Year of birth: 1944 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6893-0234
Researcher ID (Web of Science): N-1892–2017
Scopus Author ID: 57197805782
- Graduate, Radiotechnical Faculty, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", 1967.
- Graguate, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1971.
- D.Sc. in Psychology. Doctoral thesis: "Subject-oriented Concept of the Computerization of Management", Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2000;
- Cand. of Sc. in Psychology. Thesis: "Engineering and Psychological Problems of the Organization of Group Activity of Operators", Institute of Psychology, RAS, 1978.
Fields of research:
- Interdisciplinary Studies of the Reflexive Processes and Control;
- Conceptual Foundations of the Post-non-classical Sciences of Control and Development;
- Third order cybernetics self-developing reflexive-active environments;
- Subject-oriented Approach to the Organization of Control and Innovative Activities;
- Socio-humanitarian Provision of the Innovative Development;
- Informational and Psychological Security.
Professional appointments:
- 2016-till now, Head of the “Center of Interdisciplinary Researches of Reflexive Processes and Control of Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
- 2005 - till now, Main Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, RAS;
- 2002-2004, Deputy Director for Research Work, Institute of Human, RAS;
- 1997-2002, Head of the Laboratory "Psychology of Reflexive Processes", Institute of Psychology, RAS;
- 1994-1997, Professor, Scientific-Practical Centre of Continuous Art Education (Moscow Department of Education);
- 1991-1994, Director, Science and Research State Enterprise "Sapphire";
- 1974–1991, Science and Research Institute "Sunrise" ("Voskhod"). V. Lepskiy has gone the way from the Senior Engineer to the Head of the Department. He was the Chief Designer of more than ten Software Complexes aimed for providing the wide range of tasks taking into account the Human Factor in the Automated Systems of Governance. At the same time he was the Head of the Laboratory at the Computer Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, under the supervision of the Full Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR N. Moiseev. He was also the Supervisor of more than two dozens of Scientific and Research Works with the State Registration;
- 1971-1973, Officer of the Soviet Army;
- 1969-1971, Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Senior Engineer of the Theoretical Department. Worked under the guidance of V. Lefebvre;
- 1967-1969, Science and Research Institute of Automatic Apparatus, engineer of the Theoretical Department. Worked under the guidance of V. Lefebvre, V. Sadovsky, V. Zinchenko.
- 2007 - till now, Professor, The Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Institute of Philosophy, RAS;
- 2009-2012 - Professor, The Department of World Politics, National Research University Higher School of Economics;
- 2000-2004 - Professor, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;
- 1992-2002 - Trainer and Consultant, Presidential Administration of Russia, Security Council of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, etc.;
- 1994-1997 - Professor, Scientific-Practical Centre of Continuous Art Education (Moscow Department of Education);
- 1983-1992 - Senior Lecturer, Moscow Lomonosov State University; Moscow State Institute of Radio-engineering, Electronics and Automation; Plekhanov Russian Economic University (students, business leaders, university rectors).
Participation in the editorial boards of scientific journals (since 2000):
- 2018 - till now, Member of the Editorial Board, "Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences"
- 2016 - till now, Member of the Editorial Board, "Human Being: Image and Essence. Humanitarian Aspects"
- 2015 - till now, Member of the Editorial Board, "Control Sciences"
- 2015 - till now, Member of the Editorial Board, "Socio time"
- 2011 - 2012, Member of the Editorial Board, "Real Economy";
- 2009 - till now, Member of the Editorial Board,"Information Wars";
- 2009 - 2010, Member of the Editorial Board, "Problems of Artificial Intelligence";
- 2001 - 2017, Co-founder, Editor-in-chief, "Reflexive processes and management": https://www.reflexion.ru/Journal.html
Expert: |
- 2017 – till now, expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
- 2014 - till now, expert of the Russian Scientific Fund;
- 2008 - till now, President of the Club of Innovative Development;
- 2008 - till now, Member of the Subcommittee on the Development of Innovative Business of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation;
- 2006 - till now, expert of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund;
- 2005 - till now, Head of the Seminar: "Reflexive Processes and Management," Institute of Philosophy, RAS;
- 2004 - till now, Member of the Informative Unity Club;
- 2003 - till now, Member of the Strategic Matrix Club (Institute for Economic Strategies);
- 2002 - till now, Member of the Expert Council on Foreign Relations of the Federation Council of Russia;
- 2001 - till now, Editor-in-chief of the Scientific and Practical Site: www.reflexion.ru;
- 2001-2002, Head of the Seminar: "Reflexive Processes and Management", Institute of Psychology, RAS;
- 1999-2003, Member of the Scientific Council of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Section: "Information Security";
- 1999-2002, Expert of the Committee of Safety of the State Duma.
Course Handbooks: |
- V. Lepskiy. The problem of Subject (Interdisciplinary Analysis). - M.: Humanitarian, Institute of philosophy, RAS, 2009. - 47 p.
Publications: |
- Avdeeva Z.K., Baryshnikov P.Y., Ilyin N.I., Kolin K.K., Lepskiy V.E., Malinetsky G.G., Raikov A.N., Saveliev A. M., Silvestrov S.N., Slavin AB, Slavin B.B, Zatsarinny A.A., Zhurenkov D.A. Strategic goal-setting in situational centers of development / By ed. V. Lepskiy, A. Raikov, Moscow. Kogito-Centre, 2018. 320 p.
Socio-humanitarian aspects for situational centers of development / ed. V. Lepskiy, A. Raikov. M.: Cogito-Centre, 2017. 416 p. (in Russian) https://reflexion.ru/Library/Lepskiy2017a.pdf
V. Lepskiy. Analytics of assembly of the subject of development M.: Cogito-Centre, 2016. 130 p. (in Russian). https://www.reflexion.ru/Library/Lepskiy2016.pdf
V. Lepskiy. Technologies of control in information wars (from classical to post-nonclassical rationality) M.: Cogito-Centre, 2016. 160 p. (in Russian). https://www.reflexion.ru/Library/Lepskiy2016a.pdf
Lepskiy V.E. Evolution of concepts about control (methodological and philosophical analysis) M.: Cogito-Centre, 2015. 107 p/ (in Russian). https://www.reflexion.ru/Library/Lepskiy2015.pdf
V. Lepskiy. Reflexive and Active Environments of Innovative Development. - M.: "Kogito Center" Publishing House, 2010. - 280 p. (in Russian)
V. Lepskiy. Subject-oriented Approach to Innovative Development. - M.: "Kogito Center" Publishing House, 2009. - 208 p.(in Russian)
V. Lepskiy Modeling and Support of the Internet Communities. - M.: Institute of Psychology, RAS, 1999. - 96 p.(in Russian)
V. Lepskiy. The Concept of Subject-oriented Computerization of Management Activity. - M.: Institute of Psychology, RAS, 1998. - 204 p. (in Russian)
Articles (since 2017, in English):
- Stuart A. Umpleby, Tatiana A. Medvedeva & Vladimir Lepskiy. Recent Developments in Cybernetics, from Cognition to Social Systems. // Cybernetics and Systems, 2019. Volume 50, Issue 4, pp. 367-382. https://doi.org/10.1080/01969722.2019.1574326
- Lepskiy, V.E., Avdeeva, Z.K., Raikov, A.N. Disruptive Situation Management in Digital Economy. Proceedings of 2018 11th International Conference "Management of Large-Scale System Development", MLSD 2018 DOI: 10.1109/MLSD.2018.8551949
- Zhuravlev, A.L., Lepsky, V.E. Problem of the subject in engineering psychology and ergonomics // Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal. 2018. vol. 39. No. 4. pp. 7-16. DOI: 10.31857/S020595920000065-7
- Lepskiy Vladimir. Philosophical-Methodological Basis for the Formation of Third-Order Cybernetics // Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2018. No. 10. pp. 23-36.
- Lepskiy Vladimir. Decision Support Ontologies in Self-Developing Reflexive-Active Environments / IFAC PapersOnLine 51-30. (2018) pp. 504–509. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.276
- Lepskiy Vladimir, “Reflexive self-organizing decision support systems for development governance”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol 7, No 2.28 (2018) pp. 255-258. DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.28.12938
- Vladimir Lepskiy, (2018) "Evolution of cybernetics: philosophical and methodological analysis", Kybernetes, Vol. 47 Issue: 2, pp. 249-261, https://doi.org/10.1108/K-03-2017-0120
- Ilyin N, Malinetsky G, Kolin K, Zatsarinny A, Raikov A, Lepskiy V, Slavin B. Distributed situational centres system of cutting edge development. Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD), 2017 Tenth International Conference. 2-4 Oct. 2017. DOI:10.1109/MLSD.2017.8109638
Personal Site: |
www.reflexion.ru |
E-mail: |
lepsky@tm-net.ru |