Year and place of birth
1954, Moscow
1978, Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University
Fields of research
management of social processes, political psychology, cross-cultural interaction, epistemology
Professional appointments
Research fellow of IphRAS, lecturer of the State Academic Universiry of Humanitarian Sciences
University courses
- Psychological aspects of political communication;
- Political Management;
- Types of social interactions;
- Cross-cultural communication
Publications |
- East and West: particularity of communication // Philosophy and culture № 2 (38). 2011
- Russian mentality: correlation of tradition with variability // Russian self-identification problems. M. 2010
- "Cultural body" as a tool of communication // Rnowledge. Unerstanding. Skill. M. 2010
- Nonverbal communication in education // Alma mater. High school bulletin №2/ 2009
- Symbolical world as a base of self-identification // Philosophy of politics yearbook №2. M. IphRAS, 2009;
- Role of self-identification in civil society building // Man and culture in formation of civil society. M. IphRAS, 2008;
- Signs of nonverbal communication // Philosophy and culture. M. IphRAS, 2008;
- My face – is it mine!? // Visual image. M. IphRAS, 2007 №10
- Communication: the man as a "text" // Contradiction and discourse. M. IphRAS, 2005;
- R.De Sosa. Evolution and teleology from instinct to intentionality (translation) (from the book by Ronald de Sosa. Rationality of emotion. London 1988). // Evolution, culture, cognition. M. IphRAS. 1996;
- On the typology of sensuality // body of man: interdisciplinary studies. Moscow, 1993.