosophy of technology and engineering ethics" with international participation.


The main aims and objectives of the Sector are:
1 Study of problems of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in modern science and technology and innovative development.
2 Study of problems in synergetic convergence of scientific, scientific-technical and socio-humanitarian knowledge.
3 Study of the historical epistemology of science and technology.
4 Research of methodological and social problems of the technical Sciences, engineering and modern technoscience, and convergent technologies.
5 Study of social problems of technology assessment and engineering ethics.








Main areas of research

In accordance with the Plans of scientific research and State assignment of the Institute, approved by the academic Council of the Institute, the Federal Agency of scientific organizations and Russian Academy of Sciences, the Sector carries out basic (and applied) research areas:
1. Methodological problems in the technical Sciences and modern technoscience.
1.1. Technical science as the motor of scientific and technological development.
1.2. Technology, engineering science and the development of the military-industrial complex – a historical and scientific analysis.
1.3. From information society to the knowledge society – technoscience. Nanotechnology as nanotechnology.
1.4. Historical epistemology of science and technology

2. The study of problems of synergetic convergence of science and social-humanitarian knowledge from the point of view of postnonclassical understanding of the complexity.
2.1. Development of methodological tools for the design of new management models in the world of complexity.
2.2. Development of methodological problems of convergent technologies.
2.3. The study of problems of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in modern science and technology and innovative development.
2.4. Evolution of complexity of technical systems and engineering: from model systems to complex man-machine systems in system engineering and social engineering.

3. Problems of technology assessment and engineering ethics.
3.1. Social assessment of technology and engineering ethics as the basis of humanization of engineering education.
3.2. Social technology assessment as applied philosophy of technology – an analysis of international experience.
3.3. The analysis of the new trend in the philosophy of technology towards socio-philosophical, political and ethical problems of modern technologies.




Research Group on the “Center for Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Ethics"

Head of the Group – Professor Vitaly Corokhov, DSc in Philosophy.




Research Seminar "By Arshinov". Season issue "Philosophy of Complexity"

Head of the Seminar - Vladimir Arshinov, DSc in Philosophy;

Assistant - Leonid Zhukov, PR-Institute Director.

Seminar takes place on Friday in the evenings in IPh RAS. Preliminary application is needed.

tel.: (903) 724-07-97, 



Research Seminar "Reflexive Processes and Management".

Head of the Seminar - Vladimir Lepskiy


IX International Scientific Interdisciplinary Symposium "Reflexive Processes and Management",

Moscow, 17 - 18 of October 2013, Institute of Philosophy RAS3






Address: Goncharnaya 12/1, office 310, Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation

Tel.: (495) 697-43-36